What is/was your college major?


2 (100%)
(If you are not in college yet, what field are you planning on going into?)

I am studying mechanical engineering. I am currently a junior with a concentration in robotics.
I got my bachelors in computer science. I am almost done with my masters in computer science. Then I hope to get my phd in bioinformatics.
Alcohol abuse & tolerance.
Although when I graduated they screwed up my diploma... they put down Biology. Bastards. Had to fix that shit with whiteout! :beer:
[quote name='coltyhuxx']Bunch a fckuing smarty-pantses here.

I was Psych.. ahh, that's where all the ladies were![/quote]Apparently so.....:lol:
Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing (just took a few extra marketing classes)..graduated in '04.

I'm working on my MBA right now with night classes....should have it done by December.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']I was Psych.. ahh, that's where all the ladies were![/quote]

I was computer science and I tried to tell all the dorks in my major that they should take as many liberal arts classes as possible because that's where the ladies were.
Bachelor in Accounting. Masters to follow (maybe, haven't decided). I'm also a Finance major, but I hate it and am dropping that.

On the weekends I am taking graduate level classes in drinking though. It's going well.
[quote name='scuba t']Athletic Training if anybody knows what that is[/QUOTE]

Not a fuckin' clue...


Anyway, doctorate in sociology here. ABD at the moment.
I could have sworn you study PS3ology...
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Electrical & Computer Engineering Technology (Design, built, and test electronic circuits and do a lot of math).[/quote]
[quote name='mykevermin']

Anyway, doctorate in sociology here. ABD at the moment.[/QUOTE]

U have a doctorate an you watch professional wrestling!!!1!??

Electrical Engineering, and "was".

Makes more than the average Mechanical or Civil engineer, but not by much. Great for those with innate math skillz.
Most of your majors are so nerdy yet it sounds cool.
Graphic design major, direction in editorial and photography design.
Got my BS in Telecommunications back in 2005. What a fucking mistake of a major. Last I'd heard, none of my old classmates found a job in the field. Christ, my old roommate is now driving a truck for Dunkin' Donuts :roll:
Former Electrical Engineering major....graduated with BS in Human Biology in '07 instead.

Now trying to find a career that'll pay well and does not require me going to graduate school...kinda hard.
I've been told that database work pays good. Unfortunately i fucking hate doing database work. Least creative aspect of IT work imo.

No one ever says "Wow cool database!":lol:
bread's done