What is your alltime best gaming moment


39 (100%)
Im talking about moments where you were like #$%@ this is so cool.
Mine has to be LOZ link to the past at the beginning where the rain is coming down and ur trying to get into the castle. there was nothing out there at that time that was comparable to it. With all of the graphics firepower companies have these days they just cant give you hallmark moments like that
Here's just a general comment. When I used to play games back in the NES days, I remember standing up and literally jumping wiht the character during boss fights (See Zelda II). The sad part it, I don't have that experience of being in the game anymore. Am I too old? Are games not as good? The world may never know.
Yea i remember ducking and dodging with my body to get the extra "edge" in the old days. I think as far as it being age or being th equality of games I think its a little from column A and a little from Column B. I think with having played so many games its hard to get one over on older players. Plus I think game companies are to worried about having great graphics these days
All of Metal Gear Solid. Wow. My friends and i would all just take turns and play to watch the scenes. I remember taking it to my last day of 10th or 11th grade (can't remember) and the clsssroom was full of people completely engrossed into the story and cinemas. It was great. I don't wanna give any specifics on plot in case some people are waiting to play Twin Snakes who haven't played Solid.
[quote name='basketkase543']All of Metal Gear Solid. Wow. My friends and i would all just take turns and play to watch the scenes. I remember taking it to my last day of 10th or 11th grade [/quote]

Yeh me and my friend did the same thing at about the same grade. Except I totally sucked at sneaking up on guards and he ended up playing the most. But after he went home I ended up beating the whole game myself. Where was I.. oh yeah

I just posted on another thread about this, but the ending to Prince of Persia Sands of Time. I knew there was something about the ending from Penny Arcade and stuff, but it just put this goofy smile going through it myself, I just felt like the designers put some TLC in it or something I don't know. I don't remember having that feeling with any other game, and I've been playing for 15-16 years already.

As for 'wow' factor, I remember playing SF2 for the first time on my friend's SNES. I played it in arcades but it seemed unreal playing it at his house. *sniff* the memories *wiping away a tear*.
[quote name='magilacudy']As for 'wow' factor, I remember playing SF2 for the first time on my friend's SNES. I played it in arcades but it seemed unreal playing it at his house. *sniff* the memories *wiping away a tear*.[/quote]

Oh yeah! My friends brother got the SNES and Street Fighter 2 and none of us could believe that it wasn't costing us a quarter per turn. We would spend hours on that game.
In the "old days" I'd have to say my most favorite gaming moment was making the final marathon run through Wily's castle in Mega Man II for NES.

In modern gaming, my favorite gaming moment was in the Halo stage "343 Guilty Spark." For me, that level took the game from "yeah, that's neat" to "HOLY...!"
I'd say there are three distinct moments in my gaming life that I will never forget.

#1 - Completing Super Mario Bros. 2 on the NES. I remember playing this game for weeks. When I finally beat it, I ran to my mom and begged her to pull out the polaroid camera and take a picture of me next to the TV while Mario slept. I was so excited that I did not turn the system off until the next day! I fell asleep to that soothing music. Ah the memories...

#2 - Is a tie within the same game. FFVII brought about a turning point in my gaming life because I hated RPG's until I played this game. As a whole, the experience left me very satisfied. I put in over 70 hours of gameplay in FFVII and that did not include any time raising chocobo's. I was mainly driven by my pure hatred for Sephiroth. The scene where he killed Aerith made me jump up in a screaming fit! That has to be the only time I've yelled "NOOOOOOO!!!!" at the death of someone other than myself. :D

#3 - Metal Gear Solid. What else can I say? It was epic for its time. Compelling story, killer graphics, excellent gameplay. Truly a classic of the 32-bit days. I am probably the only gamer alive to ever beat Sniper Wolf without using the anti-shake pills. (I didn't know what they were for until after I beat her. :oops:) And yes, I did play it twice to see both endings.
I would have to say my best gaming moment would have been in Everquest online adventures on PS2. My guild of 20 and 2 other guilds were fighting a mega boss called arachnid or something like that (it was North of oasis of Marr near the monk tower). Anyway we all went in and were fighting it and every single person but me died. That's like 50 people, So anyway I thought it was cool.
Looking at the credits in Helbreath: The Crusade... the first major game that I worked on, what made it even better was that it was chock-full of korean names, and then there was mine :whistle2:D

A semi-close second, was in the video extras in Slamscape for PSOne, where I'm in the video for God Lives Underwater's "Don't Know How To Be", since on a technicality, I was in a game, no matter how bad it was.
I'm gonna go old school, don't even remember how old I was, but when I beat Super Mario 3 and got to listen to the ending credits music... that was just great. I loved that song. It's not an *all-time* moment per se, but it was a fun ending. :)
#1 - Defeating Metal Gear Rex in Metal Gear Solid... it took me six hours, a duct's worth of tears and half my hair cells before I was finally able to take that thing down.

#2 - Aeris's death... that's a classic gaming moment. Nobody saw that one coming.

#3 - The first time I saw Silent Scope at the arcade. The first thing I asked myself was, "How are they getting away with something like this?" Remember, this was not long after Columbine and Lieberman's anti-gaming campaign. Then I popped some quarters in the machine and was blown away, no pun intended.

#4 - The ultimate kick in the nuts... when Samus takes HER helmet off. Was that not a shocker?!
[quote name='jaso']
#4 - The ultimate kick in the nuts... when Samus takes HER helmet off. Was that not a shocker?![/quote]

Ooooooooooooooo! Good one!
At the end of Ultima: Quest of the Avitar for NES (when you have to fight your friends). I was like...aw...snap.....

I guess another one would be the bad ass final battle in Actraiser.....that swirling background was sick.....
first trying the intellivision, my first system. i was young and just so amazed i could control the onscreen activity. really, for a 5 year old this is hot shiite. then the jump to genesis and sonic, i thought gaming would never get netter. i was happily proven wrong
There are 2 moments I distinctly remember. The first was from FFIII after you fight Kefka on the floating island and have a certain time to jump off the island. It was a pretty tough boss fight and you needed to wait for shadow or else you couldn't use him the rest of the game. I was jumping up and down while the clock neared zero. I also really enjoyed the prison break in FFVII near the begining. Thats when the game really got cool.
mgs2, the movie where fortune uses her powers to evade all the missles from metal gear rex, and when solidus destroys the rex's. my jaw almost dropped.
Not exactly the same thing, but when you see what Link does to Ganon at the end of Wind Waker... I said aloud "Wow, that had to hurt."
My gaming moment was beating Contra for the SNES.. That was on hard mofo game.. Was proud of myself beating that back when i was a young'in.
1. Beating the original Legend of Zelda's Second Quest. Back in 1987 there was no GameFAQs or strategy guides - I did everything by myself. As far as I knew I was the first person to ever accomplish this (meaning out of everyone in my 7th grade class :D ).

2. Getting 8945 PPs on one run in Super Monkey Ball - try that! :shock:

3. Playing Super Mario 64 for the first time back in 1996. I'll never forget it. I felt like a kid all over again...

4. Getting to 3,000 lines in Tetris and quitting out of boredom... 8)
watching the movie where aeris dyes left me feeling light headed.... i had been leveling her up and stuff and than that happens. for a long time i kept hoping there was some twist in it and shed pop back any moment....but v all now know that wasnt gonna happen.:(
Beating the final (and only) boss of ICO for the first time in a very stylish, cinematic fashion...followed by watching the sublime ending, the credits, and completing the secret scene.

Gaming doesn't get much better than that.
1. My first fireball with Ryu.

2. The first time I did a back-flip on the bridge leading to the castle and landed in the moat in Mario 64. I was completely hooked after that.
Leaning and moving my arms as I jumped the christmas morning I got my Snes, Super Mario World and Donkey Kong.
Seeing my newbie sister still do that years later is hilarious.

In actually, Id call that my second best moment. My favorite was the 4 days I spent with Kotor with as few breaks as my mother would allow me to take. In particular, the plot twist was an "O, f***" moment.
Space Invaders the first game that got me Hooked on video games forever... Mainly because the pizza shop had the machine on free play and didn't know it. The guy set it up, I was on it first with one quarter. Then I realized that I could keep pushing start. I was on that game for 3 hours straight.

Ahhh the memories...
I've said this before.

Really its the first time i played a game to lead to all this.... but..

#1 Laying the Smack down on #3 finalist in 2000 SF championships in Cali. Ova and Ova again.

#2 Beating Ninja Gaiden

#3 Ending of FFIV
I'm sure there has been better, but most recently, as my memory is so short, the scene in Zelda: Wind Waker where it changes from B&W to color in a certain part, gaming brilliance IMO.
[quote name='Theenternal']I've said this before.

Really its the first time i played a game to lead to all this.... but..

#1 Laying the Smack down on #3 finalist in 2000 SF championships in Cali. Ova and Ova again.


I bet it wasn't John Choi (ranked number 2 at some point). I used to work with him. He is incredible and a nice guy. I've seen him win 54 straight matches in Capcom Vs. Marvel 2 (i believe it was.)
This has been mentioned already but playing through the whole game of Chrono Trigger. Espicially going through magus' castle and fighting him for the first time. ( he is my favorite video game character, hence my screen name)

Again playing Metal Gear Solid. I remember i was in awe during the psychomantis scene when he was like " So I see you enjoy playing Castlevania"
-Kickin ass and takin names with Yoshi in Smash Bros.
-The day I got my Super Famicom
-Playing ANY part of Secret of Mana
-Playing Joust with my pops when I was a pup
-The day I got my S-Video system selector.....no more cord switching for me!
Id have to say the most fucking pisser of a gaming day is when I was almost 100% complete Vice City. [94 I think]. And when I was saving I accidently turned off my PS2. I figured no harm was done. Next day I almost pissed myself while crying. I hade a good 84 hours into that game.

The happiest moment would have to be ... Hmm I can't remember, but I remember it was a fighting game or RPG (I think it might have been Zelda). But I was so pissed because I couldn't beat this one boss. Finally after I beat it I was so happy I started dancing and signing.

And the most embarrassing moment would probably be beating Shadow of the Beast 2 to do a review on it.... I feel like a loser....
My best gaming moment was my first, unwrapping and unpacking my NES from the box and hooking it up. Super Mario was the first game I ever played. I was barely a foot away from the screen and I played for the rest of the night until my bedtime for many nights to come. Little did I know that would destroy my vision forever, but it was definitely worth it. I was so happy I was delirious. Until I ended up getting TMNT, then I reached new heights of ecstacy...


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