What is your favorite DS game?


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This is just a simple topic where you post what your favorite game for the DS is. No saying "Oh, I can't decide", or "I like all of them equal!" just post which game you love the most. If you want to, you can also explain why it is your favorite, but it is not mandatory.

As for me, my favorite DS game is easily Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. The game was long, the stories always made me want to play just a little bit longer, the characters are absolutely the most memorable of any game I have played due to their distinct personalities, and the game is just plain fun to play and progress in. Although PW: JfA was great, it only had 4 cases, and I think the first one just had better quality cases (save for Case 1 of course). I personally can't wait for PW: T&T, it seems like it could be just as good, if not better that the original.

Now, post away!

Right now it's easily Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime, since that's what I'm addicted to at the moment.

But overall I'd have to say I love Ouendan 2 the most.
I'm a mark...but I've played Pokemon Diamond the longest out of all my ds games...with the 180+ hour mark...I think Pokemon Diamond gets the nod...and I still haven't caught all of those bastards
1. Advance Wars: Dual Strike
2. Animal Crossing: Wild World
3. Mario Kart DS
4. Age of Empires: Age of Kings
5. Final Fantasy III
I have to pick one?

I'm going to say 2. Now I'm picking these because they make good use of the touch screen which in the end felt like a new and fresh experience.

Pac N Roll

Completely underrated game. It was in reviews compared to Mario 64 in level design. It's not that deep but it was fun to play. The touch screen controls were fun and made me feel connected to the game. It also includes an unlockable version of Pac-Man that uses both screens. Pretty sweet. Budget price now too.

Ultimate Spider-Man

I really enjoy Spider-Man games. This took what was great about some of the elements in the good GBA games and Spider-Man 2 DS and made it work with the touch screen. It has a good balance of regular controls and touch screen controls which was suprising. Good stuff.
Sonic Rush. Brought back the speed of the older Genesis Sonic games while adding some new elements(3d boss battles,styles controll). Very fun and underrated game.

Castlevania: DoS and Dragon Quest: Rocket Slime are a close 2nd and 3rd.
Phoenix Wright 1. My favorite DS game, and my second favorite game of all time.

(EarthBound is #1. If only Mother 1+2 for GBA had been released here...)
I can't decide on one so I'm copping out and putting my favorites.

Elite Beat Agents and Ouendan 2
Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Hotel Dusk
Mario Kart (minus the wi-fi game)
I'm going for replayability. The one must have DS game is Mario Kart DS. In close at second is Clubhouse Games. Both of these games are essential.
Man this is hard. In my list are both Ouendans, EBA, both Phoenix Wrights, NSMB, Sonic Rush, and Castlevania: DoS.

Push comes to shove, probably EBA as that's the game I spent the most time with. Stupid Jumpin' Jack Flash on Insane. ;)
[quote name='jkam']

Ultimate Spider-Man

I really enjoy Spider-Man games. This took what was great about some of the elements in the good GBA games and Spider-Man 2 DS and made it work with the touch screen. It has a good balance of regular controls and touch screen controls which was suprising. Good stuff.[/QUOTE]

Did you play Spiderman 3? I liked it even more than USM.
Kirby Canvas Curse is just flat out amazing. Everything about this game is flawless and the replay (collecting all the effing medals) is endless. Ugh, so close to the rest!

2nd place without hesitation is Metroid Prime Pinball. Endless hours of fun and w/ rumble pak. What's not to love! I logged the most hours on this game over any other

3rd place would have to be Trauma Center for the most epic ending ever. The second you see those credits rolling... best feeling of accomplishment in any video game i've ever played.

4th place is Phoenix Wright. Most awesome storyline in any DS game to date. Just rocks out loud.

5th place is Mario Kart. No need to explain here... but I will anyways. Mario + anything = awesome. Awesome x 4 wheels and an engine =
My favorite DS game would have to be Hotel Dusk! It makes great use of the touch screen, has a great cast of characters, and of course, it has a really immersing storyline. :D
I'm surprising myself here, but I'm going to say Kirby Canvas Curse. That and Trauma Center are really the only games of the 15 that I own (and several I've traded in) that use the system the way it's supposed to be used - touchscreen control that can only be done with a touchscreen. Everything else is just a GBA game with touch and a map tacked on. I think we can do better than that.
I used to say Lost in Blue, as I put more than 100 hours into that game. I loved the struggling, the true sense of learning as you tried to hunt game and set traps. The ruins -- oh, how clever I felt for solving those puzzles!

But looking back, I have to say that no other game immersed me like Phoenix Wright 2. The characters are so greatly defined, and I really enjoyed the new Psyche-Lock element. It added much-needed variation to the gathering evidence part of the game. The final case had me crying and leaning into my DS like it was a riveting movie or book. I'm really looking forward to the next Phoenix installment.
I'm gonna have to go with Hotel Dusk and the Phoenix Wrights, but thats just a matter of genres.

Its hard to compare it with say, Puzzle Quest or Castlevania
I'll have to say Mario Kart. I've had many fun races with friends over local wireless. The internet aspect wasn't as great though.

As for the one I spent most time on, it is probably Pokemon or Animal Crossing (which were more like chores).
Hm... this is tough. Not because there were so many great games (which there were) but because... none of them really stuck out.

For me, there were a lot of games which I'd say were 9/10 but none of them were at or above 9.5 so nothing that was the idea DS game.

I guess these are my top 5, in random order.
1. Mario Kart
2. Elite Beat Agents
3. Castlevania DoS
4. Kirby Canvas Curse
5. New Super Mario Bros.

I should mention that I have yet to play Hotel Dusk so that would most likely make my top five, kicking out Castlevania DoS.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Did you play Spiderman 3? I liked it even more than USM.[/QUOTE]

Not not yet but its on my shelf waiting to be played. I saw the reviews were good and I'm looking foward to it. :)
I've put in 30+ hours on these games:

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Pokemon Pearl
Jump Ultimate Stars
Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits
Animal Crossing: Wild World

Those games are all totally awesome. My favorite game outside of those might just be either Mario Kart or Meteos. Even then though, there are a ton of great games. Planet Puzzle League is pretty freaking sweet as well.
Hotel Dusk and Elite Beat Agents are my top two, hard to pick between them since they're such completely different games. But I think I'd go with Hotel Dusk. I have unopened copies of Castlevania: DoS and the first Phoenix Wright, so based on what others have said my opinion may change after playing them.
Hmm, I have pretty much a solid top 3, all of them are pretty much equal, but if I have to rate them:
1. Pokemon Diamond
-Reasoning: Been a Pokemon fan since I was 5, so getting the DS game is just purely great.
2. Star Fox Command
-Reasoning: Star Fox games have been my passion for games that aren't Pokemon since I got my N64, in like 1997, so I like all Star Fox games no matter what. I just like them even more if they are on rails, though.
3. Animal Crossing Wild World
-Reasoning: Never played the original Animal Crossing, so this was new to me. My friend got the game and loved it, so I got it when it was on sale(after failing to pick it up at release), and we spent hours upon hours playing together via WiFi. Just incredible and simple.

Honorable mentions: Kirby Canvas Curse, Kirby Squeak Squad, Phoenix Wright, Diddy Kong Racing DS, Chousouju Mecha MG, Lost Magic.
Advance Wars: Dual Strike, for sure. Loved the campaign, but I put the game away for a while after finishing that. Came back to it recently to play through some of the War Room maps & the Combat mode (which I stink at), and I'm still loving it. AW: DS and Tetris DS are probably the two games I'll never take out of my carrying case.
[quote name='briansraregames']Monopoly/Boggle/Battleship/Yahtzee

and yes, I am serious. Boggle is crack with the touch screen.[/quote]I have a few of these that I was going to flip, so I decided to see for myself about the "Boggle DS is crack" thing. And all I can say is.... WOW. I have a new favorite DS game.

I think I spent a good 5 or more hours last night just playing Boggle.

I had only tried the Monopoly game before and thought it was rather mediocre. (I prefer the GBC Monopoly to be honest.)

Thanks for the tip Brian... now I know why people pay $50+ for this one.
Right now I have to say Pokemon Pearl, but so far my favorite is probably Rocket Slime. The Dragon Quest game for those that dont know it by that name.
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