What is your Favorite Sleeper hit on Netflix "watchitnow"?


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I keep hearing podcasters bring up the names of movies I've never heard of, that they just watched with the Netflix NXE.

So I think it would serve a good purpose to have a thread dedicated to peoples Favorite "finds" in the "watch it now" netflix service.

Feel free to mention not only your favorite Indie/low budget/b-title/documentary diamonds in the rough, but also mention your favorite blockbuster hit that's on "watch it now" as well.
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The Signal - three shorts that make up a zombie story. The middle is lackluster (the middle being comedic doesn't work) but the first and third segments make up for it in a big way.

There is also JSA and Transiberian on there and those are awesome. Lately I've been re-watching Jeremiah which is better than I remember when I watched them on Showtime
+1 on Jeremiah. I also watched it on Showtime a few years back but was not able to catch all the episodes and it is better than I remembered.
[quote name='hufferstl']primer. Very low budget movie that is near impossible to understand the first couple times you watch it.[/quote]

Primer is awesome. I saw it at a film festival and got to talk with the director, highly recommended.
[quote name='hufferstl']primer. Very low budget movie that is near impossible to understand the first couple times you watch it.[/quote]

Saw that one and didn't really get the concept the first time through, but I liked that aspect of it.
Just watched Transiberian also, I liked it. It's slow and methodical like Andersons other movie, Machinist (which I saw at Sundance).

JSA is on there? Really? That's a damn fine show.

I also noticed Pan Labyrinth is on there. But most self respecting movie fans have seen that.

I'm pleased with their foreign selection, since that's most of what I watch anymore.

I like the purpose of this thread. I'll post more when I can remember/notice good ones.

Edit: +1 for Jericho.
[quote name='thrustbucket']
JSA is on there? Really? That's a damn fine show.

I'm talking about Chan-Wook Park's murder mystery set in the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']Vote For Me - great and funny documentary.[/QUOTE]

That documentary was very funny! .. I've made 4 people watch it already -- its only 50 minutes, but you have to read the subtitles!!

Im gonna add The Signal, i like the zombie movies
[quote name='fart_bubble']I'm talking about Chan-Wook Park's murder mystery set in the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea[/QUOTE]

Yes. What other JSA is there?

Now if only we could get Oldboy and Lady Vengeance on there...
[quote name='thrustbucket']Yes. What other JSA is there?

Now if only we could get Oldboy and Lady Vengeance on there...[/QUOTE]

you said show so I thought you might have read it as JLA
Sorry to crap on a movie, but seeing it here twice. Trans-Siberian was utter shit. So full of cliches and terrible dialogue. First five minutes had me hopeful then ugghhh... Sorry, that crapper just wasted 2 hours of my time a few nights ago.
[quote name='fart_bubble']I'm talking about Chan-Wook Park's murder mystery set in the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea[/quote]
JSA is damn fine. I still need to see Mr. Vengeance. highly looking forward to park's new film Thirst where a priest turns into a vampire. seems like a good story.

I enjoyed Weeds but the way season 2 ends makes me want season3...dont really wanna rent though.
I gave The Signal a try. It started out interesting, but fell flat on it's face during the 2nd "transmission." I kept watching, though I gave up on it about 8 minutes before closing credits.

One movie that really surprised me was Outsourced. It's a lighthearted comedy that actually made me feel happy. I thought the character development and story were excellent. I'd type what it's about, but Netflix already has handy descriptions for all of their stuff.

Please Vote For Me was quite shocking, to say the least. The way the children manipulate each other like actual politicians was almost sickening, though the parents play a significant role in that. Also worth checking out.
+1 for Primer

Also, i loved "Before the Devil knows your dead"

and "Teeth" while being a little corny, was surprisingly entertaining.
This is a good thread because there is a lot of really obscure type of movies in the instant watch.
"Primer" was definitely a good one.

Also, "Murder by Death" is a pretty amusing spoof movie from the 70s.
"The Film Crew" stuff is pretty good, it's Mike Nelson and the guys who voiced Crow and Tom Servo on MST3K making fun of movies.

I'd never heard of it before i saw it on the instant watch but maybe im out of the loop....
The film crew is one watch it now? Last time I checked I could only find the disk version.

Thanks for the heads up.
The Dead Girl. I thought it was pretty entertaining and very dark story. I'm sure some will hate it but others may end up loving it. I was somewhere in between but I definitely thought it was worth my time.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Oh saw Lust Caution. I think it's worth seeing. Ang Lee always makes interesting movies.[/quote]

Cool, that one is next for me. I missed it when it was at the local indie theater.
[quote name='darthbudge']Without a doubt it is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.[/quote]

Very good film, though it ranks QUITE HIGH on my "biggest mindfucks ever" list.
[quote name='mang9432']Also, i loved "Before the Devil knows your dead".[/quote]

Hated this movie. Marisa Tomei naked didn't help it any.
[quote name='The Chop Suey']boondock saints[/quote]

If you enjoyed Boondock saints, then you have to see the documentary "Overnight."
[quote name='FluxDF']Hated this movie. Marisa Tomei naked didn't help it any.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. And it's a tragedy to require us to see Philip Seymore Hoffman naked in order to see Marisa Tomei naked.

[quote name='dmaul1114']The Orphanage.[/QUOTE]

How could I have forgotten that one!

Highly recommended. One of my favorite movies of this year, in fact.
I am not saying that people will like it, but I love that I can always watch David Brent dance on my Xbox. He is the manager of the paper company in the BBC's The Office. It will be under TV.
I took a chance on 30 Rock after inexplicably hating on it. I ended up watching the full 2 seasons in a week.

I also enjoyed Bigger, Stronger, Faster on recommendation from Cheapy. Unfortunately If you are into weight training, you may be kind of discouraged by the end of it.
They just added the BBC series Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and the first season of Star Trek. Good stuff.
[quote name='porieux']They just added the BBC series Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and the first season of Star Trek. Good stuff.[/QUOTE]

yep though the best new thing they've added is the Day Of The Triffids tv movie
I've watched and liked:

The Office Seasons 1-4 (awesome)
Supersize Me (classic)
Maxed Out (i'm interested in things like debt and finances)
Cool Hand Luke (actually saw most of it at school and just rewatched a little bit of it on my Xbox)
Pokemon Movie(memories)
Power Rangers Movie (more memories)

Didn't like and only watched part of:

Wal Mart The High Cost of Low Prices
The King of Kong
Beer for My Horses
Good suggestions everyone! A few I liked were:

Two Days in April (behind the scenes of the NFL draft)
The Constant Gardner (newly added)
The Hurricane (my personal favorite Denzel movie)
Gone Baby Gone
30 Rock Seasons 1-2
Brians Song (classic!)
Strange Brew
Bull Durham
Tin Cup
Mystery Alaska
bread's done