What kind of milk do you drink?


89 (100%)
I drink 2% or whole. But I can't stand 1% or skim. It's just gross. My mom drinks skim, and I drink hole. She thinks that a good compromise is buying 1%. It's not. It tastes like crap. Anyway, vote for your favorite kind. I threw an option up there for 'other' milk drinkers. Like soy or whatever else you can think of. (Breast milk?)
Aight sweet a poll.

I can't stand milk by itself.

Have to add powdered flavoring to get me to drink it. Chocolate and Strawberry are fine, but Banana nesquik is the best.

If I don't buy premade chocolate/strawberry/banana I use 2% milk as the base to mix my own. So, its either other or 2%. I chose other.
I like 1% and skim, though right now I'm drinking 1% regularly (I don't buy it). You get used to it, and it's a lot better for you.
I can drink milk by itself, but I have to have food. I can't run to the fridge after a day of exercise and drink a cup of milk. I usually drink it with dinner, and in my cereal. I'll also drink it with cookies, donuts, muffins, etc.
I buy skim milk and the fat free lactose friendly Land-o-Lakes cartons (same thing as skim, but for those days when I'm not craving lactose). I also drink them.
I used to drink whole, but the missus got me drinking 2%. That's probably as low as I'll go, because beyond that you might as well just drink water.
2% baby. in the south the mayfield company put out a new skim milk brand called skim delight ( the stuff was awesome actually tasted like 2%) but they dont have that where i live now.
2%, because anything lower is like drinking cloudy water. Also, I refuse to call it "Soy Milk". I'll call it "Soy Juice", but unless it comes from an animal, it's not milk.
[quote name='crystalklear64']So many people enjoy their water dyed white...[/QUOTE]

QFT. I always make fun of my aunt and uncle who put ice cubes in their skim milk. :cold: I say that they're just watering down water.
Vanilla Soy right now as it tastes most like regular milk... if I drink regular milk it is 2% or 1%... I like whole, but never drink it
[quote name='JJSP']No option for chocolate? fuck your thread.[/QUOTE]
Choose the type of milk that the chocolate is made from. Skim chocolate milk or 2% chocolate milk. As much as we'd like to have cows that give chocolate milk, they don't.
[quote name='JJSP']No option for chocolate? fuck your thread.[/quote]

chocolate falls in the category of other along with all the other.......
"non traditional" milk types (bananna, strawberry, butter). and to think wars were fought over such things.:cry:
[quote name='zman73']Vanilla Soy right now as it tastes most like regular milk... if I drink regular milk it is 2% or 1%... I like whole, but never drink it[/quote]
It isn't soy mik, it's soy juice. There's no soy tittie, is there?
[quote name='JolietJake']It isn't soy mik, it's soy juice. There's no soy tittie, is there?[/QUOTE]

You have obviously never heard of the soyasauras. You're probably one of that people that doesn't believe that boca burgers come from real life bocas. (Mean creatures, they are.)
Even if skim is "cloudy/dyed/dandruff water" it still has 8 grams of protein, is a good source of calcium, and has major dunkability, (if Budweiser can use drinkability for a multi-million dollar ad campaign, surely skim milk can use dunkability when combined with Pop Tarts and cookies.)
I can't drink plain milk unless it's with cookies and even then it has to have ice in it to make it super cold. Chocolate or strawberry milk is good and I drink that occasionally. Milk with cereal is pretty good. Otherwise I love hot cocoa cocoa. Oh and it has to be 1%. We used to drink 2% and I hated the switch to 1%, but now I can't drink 2%. Soymilk isn't too bad. I drink those Odwalla Vanilla Al-Mondos which has soy milk in it.
2% or Whole (when I'm feeling indulgent) Lactose Free. I used to drink soymilk, but it interfered with my drugs.


And give some love to the chocolate ovaltine.
I used to drink 2%, but my girlfriend likes skim, so now that is all we get. In reality though, I almost never drink milk, just use it for cereal so anything is fine with me. Whole milk is good though, especially the chocolate variety.
both soy & regular skim milk. If I want an ice cream-like flavor, I'll have the chocolate soy milk. But sometimes I like the sugary sweetness of Ovaltine+skim milk.
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