what kind of rpg player are you?


like in games such as kotor for example, u'r given the option to either: be the nice guy (running errands, giving stuff, and helping people out in general) or the evil guy (killing random people, stealing, or generally harassing the npc's).

i usually tend to be more of the nice guy, i can't stand being evil. i dont know... i just cant drive myself to be bad for some reason. i feel horrible even though its just a game.
i like both...but in the end...the nice guy always wins (in games, please people, dont cry that the nice guy finishes last, we all know that by now)....my friend and i had this discussion for the past week (after watching smallville season 1 on dvd) of who we'd rather be, clark kent or lex luthor.....it was a tough one....but i chose clark kent
I finished Kotor 3 times.. 2 times as good and once as evil, just played evil to see the ending. Id rather play good really, I didnt enjoy Morrowind by just killing everything .. game became too easy.
I would be the nice guy. I really stopped playing rpg after dragon warrior, all the newer ones are to complicated for me. In DW there was 1 best sword, 1 best armor, now there are a million choices!
i like both...but in the end...the nice guy always wins (in games, please people, dont cry that the nice guy finishes last, we all know that by now).

Nice guys don't finish last. Whiners and Quitters all say that.
It all depends what you base you metrics of success on. Yes, its often quicker and easier to do things if certain sectors if you aren't a nice guy, but that doesn't perclude the fact that nice guys can and do succeed.
Usually I play good side, but Fable may change that.

I read an interview with Molyneuz where he details a particularly evil way of increasing real estate value. If you want the value of your land to skyrocket, here is what you do:

1. Kill EVERYONE. One by one. No quarter. The entire town, dead.

2. Burn every building, completely clear the land, and build your own buildings. The value of the land will be cheap enough at that point where you can literally own every piece of real estate in the new town.

3. Watch as people slowly start to settle in your town, as long as they are willing to pay your land rates, of course. It will probably take a while to see any worthwhile profit, but it'll still be interesting to see it play out.

So evil... I mean c'mon... evil...
[quote name='JSweeney']i like both...but in the end...the nice guy always wins (in games, please people, dont cry that the nice guy finishes last, we all know that by now).

Nice guys don't finish last. Whiners and Quitters all say that.
It all depends what you base you metrics of success on. Yes, its often quicker and easier to do things if certain sectors if you aren't a nice guy, but that doesn't perclude the fact that nice guys can and do succeed.[/quote]

just to let you know, im not the type that cries about nice guys finishing last....i was just saying that cuz i knew someone else was sure to say it
when i played kotor the 1st time, i was a bad guy, mainly because I've never been a bad guy before

I began playing it a 2nd time and tried the good guy route, only made it about 10 hours into it (ps2 and ffxi came back from sony) but i think i was enjoying the good route more. I'll probably try the good guy route 1st when Fable finally comes out.
Dragon Warrior was great. KOTOR is awesome. Hopefully Fable and KOTOR 2 will be equally as good. Other than that, I hate rpgs. I don't understand why people like FF7. That is the one rpg that turned me against them all.
The only game I had the choice to be good or evil was KOTOR. I never finished it, turned it in about half way through, but I was mostly a nice guy. I'm pretty sure I only made one evil choice. When you're buying a robot from that girl, and you have the choice of threatening her to pay less money, I chose that one. Hey, I need my money...
[quote name='BigNick']I would be the nice guy. I really stopped playing rpg after dragon warrior, all the newer ones are to complicated for me. In DW there was 1 best sword, 1 best armor, now there are a million choices![/quote]

I hear ya. RPGs were so simple. Now you get the choice to customize to make super duper stain proof, rust proof, dragon resistant armor as soon as you collect all the orbs by killing bloodhost rabbits. *phew* It's become really tedious.
Evil! Evil! Evil! I like being the bad guy. I always root for the bad guy. I'm a little twisted that way. I have conformity issues.
I have to do nice guy first if there is the option, it just fits me better. I'll do evil just to play the game all the way through. But nice is just what I like to do, kinda weird huh?
[quote name='Ledhed']Usually I play good side, but Fable may change that.

I read an interview with Molyneuz where he details a particularly evil way of increasing real estate value. If you want the value of your land to skyrocket, here is what you do:

1. Kill EVERYONE. One by one. No quarter. The entire town, dead.

2. Burn every building, completely clear the land, and build your own buildings. The value of the land will be cheap enough at that point where you can literally own every piece of real estate in the new town.

3. Watch as people slowly start to settle in your town, as long as they are willing to pay your land rates, of course. It will probably take a while to see any worthwhile profit, but it'll still be interesting to see it play out.

So evil... I mean c'mon... evil...[/quote]

That sounds sooooo fuggin' cool! Fable is going to be so crazy good.

I like the idea of your characters physical characteristics changing by what type of fighting or magic you use. Man, this game is going to OWN!
[quote name='shrewmdust']What happend to neutral? Chaotic that is.[/quote]

i didnt wanna put neutral cause most people would just go for it. instead i just wanted to know if people do good or bad in general. and surprisingly there a lot more nice people than evil. i was thinking i was the only one that chose the nice way and most others just reaked havoc on the virtual world.
im usually nice, but i did steal that little boys gil in ff7....what did that bastard need it for? its not like he was the one saving the world....i should've beaten his ass for not having more

[quote name='trustcompany1013']i usually nice, but i did steal that little boys gil in ff7....what did that bastard need it for? its not like he was the one saving the world....i should've beaten his ass for not having more

LOL... sounds like someone needs some nice guy therapy classes.
[quote name='trustcompany1013']im usually nice, but i did steal that little boys gil in ff7....what did that bastard need it for? its not like he was the one saving the world....i should've beaten his ass for not having more


lol u sure about usually being nice? :)
Personally I feel bad when i do evil things...like in KOTOR...giving that guy the stuff for money instead of giving it away (made it shadey so people that havent played wouldnt know what im talking about)...I think fable may change this cuz the bad guys in fable look so much cooler and dark magic is so much better than light magic...
[quote name='danh920']**********KOTOR SPOILERS *****************

I actually felt bad when I persuaded Zalbaar to kill Mission[/quote]

The only time I felt bad was when I couldn't kill Carth. I tried running after him when he ran away, but he just kinda disappeared.
bread's done