what OTHER podcasts do you listen to?


What other pod casts... gaming preferable or otherwise do you listen to?

Right now, I only do the CAGcast and the Rick Emerson radio show.

What about you guys. Other gaming podcasts? Radio? Comics? Geeky stuff?
(In order of quality)

Games for Windows Radio (1up's PC gaming podcast - Jeff Green, Shawn Elliot, and Ryan Scott are the best - period)

1up Yours

Giant Bomb



EGM Live

Gamespot Presents: The Hotspot (only when I'm DESPERATE)
[quote name='o2012o'](In order of quality)

Gamespot Presents: The Hotspot (only when I'm DESPERATE)[/quote]

second that. Didn't even list it because i'm usually never THAT desperate. They are almost as bad as the OXM podcast.
video game related = cagcast (listen every week), Xbox 360 Fanboy (listen rarely), Maj Nelson (listen rarely)

non-video game related = Junkies (semi-local show, listen every day), Mike O'Meara Show (listen sometimes), Frosty Heidi & Frank (listen sometimes)
DL.TV (video podcast) - tech podcast reminiscent of The Screen Savers from TechTV
Downloadable Content - Penny Arcade's rarely updating podcast
EGM Live
Escape Pod - science fiction short story podcast
Hidden Universe HD (video podcast) - Hard to call this a "podcast" since it's a gigantic HD video meant more for watching on the PC, but still worth a look.
PC Gamer Podcast
Security Now! - Leo Laporte's tech podcast focused on security
StarShipSofa - general science fiction podcast
TekZilla (video podcast) - another tech podcast reminiscent of The Screen Savers
This Week in Tech - Leo Laporte's flagship tech podcast
The 1Up Show (video podcast)
1Up Yours
1Up.com - Broken Pixels
1Up.com Retronauts
The only other gaming podcast I listen to is the GoNintendo podcast. For non-gaming I listen to Star Wars Action News, and Worst Movie Ever. I used to listen to a ton of stuff, but now I just listen to Howard Stern mainly.
Let's see...

1up Yours
Giant Bomb
Nintendo Voice Chat
Player One Podcast (Just started getting into it recently)

I listed to 3 other podcasts that come from radio shows, so I guess they aren't technically podcasts.
1UP Yours
Buzz Out Loud
Totally Rad Show
EGM* Live
Full Moon Show (Insomniac Games)
Crash.fm (Criterion Games)
Bungie's Podcast
Tikibar TV
The Game Show
Joystiq Podcast
CAGcast (of course)
Giantbomb's GiantBombcast
GameSpot's The HotSpot
Screwattack's Sidescrollers
IGN's Game Scoop!

I used to try to listen to Major Nelson's podcast but I always fall asleep a quarter into it.
thanks for the headsup guys thefre seems to be a lot of goodones out there that I had never even heard of its a shame that most of them don't have direct dl links like the cagcast. I'd like to be able to dl them direct to my ppc. keep the suggestions coming. love findind other stuff to listening to when i'm up late at night.
[quote name='GodlyOne']CAGcast (of course)
Giantbomb's GiantBombcast
GameSpot's The HotSpot
Screwattack's Sidescrollers
IGN's Game Scoop!

I used to try to listen to Major Nelson's podcast but I always fall asleep a quarter into it.[/QUOTE]

You know, it's funny: I used to use Major Nelson's podcast to help me fall asleep. After a while I had to stop doing that. It seemed like there were always volume problems in the way it was recorded, it would always start really quietly then some random loud sound effect or a segment recorded differently would startle me.
[quote name='sketch226']You know, it's funny: I used to use Major Nelson's podcast to help me fall asleep. After a while I had to stop doing that. It seemed like there were always volume problems in the way it was recorded, it would always start really quietly then some random loud sound effect or a segment recorded differently would startle me.[/quote]

Haha, then you know what I'm talking about. When he's talking to E it's kinda interesting but once it gets to an interview I just fall asleep. Like you though, something seems to always wake me up, probably the "dashboard swipe" sound. :lol:
CAG Foreplay
Three Red Lights
Game Scoop!
Podcast Beyond
Nintendo Voice Chat
Starkville's House of El
Big Poker Sundays
Two Jacks in the Hole
Poker Road Radio
Must Listen
1UP Yours
GFW Radio
Around the Horn (ESPN)
Pardon the Interruption (ESPN)

Giant Bomb Podcast
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EGM Live

1up Yours

Sarcastic Gamer

Gamers With Jobs

Once in a while:
Major Nelson
Gamespot: Hotspot
IGN: TRL & Scoop

I've listened to a few others, but they get thrown out of the 'rotation' if they get to be boring, regularly yell into the mic, fidget, or have poor audio quality.
1up Show -- weekly -- 1up staffers reviewing, discussing and previewing games and gaming events
Retronauts Bonus Stage -- Randomly scheduled -- Review retro games and topics (such as importing)
Broken Pixels -- Monthly (I think) -- Pokes fun at shitty games
Dl.TV -- twice a week -- Ziff Davis's answer to the Screensavers

Listen to Weekly(ish):
Achievement Junkie -- weekly --
CAG Foreplay -- weekly --
CAGcast -- weekly --
EGM Live -- weekly --
GFW Radio aka The Brodio -- weekly --
RetroforceGO! -- weekly --
1up Yours -- weekly --
Retronauts -- biweekly --

Listen to Occasionally:
This Week in Tech -- weekly --
Video Game Outsiders -- weekly --
360 Gamercast -- weekly --
All Game Interactive -- daily --
Gamers with Jobs -- weekly --
Goozcast ---- weekly --

It is alot to listen too, and reviewing this thread, there are others I will subscribe too. But, there is a reason, they help me get through the day. Regularly people will come into my office and ask what I am listening too. (Beware, some are explicit) Because they might hear a piece about Pac-Man or the Wii, and that opens the door to more discussions.They also help at the gym. Pop my ipod in the swimming case and swim for an hour while listening to gaming news. The only thing I regret, is the fact that I really do not listen to the radio anymore, so I don't know what you kids are locking and popping to these days. :)
1. GFW radio - I can't recommend this highly enough. Although most here aren't PC gamers, I would still reccomend it, they often talk about console games, or gaming topics that go beyond any particular console. It's a looser format show than most podcasts, there is no news section of the podcast, they just talk about whatever they feel like talking about. Less formality means more candid discussions about games and the industry, with a depth of discussion that goes far above what I have heard in other podcasts. A looser format also means more tangents and off topic stuff, and it's almost always entertaining. They have made me laugh out loud a lot, almost embarrassingly at work, and not in the usual video game podcast style of a juvenile who just learned the double entendre, legitimately funny stuff.

2. 1upyours - 1upyours is a close second to GFW. It's definitely the more formal of the two, not necessarily a bad thing. Even though I don't agree much with Garnett he does have a voice for radio and it makes the podcast seem more professional. The format can sometimes make the show stale, but in general they have great discussions. There are a variety of personalities and gaming tastes on the show, and hearing the different points of view makes for a better podcast.

3. Gamers with Jobs - I enjoy the show, they have some good discussions about general gaming topics. I don't think the discussions challenge my perspective in the same way that they do in GFW though.

4. Game Theory - I started listening to this podcast mainly after hearing Gary Whitta on the PCgamer podcast, I found a lot of his gaming opinions fall in line with mine, plus he is an enjoyable host. They have lots of great interviews with developers and other industry people, and sometimes they end up sitting in to talk about the other gaming news. I like getting the more in depth perspective from actual developers and those inside the industry, you can really hear the passion some of them have for their games.

5. PCGamer - This is the more informative of the two PC gaming podcasts I listen to, but it can be a little dry sometimes, it lacks the personality and level of discussion of GFW. Sometimes the PC bias is a little too strong, some of them are too antagonistic towards anything related to consoles, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who wasn't interested in the PC. But they are a great source for the latest PC games, because they usually stay on topic.

Sometimes I'll listen
EGM Live - This show really needs a host, for such a structured show it's sometimes painful to listen to them introduce a topic. Once they get there it's fine, but they need a stronger host to pull the show together.

I'm trying

Team Freemont - Sometimes it seems like they are trying too hard with the "drunken gamers" shtick, even the cussing seems forced sometimes. I'll give it a few more tries, but so far I the personalities on the podcast haven't grabbed me.

Broadcast Gamer - I think I enjoy shows with more people, I enjoy hearing the discussions that come out of different perspectives. BG just came back, and now it's a solo podcast. Having only one opinion just doesn't interest me. He tries to keep the editorial out of the news section, I understand what he is trying to do, but it makes for a pretty stale podcast.

I gave up on

Sarcastic Gamer - They have some funny skits and good production, but I don't enjoy the unbalanced podcast discussions. They completely dismiss the Wii (because they are "hardcore" gamers), and have nothing but negative things to see about the PS3 and PC. In one episode they talked about Crysis (before it came out), and proceeded to give a ton of misinformation about the game, saying it would only run in Vista and require a $2000 pc to run, before proclaiming the death of pc gaming. Things certainly aren't rosy for pc gaming and they could back up the death of pc gaming with lots of true information, so it bothers me that they would support their opinions with a bunch of misinformation.
what's the name of the show, its not a podcast, more of a video show, with the guy that's in a booth with his computer on camera, and he's answering questions,
1up Yours
GFW Radio
Buzz Out Loud
Retroforce GO!
This American Life

I listen to more, but only if I have the time. These I usually catch every week (and BOL usually every day). I love running and commuting with podcasts.
gfw radio,
egm live
1up yours,
1up show,
cag foreplay,
sarcastic gamer,
bloomberg on the economy,
business week,
and a bunch of other video podcasts from x-play and gametrailers...
an interesting podcast is the BGB Shout podcast. BGB is british gaming blog (i think). these 3 guys are pretty goofy and the structure of the podcast is pretty loose. I think it is my second favorite next to the cag cast. There is also some Cheapy racial humor thrown in there every now and then that adds some spice to the show. If you can get past the accents (which i actually enjoy) then you may find it interesting.
I listen to these every week:

CAGcast, 1up yours, GFW, Joystiq

I listen to these when I can:
Giant Bombcast, Playerone podcast, EGM Live
The Rissington Podcast

I don't listen to gaming podcasts. They end up being 75% toilet humor/sexual innuendos and 25% actual gaming content. I just don't have the time for that shit (pun intended). No offense CheapyD. ;)
[quote name='mrelusive']
I don't listen to gaming podcasts. They end up being 75% toilet humor/sexual innuendos and 25% actual gaming content. I just don't have the time for that shit (pun intended). No offense CheapyD. ;)[/quote]

Listen to 1upyours. It's pretty much just focused gaming discussion. They rarely stray off topic.
1. Joystiq Podcast
-- Chris Grant is underworshipped, but I do love Ludwig and Justin a lot more. Ludwig, especially.

2. Giant Bombcast
-- I like Gerstmann's personality and commentary a lot. It's a bit rapid-fire at times, but it's very informative and fun.

Sometimes, I listen to
1Up Yours, as I'm not too fond of Bettenhausen or Lee.
[quote name='mrelusive']net@night
The Rissington Podcast

I don't listen to gaming podcasts. They end up being 75% toilet humor/sexual innuendos and 25% actual gaming content. I just don't have the time for that shit (pun intended). No offense CheapyD. ;)[/QUOTE]

I've had the same problem, the more I try to branch out and try some of the other gaming podcasts, the more I find that many of them are filled with juvenile toilet humor and sexual innuendos. I would recommend 1upyours, Gamers with Jobs and Game Theory to you, they are generally pretty good about staying above toilet humor and sticking to gaming.

Even though I would recommend GFW Radio first, since it's my favorite, they tend to go off topic pretty often (with occasion toilet humor). The difference is they are actually funny and the 25% of the time they do spend on gaming, has more quality than most shows that are 100% gaming.
Radiolab - WNYC
This American Life - NPR
Ricky Gervais - (not very regular)
Major Nelson
Battlestar Galactica official
Lost official ABC podcast
Game related

Player One Podcast
Giant Bombcast
1up Yours
CAG Cast
CAG Foreplay
Retroforce Go

Non Gaming

Never Not Funny
I Love Movies
CAG Foreplay
1up Yours
EGM Live
GFW Radio
The Full Moon Show
Diggnation (video)
Totally Rad Show (video)
Systm (video)
Tekzilla (video)
1Up Show(video)
none... not even CAGcast. happy?

and yeah, I already said this to cheapy, but I use to like CAGcast but now don't like it. it dosn't feel the same even though nothing changed.
i usually listen to the CAGcast and Big O and Dukes. Look them up on itunes, they talk about tons of stuff or if you are in the Washington D.C. area they are on 106.7 WJFK
[quote name='jinxedronin']i usually listen to the CAGcast and Big O and Dukes. Look them up on itunes, they talk about tons of stuff or if you are in the Washington D.C. area they are on 106.7 WJFK[/quote] Whenever I hear of that show I just imagine a giant robot and some other guy doing a radio show...
Greetings fellow CAGs, here's a list of what I listen to:

• SModcast
• Diggnation
• Totally Rad Show
• Ron Moore's Battlestar Galactica Podcast
• The Official Lost Audio Podcast (can't do video while at work)
• GeeksOn
• Slice of Sci-fi
• Dolphins on the Run (c'mon Jets fans, I know you're out there dragging your knuckles around)

And lastly, I'd like to humbly submit my own show -- 90 Pound Weaklings. We're not the CAGCast by any stretch, but we swear a lot and one of our co-hosts has a very serious drinking problem. Check it out if you have a spare hour or two.
bread's done