What should I buy?


1 (100%)
I have the 30% off any used game or accessry from cashforstash.com and I really need some more PS2/PS1 and GCN games. I was hoping maybe some of you would have some recommendations for me on what I should buy. So far I've decided to buy/alredy bought:

Burnout 3
Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicles
Paper Mario
Pre-owned DVD remote
Katamari Damacy
Gameboy Advance Player (if it ever comes back in stock)

Oh, and no "M" games do to mi madre. :cry:

Let me know what you think. Thanks.
You can get MGS(PS1) for about $4.50, or Fatal Frame(XBOX) for less than $20. I used 2 of my 30% coupons on those.
[quote name='regisphilbi0']GC- Paper Mario:TTYD and Metroid Prime 2 Echoes.
Ps2- MGS 3: Snake Eater.[/quote]

Planning on picking up Paper Mario within the month, waiting for a major price drop on MP2 after the poor initial sales, and M rated = no. 'cause of my mom :evil:

[quote name='jimbodan']what genre of games do you like?[/quote]

Let's see...
about everything except for most FPS, and any kind of card game or pokemon thing. Everything else is fine with me.
[quote name='whoknows']If you don't have RE4 yet for some reason buy that........ and for PS2 I would say buy R&C 3[/quote]

No "M" games and I've played Ratchet and Clank 3 t all the way through twice. :D
Well I suppose I could help...

Zelda: Wind Waker
Mario Kart Double Dash
Soul Calibur II (go for the GC version - it has Link)
Need For Speed Underground 2
Metroid Prime/2
Super Smash Bros. Melee (but you probably already have this)
Jak 1/2/3
Viewtiful Joe/2
Final Fantasy X
Devil May Cry (dunno if this is M or not)

And that's all I have off the top of my head...

Oh and definitely Final Fantasy VII if you don't already have it.
You should get all fo the Resident Evil games... Just kidding. Let me think... no 'M' games and no FPS/Pokemon/card games. Hm... I'd say check some of these out:

Pikmin 1/2
Tales of Symphonia
Zelda: WW
Zelda: Four Swords Aventures

Katamari Damacy
Kingdom Hearts
bread's done