What state do you love the most/hate the most?

[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Buffalo should just be given to Canada, not like we want it.[/QUOTE]

I really don't see a downside to that. Maybe then Buffalo would get the attention it deserves. Honestly, I've been to NYC, Long Island, Syracuse and Albany. It's stupid, it smells, the people are awful, they can't drive properly and it's overally expensive for no reason.

Buffalo has a fantastic bar scene, great restaurants, an awesome laid back atmosphere and music scene, free weekly concerts in the summer and awesome hockey, football, lacrosse and baseball teams. I can't see why anybody would dislike that.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']fuck ya'll, I'm from Texas. :D[/QUOTE]
Represent! :lol:

I don't think any of these fools have even been down here.
[quote name='Liquid 2']
I don't think any of these fools have even been down here.[/QUOTE]

I tend to think the hate is never grounded in any kind of evidence - it's just "Oh I hates them thar rednecks."

Geez. People - this country was founded by rednecks, alright? We're almost all rednecks.

Hawaii is probably the only state that gets a pass in this regard.

But eh.

More for me.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Represent! :lol:

I don't think any of these fools have even been down here.[/QUOTE]

I agree, I hate the blind hate.
[quote name='Strell']I tend to think the hate is never grounded in any kind of evidence - it's just "Oh I hates them thar rednecks."

Geez. People - this country was founded by rednecks, alright? We're almost all rednecks.

Hawaii is probably the only state that gets a pass in this regard.

But eh.

More for me.[/quote]

Bleh. Who cares if rednecks founded this country? I'm concerned about the rednecks now. :lol: But I've got no hate for texas, I've got family there. That said, I do think it's true that a lot of Texans tend to be douchebags. Friendly but ignorant douchebags. It's the exception that I meet a Texan that is both friendly and non-douchebaggery.


Love: California, Illinois, New York, Nevada, Georgia, Florida
Hate: Denial, Confusion
Indifferent: All others
[quote name='jaykrue']Bleh. Who cares if rednecks founded this country? I'm concerned about the rednecks now. :lol: But I've got no hate for texas, I've got family there. That said, I do think it's true that a lot of Texans tend to be douchebags. Friendly but ignorant douchebags. It's the exception that I meet a Texan that is both friendly and non-douchebaggery.


Love: California, Illinois, New York, Nevada, Georgia, Florida
Hate: Denial, Confusion
Indifferent: All others[/QUOTE]

Illinois is just horrible, especially around this time of year. I lived there most of my life and much prefer California.
[quote name='Matt Young']Illinois is just horrible, especially around this time of year. I lived there most of my life and much prefer California.[/quote]

I disagree. I've lived here most of my life as well and I think it only sucks during winter. Summers are nice here. California is nice too though. But it helps that I have property both here & Cali. :cool:
Love: New York, Texas
Hate: New Jersey

Going outside of the border, I love British Columbia in Canada, but had Edmonton.
[quote name='jaykrue']I disagree. I've lived here most of my life as well and I think it only sucks during winter. Summers are nice here. California is nice too though. But it helps that I have property both here & Cali. :cool:[/QUOTE]

Ah. Well, it may also be due to the fact that you live in Chicago, whereas I lived in Springfield.
[quote name='Matt Young']Ah. Well, it may also be due to the fact that you live in Chicago, whereas I lived in Springfield.[/quote]

That's understandable then. I've been to Springfield whenever out-of-state relatives want to visit Lincoln's log cabin or other stuff like that. Boring. :bomb: There's way too many things to do in Chicago for it to stop boring me. But I think that's generally true in most major metropolitan cities.
Love: Texas. Because of the Austin area, and a good deal of the area around it.

Strongly Dislike:

Oddly enough, TEXAS.

I have a love hate thing going on with the state I live in. I'm black, and, sadly, there are parts of the state where I make sure I have a full tank of gas, with my wallet up on the dash so the cops won't shoot me during a traffic stop. (For driving a nice car while Black.) Or convict me for drugs without evidence. *cough* Tulia Texas *Cough* (http://www.hr95.org/tulia.htm)

Being complimented for 'y'all don't talk like a black guy,' never gets old! I love that! Please keep doing it! No! The Exclaimation Points aren't in any way indicative of a boiling seething HATE for people who do that!

Any State that allows smoking in restaurants and public places.


I grew up in the Hamptons. I lived on the upper east side of Manhattan for three years. I absolutely cannot stand the state.

I never found Seinfeld FUNNY. Why? Because I had to interact with those characters in real life.

States that revel in how much snow they get.

I hate snow. With a passion. If your big thing is how awesome your snow drifts are? Don't plan on getting my tourist cash. Vermont gets a respectful nod from me, but what's the excuse of the /other/ snowy states that do not produce sweet SWEET maple syrup?
Washington state has no rival. NONE. The music, the weather, the intellect, the local government... Washington is unmatched, especially Seattle.

Louisiana sucks. Humid and ignorant, awful education, and the most corrupt state government in the nation.
[quote name='Koggit']Washington state has no rival. NONE. The music, the weather, the intellect, the local government... Washington is unmatched, especially Seattle.

You're right; it's pretty much a cesspool.
[quote name='Gourd'] I'm black, and, sadly, there are parts of the state where I make sure I have a full tank of gas, with my wallet up on the dash so the cops won't shoot me during a traffic stop. (For driving a nice car while Black.) Or convict me for drugs without evidence.

Being complimented for 'y'all don't talk like a black guy,' never gets old! [/quote]

This makes me sad. Sincerely.
I hate Vermont. Even just thinking about it makes my blood curdle and when I'm there I sink into depression. Just go to Burlington and in five minutes you will want to vomit from all the self important douchebags in that bitch.

I love Massachussetts. I love the Austin region of Texas. D.C. is my favorite city in the country hands down.
[quote name='Koggit']Washington state has no rival. NONE. The music, the weather, the intellect, the local government... Washington is unmatched, especially Seattle.
In boredom.. I hate living here.
[quote name='TahoeMax']Love: Alabama...they apparently have a sandwich shop in Birmingham that deep fries WHOLE sandwiches.

Hate: South Dakota. What a shithole. If Evanston, WY was a state, I would hate it, too.[/QUOTE]

Holy crap. I don't think I've heard of the place, although seriously it wouldn't surprise me, do you know what the name of the shop is?

Love: Washington. Beautiful state, as long as you're east of the cascades.
Hate: Mississippi. What good comes out of Mississippi?
[quote name='jaykrue']That said, I do think it's true that a lot of Texans tend to be douchebags. Friendly but ignorant douchebags. [/QUOTE]

See, that's my point entirely.

If you hang out in Austin or Dallas, you run across a lot of "You live in Texas?" types, whether they be students, foreigners, etc. Cool, forward-thinking progressive alternative people. Science types, hippies, etc. The sort of place you'd expect to find in a technologic capital/college city.

If you go to bumfuck Cowtown, yes - you find bumfuck Cowtown rednecks.

Just like if I go to every other state, it's full of assholes and full of cool people.

The point is that you could blindly hate any state/country based on a small dissection of people just as much as you could love it, and someone's anecdotal "well I ran into a jerk in NYC" doen't hold water.

Another example - I went to Texas A&M (under less than favorable circumstances). Walk around it for a minute and you're innundated with nothing but jocks and dumbshits, the sort of person I most certainly not am. In fact, people like me are begrudgingly called 2%ers, because that's roughly the amount of population we make up that aren't cowboy fuckholes.

'Sides, I imagine a lot of the hate is aimed due to George Bush, which is funny, because you Bush-haters-in-other-states can't imagine the amount of facepalming people like me have to do, because my state has zero chance in hell of electing anything other than a Republican.
[quote name='Strell']
'Sides, I imagine a lot of the hate is aimed due to George Bush, which is funny, because you Bush-haters-in-other-states can't imagine the amount of facepalming people like me have to do, because my state has zero chance in hell of electing anything other than a Republican.[/quote]
Its funny because the Republican majority in Texas is only 60%. What I have problems with are people voting straight tickets in general elections. Ann Richards, the governor before Bush was a Democrat. There is a chance of Texans voting for a Democrat governor, but what good choices have the democrats come up with? Tony Sanchez? Chris Dodd? Anyways that is getting into politics which is in another section. Basically, I have the same love-hate relationship with my state as well as many other Texans. That is why I am currently attending OU (and for their meteorology major as well ;)).
[quote name='javeryh']Love: North Jersey and NYC
Hate: Pennsylvania, especially the Philly region[/QUOTE]

Yes, good point on NJ.

Love: North Jersey as well
Hate: Texas
[quote name='Strell']See, that's my point entirely.

If you hang out in Austin or Dallas, you run across a lot of "You live in Texas?" types, whether they be students, foreigners, etc. Cool, forward-thinking progressive alternative people. Science types, hippies, etc. The sort of place you'd expect to find in a technologic capital/college city.

If you go to bumfuck Cowtown, yes - you find bumfuck Cowtown rednecks.

Just like if I go to every other state, it's full of assholes and full of cool people.

The point is that you could blindly hate any state/country based on a small dissection of people just as much as you could love it, and someone's anecdotal "well I ran into a jerk in NYC" doen't hold water.

Another example - I went to Texas A&M (under less than favorable circumstances). Walk around it for a minute and you're innundated with nothing but jocks and dumbshits, the sort of person I most certainly not am. In fact, people like me are begrudgingly called 2%ers, because that's roughly the amount of population we make up that aren't cowboy fuckholes.

'Sides, I imagine a lot of the hate is aimed due to George Bush, which is funny, because you Bush-haters-in-other-states can't imagine the amount of facepalming people like me have to do, because my state has zero chance in hell of electing anything other than a Republican.[/quote]

QFT, although most texans will tell you they wish they could emancipate Austin and sell it to Berkley, CA.

Oh, and

Love: Oklahoma. People will actually help other people without being asked, or being paid. The community spirit here is like no other place around. And while it may be the buckle of the Bible Belt, it's nice being able to raise a family here without having to worry about high crime rates or bullshit property values.

Hate: California, New York.
Oh my GOD I hated Oklahoma. You could see for like 80 miles in any direction, and it was the same everywhere.

The Denny's in OKC was interesting at 3AM, though.
No place in the world has more of a sense of community than Pittsburgh. I know, I've lived all over and nowhere else is someone as willing to help out a complete stranger than in the Steel City. The blue collar work ethic blended with the massive student population in the city gives it a unique down-to-earth yet educated feel. The Steelers sure as hell don't hurt either. No other city loves their team as much as Pittsburgh loves the Steelers.

Cochese your description about the desolation of OK reminds me of the time I had to drive through the G-d awful waste of space in between PA and Colorado known as Kansas. Man that sucked.

While it is true that its wrong to form a judgment on a place based on just one person or just a few people from there, I still have formed negative impressions of NY and TX based on the people I have met from those states.

Why do Texans wear belt buckles with their names on them?

So they can remember thier names when they pull their heads out of their asses.
bread's done