what stops sneezes?

Drink, alcohol solves every problem.

Actually your probably alergic to something so you really should find out what it is, take some histamine reducer like psudephedrin and dusk and vaccum to try and remove the alergens
actually i am just getting over from being sick with some upper respitory illness and my longs are tryin to clear out but i have to go to work in a hour and half and i cant stop sneezing.. that it is bad... becuase i work with food
ocean brand nasal spray

use it to rinse your nostrils with

it'll remove the cause most times
[quote name='charcoalfeather']actually i am just getting over from being sick with some upper respitory illness and my longs are tryin to clear out but i have to go to work in a hour and half and i cant stop sneezing.. that it is bad... becuase i work with food[/quote]

Then please call in sick and refrain from exposing others to your illness. A day off from work isn't the end of the world. If you boss can't understand that, then perhaps you could discuss it with him and sneeze directly into his face a few times until he sees it your way.
i hold my breath when i feel like ima sneeze but if you time it wrong lol comes out your mouth or nose lol ewwwwww!!!
[quote name='RBM'][quote name='charcoalfeather']actually i am just getting over from being sick with some upper respitory illness and my longs are tryin to clear out but i have to go to work in a hour and half and i cant stop sneezing.. that it is bad... becuase i work with food[/quote]

Then please call in sick and refrain from exposing others to your illness. A day off from work isn't the end of the world. If you boss can't understand that, then perhaps you could discuss it with him and sneeze directly into his face a few times until he sees it your way.[/quote]

great idea... i might just do that... if he doesnt let me off.... and any of you live in michigan... dont go eat at the little caesars 16 and garfield for health reason...
[quote name='Trakan'][quote name='CrashSpyro123']Don't hold your nose, your eyes will pop out.[/quote]


Wait, it's don't keep your eyes open when you sneeze. Otherwise your eyes will pop out from the pressure.
wooo!!! i just got someone to go on for me... nevermind.. thanks anyways... oh and i found some vicks... and that seems to work
and thanks to bush i really dont have much choice in where i can work so i am stuck... i cant really talk for everyone in the U.S. but michigan really got hit for jobs...
if you put a plastic bag over your head and seal it up tight, it usually stops the sneezing.
[quote name='charcoalfeather']little caesars die off? there is like one at every corner with that damn large $5 pizza.. shaq-fu them i hate that place[/quote]

The pizza isn't that bad...not for the price, anyway.

I'm assuming you work at a Little Caesar's, then?
listen to me

i know a proven way to stop sneezes

works great if u are in class or someplace that sneezing would suck

when u feel a sneeze coming on tickle the rough of your mouth vicously with the tip of your tounge

remember tickle your roof
it works everytime perfectly
[quote name='asaraa']Benadryl![/quote]

i second that, but take it when your about to go to sleep since it makes you very drowsey, during finals last year I used it as a sleeping pill to stop me from working too much
bread's done