What Time to Get to Stores on Sunday for a Wii


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Hey Everyone-
I read in the forums that Circuit City, Best Buy and Target are going to have Wiis. I know that Circuit City and Target open at 8am and BestBuy at 10am. What time should I get to these stores to try and get a Wii? Any advice?

This round of camping should be a little more severe than the last one. I would say 2 am for Best Buy at the latest, earlier if you can swing it.
2 and 3am, WOW! I was thinking around 6am. Sounds pretty crazy. Where do you think I would have the best shot of getting 1? I saw 1 at Target the Sunday after Thanksgiving and I am kicking myself in the ass that I didnt get it.
I have to agree... the closer to Christmas it gets, the earlier you should show up. If you have the means, I'd try driving by at around 11pm or midnight the night before to see whether anyone is waiting yet. If they are, I'd join them. If they aren't there yet (doubtful), you'd probably have a good 2 hours, at most, before people start showing up. I'm being extremely generous there. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if people are lining up before the store even closes on Saturday.

I can't even imagine what Sunday the 23rd will look like. Yikes.
The last round in my area the first guys in line got there at 5:30 am. I am going to try to get there at 5am myself & my wife this time. I am hoping that will work out.

I have had mine since launch and this is for my nephews. I hope they appreciate it. :lol:
Just go now, so we won't have to worry about having you post non-deals in the Deals forum.

In seriousness, I'd suggest 2-3AM, if not earlier. More so the weekend before Xmas.
At the Best Buy near me a week and a half ago ~8AM was the cut off time for a Wii. But it will all depend on how many units they are getting.

If you really want one I'd get there at 5AM, but based on the other responses here that might not cut it...

Best Buy seems to be pretty good about going out early and handing out numbers/letting people know they missed the cut off.
I was at Best Buy on the 2nd at 3:00. I was the second one there. About 7 more people showed up between 4:00 and 4:30. There were about 14 by 6:30. They ended up having 51 Wii's, so even the people that came around 8:30 got one. This time will probably be worse, though.
MAN! This is pretty insane. I am wondering where I will have the best shot to get one. I know that BestBuy will probably have the most, but it will also be the busiest. Suggestions?
These things are selling for 400-500$ on ebay and sometimes more so I would advise to get there early, very early. I would even say 12midnight, people might start lining up before then though, depends on your area. Scalpers and people with kids will do anything to get it for their kids so keep in mind the crowd you will be dealing with.
I'm going to set up a cot right outside of Best Buy when they close on Saturday night, probably with a friend or two. Seriously, get bundled up and it's the best night sleep you'll ever have.
[quote name='djkunai']I'm going to set up a cot right outside of Best Buy when they close on Saturday night, probably with a friend or two. Seriously, get bundled up and it's the best night sleep you'll ever have.[/quote]

So you already have a Wii, and you're going to buy some to flip? What a fucking asshole.
Your best bet to avoid big retailers like BestBuy and Circuit City and go to places less popular.

On Black Friday, I went to two EB/GS stores and both of them said they had Wiis for the sale and they didn't sell out for about an hour after they opened. I know a lot of people mentioned Sears too, many people don't even know that they carry electronics.

Hoarders are ruining a lot of people's Christmas though with these Wiis.
Im gunna have to get there bright and early. Someone on craigslist keeps posting that stores are getting Wiis on sunday and that no one should buy the overpriced onces... Im sure it will be a zoo. Luckily I live right next to a CC and TRU that no one ever goes to.
Last year me and my brother waited in line at Target at 2:30 in the morning for one and we were the last people to get a Wii that day. That was on Dec. 17th I believe so you should definetly get there early if you want to get one.
Good luck, for those going for a Wii, with Christmas eventually coming...those lines are gonna be a PITA! Sometimes I think I should have picked up one myself, but I really don't know.
It's also important to note that this is, indeed, THE holiday gift this year.

Which means scalpers.

That's an issue, because this is the LAST Sunday Wii shipment that could conceivably be sold online and shipped in time for Christmas, unless you get parents that will pay outrageous overnight shipping charges. Next Sunday will be too late, unless they're selling locally. So, unless they find ones between this Sunday and, say, Thursday or Friday, this is the last hurrah of online scalpers who need more 'inventory' for Christmas.

Just a random thought.
When Best Buy had Wiis for sale a few weeks ago, I was there Saturday (the day before they went on sale) around 6:30 in the evening and two people were already in line. The loss prevention guy at the front of Best Buy said the first person arrived around 2:30 p.m.
It really depends on your area.

I live in an area where the predominant religion says you shouldn't shop on Sundays, so there's relatively few people doing so. I showed up at about 8:10 to Best Buy last time and I was 15th out of 58. People were showing up at around 8:45 or so and still got one. This week may be different, but I'm guessing if I show up at 7 I could expect to still get one. But who knows, since it's so close to Christmas we may see people temporarily throwing religion out the window in order to get that coveted Wii for Christmas.

Those who struck out at Best buy still get to try again on Monday at Circuit City. Circuit City is closed Sundays where I live so they'll be selling the Wii's Monday morning. That's the crazy place to be here because it's not Sunday and therefore acceptable to shop. In that situation I would need to be there probably at 2am or earlier to get one, which I am not willing to do.
The last time at bb they handed out the tickets at 8am. I would say drive by there at 4am and if no one there see about cc and there line. If short line wait there. If longer head back to bb. I plan on getting 1 at all the stores. No one really heads out in my area. Let me know if you want one. I'll sell mine to fellow cags for 15% off ebay prices. :bouncy:

Just messing with you fuckers
[quote name='mikej012']It really depends on your area.

I live in an area where the predominant religion says you shouldn't shop on Sundays, so there's relatively few people doing so. I showed up at about 8:10 to Best Buy last time and I was 15th out of 58. People were showing up at around 8:45 or so and still got one. This week may be different, but I'm guessing if I show up at 7 I could expect to still get one. But who knows, since it's so close to Christmas we may see people temporarily throwing religion out the window in order to get that coveted Wii for Christmas.

Those who struck out at Best buy still get to try again on Monday at Circuit City. Circuit City is closed Sundays where I live so they'll be selling the Wii's Monday morning. That's the crazy place to be here because it's not Sunday and therefore acceptable to shop. In that situation I would need to be there probably at 2am or earlier to get one, which I am not willing to do.[/quote]

Just curious....but where is this? *Don't need to be too specific
Hoarders are ruining a lot of people's Christmas though with these Wiis.

If your whole christmas is based on getting a wii or not then thats sad...the fact you think your kids might love you less if you don't get them one shows to me maybe your kids arn't being raised how at least I would raise my kids. All you have to do is tell them they will get one, it just happens to be a few days late. A few days after christmas I can see there being a surplus on teh shelves, just like there was last christmas, at least in Canada.
I actually got my Wii at the Mall, whats great about that is the fact people don't think of getting it at the mall because it would be packed.

I got there like 10 minutes before opening, and there were only 4 people in line.

Either that, or I would try and find a place that nobody knows about :)
I wouldn't be surprised if people start camping out days ahead of time for the 23rd... provided the stores will actually have Wii's on that day!
At the target we get about 30. Not alot of people have figured out that when they are in the ad we will have em though we go some last thursday too. Plus there is a bestbuy across the street so theres not much of a rush really.
[quote name='Sling']If your whole christmas is based on getting a wii or not then thats sad...the fact you think your kids might love you less if you don't get them one shows to me maybe your kids arn't being raised how at least I would raise my kids. All you have to do is tell them they will get one, it just happens to be a few days late. A few days after christmas I can see there being a surplus on teh shelves, just like there was last christmas, at least in Canada.[/quote]

It's not that their children will love them less, it's because they love their children enough to spoil them so.

And honestly- it'll probably be months before the resellers/flippers are out of business with Wii's.
[quote name='Vinny']I know a lot of people mentioned Sears too, many people don't even know that they carry electronics.

My store constantly has people showing up on sunday mornings looking for Wiis.

We don't get shipments in on Sundays. Ever. At least not at my store. If we get in these systems at all, its 2 at a time on a Thursday or something.

But then some of the same people show up the next week on Sunday morning XD
Wii alerts just sent me a txt msg. I was directly instantly to Amazon.com.

I order 1. Just 1. I'm entering my credit card, hit the place order button, and bam- "sorry..." they sold the one I almost made a payment on.

Why the fuck would they let me get through all that thinking I had one only to pull the rug out from under me?

Oh, it gets better, not 60 seconds after that, I went back to the Wii screen and low and behold- 116 for sale from $516 and UP.

fucking rotten scalpers.
Yeah thats how it is with the PSP too, the daxter bundle is in stock for $199 and then its gone 10 min later and the price is jacked up on the marketplace to 350$ and above.
im going at 8 the night before. just like black friday baby. what are the chances of selling a plain wii with nothings with it? will i get a lot?
bread's done