What was the biggest E3 news for you, in regards to the 360?

It would pretty much come down to the new dash redesign as a whole, which also includes the party chat. I dont want those crappy avatars.

Anone see on inside XBOX how they let Trixie build a Xii? How shes going through and is like "I think Im an average build." In the end her Xii ends up being a little skinny Xii and looks nothing like her.
RB2 confirming forward compatible dlc, exporting select songs off of rockband 2 and a 84 master song track list. A close second would be seeing fallout 3 being played in action.
[quote name='naiku'] A close second would be seeing fallout 3 being played in action.[/quote]

Really? In my opinion, Fallout 3 looked horrible.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Banjo XBLA.[/quote]

Que?! The 64 versions coming to XBLA?

I haven't really paid much attention other than the big headlines, so Netflix was certainly surprising yet great news. And that Too Human is an excellent game.
Rock Band was huge but I'd give the edge to Activision for stepping up and making GH:WT compatible with RB instruments.
[quote name='help1']Really? In my opinion, Fallout 3 looked horrible.[/quote]

Really? It was the exact opposite for me. I think this game looks awesome. Im especially excited when they said there will be 100 hours of game play and complete free roam.
^ Wow, I had completely missed the XBLA Banjo announcement, that's pretty awesome.

I'm going to have to go with Fallout 3 though. 2 is one of my favorite games, and it looks as though they're doing a great job bringing the style of the game into the new gen.

I'm glad they're updating the dashboard, but couldn't they have done something better than a crappy attempt to combine the XMB and Miis?
FFXIII, definitely.

The Rock Band 2 lineup is impressive. And GHIV is compatible with the original Rock Band instruments? That's a huge move (and probably a necessary one).

I liked the Netflix announcement, too.
Not all that long ago it would have been FF13, now... meh. A Disgaea 3 port would have been far more welcome from me.

As is? Probably XBLA Portal, with Rock Band compatibility and the Netflix addition coming in close second.
netflix streaming. that has a potential to bring a lot of people to buy a console that they may not have otherwise purchased. great move by MS.
Final Fantasy for me. I've counted 6 of my friends who were planning on buying the PS3 just for this game, but since the announcement they've all decided to stick with their 360's.
I think that game installs to the hard drive was a pretty big announcement. Faster load times, less noise, increase longevity of the dvd drive. The announcement with Netflix is cool also, it would be great to watch movies on the TV at no extra cost. I'm just waiting for the new 60 gig SKU to jump in on the bandwagon. I'm really excited for Fable 2, and the Portal expansion!
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I like the new dashboard.

I like it because it didn't look loaded with ads. But that could always change when the release it.
RB2 and the new instruments. I'm going to end up spending more than half a grand on all this stuff, but it is soooo worth it. Everlong!!! FFXIII is kind of interesting, although i didn't care when it was a PS3 exclusive. the new dashboard will be cool if it is quicker. i do like the mini dash. i'll be able to access all system settings within the game.
FF XIII takes the big bang, but I'm definitely interested in the "New Xbox Experience". Avatars give us something else that our achievements can work towards fleshing out. The avatars are simple enough to where they could be implemented into arcade game, and I hope they don't just waste time doing such a thing with game shows and casual things, but also allow us to maybe use them in something like a brawler or something.

Hardcore shooter fans have taken true gaming passion into "Cute em Ups" like Parodious for years, so I see no reason why Avatars can't be a solid creation for Hardcore gamers too, if used right. It's like merging the Dashboard with the DOA4 online avatars. Imagine how interesting it would be to unlock a Chibi Kaim from Lost Odyssey, or a Pocket/Puzzle Fighter-style Ryu along with Street Fighter 4?

I always thought Miis where a missed opportunity. When I first saw then, I was hoping to see the simple characters get upscaled and imported into full games, taking the simple features, and making more complex characters based off their rudimentary shapes. So, say, importing your Mii into a Phantasy Star Universe style character creator, and playing the character in a game.

That hasn't panned out yet, so I'm intrigued in seeing if they can pull something like that off with 360!
1) Netflix - Huge for a Mac owner like myself
2) 8 Player Party - Nice
3) Rock Band setlist confirmed - Awesome
4) GH:WT Compatability - Awesome
5) FF XIII - I may pick this up now.
FFXIII was the only thing out of the three conferences that made me actually sit up and go "No way". Though I am looking forward to the new dashboard as well. Not to mention things like 1 vs 100 imo will be huge (never seen the show but I am wanting to play...who can say no to real prizes).

Shows such as that or Deal and no Deal have a very big audience and that will definitely help them with their casual side. I just want to win me some prizes.

Fallout 3 looks really nice to me as well. Seeing it through tv first made it a bit kinda meh looking, but after downloading the HD trailer, it just changed the way it looks immensely.
Xbox Live Dashboard - truely this has to be better than all the updates so far. I remember during the Ninja Gaiden II Weekend, it was extremely hard to find and locate the free movies, because the first day, the advertisement click didn't work. The second day, the movies weren't listed in the general movie section, and by the 3rd day, it was near impossible to get the movies, the download was way to slow.

Advertisements - most of the time, you can't click and bring you to the content. I would love it if there was a place in the new dashboard for all "FREE" content, such as announcements for Rock Band tracks, add on packs (especially like the free cars for PGR4).

I just think the preview just looked a hell of a lot better than what we have now.

The other thing I am hoping will be stellar good as the first, is Portal. The XBLA version I hope is just as good if not better than Portal that came with HL2. I absolutely love that game.

I stopped playing FF at version X because there are better RPG's out there now a days. So FF XIII was just not enough of an announcement for me to even really be excited about.
Biggest *NEWS* was clearly FF13. It was the only true WTF moment I had re: 360.

But as far as what was personally exciting, there wasnt much. I dont play FF games so personally that was meh (still big news though). I guess if I really think about it, the two most intersting things in the presser were Portal: Still Alive and 1 vs 100 for real loot.

I have Blockbuster Online not Netflix, and even if I did, my PC is hooked to my HDTV anyway so that adds nothing for me. The Party/clan support is interesting, but not something I'd take much advantage of likely. Lips? Sorry I have Singstar. In the Movies? *vomits* Mii Toos? meh. Gears? MoTS. Fallout 3: hmm, I'm a little more interested now, but not yet to the point of purchase.

But the most exciting thing in regards to the 360 (and PS3 also) is the new Prince of Persia. That game looks freaking awesome. I'm pretty close to making that a day one purchase now and it wasnt even on my radar before the Ubisoft presser.
[quote name='MisterHand']You're in the Movies -- I have no idea why they didn't lead with this.[/quote]


A part of me just died.

Also I completely forgot about the portal Announcement, So

XBLA - Portal and Banjo will Own everything else announced.
New Dash and Features Then FF13, but seeing how it won't be out for while (ETA anyone?) I was most hype for the New Dash stuff oh and Netflix
[quote name='defiance_17']The Rock Band 2 lineup is impressive. And GHIV is compatible with the original Rock Band instruments? That's a huge move (and probably a necessary one).
It was definitely a necessary business decision. With all those RB owners out there, too many people would skip out on GHIV because they wouldn't want to buy another set of instruments. This way they will rack in a good amount of disc only sales.

To me the biggest news is the redesign and FF13. Not that I'm particulary excited about FF, I just like that we're getting Japanese 360 support over here. Very surprising.
[quote name='bigdsinferno']netflix streaming. that has a potential to bring a lot of people to buy a console that they may not have otherwise purchased. great move by MS.[/quote]Uh...what? They are going to buy a $300 console so they can stream less-than-DVD quality movies from Netflix, when they could just get actual DVD's from Netflix and watch them in a DVD player they already own?
I enjoyed hearing the Final Fantasy announcement eventhough I have never played any of them, it is just a huge win for microsoft and it puts them back in the race for me. Seeing Little Big Planet in action was awesome as well, I might just pick up a ps3 for that one. As far as the most exciting thing I seen from E3 was seeing how potentialy fun gears 2 could be in action, the tech demo that they showed was fast paced and something that really got me excited for what I had previously not really cared about.
Banjo coming to the arcade isn't much of a deal for me, and this is coming from someone who loves the original on the N64. If it's one thing I've learned about Rare's games, it's that they do no stand the test of time. I think, in memory, Banjo was a fantastic adventure, but seeing- and playing- the game some years later will prove a little different.
[quote name='rabbitt']Banjo coming to the arcade isn't much of a deal for me, and this is coming from someone who loves the original on the N64. If it's one thing I've learned about Rare's games, it's that they do no stand the test of time. I think, in memory, Banjo was a fantastic adventure, but seeing- and playing- the game some years later will prove a little different.[/quote]

I think Conker holds up. I played it a while back and it was still good.

I'm really excited about Left 4 Dead. Did they show any videos?
i thought fallout 3 looked amazing and cant wait to get my hands on it. a little disapointed tho with the long wait for resident evil 5
[quote name='Blackout542']I think Conker holds up. I played it a while back and it was still good.[/QUOTE]

Have you played the remake of Bad Fur Day, Live & Reloaded? I think Rare's biggest mistake was making the graphics so pretty, creating a huge disparity in quality from both the muddy gameplay and outdated jokes. Don't get me wrong, Conker's Bad Fur Day is one of my all-time favorites (there's just something enjoyable about playing an adult game on the Nintendo 64), but timeless it is not.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Uh...what? They are going to buy a $300 console so they can stream less-than-DVD quality movies from Netflix, when they could just get actual DVD's from Netflix and watch them in a DVD player they already own?[/QUOTE]

there is no instant gratification from getting the DVD's from netflix. It sounds like netflix will be moving towards delivering HD content in the future. Also, here is also many other things that MS is doing to appeal to a more casual market.. i just thing netflix is a huge push towards acquiring more "casual" gamers.
Well, the new Dashboard (including all features) was pretty significant, even if a bit less desirable (at this point in time). Final Fantasy XIII was a megaton, though.
bread's done