What was the last concert/show you went to?

[quote name='siderealshift']I saw Built To Spill and Disco Doom two Fridays ago.

The following night I saw the Trail Of Dead with The Secret Machines. I got to talk to Conrad Keely after the show, which was pretty cool.

I'm going to see Dinosaur Jr. in about a week -- I'm really excited about that.

Also, I just got my Pixies tickets in the mail.[/QUOTE]
You've got some great shows coming up. I'm jealous. Dinosaur Jr. are playing here on Halloween, but I can't go because it's 21+.
Last concert I saw was The Offspring back in July. They were playing at Summerfest. I don't see concerts very often, but I try to make it to shows of some of my favorite bands. I was a little disappointed though. They played a good show, but I thought it could have been a lot better. Maybe I should have seen them back in the 90's. Still a great band though.
Muse and U2 tonight. Amazing show. Not a huge fan of Muse, but they were decent other than the sound being off.

U2 was amazing. Also could have sounded better in another venue--Georgia Dome isn't the greatest place for a concert. But most songs sounded great, and all around fantastic show.
I Fight Dragons/Whole Wheat Bread/MC Chris.. again!

This time it was at the Blind Pig at Ann Arbor, MI. I Fight Dragons really kicked ass, as did Whole Wheat Bread. MC Chris played a song I've NEVER HEARD BEFORE! It's not on his MySpace/Facebook either, so yea. It was good.

Bought a few I Fight Dragons CDs to give to people I know, so I'll be making some friends happy tomorrow.

Oh, and seriously people, IFD is awesome, hit their site (www.ifightdragons.com) and join their mailing list, they'll email you a link to download their EP for free, and legally.
KMFDM with Angelspit.

Also got to meet them before the show. KMFDM were cool and all, but holy shit Angelspit has gotta be one of the coolest bands I've ever had the pleasure of talking to. Talked about arcade sticks for a bit and how they used parts of a Pac Man arcade board to make their MIDI controller. Then after the show ZooG of the band apologized to me and my friend for not being able to say hi to us from on stage since he saw us and signed a poster for us. Easily some of the coolest individuals I've ever met.
July 22 Warped Tour 09 - VA Beach

Going to this month on the 27th Hollywood Undead, Atreyu, and Escape the Fate - The National in Richmond, VA
[quote name='Dingleberry']I saw one of the most entertaining shows i've ever been to tonight... Peelander-Z.

They're three japanese guys who dress up in costumes reminiscent of the power rangers. They're influanced by comic books and anime and came out wearing a giant squid suit.
Peelander rules.
And You Will Know Us By the Trail Of Dead.

Grog Shop-Cleveland like 3 weeks ago.

One of the best shows I have ever been to.

Next show-The Whigs in Akron Ohio.
MUSE IS FRACKING AMAZING!!!! I saw them last night. Of course I was also subjected to U2 :puke:, but the hour of Muse I got to hear was just amazing. You can read about it, or watch videos but it just doesn't do them justice. They rock your face off.
Muse unfortunately sounded awful in the Georgia Dome on Tuesday. Vocals were very garbled and you could barely make out a word he was singing. Sound was pretty good for U2 (who I was there to see and loved). Not their fault though, just bad accoustics for their music coupled with the sound being optimized for U2.

I've never been big on Muse from only hearing a couple songs, but even with the bad sound I'm more interested in checking them out. What album should one start with?
People in America don't appreciate them enough. When they play in Europe it's awesome.
And I hate U2 as it is, but I really hate them now that they neutered Muse's live performance so they could play waaaaaay to long. Bono doesn't know when to stfu.

Origin of Symmetry, Absolution, The Resistance


Apocalypse Please
Butterflies and Hurricanes
Unnatural Selection
New Born
Knights of Cydonia

I could keep going but I'll let you discover them. I can post more if you want
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We don't appreciate Muse enough? Blame distribution for that. they didn't get their #### together until Absolution when it came to that. U2 may be sellout hacks nowadays but that doesn't make me respect their 80's stuff any less.
That was 6 years ago..... Half the stadium was empty when they started playing and the large majority of people there didn't even know who Muse was. I'm not real sure why Muse chose U2. They don't exactly fit the U2 fans age range apparently.

This was when Muse started playing. They only played for an hour

And no we don't. At least not compared to Europe. They are one of the best, if not the best live band and yet when they come here they have to piggy back off of garbo bands (U2, My chem) because they don't think they'll be able to sell out. When they played in Wembley 2 years ago, they sold out 3 days in a row for a 60,000 seat stadium.
Thanks for all the links and info. I'll check them out more in the next few days.

I'd only heard a few song and been off put by how much their singer sounded like Thom Yorke. Especially on that "in your arms" song. But seeing them live, I have some more interest in checking them out some more.
OK. Well i suppose it was just a matter of U2 being the main group and many fans of theirs (by that I mean many super casuals as well) just don't care about Muse or just know jack about music that isn't thrown at them constantly.

But the only problem with the England argument is that they are the homeboys. You will always notice shows that are close by to the bands origin get sold out much faster.

Lastly I think it's a travesty to force Muse to play in the daylight. A band that is so into theatrics about the stage would be much better suited at night. Oh well. Still would have loved to been there. I'm sure they'll be at least close to the Detroit area sometime in the next 2 years.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']You aren't in Michigan, are you?[/QUOTE]

WI, actually. I'm going to guess that they're playing in MI next week, too. I'll be seeing them on Tuesday, and I can't wait.

[quote name='Bioshocked360']You've got some great shows coming up. I'm jealous. Dinosaur Jr. are playing here on Halloween, but I can't go because it's 21+.[/QUOTE]

Well, that sucks.
Mastodon and Dethklok.

First time hearing new Mastodon album, shitty to mosh to as in waaaay more prog then anything else. Dethklok was alright, problem was it was basically same show as last year except new animation for the new songs, but everything else was the same. That and too many people who were intimidated by the mosh pit or just mocked the bands that weren't Dethklok.
[quote name='siderealshift']WI, actually. I'm going to guess that they're playing in MI next week, too. I'll be seeing them on Tuesday, and I can't wait.[/QUOTE]

Yep, seeing them in about fifteen hours. I'm fucking psyched. I've gotta stop off an buy earplugs, though.
[quote name='bardockkun']Mastodon and Dethklok.

First time hearing new Mastodon album, shitty to mosh to as in waaaay more prog then anything else. Dethklok was alright, problem was it was basically same show as last year except new animation for the new songs, but everything else was the same. That and too many people who were intimidated by the mosh pit or just mocked the bands that weren't Dethklok.[/QUOTE]

I'm seeing them on November 1st. I keep hearing a majority of the crowd is there for Dethklok, which disappoints me. I've listened to some Dethklok and I can't get into it. I'm a huge Mastodon and High on Fire fan though. I saw Mastodon on their last tour where they played CTS and it was fantastic. Yeah, you can't mosh to it, but its a brilliant album.
[quote name='tcrash247']I'm seeing them on November 1st. I keep hearing a majority of the crowd is there for Dethklok, which disappoints me. I've listened to some Dethklok and I can't get into it. I'm a huge Mastodon and High on Fire fan though. I saw Mastodon on their last tour where they played CTS and it was fantastic. Yeah, you can't mosh to it, but its a brilliant album.[/QUOTE]
High on Fire was great. Problem was that they were late setting up for some reason and because of that they were an hour late opening the door. So because of that missed half of High on Fire's setlist :bomb: Converge was good as well though, ALOT of energy from the band. Sadly it was wasted on more then half the people there who just came for Dethklok.

And despite me not really being a Mastodon fan, they did help create the moment of the night. Since Crack The Skye is so on and off with picking up pace in the album, during one of the down parts some random blonde had two full cups of beers and got in the pit because her boyfriend wanted to get closer. Plus she was acting ditzy and basically pretending she was moshing when all of a sudden the song picked up and they were literally engulfed by the pit. Like a random tsunami of human bodies that came in.
[quote name='bardockkun']And despite me not really being a Mastodon fan, they did help create the moment of the night. Since Crack The Skye is so on and off with picking up pace in the album, during one of the down parts some random blonde had two full cups of beers and got in the pit because her boyfriend wanted to get closer. Plus she was acting ditzy and basically pretending she was moshing when all of a sudden the song picked up and they were literally engulfed by the pit. Like a random tsunami of human bodies that came in.[/QUOTE]

That is hilarious! I love people at a metal show that don't expect what might come.
You'll be getting ALOT of those people at Dethklok. Also there were people who bought the Dethklok vinyl and went right up to the very front. I Can only imagine those who bought it basically right before the show and were anywhere near up front got it destroyed/crushed.
Loney, Dear

I'd never been to the Grog Shop in Cleveland before, but it was okay with only about 50 people there and all.
In Los Angeles over the weekend, during our annual pre-holiday meeting at work:

Janelle Monae
The Black Dahlia Murder
Miss Derringer
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']Dinosaur Jr w/ Lou Barlow + The Missingmen - The Crofoot, Pontiac, Michigan

fucking wonderful. Details if anyone cares.[/QUOTE]
I'd love to hear some details.
Me and my friends got to the venue really early, to see if we could pick up our tickets. We couldn't, but we got to see Dino do their soundcheck through a window. It was pretty rad.

Lou + the Missingmen went up first, and they were worth the price of admission alone. They mostly stuck to Lou's new record, but they played a new version of Home off his last record. It was more uptempo, and more, I don't know, rockin'? Home is one of my all-time favorite songs, and this version was even better.

I was surprised Lou didn't play bass much during his set. He and Tom Watson played guitar, while the bass was handled by a synth he played with his feet.

There was a brief lul in between sets while they set up Dinosaur's equipment, and I got to talk to Tom about his amp (Fender Vibrolux, first amp he ever owned), and how Mike Watt is in person ("very loud").

Dinosaur came out, and proceeded to rip everyone's heads off. I'm really glad I had my earplugs in. They opened with Thumb, and J was on fire. He was really playing at his peak. Murph was having some problems with his drums during the first few songs, but once that was ironed out, he was on fire too. I can't really recall the setlist right now, but I can remember they played Raisans next, then Been There All The Time, then Imagination Blind. After that, it becomes an euphoric blur.

They ended the regular setlist with Freak Scene and an epic 10+ minute version of I Don't Wanna Go There, which was captivating. I got there early enough to grab a spot right in front of J, and watching him solo is just a thing of beauty.

They went off the stage, and of course came right back for the encore. Lou took requests, and J shot nearly all of them down. They ended up playing Little Furry Things and Just Like Heaven, and then it was over.

Merch-wise, they had tons of Dinosaur t-shirts, the new album, etc. Lou's booth (oddly separate from the Dinosaur booth) had his new album, CDs, pins, shirts, etc. I bought the J and Friends Sing + Chant For AMMA vinyl, Lou's Sentridoh tour-only CD, and a Lou + Missingmen button. Raul from the Missingmen offered to sign my button in very small print.

Sorry this write-up is kind of all over the place, but I'm tired and not really in "writer's mode" right now. The show was incredible, and I'm going to see them again in Cleveland Heights, Ohio on Nov. 22nd, and possibly in Toronto next January.

Feel The Pain, the opposite side of the stage from me. Sound quality isn't great.
[quote name='Filbert']Loney, Dear

I'd never been to the Grog Shop in Cleveland before, but it was okay with only about 50 people there and all.[/QUOTE]
The Grog Shop is an awesome, awesome venue.
U2 and Muse in Atlanta 2 weeks ago. I'm sure there are a lot of U2 haters, but they put on a really good show. It was my second time seeing them and I can't wait until I can see them a third time.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']Me and my friends got to the venue really early, to see if we could pick up our tickets. We couldn't, but we got to see Dino do their soundcheck through a window. It was pretty rad.

Lou + the Missingmen went up first, and they were worth the price of admission alone. They mostly stuck to Lou's new record, but they played a new version of Home off his last record. It was more uptempo, and more, I don't know, rockin'? Home is one of my all-time favorite songs, and this version was even better.

I was surprised Lou didn't play bass much during his set. He and Tom Watson played guitar, while the bass was handled by a synth he played with his feet.

There was a brief lul in between sets while they set up Dinosaur's equipment, and I got to talk to Tom about his amp (Fender Vibrolux, first amp he ever owned), and how Mike Watt is in person ("very loud").

Dinosaur came out, and proceeded to rip everyone's heads off. I'm really glad I had my earplugs in. They opened with Thumb, and J was on fire. He was really playing at his peak. Murph was having some problems with his drums during the first few songs, but once that was ironed out, he was on fire too. I can't really recall the setlist right now, but I can remember they played Raisans next, then Been There All The Time, then Imagination Blind. After that, it becomes an euphoric blur.

They ended the regular setlist with Freak Scene and an epic 10+ minute version of I Don't Wanna Go There, which was captivating. I got there early enough to grab a spot right in front of J, and watching him solo is just a thing of beauty.

They went off the stage, and of course came right back for the encore. Lou took requests, and J shot nearly all of them down. They ended up playing Little Furry Things and Just Like Heaven, and then it was over.

Merch-wise, they had tons of Dinosaur t-shirts, the new album, etc. Lou's booth (oddly separate from the Dinosaur booth) had his new album, CDs, pins, shirts, etc. I bought the J and Friends Sing + Chant For AMMA vinyl, Lou's Sentridoh tour-only CD, and a Lou + Missingmen button. Raul from the Missingmen offered to sign my button in very small print.

Sorry this write-up is kind of all over the place, but I'm tired and not really in "writer's mode" right now. The show was incredible, and I'm going to see them again in Cleveland Heights, Ohio on Nov. 22nd, and possibly in Toronto next January.

Feel The Pain, the opposite side of the stage from me. Sound quality isn't great.[/QUOTE]

All of this praise is completely warranted. Lou Barlow & The Missingmen were fucking incredible. I didn't want them to leave the stage, even though I knew Dinosaur Jr. would be coming up next.

I also bought the J and Friends Sing & Chant for AMMA vinyl... and I totally haven't listened to it yet. I should get on that as soon as possible, I'm thinking.

Oh, and you are absolutely right about the earplugs. I had an "OH THANK GOD" moment when I got to the venue and realized that I indeed remembered to put my Etymotic attenuators in my pocket before I left my house. I don't see how anyone could make it through a Dino Jr. concert without earplugs -- your eardrums would burst and your liquefied brains would pour out of your ear holes. That is a fact.
High On Fire, Converge, Mastodon, and Dethklok on Halloween.

Second time seeing High On Fire and I enjoyed seeing them again. I don't listen to Converge much but they weren't bad. Not into Mastodon or Crack The Skye so I got kind of bored during their set. Dethklok was pretty cool to see live. I don't think they're a band I'd see more than once though, especially with the annoying fans that went only for Dethklok.
bread's done