What was the WORST game you ever paid the MOST money for?


29 (100%)
Knowingly...as in you knew it was bad but paid retail for it anyway. I'm beginning to feel that way about Metal Saga.
Turok: Evolution. Paid full price at launch. If only Cheapy would have started this site about 6 months earlier. Damn you Cheapy!
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness- I bought it for $49.99 when it came out before any reviews (so technically I didn't know it was bad)- boy how I regretted it. Especially when two years later it was $7.50 brand new at TRU.

This is why I'm waiting for the new Tomb Raider to drop before I buy.
I don't knowingly buy bad games. I've certainly paid full price for games that I end up hating though. I remember paying $50 for Ultima III for the NES way back when - I didn't even know what an RPG was but damn did I hate that game... and pretty much all RPGs since then. The worst purchase of all time though for me is Star Fox Adventures for $10 because I expected it to be good and it turned out not even average but rather one of the worst games I've ever played in my life. What a piece of shit.
For some reason I really liked Wizards & Warriors on the NES back in the day. When I heard Wizards & Warriors X: Fortress of Fear was coming out on the GameBoy, I had to get it right away. I didn't have the 30 bucks I needed at the time, so I sold my Ken Griffey Upper Deck rookie card to my friend for 30 (this was back in 1991 or 1992), and ran out to buy the game. Got home played it for all of five minutes when I realized the game was huge stinking turd! What a waste.
Batman Dark Tomorrow and WWE 21 for Xbox. Luckily for me I had some friends working at the local game store and they returned them for me and I got a full refund.

I was expecting Batman to be great from the screen shots but boy was I wrong.

WWE 21 was a little easier to return because when launched the online component did not work so they took it back as defective.
50 Bones for Mortal Kombat for Sega Genesis back in the day. Of course I didn't think it was a bad game at the timem I just had different tastes back in the day.
Recently, it'd be Naruto for GBA. God that was such a waste, it's sad. Hell it's embarressing even!

[quote name='javeryh']The worst purchase of all time though for me is Star Fox Adventures for $10 because I expected it to be good and it turned out not even average but rather one of the worst games I've ever played in my life. What a piece of shit.[/quote]

I paid 50$ for that at CC, still have the survival kit with green apple soda, but traded in the game for obvious reasons.
Final Fantasy 8 at launch. That game sucked so badly I wanted to cry. To this day I hate like no other game I've played. I've played technically worse games, but FF8 will always hold the most of my hatred.
MK:deadly alliance, MK: Deception, Max Payne 2 --- this was right before I found CAG. They aren't horrible games, but not worth $50....especially since MP2 dropped shortly after it came out. I got bored of the MK games a few days after I got them.
[quote name='mtxbass1']State of Emergency. $50. Thanks Rockstar.[/QUOTE]

I did the same thing back in my stupid-ass days. I also bought Dark Cloud and Red Faction for $50 back then as well... God, I was a fucking idiot. None of those were even good... though Dark Cloud had a good soundtrack.
revolution x on my sega nomad(even though parents paid for it, i felt bad for making them pay for it), perfect dark zero on 360, and state of emergency(possible the absolute worst)
[quote name='Chacrana']I did the same thing back in my stupid-ass days. I also bought Dark Cloud and Red Faction for $50 back then as well... God, I was a fucking idiot. None of those were even good... though Dark Cloud had a good soundtrack.[/quote]

yeah, but at least Dark Cloud and Red Faction were decent. SOE was just pure crap.
I was working in a Gamestop when somebody traded in a copy of that Dragonball Z game for PS1 (before the reprint), so I figured it'd be my only chance to see what all the fuss is about... Fired it up in a trade-in PS1 and HOO-boy did it stink. Sold it about an hour later for $150 to some idiot who was really glad to have it. I'd say that qualifies for the "worst game/most money" criteria even though it wasn't my money.
Turok 2 for the N64. I was so hyped about that game and I tried really hard to like it. God did that game piss me off.

Also I preordered Rogue Squadron: Rebel Strike (the 2nd star wars game for the cube) and paid full price for that. The game just didn't live up to the first one. The onfoot missions were awful. It's definitely not the worst game out there, but I was pissed to be so letdown (and to see it on sale for
[quote name='Metal Boss']I thought red faction kicked ass, the single player was pretty challenging and I played multiplayer on that game for hours[/quote]
OFT. I loved Red Faction, the 2nd best fps on ps2 besides timesplitters 1.
[quote name='mtxbass1']yeah, but at least Dark Cloud and Red Faction were decent. SOE was just pure crap.[/QUOTE]

Well, Dark Cloud was decent. But not $50 decent. Like $9.99 CC clearance decent.
WWF Wrestlemania for the NES. I loved Pro Wrestling but wanted a game with actual wrestlers. Spend $50 of b-day money to be one sad child.

fuck you Acclaim, I'm glad you're dead.
I didn't start buying many of my own games until the N64 era (or at least don't remember the purchases) so I'm going to have to go with Mischief Makers. Damn, did I hate that game, but of course made myself play through it since I bought it and paid so much for it.
The biggest dissapointment for me was Star Wars Galaxies, I am not even a big Star Wars fan, but I couldn't wait for this and paid full price the week it came out. It was supposed to be the next big MMORPG, but when it was released it was unfinished and buggy with very little content. The combat was boring with very little variety (not to mention all the broken or not working stuff) and it really didn't feel like a Star WARS game. With professions like dancer and entertainer that you were forced to interact with, it felt like the Sims. That game left a bitter taste for licensed games, especially licensed Star Wars games.
[quote name='Genocidal']I didn't start buying many of my own games until the N64 era (or at least don't remember the purchases) so I'm going to have to go with Mischief Makers. Damn, did I hate that game, but of course made myself play through it since I bought it and paid so much for it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mtxbass1']State of Emergency. $50. Thanks Rockstar.[/QUOTE]

Ya, I'm going to go with State of Emergency on this one. That game sucked so hard I kept trying to convince myself that it wasn't really that bad. It was worse.
I'm gonna have to say FF: Crystal Chronicles. I tried so hard to like that game, and even played it multiplayer with a couple of friends on many occassions. Friends, who also tried very hard to like the game. But ultimatly, the repetition dragged on, and eventually we all just dropped it. I also add the cost of the 3 GBA-GC cables I bought so my friends could play, so I paid more than just the $50 for the game in order to play all the multiplayer aspects and get the complete experience.

I always value a game by the amount of replayability I can get from the game. If I pay $50 for one, I expect to be able to play it for at least 50 hours before it gets old.
[quote name='Genocidal']I didn't start buying many of my own games until the N64 era (or at least don't remember the purchases) so I'm going to have to go with Mischief Makers. Damn, did I hate that game, but of course made myself play through it since I bought it and paid so much for it.[/quote]

That's a good one - I bought it too and hated it. It was during the time when there was only a handful of games out so you would buy anything just to play something new...
Red Faction rocked.. we used to play the multiplayer on that one level with two bases.. it was great to dig a tunnel into the enemy base with rockets.

My worst purchases:
Perfect Dark Zero Collectors Edtition for $60 - Ouch. Awful game that I didn't play much at all. At least I got like $40 of that back.

$50 for Legend of Dragoon at release - An impulse buy due to it being a pretty RPG and hype. One of the first incidents that lead to my complete distrust of sony's hyping of things.

$50 for Madden 2002 PS2 at release - I'll admit I got a decent amount of multiplayer fun out of this game with an old roomate, but I always chuckle when I see it on sale for $.99 now at gamestop. Not worth the money.

$50 for Makai Kingdom - Thought it'd be all badass like disgaea, but I think i put it in my PS2 once before selling it. Sad.

$60-70 or whatever for Krusty's Super Fun House on SNES - this was a birthday gift. the game wasn't very good, and the full screen shots of krusty still freak the shit out of me when I play that game. 16 bit fullscreen clown sprites= the real first horror game.. damn.

another $60 for MK3 on SNES - a shoddy port with bad sound, tiny characters, and just was unsatisfying. I was high on MK2 at the time and thought MK3 could do no wrong..
[quote name='jer7583']another $60 for MK3 on SNES - a shoddy port with bad sound, tiny characters, and just was unsatisfying. I was high on MK2 at the time and thought MK3 could do no wrong..[/quote]

Damn that's another good one. MKII was played so much in college, my SNES was rarely, if ever, turned off. When MK3 came out it was a no-brainer to pick it up - I still can't believe how disappointing it was. Good thing I got about 10 guys to throw $5 my way to get it...
I'll join the State of Emergency crowd. I thought, 'hey this is from those guys who made GTA III, its probably even better!' Plunked down $50... went home and realized I had been bent over...

Another one, and this is my own damn fault. Is Auto Modellista. I was sooo hyped for that game, but then I read reviews when it came out, and they were bad, but guess what... I STILL went out and bought it... shame on me. I think I played that game about 20 minutes tops, and I paid $50 for it!

And I didnt really pay for this one, but someone else mentioned this game also. NES Wrestlemania. The first WWF game for the NES. I STOLE my moms credit card and ran to the mall and bought this for $65! And it was total crap! Not to mention all the trouble I got into like 30 days later. What a stinker...
Probably Mortal Kombat Trilogy for the PS1. I think I only paid $20 for it, but it was out of a $50/mo living budget I had in High School (went to a boarding high school). That $20 could've gone to much better use buying us pizza.
[quote name='jer7583']$50 for Madden 2002 PS2 at release - I'll admit I got a decent amount of multiplayer fun out of this game with an old roomate, but I always chuckle when I see it on sale for $.99 now at gamestop. Not worth the money.[/quote]This is why I'm always a year behind (at least) on sports games.

[quote name='jer7583'] $60-70 or whatever for Krusty's Super Fun House on SNES - this was a birthday gift. the game wasn't very good, and the full screen shots of krusty still freak the shit out of me when I play that game. 16 bit fullscreen clown sprites= the real first horror game.. damn.[/quote]:lol:

[quote name='javeryh']That's a good one - I bought it too and hated it. It was during the time when there was only a handful of games out so you would buy anything just to play something new...[/quote]Definitely... I think my choices at the time were something like Tetrisphere, Shadows of the Empire (for $10 more), and a few other games I had no interest in. Apparently this game has a cultish following though, being developed by Treasure.
I can't recall my worst purchase ever, but I do remember renting Mischeif Makers. I heard somewhere that it was great, I think some magazine. So I brought it home and played the shit out of it and tried to like it.

But it sucked.
Luckily I haven't purchased many games at full price. The only games that come to mind are SMB3 (NES), TMNT (NES), and DKC (SNES) all for $60 each. They were actually great games though and I got my money's worth.

Is there a store that offers a guarantee in case you don't like the game? I feel like it would be a no-brainer for the EB/Gamestop stores to offer like a $10 guarantee so that if you don't like the game for whatever reason, you can return it for the full amount minus the $10. It would be like rental and they could probably easily sell it back for $45.
I liked Mischief Makers. I'm probably going to get it in the Gamecrazy Classic Plastic sale.

As for my own folies, I present to you .hack//Infection and .hack/Mutation. I was obsessed with the Sign series and thought these games would be great.
But they weren't.

I spent so much time absolutely completing the crap out of Infection, yet hated it. When Mutation came out, I STILL ran out and bought it, hoping it would be better. I literally played it once or twice and never went back.

Stupid Bandai. I swear those games could have fit on one disc.

Stupid, stupid Bandai.
i paid 70 dollars plus tax for Superman 64 the day it came out. if anyone else thinks they can beat that come see me, ill be out in the middle of the road waiting for a large truck to relieve me of my stupidity.
I remember my brother got Hey You Pikachu when it came out on N64. It was like $80 at the time, and then a month later it was selling for $40 new.

Time to get my large truck...
Psybadek and WCW Thunder on the PS1. I was so excited to get both games and I could tell quickly that they were not anywhere near as good as I thought that they would be.
bread's done