What's a good price for a GameBoy Advance (old one)?


3 (100%)
I've been itching to get one (well, two actually) of these babies, but I've been waiting for the price to get really low. I only want it for playing Crystal Chronicles, Four Swords, and Animal Crossing on the Cube.

I haven't been to GameStop in a long time (a year?) and last time I was there they were selling for $45 used. I don't want to pay more than $30 shipped for one of these. Does that seem unreasonable?

I haven't been in the market for one for quite some time, so I just wanted advice on what the going rate is and where to find the cheapest GBAs?

Btw, I'm in western Wisconsin, so that means no Circuit City, CompUSA, or Fry's. I have Best Buy, Walmart, Target, GameStop, ShopKo, Toy R Us, and a fledgling Kmart. And of course, all of the internets.

Thanks a bunch!
Your best bet would be to scour ebay AFTER christmas, well after christmas, maybe like before summer or something, the prices will fall by then, just keep looking during the non-christmas buying season.

Also look for a bundle with games, you will get more than your money's worth out of it, i was able to purchase a couple gba's with games for less than the price that the games would cost in retail. I even purchased one gba for 12.99 including shipping by itself, you just have to wait for that right deal to come along!

Last i checked ebgames/gamestop charges like 24.99-29.99 for a used gba, its a ripoff dont buy it there.
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