What's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten?

[quote name='Moxio']You are awesome, sir. Olives kick ass.[/QUOTE]

When I was younger, we used to get Subway after I got picked up from daycamp. It'd be a turkey sammich with extra olives. Just a roll, turkey, and an assload of olives. :lol:
To go over a few things here:

Haggis is a sheep's stomach filled with all the ground up organs of the sheep that nobody with money(when it was invented) would eat, hearts, lungs, liver, kindeys, mixed with oats and spices and steamed for a bit. When it's served it's just like a hot wet bubble that the person eating would cut open, releasing one of the worst smells you can imagine. I would rather clean out the inside of a dumpster in July. Yes, hot, wet garbage smells better than haggis.

At a catering event for some Scottish society thing I had to cook 210 of them. At once. The smell was on me for a week.

I was reading this thread and I was thinking "I don't really think anything one thing is 'disgusting' and then I read someone wrote Vegimite.

And they aint lyin'. Now I think most of you are fu(kin retarded for not liking mayo, I mean it's just eggs, oil and and acid (viniger, lemon juice) so it's no big deal but, oh man, Vegimite is like ...super consitrated V-8 juice in spreadable form, salty and vegetable tasting but the nutty thing is how much they LOVE it in Australia. I mean, they eat it on toast for breakfast and use it like mayo on sammiches. It's just too strong and salty for my tastes.
Olives, mayo(if you ever had to make a big tub of creamy salad dressing you know why) and orange soda. Sweet Breads are nasty I wouldnt eat them they are made of the thymus or the pancreas of an animal younger than one year old. These animals are usually piglets or calves. However, lambs may also be preferred.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']Olives, mayo(if you ever had to make a big tub of creamy salad dressing you know why) and orange soda. Sweet Breads are nasty I wouldnt eat them they are made of the thymus or the pancreas of an animal younger than one year old. These animals are usually piglets or calves. However, lambs may also be preferred.[/QUOTE]

i thought sweet bread had something to do with sugar.

thats gross if its made out of a pancreas.
It's not "made out of" the pancreas. It IS the pancreas.

And the only reason they're called sweetbreads is because nobody would touch them if you called it "pancreas".

Like how canola oil is from rape seed, but you can't sell Rape Seed oil, so, since the rape seed came from Canada, why not just combine the two words into something plesent sounding, canola.
The one food that I don't want to touch in the near future is Rutabaga. Someone recommended it in the next soup I made, so I obliged and bought one to throw in there. It didn't taste particularly great raw, so I thought that it might absorb some of the soup's flavor or at least just contribute. I was wrong, every time I ate a piece of rutabaga, the bitterness was just terrible (as an FYI, other regular additions to soup include acorn squash, corn, peas, sweet potato and russet potato). Also, when experimenting with cooking, I've made some pretty noxious concoctions. I was experimenting with a blender and corn, and I made 3 bad dishes before stumbling on a good creamed corn recipe (remember, I experimented, I didn't follow a recipe and screw up).

But, you guys are some picky motherfuckers. Bell peppers? Tomatoes!? I mean, these are things I would hate when I was 10, but not now.

I love mayo, especially mixed with tabasco and eaten with fries.

I ate an italian salad that had squid in it it. Twas awesome.

Anchovies and Sardines are both decent but only in very limited quantities. They are extremely salty. If you have more than one piece of anchovie on a slice of pizza, you've ruined the sliced due to the massive amount of salt.
Fertilized Chicken/Duck eggs. You crack open the shell and it's like all black and juicy inside. If the egg is older, then you can see the crouching form of a little chick inside the egg. I saw them eat this on Fear Factor once and my stomach growled while my roommates were gagging.

Nuoc Mam...Vietnam's staple food. My aunt owns a factory that makes it and it's basically fish left to rot until it turns to liquid.

Mam...same as above except with shrimp or some other kind of seafood

Dog...one of the nastiest things I've ever tasted. Didn't help that I had a little puppy at home while I was "enjoying" this meal in Asia.

Sad to say, I actually like this stuff except for the dog.
I'm very suprised how many people hate mayo or peppers and how very few have mentioned mushrooms. I just can't stand fungi.
[quote name='vietgurl']Fertilized Chicken/Duck eggs. You crack open the shell and it's like all black and juicy inside. If the egg is older, then you can see the crouching form of a little chick inside the egg. I saw them eat this on Fear Factor once and my stomach growled while my roommates were gagging.[/QUOTE]

The once or twice when I cracked open an egg to find a blood stained outlined of a chick in my yolk, I gagged, dry heaved and lost my appetite.

[quote name='sketch226']I'm very suprised how many people hate mayo or peppers and how very few have mentioned mushrooms. I just can't stand fungi.[/QUOTE]

That's because mushrooms are awesome.
I thought of one more thing after reading this thread more. I hate Apples any form or shape I hate apples in pie or raw. My dad had an apple tree when I was little and those apples were the shit now all apples are hard genetical modified wet cardboard.

Also Kimshi is really really really really bad.
[quote name='Graystone']now all apples are hard genetical modified wet cardboard.[/QUOTE]

Many have this to say. However, I'll be honest that I really just don't taste that much of a difference between a home grown and genetically modified fruit or vegetable. Case in point: Tomatoes. The home grown tomatoes we grew just didn't taste that much differently. Maybe a little sweeter, but not this chasm of difference everyone makes it out to be.
Once, the parents, on the advice of my health crazy aunt, put together this drink that consists of putting a bunch of parsley and water in a blender. I was forced to drink it everyday for maybe a week or two, before all the throwing up and making excuses so that I might find a moment to throw it out clued her in.

I dont think theres any analog that you might be more familiar with for me to describe the flavor, but now, I cant have any parsley in my food at all. Any hint of the flavor makes me ill.
[quote name='Graystone']I thought of one more thing after reading this thread more. I hate Apples any form or shape I hate apples in pie or raw. My dad had an apple tree when I was little and those apples were the shit now all apples are hard genetical modified wet cardboard.

Also Kimshi is really really really really bad.[/QUOTE]

i think you mean kim chi. that stuff is good in small amounts, but i know koreans that eat a ton of it every other day.
[quote name='SadieDee']Durians are nasty! What's even worse is Durian Creme Wafers! (really, get them at your local Asian market for $1, they smell like Limburger cheese, but worse and the smell lingers forever)

But, anyway, I've eaten silk worm, jellyfish, and baby squid. Silk worm was probably the best (if you could call it that, it had a nutty flavor), jellyfish was EXTREMELY chewy (more so then squid), and baby squid was just plan nasty because you eat it eyes and all.[/QUOTE]

Have you ever had a fresh durian? Frozen ones are about a buck a pound (even if they're outside and unfrozen, if they're cheap then they're previously frozen) but fresh ones are about $5 a pound. The frozen ones are disgusting, the fresh ones I can tolerate (and I've often heard that if you hate frozen ones you still may like fresh ones). I think the fact that I could actually tolerate a durian was more interesting to me than actually eating it, just because all non asians are supposed to think they're sickening. I used to shop at a place that used to always have fresh durians, after a while I actually started liking the smell whenever I walked by them.

Though the best asian fruit (actually the best fruit, period) is mangosteen. For some odd reason fresh ones are banned in the u.s., you have to buy them canned here. Rambutans are also good, they're like lychees except sweeter and with a fuller flavor.

Most of the disgusting things I had were more mental, like accidentally eating squid or a shrimp that still had legs (well, I spit it out). The only really disgusting thing I had was spicy salted shrimp. It was like eating a negative food, it was a strange feeling. Kinda like eating a pixie stick and it tasting something completely opposite like salt. It was like the opposite of food.
are you talking about this?


if it is, ive eaten fresh ones before. theyre so good. it gets real messy cutting them up with a knife.
[quote name='2poor']are you talking about this?


if it is, ive eaten fresh ones before. theyre so good. it gets real messy cutting them up with a knife.[/QUOTE]

Ya, I love those. I used to buy them all the time, but they're banned in the u.s. for some reason. The first time I bought one I was at a hotel and just had a plastic knife, took me about 20 minutes to get inside of it. Even then I had a hole about 3/4 of an inch in diameter and was trying to get the fruit out through that small hole. The canned ones barely taste anything like the fresh ones.

The odd thing about those fruits is the longer they sit the bigger the seed gets. If I left one on the counter for a few days the seed was about half the fruit.
It's tough to think back on every gross thing I've ever tried, but one thing pops to mind right away: vegemite. I know a lot of people can't get enough of the stuff, but it's just not for me. It was horrible. I hope I never experience it again. Another Aussie food product that had me gagging was a bag of Chicken Twisties. Basically, it's chicken flavored cheese curls. Seems like a decent enough idea but YIKES it was awful.

Vegemite (pronounced "VEH-gee-mite", IPA: ['vɛdʒɪˌmaɪt]) is the registered brand name for a dark brown, salty food paste mainly used as a spread on sandwiches and toast, though occasionally used in cooking. Popular in Australia and New Zealand—Vegemite is semi-jokingly called one of Australia's national foods—it is seldom found elsewhere (although very similar products are, including Marmite in the UK). Food technologist Dr. Cyril P. Callister invented Vegemite in 1923 when his employer, the Australian Fred Walker Company, had him develop a spread from brewer's yeast after war had disrupted the supply of imported yeast spreads.


Anyone ever try monstera or passion fruit? Monstera is a long, green scaley fruit. If you eat it before the scales fall off (revealing the edible part) it burns your mouth (due to the acidity). But when ripe it taste like a banana/pineapple cross and just tingles a bit. About 20% of the scales fall off per day ones they start.

Passion fruit is a round thing that is only ripe when it looks old and wrinkly. It has a very sweet, gooey, seed filled inside.

Also, another disgusting thing is cappucino. I hate milk in coffee, but I love vanilla. So this coffee chain called "second cup" was introducing all these "vanilla bean" drinks. They had one I loved, think it was vanilla white hot chocolate or something. I figured I'd try the cappucino since "it's vanilla, so how bad could it be?". Well I got my vanilla cappucinno and sat down to study. I drink a bit and think it tastes bad but, for 4 bucks, I didn't want to dump it. So I drink a few more sips. After about the 4th sip I get so disgusted with it that I throw it away and just order a coffee. That cappucino stayed with me all day. Until I went to sleep I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth.
I was really hungry and there was nothing to eat so I threw something together from scratch. First, I grabbed a cold store bought flour tortilla from HEB and put it on a paper plate. I threw on an old slimy slice of ham, a slice of Velveeta cheese, and a lot of pickled jalapenos. All cold from the 'fridge.

I'm took a bite, gagged, and spit it out. Ah man, I'm serious, that was the worst thing I've ever tasted. I couldn't even sleep that night because I kept thinking of that SICK taste.
[quote name='vietgurl']Fertilized Chicken/Duck eggs. You crack open the shell and it's like all black and juicy inside. If the egg is older, then you can see the crouching form of a little chick inside the egg. I saw them eat this on Fear Factor once and my stomach growled while my roommates were gagging.

Nuoc Mam...Vietnam's staple food. My aunt owns a factory that makes it and it's basically fish left to rot until it turns to liquid.

Mam...same as above except with shrimp or some other kind of seafood

Dog...one of the nastiest things I've ever tasted. Didn't help that I had a little puppy at home while I was "enjoying" this meal in Asia.

Sad to say, I actually like this stuff except for the dog.[/QUOTE]

The fertilized chicken/duck egg is known as balut in the philippines and I used to have that as a special treat every week when I was a kid in the islands. It's really good w/ some salt sprinkled on it. There's very few things that I haven't tried that most would consider disgusting as I'm pretty adventurous when it comes to exotic cuisine. I've had (in no particular order):

fried dog
roasted cat
fried worms
baby squid sauteed in its blood
chocolate covered catepillars/ants
fried rattlesnake w/ vinegar dip
raw horsemeat sashimi aka bashimi
live raw baby octopus tentacles (no, it's not live as in 'alive' but live as in 'actual')
blowfish nigiri (fugu)
pig feet
pig snout
pig tongue
pig's blood on rice
cow tongue
ground monkey brain stew
turtle soup
sperm whale steaks
ostrich legmeat
snail (escargo)
deer meat (had a friend who was a hunter and cured/smoked his own meat *place cock joke here* & used almost all parts of the deer )

I've yet to try:

fried/raw cicadas
raw giant hissing beetle
vampire bat meat
ground tiger penis broth (said to give one virility... yeah right! :rofl: )
bear paws
anything else I haven't tried

I'm surprised ppl find certain common foods in the US disgusting (tomato, banana, etc.). Just about the only things I can't stand are liver & vegemite. They're the 2 most revolting food concoctions ever conceived. :puke:
[quote name='JimmieMac']

Haggis is a sheep's stomach filled with all the ground up organs of the sheep that nobody with money(when it was invented) would eat, hearts, lungs, liver, kindeys, mixed with oats and spices and steamed for a bit. When it's served it's just like a hot wet bubble that the person eating would cut open, releasing one of the worst smells you can imagine. I would rather clean out the inside of a dumpster in July. Yes, hot, wet garbage smells better than haggis.


Did you ever try it? I'm still interested. :lol:

I was reading this thread and I was thinking "I don't really think anything one thing is 'disgusting' and then I read someone wrote Vegimite.

And they aint lyin'. Now I think most of you are fu(kin retarded for not liking mayo, I mean it's just eggs, oil and and acid (viniger, lemon juice) so it's no big deal but, oh man, Vegimite is like ...super consitrated V-8 juice in spreadable form, salty and vegetable tasting but the nutty thing is how much they LOVE it in Australia. I mean, they eat it on toast for breakfast and use it like mayo on sammiches. It's just too strong and salty for my tastes.

They brought us Vegemite back in 3rd grade. I haven't tried it since, so I can't say that it's the worst, I just remember almost puking and running to get water when I tried it.
ive eaten a lot of weird shit in my day, and a lot of it was delicious.
some of my favorite things are: :drool:
rabbit: so many ways to make this
pigeon/quail/pheasant/guinea hen: ill take it over chicken anyday
goat: birria birria birria "the mexican bbq" however i do remember when i was maybe 5 years old in mexico they killed one by slicing its throat, and the blood sprayed all over me, i still ate it though
lamb: lamb chops... yum
tacos de sesos "beef brain tacos" these things are amazing
morsia : a soup made from pigs blood with lots of carrots and onions (cant get this in the U.S. MAJOR health code violation)
tacos de cachete: tacos made from pigs cheeks :drool:
beef tongue: possibly the greatest food made

the thing i cant stand is... anything from the health food store... WTF? i dont know how my aunts family eats this shit all the time
I can't stand any kind of cheese. I don't think it's so much that I really hate it, I think it's just because I decided it smelled/tasted nasty when I was about 3 and stuck with it ever since.
[quote name='Graystone']I thought of one more thing after reading this thread more. I hate Apples any form or shape I hate apples in pie or raw. My dad had an apple tree when I was little and those apples were the shit now all apples are hard genetical modified wet cardboard.

Also Kimshi is really really really really bad.[/QUOTE]

Kimchi wasn't that bad...

...I'll just never eat it again!

But really, cucumber kimchi was fairly good and I liked that. The "normal" cabbage kimchi, I just didn't like at all. For people who don't know what it is, it's a very popular Korean dish served at basically every meal. It's fermented cabbage with hot sauce, so basically, it tastes like cabbage with vinegar with cayenne pepper and it's served cold. *yuck*

Some of the Korean fish is also pretty bad because they have these little bones that you just can't get out and you end up eating them on accident anyway. The "traditional" alchohol drink, soju (which is like very cheap rice vodka or something), is very nasty, but after the 10th shot, I stopped caring about the taste...and after drinking a bottle and a half and being sick for the rest of the night, I'll never touch it again (and I brought some back with me too)

As for the conversation about olives. I like them, but only the Goya brand. I'll eat them plain. During the holidays, my family makes olive cheeseballs (yea, weird I know) which is basically olives with cheesy bread encrusted around them. They are meant to be served as an appetizer.
[quote name='Graystone']Meatloaf its just so ing disgusting. when I smell meatloaf I want to gag. It so ing disgusting its just a huge ing hamburger with big chunks of bell peppers and onions that sit in grease.

Let me add to this my list

1. Meatloaf
2. Bell peppers
3. onions
4. stuff bell peppers[/QUOTE]

I take it you wouldnt like scrapple .. a fantastic PA Dutch delicacy, especially if its made right and the outisde of it is crunchy. Its the only meat I can think of that tastes great with syrup on it. Another PA Dutch delicacy is the one Megaseadramon mentioned .. fried cabbage. Tastes great browned in butter and then piled on top of potato filling.

And while I'm on the topic of PA Dutch food I just thought of something thats horrid. Red beets and red beet eggs. I think I'm the only person from the area I live that absolutely hates them. I get queezy smelling it.
[quote name='Maklershed']I take it you wouldnt like scrapple .. a fantastic PA Dutch delicacy, especially if its made right and the outisde of it is crunchy. Its the only meat I can think of that tastes great with syrup on it. Another PA Dutch delicacy is the one Megaseadramon mentioned .. fried cabbage. Tastes great browned in butter and then piled on top of potato filling.


I seem to (positively) remember scrapple.

[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']
pigeon/quail/pheasant/guinea hen: ill take it over chicken anyday[/QUOTE]

I'm a big fan of poultry and 'western' food like bear, bisoin, venison and caribou. My dad brought us cervine one night and cooked it up in an orange sauce. Great stuff. Of course, I can't go without mentioning how great ostritch is (for the millionth time). I really don't consider things like rabbit, horse, snake ect. to be all THAT weird.
[quote name='Apossum']a fried twinkie. disgusting, but intriguing[/QUOTE]

They have those as well as fried pickles and fried oreos at an annual fair near where I live. I've never tried any of them nor plan to.
[quote name='Maklershed']They have those as well as fried pickles and fried oreos at an annual fair near where I live. I've never tried any of them nor plan to.[/QUOTE]

They have fried pickles at Connor O'Neil's (heavy Irish restaurant), and they're really not that bad. Just imagine a whole dill pickled sliced longways into four quarters and fried. It's just like eating a hot, saltier dill pickle. :lol:

I really don't want to try a fried twinkie or oreo.. that's just too much.
Escargot. :whistle2:&

It's like one big booger, but the garlic sauce is decent. Yes, a girl in high school is the reason I consumed it. :roll:
When ever i say this:

"My favorite burger on the Burger King menu is the BK Big Fish."

They say its nasty... why?
Man none of you even come close to some nastiest things I tried. I can't believe some of you can't stand mushrooms or olives. Fried eggs and mushrooms are good.

I only hate anchovies. No one orders them much with their pizza.

Nastiest shit I tried or done before when I'm drunk

Swallowed a goldfish
Ate worm
Chocolate dip live grass hopper (Warm chocolate on the side and live grass hopper) Grab your plastic forks and help yourself.
Mosquito eater (that shit IS NASTY)
[quote name='beguile']Man none of you even come close to some nastiest things I tried. I can't believe some of you can't stand mushrooms or olives. Fried eggs and mushrooms are good.

I only hate anchovies. No one orders them much with their pizza.

Nastiest shit I tried or done before when I'm drunk

Swallowed a goldfish
Ate worm
Chocolate dip live grass hopper (Warm chocolate on the side and live grass hopper) Grab your plastic forks and help yourself.
Mosquito eater (that shit IS NASTY)[/QUOTE]

None you say? :whistle2:s I refer you to post #73.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Ya, I love those. I used to buy them all the time, but they're banned in the u.s. for some reason. The first time I bought one I was at a hotel and just had a plastic knife, took me about 20 minutes to get inside of it. Even then I had a hole about 3/4 of an inch in diameter and was trying to get the fruit out through that small hole. The canned ones barely taste anything like the fresh ones.

The odd thing about those fruits is the longer they sit the bigger the seed gets. If I left one on the counter for a few days the seed was about half the fruit.[/QUOTE]

A lot of Asian fruits are banned in the US for some reason. When my family lived in Seattle, we would drive to Canada once a month and stuff ourself with Asian fruits. I used to like the one where you peeled off the skin and there was white fruit inside with a shitload of black seeds that you had to spit out...
[quote name='jaykrue']None you say? :whistle2:s I refer you to post #73.[/QUOTE]

LoL. Your food was served from restaurants and made to eat. Instead of going to another country, go to your local petco within the U.S. Buy a live goldfish, grass hopper, worm, and catch a mosquito, then eat them raw. Then you're welcome to join my club.
I made fried Oreos tonight at work for my line. You do it right and the whole Oreo turns into a liquid. It's like a warm donut with a chocolate cream filling.

Best part is, like donuts, you don't have to be hungry to eat one.
[quote name='JimmieMac']I made fried Oreos tonight at work for my line. You do it right and the whole Oreo turns into a liquid. It's like a warm donut with a chocolate cream filling.

Best part is, like donuts, you don't have to be hungry to eat one.[/QUOTE]

sounds delicious :drool:
[quote name='JimmieMac']I made fried Oreos tonight at work for my line. You do it right and the whole Oreo turns into a liquid. It's like a warm donut with a chocolate cream filling.

Best part is, like donuts, you don't have to be hungry to eat one.[/QUOTE]

ahh a carnival specialty
[quote name='beguile']LoL. Your food was served from restaurants and made to eat. Instead of going to another country, go to your local petco within the U.S. Buy a live goldfish, grass hopper, worm, and catch a mosquito, then eat them raw. Then you're welcome to join my club.[/QUOTE]

Uh, I don't know what 4 star restaurants you're talkin' about but most of those were eaten in rural foodstands in 3rd world nations around the globe. The balut is normally sold in a meat market around southeast asia where there is no such thing as a Food & Drug Administration. Dog was in the Philippines; cat was in thailand. Fried worms were served up by my great-grandmother because they were her snacks when she was a kid living in the shantytown ghetto near Manila. Monkey brains are highly illegal items to have in the US unlike Indonesia. The rattlesnake was served by an American Indian friend's uncle in Arizona. Chitlins (pig intestine) were made by my friend's mom down in Atlanta. The goldfish, grasshopper, & worms you've eaten here are likely healthier than any of the beef patties I've eaten in Cairo, Egypt. The only stuff that was served in anything resembling a restaurant were all the things I ate in japan (horse) and/or san francisco (baby squid, octupus). Eating something raw doesn't necessarily make it disgusting. It's the source of the food and I easily eclipse you on that. Shit, I don't need to join your club, I'm the muthafcukin' president.:lol::cool:

And remember, don't assume you know where the food came from. Because if you assume, all that does is make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'. :lol:
I pretty much dig corn, for the most part. Canned creamed corn = a big yes. Corn on the cob = I'm not a fan. Other than those two extremes of the corn spectrum, I'm pretty indifferent towards the stuff.
bread's done