What's the next game you'll pay 49.99 for?

I have not spent $50 on a game in about a year, and don't plan to for another year, with one exception. Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal. It was the last game I paid ufll price ($40) for and the only one I will spend full price on. Even though I don't have my PS2 anymore, I will go borrow a friends and play it most likely straight unti lI unlock everythign and destroy the game.
Halo 2 just because I wanna see if they live up to the hype. Because the first one, though it was monotonous, wasn't that bad and they had a lot of room for improvement. I hope the second isn't just more of the same with a little touch here and there and online play.

Knights of the Old Republic 2- The first one was just amazing and is one of my top 5 RPGs of all time. I mean it brought together Pc RPGs on a console almost flawlessly which had never been done. it also brought the western RPG with Eastern RPG together. And from what i have heard and read it might be more of the same, I want that mroe of the same.

Jade Empire- Anything mad eby Bioware now will catch my attention. Those games are truly great developers and designers.

Metroid Prime 2 because the first one was a nearly flawless interpretation of the 2d sidescrolling adventure games. Not to mention it is one of my favorite video game series.

Doom3, what more can I say. this one will definently be good. i have zero doubts whatsoever unlike what I have with Halo 2.

And Last but not least Paper Mario2. I have loved every game that has been in this series, Super Mario RPG, Mario and Luigi, and the original. It's just a great game with great dynamics.
Knights of the old Republic almost flawless? Can't say I've heard that before. Anyway, the next game I shell out the big bucks for will be San Andreas. Considering there is a Fry's near me though it will be 34.99-39.99.
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. But if I can find one at Best Buy for $10 cheaper in a few days like I did with Vice City, I might buy it again and return my new sealed $40 copy to EB.
Last Time paid full price? LoZ:Wind Waker w/OoT bonus disc; near release date. (Yes, very happy, still to this day, best deal)

Next Time paying full price? No more. With the price drops, high competition, price matching, discounts, coupons, GGC, trade-ins, and rebates + more. Why?

If you pay less, you can own more. But to each his/her own = happiness.
Halo 2
Doom 3
Half Life 2
Hot Shots Golf Fore
Mario Tennis
Resident Evil 4
Ninja Gaiden (ya I know)
GTA Double Pack
DOA Ultimate
Madden 2005
Halo 2
Resident Evil 4
The next Zelda game
Metroid Prime 2
Baten Katos
possibly Fable

4 months ago you could've added Sudeki to that list, but since playing the demo I've changed my mind it would seem.
If another Wipeout comes along the line, I'll spring the $50 on it (except the PSP one, since I don't plan on getting one of those out of the box).

Other new games that I enjoy rarely come out at a full $50, since codemasters has dropped the MSRP of their racing games to $20-$30, and Serious Sam has only been a $50 game briefly (November 2002 for XBox, every other edition has been $20), so it's rare that I pay $40+ ever.
That's easy...NONE. I don't think I have ever paid more than $25 for a game. I don't need to have a game when it first comes out, and I have such a backlog of games from all the deals that I have gotten from this site, I can easily wait for the price of a game to drop down to the $20 level.
uh my friend steal gets games for like dritributer prices? i dunno. but yeah its 25 bucks for any game. and the only time i'd spend 50 bucks is if it was one of the older rarer games that i really want to play,
The way its shaping up is this unless a review or few reviews come through or I play a finished demo and decide otherwise.


Paper Mario 2
Resident Evil 4 (already on preorder)
Nothing, ever again.

In twenty+ years I've paid full retail fewer than a dozen times but I've gotten every game I've ever sesired. I have no compulsion to play a game immediately upon release and have enough of a backlog to keep me busy for years. I may skip all of the next generation hardware until it's seen at least two major price drops and a good starting library can be had at the prices I regard as correct.
DOOM 3 for PC, and Rainbow Six 3 Black Arrow (40 bucks)...both of them come out the same day.
Guild Wars for PC. MMORPG-ish gameplay with no monthly fee = awesome. I imagine I will also be picking up the Nintendo DS and a couple of DS games on launch day. My wallet hurts just thinking about it but I can't say no!

Paper Mario and and Donkey Konga will also be strong contenders, but I guess that is what Christmas is for.
Pretty much anything 1st party Nintendo (Mario, Donky Kong, Animal Crossing, Metroid, Zelda, etc...)

If ever released (if you guys call!) Mother 1+2 and Mother 3.

Believe it or not, Hot Shots Golf: Fore! I love that series to death. :)

After that, maybe Star Oean: 'Til the End of Time. I can wait on Madden 2005; 2004 is plenty good enough to tide me over until the price drops a bit. Later on, I'll probably end up paying full pop for GTA: SA, Suikoden IV, Halo 2, and GT 4.
I buy very few games full price, I rarely 'need' anything immediately after release, and even if I do, I try to use a coupon or gift card or something so 'my' cost is less [I did buy karoake revolution full price, but that was for the missus.]
If anything, R&C 3, but I haven't even gotten R&C 2 yet
Like epobirs, I've got enough games that I jhaven't finished or haven't even started yet, that I'm not really hurting for anything to play [although sometimes the 'gotta buy something!' bug does hit, it'll probably be on a catalog title].
Halo 2 Collector's Edition - Already had 49.99 paid for thanks to the 4 for 1 trade-in and the cheap 4.99 Circuit City games had back in the winter time, and I paid the extra money it cost to switch over whenever I stopped by EB.

Fable - same as Halo 2, but without the extra money business since it's only 49.99.

Star Wars KOTOR 2 - definitely looks like the same old fun that KOTOR was, but with extra stuff.

Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders - I loved the Dynasty Warriors series back on the ps2, but this looks so much better and seems to provide a whole lot more. I'll be picking this up at Gamerush for 39.99 or 29.99 if they keep their trade-in any game and get $10 off.

Resident Evil 4 - The RE series is the only thing I like so far about the GC (disliked VJ, Pikmin, SSBM, Eternal Darkness, and Skies of Arcadia), but the RE series is the reason why I picked up the GC for 99.99 in the first place and the 2 exclusive RE's were not letdowns so I'm not disappointed in the GC. RE 4 will probably determine for me if the Gamecube was worth it or not.

The xbox versions of Doom 3, Farcry, Star Wars Republic Commando, Silent Hill 4, Advent Rising, + other games I'll decide when they get closer to come out, or when they are out and see what many others think about them.

I have tons of Gamerush credit (about over $400 as of now) I've been saving up for future games.
GTA: SA, Paper Mario 2, The Sims 2,

I'd put Half-Life 2 on there but my computer is a POS so I highly doubt it'll run it :(

And I'll wait until the others are 40$ or less before buying them but those I need around/at launch.
I'll pay $50 (aka $45) for Day of Reckoning on Cube. Other than that. I don't really know. I'm waiting for ToS to drop to 30 for Christmas (I hope).
Ys VI ark of napishtim. I have read through this list, and while phantom brave and a few others might tempt me(donkey konga, halo 2) i will have to stick with Ys VI ark of napishtim.
Phantom Brave and Fable, perhaps DOA: Ultimate if i can find the supposed collectors set with the deck of cards.
Viewtiful Joe (PS2) I've been waiting for that for so damn long. And possibly Star Ocean (huge fan of second story)
Now that I'm working at my dad's construction company, shelling out 50 clams for a new game doesn't seem that gut wrenching
Viewtiful Joe (PS2) I've been waiting for that for so damn long.

MSRP on VJ for PS2 is 29.99..

There's a few on my list..

Fable, Halo 2 ($55 for the limited edition).. and.. uh.. that's about it. MAYBE X-Men Legends.
uhm hopefully when rainbow six black arrow comes out it will be 27.99 at fry's I HOPE. well I'll probably spend 50 bux on nfs underground 2, gran turismo 4 and prolly not HL2 because I don't wanna get a new videocard.
bread's done