Whats the point of preordering?

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I've noticed that a lot of game stores want you to pre-order games nowadays. Whats the point of pre-ordering a game? I suppose I understand if they are offering some incentive, such as a bonus disk. Otherwise it just seems like game stores making money purely off of hype.

Basically when someone pre-orders a game, they are putting down $5 down on a game they know nothing about, knowing they are spending $44.99+tax later on. Why not just buy the game when it comes out? I've yet to see a shortage on a game.

Anyway, I hope someone can give their input on why he/she pre-orders.
I agree with you.. I do not pre order.. Xcept the eb 4 for 1 thing.. You cant get much cheaper that 20$ for a new release game.. And considering Fable will be the god.
I don't pre order.

I had a moment of weakness at one point when DX2 was first announced, but later realized that the game was going to be a piece of crap and had to cancel.

Stores just want you to think that games are magically going to run out and thus spend extra cash trying to reserve a copy.

The reality is that if you wait a week or two you can find the game on sale.
Yeah you got that right! (Alltell Spokesperson leaves room)

The stores benefit to my knowledge if they get more people to preorder becuase they gut rushed fed ex shipments of games on the morning of the release or a day or two early so its availabe immediately for sale.

The stores that dont have enough preorders get the games through UPS and it takes it a day or so later to show up on shelves and they miss potential sales.

Ikaruga was gone when I went to get it I had to wait like 2 weeks to ge ta copy. So it has happened.
I'll preorder on a trade in deal, or if the incentive is really good (or both), but otherwise, no. Back in the cartridge days, when physical games actually took time to manufacture in large quantities, there was a risk of not being able to find a game for quite some time after release, but games today are cheap and easy to manufacture quickly, so every store being sold out just isn't a likely scenario.
i pre order alot of games. maybe there arent many gamers where you live but here in the bay area i've come across many games that are sold out for weeks.
[quote name='whiteboy']i pre order alot of games. maybe there arent many gamers where you live but here in the bay area i've come across many games that are sold out for weeks.[/quote]

There is always the internet, but if preordering works best for your situation, then, by all means, keep doing it.
EB and such used to give away crazy swag with their preorders. I still have that sweet Chrono Cross clock somewhere around the house. But I guess they saw that people would pay up anyways even if there wasn't any incentive. Its funny to think that some random person could walk into Best Buy, pick up a game and get a toy or demo disc with it and often times pay less than a hardcore gamer who was followin the game for months or years with the preorder card gripped in his sweaty grubby hand. Did I say funny, I meant depressing.
I preorder games on the Eb 4-1 trade in deal and about the only other time I preordered something was for gamestop's halo 2 and I got a free mini basketball for $5, even though I had Halo 2 paid off from Eb's 4-1.
Does anyone know if I could switch that $5 on my gamestop's preorder towards a different purchase (preorder or for another game right there)? P.S it's been a while since they had that deal and it was towards any preorder so I don't think they remember me.
i've been told by a gamestop employee that their stores get rated and compared with other gamestop stores by the # of pre-orders they get, which is a pretty lame method. I've even heard of some store employess holding out on games on the day of release just so they can tell customers "we're sold out, you should have pre-ordered it". I've even called gamestop on the release date of a game and I was told that no, the game will be there tomorrow, but I should go in and pre-order it right away. Now why should I go pre-order it the day before it comes out? It would already be loo late for them to change the # they would be receiving, so I just figure that it'd make their store look better. Anyways, I find that other stores are usually cheaper.
[quote name='whiteboy']i pre order alot of games. maybe there arent many gamers where you live but here in the bay area i've come across many games that are sold out for weeks.[/quote]

Really? Wow. I didn't think a particular city would have more gamers than another, but in my town there are a lot of places to get games. There is a Best Buy, EB, Game Crazy, THREE GameStops (yes, three GameStops in one town), Wal-Mart, Target, Target Greatland, some independent game shops, TRU, and probably some more places you can get games from. This is all in one town. Its pretty annoying really, you'd think with all these stores they'd have some cut throat competition.. but all the prices remain high.

Anyway, the EB trade-in deal is one of the better pre-order deals I've seen.

I'm talking about pre-ordering a game that offers no incentive--it just doesn't make sense.
The only time I ever pre-order is if there is a free bonus and I know I am willing to pay full price for the game. Like I pre-ordered Mario Kart Double Dash for the bonus disc and because I knew I wouldn't find it for less than full price anywhere.

I used to pre-order games back when the N64 was new because that was the only way to get the new release games but now with games so readily available and with these fast price drops, I don't really see much of a point to pre-ordering.
I preoredered the Mega Man Anniversary Collection (GCN) for $30, along with some Rockman chopsticks, the 15th anniversary pin and a ghetto poster. I'll be getting a free t-shirt because I preordered it. I guess now they're giving away posters too so I guess I'll add the GBA version on there too.
Pre-ordering sux. The only game I have ever pre-ordered wuz RS3 just to get the Companion Disk. I don't have Live, so it was the only way at that time to get the bonus levels for SC and GR:IT.
Pre-ordering seems to be for people that want to get a game as fast as possible and are too lazy or busy to go to the store. Also, it's great for preorder items (MGS soundtrack, Zelda: OOT carrying bag, Chrono Cross clock, and um, that's all I can think of).
I preorder everything i want i know is going to be good. Why?? Well i like knowing my copy is waiting after work. Sure my local EB might be out and i can go on the net or another store but that takes time. I'm pretty hardcore about games and want to be playing it the day it comes out once i get home without waiting. If you don't mind waiting that's fine but i can't stand that. Plus it's just a habit.

Anyway there's no risk for me at least, my store allows me to return my opened games(Since i shop there all the time)... plus reviews are on the net a few days ahead of the game so you can cancel your order if it turns out bad.
[quote name='sandwiches99'][quote name='whiteboy']i pre order alot of games. maybe there arent many gamers where you live but here in the bay area i've come across many games that are sold out for weeks.[/quote]

Really? Wow. I didn't think a particular city would have more gamers than another, but in my town there are a lot of places to get games. [/quote]

I think the bay area might be an exception. I think it would be safe to say that there are more game companies in the bay area than any other part of the country. Given the high population plus the amount of people who are passionate about games contributes to them selling out. If you are into video games, it's a great place to live. Lots of gaming stuff going on, I miss living there.

Regarding pre-ordering, I'd have to agree. the only game I've ever pre-ordered was Windwaker because of the bonus disc. The only game system I ever pre-ordered was the dreamcast because of the $200 launch price. I might pre-order Halo 2 tho.
I try not to preorder games unless you get a cool bonus(like the OOT/MQ bonus disk for Wind Waker), they might not get very many, if any copies in(Dragon Warrior VII), or I believe it may be hard to find that game when it first comes out(Halo 2, Final Fantasy, etc.).
Currently my only preorder is Halo 2. When I preorded it at the Gamestop(then Software Etc) in Cedar Rapids, Iowa last October they had about 50 preorders. They now have over 200, and I have a feeling that this game is going to sell out fast.
I don't usually pre-order in stores, but I usually do it online. Two simple reasons: 1) Freebies and 2) No tax. I usually wait for a free overnight shipping deal to keep the cost down even more.
i've been told by a gamestop employee that their stores get rated and compared with other gamestop stores by the # of pre-orders they get, which is a pretty lame method. I've even heard of some store employess holding out on games on the day of release just so they can tell customers "we're sold out, you should have pre-ordered it". I've even called gamestop on the release date of a game and I was told that no, the game will be there tomorrow, but I should go in and pre-order it right away. Now why should I go pre-order it the day before it comes out? It would already be loo late for them to change the # they would be receiving, so I just figure that it'd make their store look better. Anyways, I find that other stores are usually cheaper.
This is absolutely true...all of it.
Halo 2 is going to be awesome, but unless they are giving something away I really don't see a point to preordering it. I almost guarantee that the big chains will have some Halo 2 sale/discount when it comes out.
[quote name='Acidevil']
i've been told by a gamestop employee that their stores get rated and compared with other gamestop stores by the # of pre-orders they get, which is a pretty lame method. I've even heard of some store employess holding out on games on the day of release just so they can tell customers "we're sold out, you should have pre-ordered it". I've even called gamestop on the release date of a game and I was told that no, the game will be there tomorrow, but I should go in and pre-order it right away. Now why should I go pre-order it the day before it comes out? It would already be loo late for them to change the # they would be receiving, so I just figure that it'd make their store look better. Anyways, I find that other stores are usually cheaper.
This is absolutely true...all of it.[/quote]

I work at a GameStop, and I can tell you that's not entirely true. Allow me to say than any employee that lies about not having a game out of spite should be fired, but often times, we REALLY don't have the game. Why PreordeR? Well, why the hell not? If you know you're going to get the game, why not just slap down a fiver on it to insure that you'll get it. It usually forced me to realize that I'll be shelling out a few bucks in the future and I thus budget my money better during that time, and it shows my support for a title as the number of presales is sent back to the companies. As for the "I don't know if it'll be good" arguement; how do you know it's going to be good AFTER it comes out unless you rent it first? That's fine, but often times people base their opinions off of magazines and that my friends pisses me off. "EGM SED IT SUX!" Jesus Christ, at least RENT it first. Reservations are usually made for big name titles, and titles where there may be limited quantities and I don't see any probalem with that.
Now, why do companies push it? Well, EMPLOYEES WILL BE FIRED IF WE DO NOT MEET A QUOTA. I'm surprised by the amount of people who do not realize this. Our store managers get rewarded, and we get fired. Simple as that. Why do the companies do this? Well, think about it. It's basically $5 paid to the company at the time for nothing, and it pretty much guarantees a sale. How many times have you reserved a game and then decided to cancel it at the last minute? Why would they NOT push it? I just know I'm tired of people acting like the employees are doing this for commision or something. We seriously, truly, honestly, get nothing. When we meet our quotas, the SM is patted on the back and rewarded with games/systems. It's disgusting and it aggravates the customers.
Once again, you don't want to preorder? Well, that's cool, but I personally think it's a good idea for certain games and promos make it all the sweeter. Just remember the next time you go into a gamestore, and an employee(not a manager) is acting like a Game Nazi for a reserve; look into his eyes and see the pain. Then, if you will, turn him down politely.
I preordered The Suffering...well, because it looks totally sweet and you get Midway's Arcade Treasure. I also preordered Halo 2...because it seems like it will be hard to find because it will own, too.
See the thing for me is that if I want a game when it comes out i can get 10% off at Target for the employee discount. What really ticks me off is when they start coping an attitude with me because I'm saving money somewhere else, usually I only end up going to Gamestop/EBGames to buy an older preowned title which they make a fistload of profit on anyway.
the only time i preorder games is when ebgames is offering free overnight shipping or a bonus. i also preorder when something is going to be scarce upon release, i.e. ffXI, disgaea, socom. last game i preordered in store was wind waker for the ocarina master quest disc.
Preordering ussually doesn't cost extra money. It is ussuallly like five dollars TOWARDS the game. Meaning the game cost five fewer dollars when you come to pick it up. This has been the case with every game I have ever preordered. It is solely to ensure that you get a copy of the game when it comes out.
you know what i hate.....stupid employees harassing you at gamestop to reserve this.reserve that....only 5 dollars this ..only 5 dollars that....its like fukk man...u ask a question about a game and they already asking you to pre order.... they woudl say madden 2004 gonna sell out first day....and im like guy please madden sux first of all and its not gonna sell out..
[quote name='Black Baby Boy']Preordering ussually doesn't cost extra money. It is ussuallly like five dollars TOWARDS the game. Meaning the game cost five fewer dollars when you come to pick it up. This has been the case with every game I have ever preordered. It is solely to ensure that you get a copy of the game when it comes out.[/quote]

Yeah I know. Thats not the problem though. The problem is that you are out the $5 for however many months until the game's release. It may not be much, but with the deals you find at CAG, its not out of the question to find games at $4.99-$9.99. You could have used that $5 to buy that cheap ass game.

Reality's Fringe]Why PreordeR? Well said:
Its always nice to show support for companies, but most people would like to save money. It makes a lot of sense for stores to have pre-ordering, thats not what I'm arguing. Your argument about not knowing if the game is good before/after the release is pretty good, but I still don't see a point to pre-ordering on the consumer's side (unless extra incentive is involved).

Also, when big name games come out, many times there are discounts or sales involved. When GTA: Vice City came out, it was $39.99 at Best Buy. Thats $10 off right there. All the people that pre-ordered it at EB got ripped off.

I think a lot of people didn't read my original post correctly. I said its understandable when people pre-order when there is an incentive involved. But for games that offered nothing? Doesn't make sense.

Finally, game stores are really taking the "Do you want fries with that" sales technique too far. Its just annoying. When you ask about a game, they bombard you with pre-ordering, strategy guides, game club garbage. If they are having so much trouble selling strategy guides, why even bother having them in the first place?
Yeah gamestop is pretty pushy, I swear everytime I go and look at the Xbox games I hear "Dude have you heard about Halo 2 ? Man you gotta Pre-order it". And I have heard from the employees themselfs that they get bounuses for racking up the pre-orders. The only thing I've ever pre-ordered was a GBA.
I don't reserve things very often but I do occasionally. One time I was very glad I put down my $5 was for the release of the PS2. Those suckers were pretty hard to come by for months after they came out.
I have never had a gone sold out where I couldn't get it the first week it is released. So I see no need to pre-order unless there is something of a bonus for me. Especially since you pre-order the game and the price is $50, but there may be a sale somewhere when it comes out like best buy giving away a free $10 gift card, so it is better to wait.

I have pre-ordered a few games:
Wind Waker for free OoT/Master Quest
Mario Kart DD for free demo disc
FFCC for free link cable
Pokemon Colosseum for free link cable

If there is something free and I already want the game I will pre-order for sure. If I am not sure about the game but the pre-order bonus is too good to pass up I will still pre-order (and them maybe cancel my order later and keep the bonus).
[quote name='JimmieMac']Pre-ordering takes the thrill out of the hunt. Maybe that's just me and the Alpha Male hunter/gatherer thing.[/quote]

Thats hilarious, the best answer I've heard.
Pre-ordering still sucks if you get nothing for it.
I've only preordered twice, and just recently:
Megaman Anniversary (+free t-shirt)
Harvest Moon (+stuffed cow!)

I'd only preorder if I definitely knew I'd pay full price, and if I wanted the promo that was being given away. :)

Edit: Oh yeah and Windwaker! Forgot about that one! :oops: That makes 3!
After the Vice City and GBA SP debacle, I will never preorder anything again unless I get some kind of free bonus on the spot.

Vice City: preordered months in advance. Picked up at midnight on Tuesday. On Wednesday my girlfriend got one off the shelf at Best Buy for $10 cheaper.

GBA SP: several different EBs told me to preorder months in advance (for $30, not just $5) or else it would be months before I could get one. I got one on Sunday the week it came out at Target off the shelf for $99 plus a free copy of Driver 2. My friend cancelled his EB preorder and went to Target as well.

I think the PS2 shortage was a scam perpetrated by game stores to encourage preorders (and even then, I preordered a PS2 in MAY and had to wait until November to get it).
[quote name='KingDox']Yeah gamestop is pretty pushy, I swear everytime I go and look at the Xbox games I hear "Dude have you heard about Halo 2 ? Man you gotta Pre-order it". And I have heard from the employees themselfs that they get bounuses for racking up the pre-orders. The only thing I've ever pre-ordered was a GBA.[/quote]

I would like to know what the employees said they were getting, because I sure as hell don't get anything but the wonderful honor of keeping my job. I cannot repeat this enough. It seems to elude people that it's such a simple explanation. I can't count the times people ask if I work on commision, or if I get some awesome prize for pushing a game. No, I don't. GameStop doesn't give me shit. The managers get free systems and games when they come out, and they get them whenever they do anything else corporate likes(by claiming it was their managerial influence, not that the employees bust their collective ass). Our quotas seem reasonable, but that's until you break it down. Trust me, it gets real hard real quick.I sometimes have to reserve games myself just so I won't get fired. Let me give you an example; There is a current promotion for GameStop that requires about 15 or so reserves of Ninja Gaiden. If a store meets that quota, the manager gets a $100 giftcard. Now I ask you, what the fuck is up with that. This type of reward system keeps the managers up-tight which in turn makes both the employees and the customers unhappy. Like I said, reserving is a personal prefference, but don't knock on the employees who are trying to keep their job. Take that up with B&N/GameStop INC or Electronic's Botique Holdings Corporation; not with the poor guy behind the counter who's one "reserve-miss" away from being tossed out due to "lack of productivity".
Managers get all the perks of meeting quotas but when they don't meet them the blame falls squarely on their shoulders not the staff. And when they get bitched out.. who do you think they take it out on. Its more like a food chain than chain of command.
Personally, having worked in retail, I think customers are orders of magnitude more annoying than anyone asking for a preorder. If you go into EB and some guy asks you if you want to preorder you can just say no and walk away. But if some customer with a chip on their shoulder comes in complaining about some thing or other you have no choice but to talk to them and be nice to them. A little off topic but it still about preorders some what.. heh
Whenever I preordered games, it was to help out my friend who worked at Gamestop. I don't even shop much in B&M stores anymore (besides the odd deal at BB, Gamestop, or Target). I did, however, just pre-order Ninja Gaiden a bit ago, because you get a free poster and a $10 voucher. I figure I'll see SOMETHING I want to buy at EB's online store in the next 3 months (the life of the voucher), so there's no reason not to just get a free $10 if I'm gonna buy the game when it comes out anyway.
[quote name='dustyeff']Whenever I preordered games, it was to help out my friend who worked at Gamestop. I don't even shop much in B&M stores anymore (besides the odd deal at BB, Gamestop, or Target). I did, however, just pre-order Ninja Gaiden a bit ago, because you get a free poster and a $10 voucher. I figure I'll see SOMETHING I want to buy at EB's online store in the next 3 months (the life of the voucher), so there's no reason not to just get a free $10 if I'm gonna buy the game when it comes out anyway.[/quote]

let me ask something....wat would you do.....reserve gaiden in store or online??? which one would be better?? i wanted to do it at ebgames.com but wouldnt get it the first day i think...but gamestop has overnight shipping
Hey RealitysFridge, don't forget, the $5 we get for pre-ordering isn't profit at the time of the pre-order. It's not profit until the consumer actually buys the game, but you're correct about it supposedly "guaranteeing" a sale (or so our district managers tell us). But anyways, I can see why everyone is complaining and yes, from a consumer point of view there isn't really a benefit from it besides free stuff. It does guarantees your copy, so for those who don't feel like searching, the $5 reservation is for the lazy asses.

The company benefits from it by sending the games they have at the warehouse to the stores where they feel there is a high demand for it. Imagine if Gamestop sent about 60 copies of Links 2004 to the most urban neighborhood around. There's a good chance they'd still have $50 by the time 2005 rolled around. Reservations are the way they determine supply and demand.

And since we are all cheapassgamers here, here's a tip that some of you might not have known:

When you put the $5 down, you are not obliged to get the game. Feel free to put $5 down, get a Mega Man t-shirt or whatever, then take your money back at the time of release. It works. The free items are not in inventory (unless it is a free item from Nintendo such as the Zelda pre-order disc or Pokemon Colosseum pre-order disk) so when you ask for your reservation money back, the store isn't likely to ask for the free item they gave you.

And another deal this month: Used dvd's at gamestop are given an automatic 25% markdown. With your gamestop card, you get another 10% which means you pay 65% (or 68% if you want to get technical) and then the extra 10% coupon in this month's game informer means you'll pay 55% (or 60% to get technical). Booyakasha.
[quote name='equest943']Hey RealitysFridge, [/quote]
That's a hilarious typo on my name; I've honestly never gotten that one before......I kinda like it.

[quote name='equest943']
The free items are not in inventory (unless it is a free item from Nintendo such as the Zelda pre-order disc or Pokemon Colosseum pre-order disk) [/quote]
I hate that. I ALWAYS forget about those damned Pokemon discs. We have them set off to the side where they're not in my line of sight so I always end up finishing the transaction when they suddenly ask "Hey, I get this too?" *POW* Have to void the transaction and do it ALL over again. Good times.
At anyrate, I believe you can agree on the fact that the managers are the ones who get rewarded for our sales, while we get to keep our jobs. I don't like that. At all. It's made me quite disgruntled in all actuallity, and most customers don't enjoy it either.
The practice of pre-ordering that brick-and-mortar game places push is part of the depressing, fucked-up scam (in addition to publishers paying for shelf space and phony "Top 10" shelving) that is the retail game business. Consider the concept of pre-ordering... it's by definition an underinformed purchase. How do you "know" a game is going to be good? From reading previews from magazines whose writers are bought and sold at press junkets and will say anything to sell copies? Retail game shops are taking advantage of customers, or rather inviting customers to make a decision that they will regret and throwing in extra rewards to sweeten the deal. The pressure the higher-ups put on sales grunts to get people to pre-order is obnoxious and stupid; if you work in retail and don't like having to bother customers about it, get another job. It's all just a big scam. Read reviews, both from gamers and journalists, try the product beforehand if at all possible, make informed purchases dammit. If more people did that, "Enter the Matrix" wouldn't have sold millions of copies and perpetuating the legacy of shitty movie licensed games.

Reality's Fringe said:
[quote name='Acidevil']
i've been told by a gamestop employee that their stores get rated and compared with other gamestop stores by the # of pre-orders they get, which is a pretty lame method. I've even heard of some store employess holding out on games on the day of release just so they can tell customers "we're sold out, you should have pre-ordered it". I've even called gamestop on the release date of a game and I was told that no, the game will be there tomorrow, but I should go in and pre-order it right away. Now why should I go pre-order it the day before it comes out? It would already be loo late for them to change the # they would be receiving, so I just figure that it'd make their store look better. Anyways, I find that other stores are usually cheaper.
This is absolutely true...all of it.

I work at a GameStop, and I can tell you that's not entirely true. Allow me to say than any employee that lies about not having a game out of spite should be fired, but often times, we REALLY don't have the game. Why PreordeR? Well, why the hell not? If you know you're going to get the game, why not just slap down a fiver on it to insure that you'll get it. It usually forced me to realize that I'll be shelling out a few bucks in the future and I thus budget my money better during that time, and it shows my support for a title as the number of presales is sent back to the companies. As for the "I don't know if it'll be good" arguement; how do you know it's going to be good AFTER it comes out unless you rent it first? That's fine, but often times people base their opinions off of magazines and that my friends pisses me off. "EGM SED IT SUX!" Jesus Christ, at least RENT it first. Reservations are usually made for big name titles, and titles where there may be limited quantities and I don't see any probalem with that.
Now, why do companies push it? Well, EMPLOYEES WILL BE FIRED IF WE DO NOT MEET A QUOTA. I'm surprised by the amount of people who do not realize this. Our store managers get rewarded, and we get fired. Simple as that. Why do the companies do this? Well, think about it. It's basically $5 paid to the company at the time for nothing, and it pretty much guarantees a sale. How many times have you reserved a game and then decided to cancel it at the last minute? Why would they NOT push it? I just know I'm tired of people acting like the employees are doing this for commision or something. We seriously, truly, honestly, get nothing. When we meet our quotas, the SM is patted on the back and rewarded with games/systems. It's disgusting and it aggravates the customers.
Once again, you don't want to preorder? Well, that's cool, but I personally think it's a good idea for certain games and promos make it all the sweeter. Just remember the next time you go into a gamestore, and an employee(not a manager) is acting like a Game Nazi for a reserve; look into his eyes and see the pain. Then, if you will, turn him down politely.[/quote]I'll have to agree with you. It is not absolutely true, but it is true. And it goes from the lowest on the totem pole, all the way to the top management of each store, sometimes the district. Its all about making the store look better in the company's eye. I couldn't believe all the BS going on at the store at which I worked. I often wondered how GameStop stayed in business. But there is a lot of lying and uncouth practices exhibited by GameStop employees. Some get caught and fire (read the e-mails), many do not, often because the manager condones the practice(s). Bottom line, IMO, is that retail sucks. :)

Pre-ordering also happens to be a convenient service, esp. if you live in a small market. If you live in a market where you do not have the amenities of a "big city" and everyone is vying for the same game, you pre-order if you want it immediately, plain and simple. Otherwise, you end up driving all over Kingdom Come just for a videogame -- BLEH!

The free items are not in inventory (unless it is a free item from Nintendo such as the Zelda pre-order disc or Pokemon Colosseum pre-order disk) so when you ask for your reservation money back, the store isn't likely to ask for the free item they gave you.
A cool trick that stores can do to increase the number of freebees they receive (since employees usually take them as a fringe benefit first) is to actually run them throught the register as a item sold at $0.00. It increases the chances that the warehouse will send you more quantities of freebees to give out as incentives for pre-orders. ;)
Wow, I feel a lot of hate towards Gamestop here. I work at a Gamestop, and I've never basically forced anyone into reserving anything. All I do is ask them if they would like to reserve a game that's coming out while I ring up the items that they are buying, I don't talk about a game they aren't going to get unless they reserve it because we usually get a ton of copies of games. I work in a very busy store, and the only ones I tell people that we have limited quanitites of is of smaller released games, like Sega GT Online or R-Type Final. And yes, we do get RATED on how many reservations we get, and we also get rated on how many Magazine Susbscriptions (Game Informer) that we sell. We do not get bonuses from Gamestop, if we do, it comes right out of the Store Manager's pocket. I reserve games for one reason only, because I want the game. I know I'm going to get it, so if I throw 5 bucks down now, that's fine.
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