What's the stupidest game you've bought

Goblin commander (xbox), I just don't like that game. It only costed me $10 and some change.
Street Fighter: The Movie for PS. Knew it was crap but got it for collector's purposes. Hilariously bad, especially when Sagat in the movie is probly less than 6 feet tall, but in the game they strech his sprite to Yao Ming size.
Stupid Games I Bought Then Took Back Same Day/Next Day For Full Refund:
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter (took this back same day for Dark Cloud 2, I was completely disgusted by it)

Stupid Games I Bought Then Kept Then Sold:
South Park (N64)
Quest 64
SaGa Frontier 2

...Plus many others, but those are the stupidest ones.
[quote name='ElfAngel7']Munch's Odyscee for $5 at the CC sale. So...ineptly...done...[/quote]

Was that for Gameboy? Because the Xbox version is rated gold. I picked it up for $10 at Walmart but have not played it yet.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Stake: Fortune Fighters, if you've read my other rantings about the game than you already know, but that is the worst piece of crap, that you can buy. Controls, etc, etc, let's just say that there is not one single thing in the game that is good.[/quote]

I agree with you, but thank god EB took it back. I know the manager and I pleaded with her to take it back. Worst game I've ever played for sure. Todd McFarlane's Evil Prophecy is a huge steaming pile of crap too.
hmmmm robin hood defender of the crown, 5 bucks at the CC sale, I didnt listen too all the bad reviews and go it anyway
Spelunker for the NES.

I was a little kid and had saved up my money for forever so I could buy a viedo game. This was back before they really had video game magazines or anything like that, and I didn't know crap about ANY games that were out. All I knew was that I had $40 or whatever it was and I wanted to go to Toys R Us to get a new game.

I picked one out based on the box art and description (great idea huh?). I got home and it was so horrible. I played it a lot though, just cause I had paid so much for it (and I only had like 2 other games at the time). I never got past the second level, I don't think.

Here are some reviews:
http://www.nesfiles.com/NES/Spelunker/Spelunker.asp (scroll to bottom)
Shaq-Fu on Genesis, on release date.. for probably $60. Then again, I used to play the hell out of the game, so who knows.
Silpheed (PS2) for $20. I bought it for nostalgia's stake. Next time I'll read the reviews. But as cornfed said, i did play the hell out of it, so...
Just about anything by Rockstar.

I bought both State of Emergency and Vice City on their respective launch dates and I hated both. Vice City's the only game I've ever sold.
[quote name='int80h']Iron Sword: Wizards & Warriors II for $20 when the nes was in its prime[/quote]

I dont agree with you on this one. I love that game. I could spend all day playing it.

and the stupidest game i ever purchased was South Park.
[quote name='Backlash']Spelunker for the NES.

I was a little kid and had saved up my money for forever so I could buy a viedo game. This was back before they really had video game magazines or anything like that, and I didn't know crap about ANY games that were out. All I knew was that I had $40 or whatever it was and I wanted to go to Toys R Us to get a new game.

I picked one out based on the box art and description (great idea huh?). I got home and it was so horrible. I played it a lot though, just cause I had paid so much for it (and I only had like 2 other games at the time). I never got past the second level, I don't think.

Here are some reviews:
http://www.nesfiles.com/NES/Spelunker/Spelunker.asp (scroll to bottom)[/quote]

Strange. I loved the original on the Atari 800. At the time it was very innovative. The one time I played the NES version I beat it on the first try, even though it was somewhat different.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Oh yeah, another COMPLETELY STUPID one that the only reason people bought was because it was a PS2 launch title:


shaq-fuing horrible game.[/quote]

Orphen almost qualifies as a criminal offense. This thing was simply not ready to be shipped. It wasn't merely bad, it was broken. Activision should offer an exchange for every copy in existence and kept in a vault to be forced upon some convict whose offense is so awful it remains unimagined for the moment.
Everquest Online Adventures. Target. $4.98

It's still sealed.

Any takers?

Didn't think so. :wink:
Top Gear Dare Devil for PS2. I was expecting racing, so I was disappointed when I learned the meat of the game was to drive around various cities collecting coins in a set limit of time. That wouldn't be too bad for a minigame, but there's no reason for a game to be based around that. You could crash into police cars and nothing happened, even though the nature of the game suggested it was best not to do so. Awful stuff.

I paid $9.99 used at Gamestop, and exchanged it the next day for a used copy of GTA 3.
Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland (ps2) for $50. (at release)

Don't get me wrong the game is fun, and im a huge fan of the HM series. But eh its not worth $50. I should of waited and got it used for $20.
Survivor: The Game for the PC. OMG!!!!!!!!! It is the worst game i Have ever played! Picked it up for 2 bucks at Gamestop, and was tempted to go get a refund. Wow... I have no idea why I bought it... Stupid, Stupid...
[quote name='smalien1'][quote name='AzianAsspicker'][quote name='smalien1']Final Fantasy X for 14.99[/quote]

WHAT! that game is one of the bests for ps2!!![/quote]

How can something that is turn-based be the 'bests' for the PS2?[/quote]

What is wrong with turn based games? Some of the best games are turn based. Civilization anyone?
Hulk for Gamecube $5 from target.

Batman Rise of Tsi Zue or something like that $5 from Best Buy.

Both games were awful and I played them for about 2 hours each.

Where is the trade 2 or 3 crappy games in for a decent game sale at? :D
[quote name='slidecage']tales of syphonaie or whatever its called i could of just played my tales on the ps1[/quote]

You could always trade it to me :wink:

On topic, probably Simcity 2000 for the GBA from the BB sale. The controls were horrid for that game. Thank god I only paid 5$.
Stuntman (ps2) for $6. What an awful game! I only played the first level for about 2 minutes and never played it again. I've been trying to get rid of it through a trade at used game trading zone, but nobody wants it, not even people who have it on their Wanted Games lists.

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (ps2) for $15. So broken and lame. I figured that the gameplay wouldn't be great, but wanted to get the game and play through it just to see the T3 cutscenes and similar, being a fan of the series. But, it wasn't even worth it. It's so hard to control and it's just not fun at all. I quit after about a half hour and never played it again.

The Great Escape (ps2) for $5. I'm usually a fan of stealth games which is why I picked this up. It sucks! The camera is what kills you most of the time by being so shaky and putting itself in bad positions. The controls are lame, too. Turns out you also gotta shoot down some airplanes, too. I didn't know what the hell was going on in this game. Stupid, stupid game. Never buy it. I only paid five bucks for it, yet I still feel ripped off. This is another game that nobody wants and I can't get rid of.

Mission Impossible: Operation Surma (ps2) for $10. I didn't expect anything great for that low price, but even still, I was extremely disappointed. This is a very bad Splinter Cell wannabe, only with terrible controls and camera angles that makes playing the game unbearable. It's even worse than Rogue Ops. At least with Rogue Ops, I could actually play it until the end. With this game, you can't even play it past the first level. It's that bad. The cameras and controls are just so bad that you don't even want to play the game, at all. Games are supposed to be fun, not downright irritating.
[quote name='DigitalSpace']Top Gear Dare Devil for PS2. I was expecting racing, so I was disappointed when I learned the meat of the game was to drive around various cities collecting coins in a set limit of time. That wouldn't be too bad for a minigame, but there's no reason for a game to be based around that. You could crash into police cars and nothing happened, even though the nature of the game suggested it was best not to do so. Awful stuff.

I paid $9.99 used at Gamestop, and exchanged it the next day for a used copy of GTA 3.[/quote]
I rented that game, and yeah it was one of the crappiest games I've played.
The worst was when I paid $20 for CART Fury. I really dont know what I was thinking...well I guess I wasn't thinking at all ;)
[quote name='slimymeteor']Stuntman (ps2) for $6. What an awful game! I only played the first level for about 2 minutes and never played it again. [/quote]

Sounds like you haven't given it a chance. I loved it, played it all the way through. It's wall-punching tough though, so if you aren't patient, then you shouldn't bother.
Auto Modellista for 14.99 at EBgames. Sucked like hell, so since it was pre-owned (thank god!) i returned it and got time crisis III instead :)
Hmm.. I quite enjoy "Hulk"..

I'd hate to specify one specific game (or several) by saying it's one of my "worst" purchases, and since i'm trying to collect all XBox games, I try to find at LEAST one positive thing about each game..

I just recently got Kakuto Chojin in a trade.. while it's not the best fighting game ever, it's mediocre at best, and I like the slow motion when someone dies.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein was pretty crap, but I like the online support.

Syberia seems very "eh" at this point, but I'm sure it'll get better..

Sudeki is boring right now, though the graphics are nice. I haven't gotten too far into it yet, though.

Try to find at least one thing positive.. it'll help you out when you realize how much money you waste.. heh
[quote name='Indiana']Hulk for Gamecube $5 from target. :D[/quote]
I paid full price for the hulk. I loved it. It was old school kid like fun. Nothing too deep but still fun. And at 5 dollars you could have picked up a worse game.
[quote name='ex0'][quote name='DigitalSpace']Top Gear Dare Devil for PS2. I was expecting racing, so I was disappointed when I learned the meat of the game was to drive around various cities collecting coins in a set limit of time. That wouldn't be too bad for a minigame, but there's no reason for a game to be based around that. You could crash into police cars and nothing happened, even though the nature of the game suggested it was best not to do so. Awful stuff.

I paid $9.99 used at Gamestop, and exchanged it the next day for a used copy of GTA 3.[/quote]
I rented that game, and yeah it was one of the crappiest games I've played.
The worst was when I paid $20 for CART Fury. I really dont know what I was thinking...well I guess I wasn't thinking at all ;)[/quote]
I rented it too...I returned it and told them the game was broken...Such a bad game. The cars had the WORST PHYSICS EVER.
Mutant Virus (NES) - 99 cents at Gamestop.

I WANT MY MONEY BACK. Seriously, it's one of the worst games I've ever played... :?

Sure it was only 99 cents, but, still. It's THAT bad.

Maybe Bloody Roar 4 at CC for 4.99... but then again, I used that game to get the SF: Anniversary Collection for free, so, it wasn't so bad in the end. ;)
[quote name='smalien1'][quote name='zombieman']State of Emergency...The only game that I bought and returned the same day.[/quote]

that game was great[/quote]

[quote name='smalien1']Final Fantasy X for 14.99[/quote]

i've always wanted to watch "bubbahotep" but considering your 2 answers to the topic question, i dunno if i should anymore... :lol: lol!

edit: this is in regards to smalien1's avatar ;)
bread's done