What's your favorite Final Fantasy game ending?


I know everyone has a favorite FF game, but true fans have played several, if not all the game 1 through 12. I skipped 11 cause that just wasn't my cup of tea.

My personal favorite one is defintiely 10, not only because it's the first time a game had speech, but it just looked beautiful and was moving, I think.

What's your favorite and why?
I liked X + X-2. X-2 was not one of the best FFs, but it had a great battle system and the ending made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. That's probably because FFX was my favorite FF.

I loved the world, the characters, and the vibrant world of NPC's. Beyond that, the summons were pretty epic, without encroaching on playable (IE: FFX)
[quote name='RedGamer']FFIX.[/QUOTE]

Ewwww, don't get me wrong I love FFIX (it might even be my favorite PS1 FF game) but if there was one thing I disliked about that game it was the ending, it just wasn't well done.
I mean the final boss is some super being that has had no mention in the plot but has been "pulling the strings" the entire time... yuck.

As far as the ending I liked best, although FFVI is by far my favorite in the series and FFIV is probably second I think I might have to go with FFX simply because the plot was interesting and the ending was thought provking and a little sad.
Personally I really enjoyed the idea of Tidus being a dream of the Fayth made real, and that at the end when the Fayth are freed from their dreams having Tidus cease to exist was just a beautiful ending to me.
X was probably the most moving and well thought out ending of the series so far. XII was pretty good as well, although I was a bit dissatisfied with the events in it they made 100% sense.

I also liked VIII because all that time compression stuff was goofy, and the ball at the end is just hilarious.
You know... I can't think of a single Final Fantasy where I said, "Wow. That was a really good ending!"

So I'm-a just go with VI. Because it's VI.
I get the feeling all these people saying X and the like, never touched an FF game pre-FF7, otherwise they'd know it's been all downhill since FF3/6.

Yes, I think Roman Numerals are dumb.
VI, definitely. For the music, and for the moment where Terra starts falling and Setzer does that huge dive with the airship to catch her... wow.
X & X-2 followed closely by VI.
FFX's ending actually made me cry and have it followed up with the heartwarming ending of FFX-2 was just perfect. No other game out there has moved me as much as thous 2 games have.
Final Fantasy IV, VI, VIII, X, and XII (yes XII). Best Final Boss battle music goes to Final Fantasy VI though. Dancing Mad kills One Winged Angel.
Can I count FF Tactics? To me all the main FF endings have been meh. I never got a chance to finish FF 3 back in the day. Man I wish they would remake that.
Tactics does get points for
burning an imporant-ish character at the stake
, but loses a lot for
giving you no real idea what happened to you or your party.
[quote name='The Crotch']Tactics does get points for
burning an imporant-ish character at the stake
, but loses a lot for
giving you no real idea what happened to you or your party.

I thought the framing device FFT used justified in part the fact that
the game doesn't tell you what happened to the characters at the end. Ramza wouldn't really be "lost to history" if you knew exactly what happened to him.
Aye, very true.

I just have a long-standing love of Fallout/Fire Emblem-style endings.

Ironically, I thought the two console Fire Emblems had bad endings.
VI, IV, and X in that order. Haven't beat II, III, V, VIII, IX, X-2, or XII so I can't comment on those.

Speaking of X-2, does anyone else find it weird that it wasn't listed on the columns in that video that came out a couple of weeks back regarding the release date? Figured they should of had X and X-2 on the same column.
[quote name='contej85']I get the feeling all these people saying X and the like, never touched an FF game pre-FF7, otherwise they'd know it's been all downhill since FF3/6.

Yes, I think Roman Numerals are dumb.[/QUOTE]

I started when IV came out and VI is my favorite by far, but I also think X has the best ending (while definitely not being the best game). It definitely threw me for a loop and was very emotional, as others have said.
X definitely. It was the most well put together and came at a time in my life when i had nothing to do but play video games. Absolutely amazing.
I have 2:

FF VI - This is not nostalgia speaking. I beat this for the first about a year ago. It was amazing. If I enjoyed it this much now I would've been floored back in the day. I like how it features each individual character while they're escaping the final dungeon. The music is simply wow. For a 16-bit game it's got a better ending than most games I've played in recent years. It was truly satisfying.

FF X - Yeah, it's lovey dovey and sappy, but I was moved.
[quote name='Magus8472']I thought the framing device FFT used justified in part the fact that
the game doesn't tell you what happened to the characters at the end. Ramza wouldn't really be "lost to history" if you knew exactly what happened to him.
For some reason, I got the impression that
Ramza and his sister never returned from that final battle, and when you see them at the end, they're ghosts. But yeah, it's pretty vague.

As for my favorite, it's hard to pick one, but IX's really made me smile, even though the game itself is far from my favorite. I might've said X as well if I hadn't been spoiled for it -_-
Final Fantasy X was by far the most emotional game and ending..........it brings be back to a time in my life when things were simplier
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