Whats your least favorite genre?

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My friend and I were talking and he is an RPG fanatic, while I do like some RPGS (FF, Folklore, and SMT games) I don't like that many of them. I told him I'm more into action games and he was like ugh paying $50-$60 for a game that is 10 hrs or so? Nice. Then he says "Well at least my game will take 40hrs and worth the money." So then we started debating back and forth about genres. I told him I'd rather be enjoying the 10 hrs then be bored for the 40+ hrs. I mean as long as you are enjoying the game what does it matter if it's 10 hrs.

Anyway kind of went away from the topic at hand I want to know what is your least favorite genre(s) and why. If I missed a genre let me know and I'll add it to the poll. For myself it would be a toss up between Sports, Racing, Music, and puzzle games. Those are the games I own the least of if not any at all. I just can't get into them for some reason. To each their own though I'm sure the results will be interesting.
Sports and Racing. However, both of those genres can be fun if there is something unique about them that is not true to the sport it self. ex. If a football game had tackles that could cut people in half or you could just start beating people with water coolers/cameramen etc.

Racing can be fun if theres ways to keep it even for people who suck (ex. blue shell in mario kart.)

But neither of those if they are pure. Madden games, GT, PGR etc.
Overall: Any game with characters I don't give a shit about. If there is a story, I better care about it or it's wasting my time.

Specifically: Racing sims. They feel like too much work to me. Burnout I like, but that's about it.
I[quote name='Rei no Otaku']All sports except tennis. They bore the hell out of me.[/quote]I know, why watch sports when you can dress up pretty anime dollies in all kinds of cute outfits?
Yeah, I just hate sports, can't get into them because sports make no sense to me, except extreme sports, like SSX. I like some RPGS but I just hate MMORPGS, they are, to me, a waste of money, paying for something each month.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']II know, why watch sports when you can dress up pretty anime dollies in all kinds of cute outfits?[/QUOTE]

:lol: :rofl: :lol:
[quote name='Kosh']Fighting games, which you failed to list.[/quote]

Damn and I can't add it to the poll. Let me PM a mod I'll get it added hopefully.
RPG, Puzzle, Sports, Racing, FPS.

There are a few games I like in each genre (aside from sports), but for the most part meh.
Um.. puzzle games, I guess?

I love RPG's, I just never play them due to time. I love racing, sports.. Who the hell doesn't like action/adventure or FPS games, I'm not sure.
[quote name='red flare graf']Um.. puzzle games, I guess?

I love RPG's, I just never play them due to time. I love racing, sports.. Who the hell doesn't like action/adventure or FPS games, I'm not sure.[/quote]

My friend doesn't like them. ;)
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']II know, why watch sports when you can dress up pretty anime dollies in all kinds of cute outfits?[/QUOTE]
Simple, I can't masturbate to sports.
You didn't list any genre I don't like, so I'll just go with sports. But honestly I do like playing all sorts of sports games.

ESPN NFL 2k5 and NBA Street are two of my favorite games of all time, so saying I don't like sports is completely false, but it would be one of my "least favorite" genre, I suppose.

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Simple, I can't masturbate to sports.[/QUOTE]
Some people can. See: popularity of "Smackdown" titles.
Sports and Puzzle. There's a few puzzle games that are okay, but they're typically boring and offer nothing more than "ZOMG get the high score." High scores work for some games, but puzzle games are generally too mundane to bother with.

That said, I like Lumines and Super Puzzle Fighter.
The "Puzzle" genre should be renamed to "Match Colours Into Groups of Three or More".

But no, I do like alot of puzzle games. Super Puzzle Fighter being a standout contender for one of my favorite games ever.
I voted for Sports. MLB: Power Pros is the first sports game Ive bought in years. By sports I mean traditional sports. I will buy/play snowboading and wrestling games, etc.

Oddly enough I love Football, I play fantasy football, and watch every game with NFL ticket, but I have zero interest in playing Madden and havent bought a Madden game since the snes days.

I like to do things in games that I cant do in real life, like shoot people, fly, use magic, you know, fantasy stuff.

If I want to play basketball or tennis, I can just go down the street to the park and do so.
Okay, my least favorite genres are:

1. FPS (I get motion sickness from some and I just don't like many of them. If I play them, I only want to play them for multi-player. Only one FPS I ever finished in my entire life, single player wise. I'm one of the few to prefer an FPS on a console, only because I rarely used a mouse/keyboard, but they aren't for me)

2. RTS (I just don't really get them personally, but it could be that I have never been into PC Gaming due to always having a crappy gaming PC)

3. Western RPGs (ones like Elder Scrolls type games, Bioware RPGs, etc. I somewhat liked Fable and a few dungeon hack/slash games. MMORPGs aren't for me either, within that genre. Mostly, I'm talking about PC RPGs).

4. Sports games (I only like some basketball games (2k, SCEA's, and NBA Street), super deformed character golf games, tennis games (only Virtua Tennis or super deformed character tennis game), and possibly a bowling game if done right).

5. Survival Horror (I tried very hard to get into RE (bought half of them), but just couldn't get into them. I kind of like Silent Hill, but had trouble getting into it. I thought Fatal Frame was decent, but didn't get too into either. Basically, my problem is that I don't get the feeling of being scared and whatnot, and end up not enjoying it much, although I usually find the stories good).

If you look through my game collection (of around 420 or so games), I probably have less games in those genres than total fingers on my hands. ;) To an extent, I could put RTS at number one, but I played a much higher number of FPS I didn't like.
RPGs to a point, though certain ones I've enjoyed.

MMOs to the extreme. I don't understand why anyone would invest that amount of time for such little effect. But, to each their own :)
With me it is easier to ask what genres I do like. I like action/adventure, platformers, action-RPGs, military/flight/sub sims, and the very rare FPS. Anything else and I just can't get into it.
[quote name='daroga']RPGs to a point, though certain ones I've enjoyed.

MMOs to the extreme. I don't understand why anyone would invest that amount of time for such little effect. But, to each their own :)[/QUOTE]One reason I hate MMOs is because I lost one of my very best online friends to one (who went missing and never talked to us again, due to getting very addicted and still is).
[quote name='daroga']RPGs to a point, though certain ones I've enjoyed.

MMOs to the extreme. I don't understand why anyone would invest that amount of time for such little effect. But, to each their own :)[/quote]

I dont/wont play MMO's either, but they were lumped in the same catagory as RPGs which I do enjoy on occassion.

Although part of me not wanting to play an MMO is because I know I'll probably love it, and its way too much of a time sink for me to get addicted to.
[quote name='Puffa469']
Although part of me not wanting to play an MMO is because I know I'll probably love it, and its way too much of a time sink for me to get addicted to.[/QUOTE]That's part of the reason I don't play, because I don't need another addiction. ;)

I hope a favorite genre thread appears one day, because I already have a list on my mind right now. ;) I'm going to bet most people here could get it 80% right.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']That's part of the reason I don't play, because I don't need another addiction. ;)

I hope a favorite genre thread appears one day, because I already have a list on my mind right now. ;) I'm going to bet most people here could get it 80% right.[/quote]


Well my least favorites are Sports and Puzzle games. I would have to say that Puzzle games are my least favorite. I will play sports games, but usually only when friends are over.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']That's part of the reason I don't play, because I don't need another addiction. ;)

I hope a favorite genre thread appears one day, because I already have a list on my mind right now. ;) I'm going to bet most people here could get it 80% right.[/quote]

I was planning on doing one later tonight actually.... ;)
I voted for sports. I normally don't sports titles. I do like some and I love the NBA Street titles. Those are fun. I am not a Madden fan, I could care less about NBA Live and the like. Not all suck, but most I don't care for.
MMOs are too complicated, altough I voted for racing games since you listed MMOs with RPGs which I like.

Racing, I don't know, I guess I just don't like it. I enjoy sports titles though.
[quote name='Ki-Krusher91']MMOs are too complicated, altough I voted for racing games since you listed MMOs with RPGs which I like.

Racing, I don't know, I guess I just don't like it. I enjoy sports titles though.[/quote]

I wouldn't have but I only have ten spaces open, and I thought I could add in more later if I missed a genre but I can't for some reason.
I really can't stand RPGs. I love games with certain RPG elements, but I can't stand the turn-based combat or that strategy shit. It's just so pointless!
[quote name='Chuplayer']I really can't stand RPGs. I love games with certain RPG elements, but I can't stand the turn-based combat or that strategy shit. It's just so pointless![/QUOTE]We are definitely the opposite. I absolutely love turn-based battles. ;) I wish more games had turn-based battles. :p
[quote name='red flare graf']Oh yeah, RTS has to be my least favorite, now that I think about it. Should've been in the list. :p[/QUOTE]Actually, it took me a while to think of that genre. :p It just recently occurred to me that I'm no C&C fan, and that reminded me of the RTS genre.
I don't like sports games, fighting games, racing games and FPS. I like the idea of FPS, but I suck so bad, that I really can't get into them.

Music games... [HERETICAL STATEMENT] I never understood the appeal of Guitar Hero [/HERETICAL STATEMENT]
[quote name='daroga']RPGs to a point, though certain ones I've enjoyed.

MMOs to the extreme. I don't understand why anyone would invest that amount of time for such little effect. But, to each their own :)[/quote]
MMOs are fun because there's always a goal to get, a mission to beat, or items to collect. When doing these things, you meet a lot of cool people and some annoying, which makes the experience all worth while. They may not have the best graphics, action, or even the highest ratings, they have community, which is fun to be part of for the most part. At least, that's why I've gotten addicted to PSO and Final Fantasy.

For my least favorite, I'd have to go for Sports. Been there, done that. Nothing fresh at all.
MMO - I would eventually get bored of a game, and feel I've wasted time and money for nothing after I would quit.

JRPG - fuck, you think I got all the time in the world to watch cutscenes that explain to me what I already know, just with long pauses and slow dialog?

Racing - Unless it's Carmageddon, I just don't like it.

RTS - Unless it's made by Blizzard, I just don't like it.

I think I'll just stop here, I should have only picked one, but it's easy for me to be a Negative Nancy here.
In no particular order:

Sports (With a single exception, MLB Power Pros)
Racing (With a few exceptions that are Midnight Club [Free Roam] & Burnout)
Survival Horror (I've just never been able to get into them)

I could probably include Music games but I enjoy DDR and EBA/Ouedan. Don't like Guitar Hero though. I've just never been into music so I don't really care about them generally. Though I'm willing to try games in the genre as opposed to the three listed above.

Puzzle games are pretty 'meh' for me as well. I'm willing to try them but generally do not seek them out unless they're getting good word of mouth.
Least Faves:
MMO: way to much time and $ being invested. A friend gave me a WoW trial pass thing and I was bored and amused by the people playing all at the same time.

RPG: way to long and boring. The last one I actually finished I think was Final Fantasy 2 on SNES when I was a kid. I don't even mess with them now although i've been wanting to try Oblivion for awhile for some reason. I've just never had enough time to invest in it yet.
Wow. I guess I am the minority here. I would have picked MMO but it was lumped with RPGs, which can be appealing.

Music/Dance games though are easily my least favorite though. To make entire gaming genre out of a mini game option of matching the button that is shown is beyond me. The added gimmick of having a guitar in your hands adds a little bit to it, but even using that for a little bit gets boring.
I would have to say im pretty open as far as genre's go in games and tend to enjoy some titles from every catagory.

The types of games though that I would say that I dislike the most and would not purchase but still my try them out at a friends house..

Tony Hawk games,bmx, etc. ( would you call that extreme sports catagory?)
DDR type games and more than likely the singing ones

BTW MMORPG's and regular console style RPG's really should be not be in the same slot but that is my opinion...
I like any and all genres of video games except for sports. If it is not a Virtua Tennis game or has the words "Tony" and "Hawk" in the title, I usually don't play them (with the exception of Aggressive Inline).
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