What's your price point for game buying?


CAG Veteran
I have a PS3 and and XBOX 360 and like many here I have the "sickness" of a backlog I will probably won't get to in a long time. Just got the Xbox 360 so I noticed there are some older games I've always wanted to play that were not available on the PS3 that can be found dirt cheap. Therefore I'm trying to give myself a price point. I'm thinking new $15 max delivered or picked up for new, and $10 max for delivered or picked up used in "like new" condition. Obviously these are for games I have some interest in. There are also some games with bad reviews but I'm still curious about which I've given myself a $5 threshold. My questions are: What do you think of these thresholds? Also, What are your trigger points for price? Just trying to get an average logic. I'm currently on disability so that skews me probably more than it should so please help. Thanks.:whistle2:#
$5 bucks seemed to be a impulse buy point for me. Picked up a ton of games for that price with best buys deal of the day campaign.

If it is a game I want, I will go 20-30 depending on the game.
I would say $5-10 but if its a game I want to play and I can get a brand new copy for around $12-15 then I would definitely bite. GOTY editions are in the $15-20 price range for me as they usually go on sale for this price point and are harder to find at lower price points. Portable games like Nintendo DS games would fall into the $5-10 range or ideally less, same with Wii games, as there is really no incentive to get Wii games unless they are dirt cheap as most don't have online play, it will be the same game now that it will be 5 years down the line.
As a Prime member, usually max will be $13.99 games on older games that have a Metacritic rating above 85% and has case, artwork and manual.
Newly Released Games - I will buy at $40
Game of the Year Edition Games - I will buy at $15 only with some exceptions where I will buy at $20.
Any Used Games or So So Games - I will buy at $10 or below

Those are my price points.
Generally, I wait until a game I want hits around $20. If it is something I am just mildly interested in, it has to be around $10. If I have a gift card, I will go a bit higher. If it something I really want, I just have to find "a deal" on it to be happy.
Depends on the games in my backlog, if those are just 6-10 hour games i'm more willing to spend 35 and under on a release. Right now though I have several 20-40 hour games along with Skyrim so 10 and under is my current price point.
I'll buy games like Mass Effect 3, Arkham City, Uncharted on release or around release. Hopefully I can find a good deal or use some credit on those. I don't mind paying full price for those though.

A game I'm slightly interested in, I'll wait until it hits $15 or less. $5 is an instant buy for me, no matter what the game is. I can usually trade it in or flip it to Goozex for some decent points, so it all works out regardless.
Thank you all so much. Your helping me with a kind of algorithim to go on. I just don't like feeling ignorant with my purchase prices. Although one thing I noticed in the responses. Nobody is mentioning their "used" price point? I'm assuming that wouldn't be the same as the "new" price point. I'm sure you all noticed the Best Buy sales. Just yesterday I got the original ghostbusters game and james bond Blood Stone for $5 each. I think I did good. Pretty sure impossible to lose money especially how I take care of my games...but..Kinda curious about the "used" price point too..if that's not too much to ask. edit..sorry "htz" did mention his used prices...
If it's something I really want, I will pay the full price. Although that's only been 2 or 3 games this year.

For most things that I want I will wait until $20.

If it's something I'm not sure about I wait til $10.

And I'll buy damn near anything that's less than $5.
$29.99 or less. I know great games like Skyrim, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Forza 4, Uncharted 3, Halo Reach, and Killzone 3 will get the Greatest Hits/Platinum Hits treatment so I can wait until then from paying higher than $30.
Depends solely on the game. For example, if the game is going to be rare or a must-play right away game (ex. Skyward Sword Gold Remote Bundle, Skyrim), I'll pay retail. If it's a game that I wanted but didn't pick up at launch, 50% off or better seems to be a good buy. If it's a game that I want to play, but never really picked up because of backlog or other reasons, I can wait it out at 75% off.
Depends on the game for me (too). If I really want it, I'll search out the best Day 1 deal and get it. If I can (or have to) wait, I'll try to get them down to $40 after taxes ($35 or so in California). After that, its whatever kind of deal I can get on the discounted price. This past Fall had a lot of games that were available that I wanted ($720 before taxes) and I ended up getting everything I wanted for less than half ($312 before taxes).
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Day 1 must have game? Usual $50/$60 price point with some sort of credit (gaming coupons, gift cards, etc.)
PSN/XBLA games I pull the trigger on faster since they usually have demos and have a lower price point.

Collectors editions? Somewhere under $40. Best Buy spoiled me with AC:B, KZ3, and Infamous 2 CEs this year.

Anything else is pretty much sub 20 range. I try not to buy used games since I want to support the developers but if a sale is too good to pass up, then most likely in the sub 10 range.
[quote name='TwistedOrange']As a Prime member, usually max will be $13.99 games on older games that have a Metacritic rating above 85% and has case, artwork and manual.[/QUOTE]

I can't help but hate this view point with a passion. I'm guessing you're only into trendy dude bro games then for the most part right?
Since my backlog is so big right now, I only buy games at $20 or under. I usually just wait 6 months or so after release for the price to hit this point. Once in a while I will spend around $35. No sense in paying more than $15-$20 on a game you're not going to play for several months.
I have a hard time spending more than $10-15 nowadays, though last month I did buy SR3, Rayman Origins and AC:R for $30ish each. Knocked out SR3 in a week or so, almost done with Rayman now and then I'll knock out AC:R and hopefully recoup most of my money.
First I take the games I want and I categorize them on how much I want them: High, Medium, or Low. If the game is High, I will pay $40 (or $20 less than current retail). Medium games at $30, and Low at $20. These are for new games.

Then I go to websites like camelcamelcamel.com, at the games to my list and set the price points accordingly. Next, I will get an email when the game gets to the desired price.

This has allowed me to break my habit of buying games at $59.99, only to not play them until they are $30 anyway.
Games I will play a shit load like fifa day one $60. Games I really want but can wait like Saints Row the Third $40, everything else whenever i see a deal and am bored.
$40 or less for $60 game and I guess closer to $30 for a $40 game really don't buy used. After barely playing the last few games I've bought I have no intention of ever paying $60 again why pay more when I can wait two or three weeks and see it drop a lot.:D
Learned alot from CAG this year. I doubt I'll pay over $25 for most games ever again. $25 or less for most games. The top 2-3 on my list I might splurge on ($35 or so). If the games somewhat new and has a high chance of getting plenty of dlc than I might skip on it and wait for a complete edition.
bread's done