Whats Your PS3 Purchase Story?


So when you purchased your ps3, did something bad happen to you? did you went to random GS/EB or best buy to get one luckly?(when at launch) Or did you want to get an 80 G ps3, but came across a 60 G ps3 and decided to get that one instead? please post your story.

My story is when i got my ps3 on december 30, 2006, i was going to Dallas Tx to visit my family. My father promised me he would pay for the ps3 anywhere and anytime. So when i found out we were going to dallas, i told him to stop at a random gamestop. So luckly i told my dad to stop at the GS in Garland TX. so my dad said "yeah just go in and see..i doubt they have it LOL" so i went in i told the guy "yeah man..um..i know this is a long shot..but you got any PS3's?" he said "yeah we do, we have 3 left." My eyes just popped out and i told him "CAN I PLEASE GET ONE!!!!!" and then i ran out to get my dad and said "DAD GET INSIDE NOW!!" what was funny was..my dad walked inside really slow..and my dad pulled out the credit card (LOL i thought he had the "money" at hand like he said) and he bought me the memory card adaptor as well. The man who rung up the ps3 at the register was having a small convo with me saying where was i from (since they ask for area code numbers) and he said "mt.pleasant?! i was born there, pretty cheap place to live " so i was waling out and the guy screams out at me "YEAH! uhh be careful when you walk out, you dont wanna get robbed!" lol and I hugged my ps3 until i got home
mine is a lot more simplistic....

2 months out of the year i get 3 paychecks (once every six months) and since all my bills are factored out using 2 paychecks, i decided on my way home to buy one... and did. a 60GB last april.

the end
I got mine shortly after the price drop. I heard about a sale at a local store and picked up my 60GB for $400. Nothing special or crazy. Pretty easy to find.
I bought a Wii on the second shipment and sat on it for a little over a year. There just weren't any games coming out for it that interested me (only NMH since then and there's nothing on the horizon I'm pumped for) so I decided to sell it when Gamestop had a trade in special. Got a 60 gig for the trade in and have loved it ever since.

I'm unemployed now so my game library is building real slowly but there are quite a few games I want to buy for it.
I bought mine when Gamestop had the 20gb at 358.00 online.I came home from work and it was on my bed.The end.
I originally bought a PS3 for $600 in February last year for Virtua Fighter 5 and Tekken: DR. I then sold it to my friend over the summer because I needed money for my plane ticket to Japan.

Then come October, Walmart had a deal that was hard to pass up. I went to Best Buy, and they price matched Walmarts deal. I ended getting a 60 GB PS3, Heavenly Sword, extra Sixaxis controller, and a Blu-Ray remote all for $500. Not to mention the 5 free Blu-Ray movies.
CAG User: Hey, wanna buy a sealed 60gb PS3 for $425?

Me: Okay!

(note: this was after they had went off shelves)
Back when Halo 3 was about to come out, I watched craigslist like a hawk. Sure enough, I found someone looking to sell their PS3 to get a 360

Picked up a fully backward compatible 60gig for $300. As far as I can tell from the save files, it had been used 8 hours.
2 weeks ago, as a consolation prize for turning 40, my co-workers (the ones that actually like me--LOL) got together and bought me an 80GB.
i bought two

last summer my sisters friend goes " i need money for a new PC" and
i go hey i have $400" then i asked " dont u have a ps3" and short story shorter, i bought his 60gb ps3 for $400 cause he needed a new PC

my other sisters friend needed money for some payment
says to a room of friends " anyone wanna buy a ps3 60gb with warhawk,MUA, 300 blu-ray and 2 controllers $400"

bought it
sold the other ps3 for $400 the end
I bought mine after the first price drop when I found out the 60s were going to be the last models with hardware BC.
I got mine after the price drop. That, along with Circuit City's free controller deal and the 5 free blu-rays (ended up making back about $70 selling those) made it too good to pass up. The most ridiculous part of the story is that I ended up driving to Daly City to pick it up. Daly City is a lot farther from my house than I remembered. At least I was able to have the extra controller shipped.

About six months later, I only have two PS3 game discs, which is sort of weird. But the downloadable games, PS2 upscaling, blu-ray player, and being able to avoid the 80/40GB backwards compatibility fuss has made it worth it.
Well, my story is simple. The week after the 60 GB dropped to $500 I have a local store that had a deal that you can get 20% off if you purchase an item with your store credit card plus you get 10% off your first purchase with the card. So, I called the store they had three left and when I got there they had two left because someone had came in and did the same thing I was doing about 10 minutes before I got there so I got my system for $350.
I posted my story once in the Indiana Deals section, but this is what happened:

A week before Christmas, I went to Meijer and saw a 20GB PS3. I never expected to see a PS3 and I was debating on buying it (especially after my 360 got the RRoD). Meijer also had 15% off when using their credit card, and I decided to buy. Just when I went back to get it, some guy was standing in front of it, talking to someone on his cell, seeing how much they go for on ebay. He took it away from me despite me trying to tell him 20GB PS3 consoles just don't sell too great on ebay, and his response was "I'll sell it to you for $700". He didn't get the discount since his girl lacked a Meijer card. I found out it was someone I knew from H.S., and still have a small grudge against him for it.

It was driving me crazy without a PS3, where I could barely sleep for days. I didn't buy originally since I wasn't sure I'd have the money, but realized I would. I saw a PS3 at TRU, 60GB, but waited around until I could find another 20GB. I told my friend on AIM, on December 29th, 2006 (a Friday) that if I see a PS3, I'll probably buy it. I go to Meijer, and see a 20GB PS3. With no hesitation, I asked the employee to get it out and I purchased it. I thought about waiting for another Meijer sale (to save $75), but I could not wait and just had to have VF5 and others near release. They were out of bags, so I had to carry my PS3 from the back of the store to the front (very heavy) and was worried someone would jump me. I had other shopping to do, but I took the PS3 to the car trunk so no one would see it. I couldn't wait to get back home and when I did, got my camera out and took pictures of the unpacking. Once I started downloading the firmware, I posted a thread at forums that I got a PS3. :D

That was one of the greatest days ever. I really like my PS3 and don't regret waiting to save money.

Now I have over 40+ downloads and disc based games. It sucked I didn't buy a game for it, for over a week (due to not saving up for games).
I got in on the gamestop preorder thing. I was first in line and preordered it. 1 week before it comes out i get a phone call saying i wouldn't get it as they didn't have enough. There were about 15 preorders. I had to fight with the guy that i was the first preorder and he was the same one who registered my order and then he said i have to think about it. The next day he called back and said yeah i made a mistake. So i went morning of and picked it up and left. No waiting in the cold. It was awesome. I was kind of scared though a bunch of people saw me get the ps3 and were looking at me strange like they wanted to steal it from me.
After the Kmart 20% off coupon was released, I decided to picked up a 40G. At 320, I couldn't think of a good reason not to.
My brother told me that his friend had a 60GB he was unimpressed with and would like some extra money to spend on his gf for Christmas.

To make a long story short, I get a pretty much brand new 60 GB PS3 for $300.
I was living in S. Korea when I read that the 60gbs were going out of stock. I sent money to my parents, said "get me one!", they chipped in some money for my birthday and they got it for me.

Poor thing sat in the basement all by itself until December, when I got home.
Simple. In August I saw the sonystyle deal and got my 60GB for $350. At that price I couldn't say no. Best decision I've made in a long time. It's been a major highlight in my livingroom since.
I got my 20 gig ps3 thru craigslist on 10/30/2007. To tell you the truth, i wasn't planning to buy a ps3 at all. I was on craigslist looking to buy a used mountain bike and i said what the hetch let me see if i can find a cheap ps3 for sell. After i did a few search in LA/OC area, i saw an ps3 ad on craigslist for $420 that seems like a good deal. it includes 5 games (ninja gaiden, call of duty 3, fight night 3, oblivion, and ??? i forgot) and 2 controllers.

Anyway, i said "what the hell" so i sent the seller an offer for $350 cash. if i don't get it for $350 its all good. the following day, i got a reply back from the seller and the seller said "done deal and he/she gave me his/her home addy and telephone #". After that, i rushed to my nearest atm machine and took out $350 cash. When i got there, i was like maybe he gave me the wrong address because i was literally at the beach. i then drove a few more miles and found his house just one block away from the beach. so i called the seller up and told him i was outside and he came out and we both greeted each other. i went into his house and tested the ps3 out to make sure it aint broken. i asked him why is he selling it for cheap. he said his wife wants him to get rid of it. i laugh and asked him what he does for a living. he said that he owns a restaurant in Newport beach. i then took out my wallet and handled him $350, but he gave me $10 back for gas. i went back home and hooked it up to my televsion. the following week, i sold all my five games for $150 on craigslist. i basically got a 20 gig ps3 for $190.
I had just started to put money away for a 360, because I like online play and I use the chat to stay in touch with distant friends. (The only system I had at the time was an xbox.) But the friends and I were discussing the fact that sometimes I got a couple months without getting online, even though I was paying for live. I was also convinced that a PS3 ws out of my price range. I figured by the time I had the $$$ saved up for a 360, there would be an HDMI model out.

Well it was may last year, and the PS3 sales had really stagnated. EB Games in Canada had a promo that you got $100 towards the cost of a next gen system, if you traded in an old xbox/ps2/gamecube. That took the price from $650 -> $550. They also had a promo where any game worth $8 or more, they would give you $30, if it went towards a PS3, in order to move the PS3's. $550 -> $250. The max was 10 games. Plus you only pay the 15% tax on the difference, not the who six hundie.

I got thinking about free online play, and about what the gaming landscaep would look like if MS were to totally dominate, RROD's, HDMI, wireless, batteries, etc. So basically overnight, I decided I wanted a PS3 instead of a 360. (This is not meant to be inflammatory, it was just my thought process.) I pitched the idea to my wife who thought I was nutz, she wasn't impressed, and still thought $250 was too much). I wooed her with the promise of singstar, and threatened her that at some point I was going to get one anyway, wouldn't she rather me pay $250+tax than $650+tax?

Next morning she caved.

So last may, before any price drop at all, I payed $250 CDN (which was only worth $0.83 USD, at that time). Yeah I gave up my xbox, but the thing had really fallen out of use. Besides, would I have ever used it again once I got a next gen system?

I can honestly say I haven't regretted it one minute. I played Bioshock on PC, with 360 controller. Will do the same with Gears. So yeah, no regrets, other that the annoyance of people ragging on the system. Also, my wife loves it now, becase she can pick super cheap (and usually super lame) used ps2 games from discout bins.

I bought mine the day my son was born. Later that morning he was sleeping in the nursery and my wife was resting in her room. I couldn't sleep so I went to the Gamestop just down the street. Most of the people in there were asking for Wii's. I asked for a PS3 and they they were out but one of the Wii customers told me he had just come from Best Buy and they had several. I went right over there and snagged one. By the time I had checked out all of them were gone. Little did I know at the time that they would become plentiful a few weeks later.
[quote name='aihuman']I bought mine when Gamestop had the 20gb at 358.00 online.I came home from work and it was on my bed.The end.[/quote]

i actually didnt intend on getting a Ps3. i was in the Gamerush thread & saw how copies of Monster Madness were being flipped. i paid like $4-5 each pricematching @ best buy & sears(from being on sale @ CC for $7.99). then i would go to BB and got like $30 a piece. i originally planned on getting some 360 games, but there wasnt anything to get, so i was eyeing that $600 Ps3 bundle. so made about $270 there, bought a few copies of MUA/Forza2 for $20 and traded that for $47 a piece a few times. and traded some other games i got for cheap & flipped. ended up w/ over $500 credit, called a few GameRushes and found a 60gb ps3 new for $449. got Unreal Tournament 3 for just $30 paying the difference.

all in all i love the ps3. especially since i paid close to nothing for it. i think i got banned from a couple Blockbusters, but i never go there anyway. lol
I got mine three hours after launch, at about 3am at the Sony Metreon in downtown San Francisco. All I remember is camping out with my friends for 28 hours straight in the cold, it rained quite a bit too.
Like many other folks here, my first system of choice was a 360 due to literally all my friends having one. (Although I got a couple of them to buy a PS3 recently) I packed up my PS2, GC and 25 games or so and went to my local GS holding the extra 40% trade in credit for games and extra $30 system credit flyer and got $380 in credit. Next I literally stood in the store for 45 minutes contemplating if I should pick a Pro or an Elite. I eventually decided to pay the extra 80 and got the sexy black Elite. I was pretty damn stoked and sped home dodging traffic and perhaps running over a squirrel...
I guess running over a poor defence less animal upset the gaming gods because as soon as I plugged in the 360, it RRoD'ed on me! I raced back to the GS to get a replacement but they were all out of elites and pros. To make matters worse, all GS's in a 35 mile radius was sold out as well and had no idea when they will receive another shipment.
Resigned to leaving the store empty handed, I overhear a GS employee talking about the PS3 pricedrop that was implented the day before. Seeing how my brand new 360 blew up on me on the first day, I decided to take the plunge and get a PS3. Been a happy gamer ever since... well mostly.

Oddly enough once I purchased a HD monitor, the PS3 decided to pull a fast one and have a malfunctioning HDMI port resulting in me returning it. That damn squirrel put an ill curse on me...

End of wall of text.
[quote name='knightsdwn']Like many other folks here, my first system of choice was a 360 due to literally all my friends having one. (Although I got a couple of them to buy a PS3 recently) I packed up my PS2, GC and 25 games or so and went to my local GS holding the extra 40% trade in credit for games and extra $30 system credit flyer and got $380 in credit. Next I literally stood in the store for 45 minutes contemplating if I should pick a Pro or an Elite. I eventually decided to pay the extra 80 and got the sexy black Elite. I was pretty damn stoked and sped home dodging traffic and perhaps running over a squirrel...
I guess running over a poor defence less animal upset the gaming gods because as soon as I plugged in the 360, it RRoD'ed on me! I raced back to the GS to get a replacement but they were all out of elites and pros. To make matters worse, all GS's in a 35 mile radius was sold out as well and had no idea when they will receive another shipment.
Resigned to leaving the store empty handed, I overhear a GS employee talking about the PS3 pricedrop that was implented the day before. Seeing how my brand new 360 blew up on me on the first day, I decided to take the plunge and get a PS3. Been a happy gamer ever since... well mostly.

Oddly enough once I purchased a HD monitor, the PS3 decided to pull a fast one and have a malfunctioning HDMI port resulting in me returning it. That damn squirrel put an ill curse on me...

End of wall of text.[/QUOTE]Glad you ended up getting a PS3 too. :D

Anyway, I wasn't so sold on next gen for quite a while. I had my mind set on a PS3, but wasn't too happy with the $600 pricetag and the 20GB lacking HDMI (I felt the 20GB was priced okay for me, just didn't like how it lacked HDMI). I was quite depressed and was just going to play PS2 and handhelds for a while longer. I played 360 at a friend's house and decided I wanted one. Friends of mine told me to get one so I can play some original Xbox games I could not due to problems with my original Xbox (I had it repaired twice).

So I get a 360 and enjoy it, but it doesn't really take over as my main console of choice (PS2 still was). My 360 started to run into problems and eventually gave me a RRoD for life. Before that happened, my interests for PS3 started to increase a little when I heard the 20GB had HDMI, but I was going to wait a year. After my 360 died (just after PS3 launched), I wanted one much more, partially because I knew I couldn't trust an Xbox console as my main platform again (I just have bad luck with them unfortunately. Last gen my PS2 worked great). When I got the PS3, it became my main console of choice and I've been extremely happy. I definitely don't regret spending $500, but the more I think about it, I would have been happy spending $600 on a 60GB.
I saw they were phasing the 60gig out in July and the price dropped so I ordered one off of Best Buy for store pick up and let them hold it for a few days before finally pulling the trigger....not very exciting.
I started thinking about getting one when Speedy broke the news of the price drop right before E3. I still wasn't sure but then found out that the 60gb was being discontinued. I decided that I wanted full bc and I would have probably bought one before MGS4 came out anyway. I thought Sony had a good E3 showing and then I saw that Amazon had the 60gb for $500 with the blu-ray remote and RE2 blu-ray and no tax. Probably the main reason I bought it was because I had been saving up for a car and had no luck finding the right one for about a year. I had a lot of money in my bank account and hadn't bought anything for a while so I decided to splurge a little. Of course I ended up finding the perfect car a couple of weeks later but I got it for a good price so spending money on the PS3 didn't ruin my chances of getting it. If I had found the car first I probably wouldn't have gotten the PS3 but I'm glad I did. Now I can play the PS3 during the winter while my car is sitting in the garage waiting for good weather.
well my PS3 purchase story starts after I bought my Dreamcast.. basically I used about 200 dollars in change to help buy the Dreamcaset and one game.. that was all the change I had. So from that day I began saving change again, up to where I had 300 dollars saved up by Nov 2006.

I preordered my PS3 from Gamestop sometime in October. I remember I was checking the internet everyday for preorder news, I even called Gamestop corporate headquarters to find out when they were going to do preorders. The only thing they had was the preorder signups via their internet page. So one day there was news on the internet about preorders going on the morning of Oct 10th, so at about 5am I went down to gamestop, [after I had drove by 12am looking for campers] and relaxed with my psp until the store opened. I was number one!

So on launch day, I walked in paid off my Playstation 3 (60gb) and that was that.
Bought a 80 GB PS3 at my local Gamestop last month. Was thinking of waiting for a deal but just bit the bullet and got it mainly cause I wanted a Blu-Ray player and the MLB the Show series.
I built up a number of gift gards on Amazon and sold my PS2 and games (because I'd beaten the hell out of all of them). Picked up the 40 gig because I knew I wouldn't go back and play last-gen games, and viola!

Now I'm loving it, but I wish I could have found a 60 gig.
I got mine about a month ago. SonyStyle was running a special where if you open a Sony Visa, you get $100 back on the card in 8 weeks.

So basically, my 40GB unit cost $399 - $100 = $299.
Mine's a craigslist story too - wasn't exactly in the market but had been wanting one for a bit - mainly for blu ray. Saw a 60gb posted for 400 - came with 4 controllers and 5 games madden 08, tiger woods 07, nfs carbon, resistance, ninja gaiden. Offered 350 (might as well) but he said 400 firm so I took him up on it. Still a great deal and I'm enjoying the system. Have purchased an eye and a couple games for it as well as fl0w and want to get stardust and everyday shooter and pj monsters soon. I have the games minus resistance up on ebay as well as one controller (selling one to my nephew for cheap!) to offset some of the cost. The ps3 completes my current gen trifecta of gaming systems. Netflix is sending me some blu ray goodness any day now!
I kept telling myself that I wasn't going to buy one because it was much too expensive and had no games I wanted to play (Until FF anyway) so it would just be a Blu-ray player and wasn't worth the investment.

When I went back home for Thanksgiving I happened to be walking through Wal-mart on the Saturday after and some guy was loading a PS3 and a ton of movies into his cart. I was curious so I stopped to ask him if there was a big sale. The employee said it was a "secret sale" and if you bought the 80gb before noon it came with 10 free blu-rays at time of purchase AND you would still get the 5 free via mail.
Well, seeing as I did think it was good for movies I couldn't resist and picked it up right there!

Since I've come back to Japan I have played it for probably less than 4 hours of gaming but I've watched a crapload of movies!
Last August Hastings in my area had a sale. If you bought a 60 Gig PS3 you recieved a 100 dollar Hastings Gift Certificate.

So I hopped on that. My PS2 was starting to get finicky about the games it would play, plus I spend a lot of money on /physical media/ music.

I'm intending to use the 100 dollar GC to buy all of The Doors, and some Metallica.
Kind of boring but whatever...I wasn't interested in the PS3 since it was expensive and not enough games but when my PS2 broke, I decided to get a PS3 instead. I heard FYE had the 20GB for $399.99 but couldn't find one. Sam's Club had an overpriced 20GB bundle (a few dollars less than retail).

EBGames.com had the 20GB new for $449.99. I checked almost everyday to see if it dropped then I logged onto CAG in October and saw it dropped to $379.99 new. I thought about it for a few minutes, used a $10 off code another CAG had posted and got it for $402.xx with tax and shipping. Since it was a system with the EE and I knew they were getting harder to find, I figured I wasn't going to get a better deal (and I had just missed the Meijer.com $320 20GB a few weeks before that)

It was around $265 more than a PS2 with tax but I really wanted GTA 4. Plus I plan to sell at least 4 out of the 5 Blu Ray's once I get them so that's another $40 - $50 back.
After waiting 4 hours for a preorder outside EB, I got a launch 60GB that I sold for $1150...then about 6 months later I bought a sealed 60GB model out of some sketchy person's trunk for $400. I still have it and am very happy to have it :)

Everyone who got one of the launch units with me was selling it. Nobody bought a single game or accessory with theirs :p
Okay here we go, GameCrazy was having a sale, trade in your ps2 get $50 and get antoehr $50 toward a next gen console. So $100 off. Well I went down there, about 45 min away traded in my ps2 accesories and the ps2 system and got a 60 gb for $350. Not too shabby eh?
I bought it last week at Blockbuster. It was the $600 bundle (BB's exclusive). I didn't spend of $400 to get the $600 credit there. My Wii and games sold for over $450 on Ebay. So now instead of having a Wii with four games, I have a PS3 with Motostorm and 6 Blu-ray movies. I can't wait for MGS4!
bread's done