When did Americans become such pussies over everything, especially war?


2 (100%)
I remember reading through history about many proud Americans, many Americans who would sacrifice everything to protect complete strangers. I remember reading about troops who would join the Army when they were underage, to protect her from her enemies. I remember brave people who would fight til the very end, no matter what the circumstance. They would jump out of planes and storm beaches through blazing gun fire... Not for themselves, but for people back home and nations who were being threatened by sadistic leaders. I remember a country who thanked it's heros, not caused scenes at their funeral.

America, what the fuck has happened to you?!? I am embarassed to call myself American these days. They don't give a shit about their war heroes. All they do is complain about war. When the Japanese attacked America, did people fucking cry about ending the war right away? Did they say, hey.. lets let the Nazi's conquer the world while we sit back on our fat asses and drink. No they fucking didn't.

We get death tolls on TV all the time with people screaming end the war because Johnny from Small town, USA was killed in combat. I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but these brave men and women joined the Armed Services to protect America at any and all costs, even for you complainers. They gave the ultimate sacrifice and all people want to do is have the war ended. For what? So there sacfrice can be meaningless? What a waste. Whether you feel we are in Iraq and Afganistan for the right or wrong reasons, it doesn't really matter. We are there until the enemies are eliminated. America was attacked, she must be defended. I am sick of all the fucking pussies who rather just lay back and take having people being killed by sick fucks rather than doing something about it.

Another thing that pisses me off is illegal immigration. If you want to come here, do it through a legal channel. If you aren't qualified to be here then stay the fuck out. Shouldn't homeland security being doing something... like how about putting the extra army troops on the border line and if someone wants to get a cross so bad, then they better be quick enough to out run bullets, much like on military bases, classified areas, and or prisons. I guess more illegals will have to jump borders and kill people on a mass scale before someone does something about it. People say oh well they do jobs Americans wouldn't do... thats complete shit. With unemployment keep going up, people will do whatever they can to keep up with the shit hole the economy is falling into.

Don't even get me started on gay marriage or mass media. If you're gay, thats fine but keep it your own damn business and don't bother trying to get married. Have your little unionship and be fucking happy with it.

America is such a fucking toilet these days.
They don't give a shit about their war heroes.

I could have sworn we have two holidays honoring them, not to mention the anniversary of d-day just passed and it was a day full of remembrance.

Also it looks like a new and better GI Bill will be signed into law, my cousin who is a Marine is quite happy with it even though some complained it was too generous. It is nice to hear from a McCain supporter finally though, keep up the good work.

p.s. I award you zero troll points, you are making it too obvious for anyone else to take the bait.
[quote name='Trenchalicious']I remember reading through history about many proud Americans, many Americans who would sacrifice everything to protect complete strangers. I remember reading about troops who would join the Army when they were underage, to protect her from her enemies. I remember brave people who would fight til the very end, no matter what the circumstance. They would jump out of planes and storm beaches through blazing gun fire... Not for themselves, but for people back home and nations who were being threatened by sadistic leaders. I remember a country who thanked it's heros, not caused scenes at their funeral.

America, what the fuck has happened to you?!? I am embarassed to call myself American these days. They don't give a shit about their war heroes. All they do is complain about war. When the Japanese attacked America, did people fucking cry about ending the war right away? Did they say, hey.. lets let the Nazi's conquer the world while we sit back on our fat asses and drink. No they fucking didn't.

We get death tolls on TV all the time with people screaming end the war because Johnny from Small town, USA was killed in combat. I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but these brave men and women joined the Armed Services to protect America at any and all costs, even for you complainers. They gave the ultimate sacrifice and all people want to do is have the war ended. For what? So there sacfrice can be meaningless? What a waste. Whether you feel we are in Iraq and Afganistan for the right or wrong reasons, it doesn't really matter. We are there until the enemies are eliminated. America was attacked, she must be defended. I am sick of all the fucking pussies who rather just lay back and take having people being killed by sick fucks rather than doing something about it.

Another thing that pisses me off is illegal immigration. If you want to come here, do it through a legal channel. If you aren't qualified to be here then stay the fuck out. Shouldn't homeland security being doing something... like how about putting the extra army troops on the border line and if someone wants to get a cross so bad, then they better be quick enough to out run bullets, much like on military bases, classified areas, and or prisons. I guess more illegals will have to jump borders and kill people on a mass scale before someone does something about it. People say oh well they do jobs Americans wouldn't do... thats complete shit. With unemployment keep going up, people will do whatever they can to keep up with the shit hole the economy is falling into.

Don't even get me started on gay marriage or mass media. If you're gay, thats fine but keep it your own damn business and don't bother trying to get married. Have your little unionship and be fucking happy with it.

America is such a fucking toilet these days.[/quote]

yea when did we become such pussies and whine about everything?
Give us a war where fighting involves honor and protecting the innocent and perhaps we'll be a bit more supportive of it.

Oh yeah, we weren't attacked by Iraq, we were attacked by bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, when was the last time we ever heard ANYTHING about the progress of finding that asshole? The reason for fighting a war is ALL that matters.

We fought Britain for our freedom.
We fought our brothers and families to preserve our nation.
We fought Germany to protect the innocent.
We continue to fight Iraq because some dipshit in Washington can't admit he was wrong.

It's idiots like you that think a kill count is the definition of victory in war. Go fuck yourself and take that ideology back to Counter-Strike where it belongs, or at the very least, not some douchebag who actually contributes more to society than ranting "SUPPORT OUR TROOPZ" as if it's a symbol of your patriotism.

Why don't you take two seconds to look around America and realize that we kill more of our own people in a year than 9/11 did in a day. 9/11 was horrible for sure, but we've got a lot of our own problems to fix long before we have any right to try to "fix" other countries.

Bottom line, respect is earned. With all the shit leadership and dickheads fucking around overseas, Being in uniform isn't enough to earn it anymore. You need to actually prove your not just a fuckwad with a gun these days.


Thirded on the ignore....

HotShotX pretty much nailed the response, not that the OP was deserving of taking the time to respond.

Though I'd add, when did supporting equal rights for all become being a pussy?

I always wonder how Bush won two elections--and this is a prime example. American is fucked up to a large degree, but it's because of people like the OP and not the ones he's railing against.
The Iraqis have 70 billion dollars they can take care of themselves.

And it does matter if a war is right or wrong and if you can't see that you are the biggest fucker here.

We aren't helping any of the African countries, no oil, nothing there we want. We aren't helping Cuba, because then you won't win Florida in an election.

And someone is forgetting Korea, the north still live horrible lives, but we don't care. Maybe we should help the people of China too by invading, I'm sure China and their nukes would love that.

You are an idiot, end of story.
[quote name='Msut77']I could have sworn we have two holidays honoring them, not to mention the anniversary of d-day just passed and it was a day full of remembrance.

Taking the day off and sitting on your ass is hardly honoring, which is what most people seem to do.
If you're so fucking pissed about all the "pussies" in the United States of America, what are are you actually doing about it? Are you running outside and hugging veterans? Are you writing a letter to a newspaper? Your congressman? Are you doing anything other than whine? No. So shut the fuck up.
[quote name='bigdaddy']
We aren't helping any of the African countries, no oil, nothing there we want. We aren't helping Cuba, because then you won't win Florida in an election.


While I am not on board with the OP, I had to respond to this.

Where is the oil we have gotten so far from recent wars? My wallet at the gas pump would love it if you were right. All those bumper stickers claiming blood for oil are crickets chirping now, as we get raped at the chevron.
[quote name='CrimsonSnipette']If you're so fucking pissed about all the "pussies" in the United States of America, what are are you actually doing about it? Are you running outside and hugging veterans? Are you writing a letter to a newspaper? Your congressman? Are you doing anything other than whine? No. So shut the fuck up.[/quote]

Actually, whining about America without actually doing anything is distinctly American these days.

Oh - and those cute little American flag pins. Can't forget those cute little American flag pins. ;)
[quote name='thrustbucket']While I am not on board with the OP, I had to respond to this.

Where is the oil we have gotten so far from recent wars? My wallet at the gas pump would love it if you were right. All those bumper stickers claiming blood for oil are crickets chirping now, as we get raped at the chevron.[/quote]

True, but that doesn't mean that the Bush admin wasn't aiming to get cheap oil as a consequence of the war.

If I had a nickel for every time a Bush admin plan backfired, I'd have another $300 tax subsidy.
[quote name='CrimsonSnipette']If you're so fucking pissed about all the "pussies" in the United States of America, what are are you actually doing about it? Are you running outside and hugging veterans? Are you writing a letter to a newspaper? Your congressman? Are you doing anything other than whine? No. So shut the fuck up.[/quote]

America needs the help of everyone. I keep the street clean of undesireables. America could be much better, maybe I don't say it in the right or best way, but it's what I feel. If something isn't done, our kids and their future kids will be jumping the border for Canada.
[quote name='Trenchalicious']America needs the help of everyone. I keep the street clean of undesireables. America could be much better, maybe I don't say it in the right or best way, but it's what I feel. If something isn't done, our kids and their future kids will be jumping the border for Canada.[/QUOTE]

You keep the street clean of undesireables? Who are you, fucking Batman?
[quote name='camoor']True, but that doesn't mean that the Bush admin wasn't aiming to get cheap oil as a consequence of the war.

If I had a nickel for every time a Bush admin plan backfired, I'd have another $300 tax subsidy.[/QUOTE]

I honestly am more and more skeptical that oil really had anything to do with reasons for the war. I've yet to see any evidence to really support that it did.
[quote name='Trenchalicious']
Don't even get me started on gay marriage or mass media. If you're gay, thats fine but keep it your own damn business and don't bother trying to get married. Have your little unionship and be fucking happy with it.

America is such a fucking toilet these days.[/QUOTE]

Fine. You shouldn't get married either and I don't want to know or hear about your girlfriends or (ex) wives.

[quote name='Trenchalicious']I remember reading through history about many proud Americans, many Americans who would sacrifice everything to protect complete strangers. I remember reading about troops who would join the Army when they were underage, to protect her from her enemies. I remember brave people who would fight til the very end, no matter what the circumstance. They would jump out of planes and storm beaches through blazing gun fire... Not for themselves, but for people back home and nations who were being threatened by sadistic leaders. I remember a country who thanked it's heros, not caused scenes at their funeral.

America, what the fuck has happened to you?!? I am embarassed to call myself American these days. They don't give a shit about their war heroes. All they do is complain about war. When the Japanese attacked America, did people fucking cry about ending the war right away? Did they say, hey.. lets let the Nazi's conquer the world while we sit back on our fat asses and drink. No they fucking didn't.

We get death tolls on TV all the time with people screaming end the war because Johnny from Small town, USA was killed in combat. I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but these brave men and women joined the Armed Services to protect America at any and all costs, even for you complainers. They gave the ultimate sacrifice and all people want to do is have the war ended. For what? So there sacfrice can be meaningless? What a waste. Whether you feel we are in Iraq and Afganistan for the right or wrong reasons, it doesn't really matter. We are there until the enemies are eliminated. America was attacked, she must be defended. I am sick of all the fucking pussies who rather just lay back and take having people being killed by sick fucks rather than doing something about it.

Another thing that pisses me off is illegal immigration. If you want to come here, do it through a legal channel. If you aren't qualified to be here then stay the fuck out. Shouldn't homeland security being doing something... like how about putting the extra army troops on the border line and if someone wants to get a cross so bad, then they better be quick enough to out run bullets, much like on military bases, classified areas, and or prisons. I guess more illegals will have to jump borders and kill people on a mass scale before someone does something about it. People say oh well they do jobs Americans wouldn't do... thats complete shit. With unemployment keep going up, people will do whatever they can to keep up with the shit hole the economy is falling into.

Don't even get me started on gay marriage or mass media. If you're gay, thats fine but keep it your own damn business and don't bother trying to get married. Have your little unionship and be fucking happy with it.

America is such a fucking toilet these days.[/quote]Your gimmick stinks.
[quote name='docvinh']You keep the street clean of undesireables? Who are you, fucking Batman?[/quote]

Nah. I'm pretty sure I can spot at least one difference between Batman and this guy

God damn. This is the worst time in the history of me for imageshack to be down.

I am unable to properly express just how badly I wish to music at this present time.

EDIT: Other things I can't express: The Joker's love of boners, Batman attempting to be gay for Robin's sake, and Captain America being ordered to wank. If this thread still exists tomorrow, I promise to reveal all.
[quote name='thrustbucket']While I am not on board with the OP, I had to respond to this.

Where is the oil we have gotten so far from recent wars? My wallet at the gas pump would love it if you were right. All those bumper stickers claiming blood for oil are crickets chirping now, as we get raped at the chevron.[/QUOTE]

Unless the point was to limit the flow of oil. Which has been the case in the past. Controlling a commodity can mean either an increase or decrease.
[quote name='The Crotch']God damn. This is the worst time in the history of me for imageshack to be down.

I am unable to properly express just how badly I wish to music at this present time.

EDIT: Other things I can't express: The Joker's love of boners, Batman attempting to be gay for Robin's sake, and Captain America being ordered to wank. If this thread still exists tomorrow, I promise to reveal all.[/QUOTE]

You'd better. You'd better.
What I'm bringing to this thread:

A metal folding chair, like the kind your mom took to soccer games.
Several cans of "Pabst Blue Ribbon."
A styrofoam cooler for the beers.
A Lee Greenwood cassette single.
Foam Fingers with TBD slogans on them.
My undivided fucking attention.
[quote name='Trenchalicious']I am embarassed to call myself American these days.[/quote]

I am also embarassed to call you an American.
I don't feel like reading that wallotext at the top of this page, but I'll say this:

I'd never want an incident like it to occur every again, but the patriotism and unity that was apparent following 9/11 was an experience I'll never forget. Sad that it faded so quickly.
[quote name='The Crotch']

More on this story after a short commercial break.[/quote]

You know, back when the primary definition of "gay" was "happy".


[quote name='HotShotX']You know, back when the primary definition of "gay" was "happy".

~HotShotX[/quote]The lies you must tell yourself, HotShot...
Okay, so the OP has GOT to be conservative right? Is THAT conservative?

It surely isn't liberal. I bet this CAG con voted for W, or (perhaps more likely) never voted at all.

Who decides that these people you remove from the streets are "undisirables"? You? A judge or a jury?

Criticizing the government and protesting against an unjust war is not being a pussy, it's being a thinker, and America could use more of em.

BTW, I LMAO @ "I too am embarassed to call you an American."

Any chance you're a Texan OP?

Yeah, this is a CAG conservative who voted for Bush twice for sure. He's probably still in that 30% that support him today as well. :D
[quote name='pittpizza']

Who decides that these people you remove from the streets are "undisirables"? You? A judge or a jury?

Criticizing the government and protesting against an unjust war is not being a pussy, it's being a thinker, and America could use more of em.

BTW, I LMAO @ "I too am embarassed to call you an American."

Any chance you're a Texan OP?[/QUOTE]

I digress, he's obviously this guy:

Prepare to be judged.
I think 90% of CAG is from Texas.[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Huh.

I really hate TC and disagree with him in every way.

That's all.[/quote]

To the death we shall fight.

I challenge you to a game of Starcraft.
[quote name='pittpizza']Who decides that these people you remove from the streets are "undisirables"? You? A judge or a jury?[/QUOTE]

Nuh-uh. It's:

bread's done