When is Death Smiles coming to the USA? The anticipation is killing me!!!!!!!!!


69 (99%)
I know Atlus Aksys is bringing it over for the 360, but its been over a month since then. Need more info!!!

If youre not a shmup fan or have no idea what that is, this thread is not for you.

From Destructoid:
As if this confirmation weren't great enough news, the company's press release states that the game's optional Mega Black Label add-on (which was $15 DLC in Japan) comes standard right out of the box, giving you Sakura as a playable character, the Crystal Shrine stage, and the 999 difficulty level.
Additionally, it's got online co-op, which, unless I'm mistaken, Japan didn't get at all. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) We Cave fans can officially move our excitement meters from "hopeful drooling" to "full-on idiotic glee."
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I think Xseed is bringing it, not Atlus. Kinda weird...I always thought Atlus would eventually pick up the Cave shmups....they're a prime candidate for a small release packed with art books and plushes and shit. Hell, they'd sell most of them on perceived future rarity alone. Maybe there's some issue with Atlus Japan and Cave that prevents Atlus USA from releasing them.

anyway, can't wait for this either. Mushihimesama Futari is so incredibly fun...I have high hopes for Death Smiles and ESPGaluda 2. Just wish there wasn't so much loli-association in the art
I would buy this (or any shmup) that is released over here. Unless the port was done by those 5PB guys, fuck them.

How hard can it be to localize a shmup? Not much story or text. Hell, just release it in Japanese and slap a pic of Charlies Angels on the cover and call it Mobile Light Force III.
Yeah but you still have to go through the legal stuff, and have it approved by MS. I'm sure the team behind it is probably really small, too.

I don't even bother following releases by smaller companies anymore until they come out. You'll go mad with the silent delays.
This would probably get me to play my 360 once again. Looks like there was a special edition one released in japan as well that had an extra character and content, but only 150 copies released. I'm sure NA will probably make you purchase it here with Ms points. I've been trying to find a release date and be the thread hero, but all I can find is 2010 TBA and teases that Japan will probably get Death Smiles 2 before we'll get 1....so I fail miserably...so as a consolation, here's some Japanese Lolita action brought to you by Cave.

Nether Atlus or Xseed are bring it over. Aksys is, they are having a Deathsmiles tournament at Pax East where they may give a date.
[quote name='LostRoad']Nether Atlus or Xseed are bring it over. Aksys is, they are having a Deathsmiles tournament at Pax East where they may give a date.[/QUOTE]

Do you know when the tournament is?
[quote name='LostRoad']Nether Atlus or Xseed are bring it over. Aksys is, they are having a Deathsmiles tournament at Pax East where they may give a date.[/QUOTE]

Aksys, xseed, atlus, ignition, marvelous, nippon ichi...whatever, I can't keep all these straight :lol:
I want a collectors box set with a pair of slightly soiled gothic loli pantsu.

j/k in case you think thats actually a good idea and thought you just met a kindred spirit.
I've had the import for a really long time and there is co-op already in the box. Mega Black Label came like a few weeks after release and if you had pre-ordered the game you got a free add-on for full voice.

I'm pretty sure the Aksys release will have everything already included when the game comes out over here.
bread's done