Where are all the faceplates???


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It seems like Microsoft has stopped making any new official faceplates for the 360. Sure there's a couple exclusives here and there (Eternal Sonata, Smackdown vs. Raw, etc.) but it seems like there's nothing new. And when Microsoft did make them they were pretty crappy, the silver one, hot rod woody, etc (Viva Pinata is nice though).

Anyways, why aren't more faceplates being made? You'd think they would do one for every game.

It's not like there's no interest, here's some of the faceplate's that regularly sell for over $50 on eBay.

Zero Hour
Halo 3 Singapore Launch
Blue Dragon
Civilization Revolution
Blacksite Area 51
Devil May Cry 4
Call of Duty 4
Gears of War
Unreal Tournament
Halo 3 Edition (from Console)
Grand Theft Auto IV

and more.

I wish I never sold my European Dead Rising one.

Any more faceplates coming out that anyone knows of?

Fingers crossed for Resident Evil 5 or Left 4 Dead faceplates.
personally, I think faceplates are useless, since the top of the 360 is white. Unless the faceplate is matching with that white.
I would also be interested in some...

I almost got a couple, but every time I just thought the money $30+ for what I found was too high to justify it. I have an elite so some of the black ones would look nice.

I think it owuld just make it look more exciting, in my lifing room it could look nice I think.
MS stopped production of faceplates when they realized that they would never be able to top the awesomeness that was/is the Tropicana Twister faceplate.
I never saw the appeal of faceplates other than collectables I guess, though for me like someone said the box is still white. Now skins are another thing as they cover the left/right, (top/bottom) depending on the way your 360 is stationed and the front. Only disadvantage of the skins are you can't replace them easily as the faceplates but they are removable. I've got the bumble bee transformers skin with the sweet racing strips for the front. Customer image is minehttp://www.amazon.com/Gamer-Graphics-Transformers%253a-Bumblebee-Skin/dp/B000U6DT02/ref=cm_ciu_custimg_item_1

Now they make custom skins for laptops, DS, Xbox 360s or you can get some nice artwork ones too. I think a lot of people rather have the whole thing covered than just the front.
Personally what I think happened is retailers don't want to carry them since they just take up too much space. Kmart and Target around here got rid of their supply ages ago, out of the two ebgames I visit both just literally threw them in a corner.
Third party companies went over to making wiitarded Wii accessories like pool cues and tennis rackets. But seriously, they didn't sell is my guess.
I have that gear of war faceplate, not the limited edition one, but the other on which is on ebay. Picked it up on clearance at FYEs for 5 bucks about a year ago.
Faceplates were never a good idea. You have to be so precise with them, and the whole RROD issue caused a lot of people to be cautious.

Some of those faceplates (DMC4) I never knew existed. I think faceplates would be a cool thing...for controllers. Not for consoles.
I have the Halo 3 faceplate that came with my Halo 3 360.

I also have a 'woody' faceplate that toys r us had clearenced out for like $2.50.

And I have a plain white one that was from my first 360. When it red-ringed i sent it back to MS without the faceplate and they sent it back with a new one, so I had an extra. I'm planning to paint or vinyl dye it sometime in the future.

I would pick up more faceplates if they were reasonable, like $5-10 each. But I'm never gonna pay $20 or more for one.
Who sits around gazing lovingly at the front of their xbox for extended periods of time? I don't see the point of it personally.
Didn't Microsoft charge about $20 for faceplates when the 360 first came out? I seriously doubt they sold very well at that price, they were about $15 more then they should of been.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Didn't Microsoft charge about $20 for faceplates when the 360 first came out? I seriously doubt they sold very well at that price, they were about $15 more then they should of been.[/QUOTE]

I think this is the biggest reason why faceplates never caught on.
If the Xbox team would have driven by a high school and saw that 99.9% of male teens wear black shirts and blue jeans, they probably would have realized that customization isn't really wanted by most people.
I got my Viva Pinata one for $7. It came with a code for a Viva Pinata theme too so I was pretty happy.
Cost is definately an issue. I say more publishers need to make it a pre-order gift like it was for Eternal Sonata. That's what caused me to get that game at launch.

Oh and I have the E305 faceplate is someone is interested in buying/trading for it.
[quote name='porieux']Who sits around gazing lovingly at the front of their xbox for extended periods of time? I don't see the point of it personally.[/QUOTE]

Well that and it isn't like it changes the sides of the system, so you still have a white or black surface right next to the multicolored faceplate
My 360 came with a Halo 3 faceplate, and I HATE IT. I want the original white one, but don't fell like paying $6 for it. I'm hoping someone will trade me. (My friends like Halo 3.)
I have like 6 faceplates and if I can find cheap ones, I will buy them. If they suck, I have friends that will customize them for me. I have 2 extra faceplates for my Guitar Hero 3 guitar. I'm always customizing something.
[quote name='Access_Denied']My 360 came with a Halo 3 faceplate, and I HATE IT. I want the original white one, but don't fell like paying $6 for it. I'm hoping someone will trade me. (My friends like Halo 3.)[/QUOTE]

What does it look like?
I have an extra white one I could trade.
My 360 is sporting an official FIFA World Cup GERMANY 2006 faceplate that I picked up at Toys R Us in Germany (I've never seen them in the USA). I have another one unopened if anyone is interested.

I also got one of those woodgrain looking official XBOX ones from MS.
i bought a plain white face plate and put bling on the whole thing... it's pink and white crystals (yes i am a chick). I think it looks pretty nifty and unique... too bad my 1 year old wants to get at it all the time because it's soo shiny.
Price, space on shelves, and just poor designs are the main reasons I have only one faceplate, the hot rod one, and even that was on sale. I am half way tempted to get that transformers one, due to the chromed memory card slots, custom inserts, and having a Autobot or Decepticon logo glowing green on the power button.
I only bought the Forza 2 one last week because it was 5 bucks and came with a code for something in game.
[quote name='SNAKE EYES EX']If the Xbox team would have driven by a high school and saw that 99.9% of male teens wear black shirts and blue jeans, they probably would have realized that customization isn't really wanted by most people.[/quote]

That's actually a great point, man.

But anyways, I bought a $2 one at Gamestop that was the Wood-Grain faceplate without the Red Stripe. (I believe it was MadCatz or some shit)

Anyways, it fits perfectly and everything, but it seems to interfere with the power button! It's pretty much impossible to turn on/off without the controller!

Also, the time I had it on there, it froze my system once or twice!
(Obviously it's not on there anymore. I went back to the elite plate)

Is this the case will all of these stupid ass things?
bread's done