Where can I exchange a game at no extra cost?

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My little bro had his birthday yesterday and he got Call of Duty:World at War for the PS3. The problem is, he has an Xbox360. We weren't given a gift receipt and the person who gave it to us bought it in another town (doesn't live in my state). I was just wondering, do you guys know any stores where I can exchange it for an Xbox360 version of it with no extra cost?

BTW, game hasn't been opened and the plastic wrap is still on.
Why here of course. You can create a trade list and post it.
Your other option, Wal-Mart has probably te most liberal return/exchange policy- and if it is unopened you should be golden.
Nowhere, legally.

If you don't have a receipt, then you can't return it anywhere. Regardless of certain companies' no-receipt return policies, if you didn't buy the game from them, you can't return it to them.
While it may be illegal, I really don't see a problem with taking it to walmart and switching versions since he isn't profiting at all.
circuit city if its wrapped and walmart maybe but when i tried the guy was a jack ass about it but a safer bet is CC
I would try to find out what store it was bought at. If it was a big chain store, like a Best Buy, I'd take it to them and explain you have no receipt. It'd be moral too since you know it came from that particular chain.
If you just want to exchange it for the same one on another system then just go to Walmart. Trading it on here would probably be a waste of your time as you would have to ship first as you have no feedback and you would have to pay to ship it to the other person. So you would have to wait more than a week to get it and pay postage as well when you could just walk into walmart and exchange it for free.
If it wasn't bought at Walmart, he has no right to return it to Walmart, regardless of what their no-receipt return policy says. It's for customers that bought items there who lost their receipt, not for random people to do exchanges/returns because it's convenient.

I'm still amazed at the number of people that can't include a simple gift receipt with a purchase, nor remember where they bought an item that was only available in the last couple of weeks. :wall:
^^^If he has no idea what store it was purchased from and returns it (to ANY retailer). It is NOT fraud. In order for fraud to be present, willful intent to deceive has to be proven. If he is truly unaware of what store it is from, then it is not fraud.
[quote name='slowdive21']^^^If he has no idea what store it was purchased from and returns it (to ANY retailer). It is NOT fraud. In order for fraud to be present, willful intent to deceive has to be proven. If he is truly unaware of what store it is from, then it is not fraud.[/QUOTE]

Agreed- in a situation like this, most retailers should be OK with making the swap, since it doesn't really hurt them, and there's always the chance of the customer buying something else, so a small profit is made. Plus the less tangible potenial for customer loyalty increase.

The Wal-mart suggestion is simply becuase, as a bigger chain, Wal-mart allows for a greater instance of customer fraud and stupidity, so it's more likely they'll make the switch without a fuss (even if the employee doesn't believe the gift part.)

[quote name='shrike4242']I'm still amazed at the number of people that can't include a simple gift receipt with a purchase, nor remember where they bought an item that was only available in the last couple of weeks.[/QUOTE]

I'm amazed at the number of people who tell me they know they bought reciept-less item at my store, even after the 5th time I've attempted to enter the product code and got an 'item not found' message.

Do not doubt the stupidity of people. Not where retail is involved, and especially not in November. ;)
[quote name='shrike4242']Nowhere, legally.

If you don't have a receipt, then you can't return it anywhere. Regardless of certain companies' no-receipt return policies, if you didn't buy the game from them, you can't return it to them.[/QUOTE]

So Wal-mart is in violation of the law by accepting exchanges with no receipt?

Apparently Wal-mart feels that their exchange policy is a service they want to provide to their customers or potential customers. Accepting exchanges in this manner provides them the benefit of looking good to the potential customer and getting that potential customer in the store to possibly buy other stuff.

Make no mistake, if a store takes exchanges without a receipt they know full well that they'll be getting merchandise that was purchased at other stores.
[quote name='Malik112099']Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Not knowing where the item was purchased but still returning it to a retailer is return fraud.[/quote]

I can see giving this lecture to someone that buys a game from another store for cheaper then returns it to say walmart for more than they bought it for. But geeze for someone exchanging a PS3 copy of a game for an Xbox copy doesnt merrit this reaction.
just let that kid exchange it... i kno some of u CAGs are honest guys, but realy? He just wants to play this game on his xbox 360 but as of now he cant, unless he exchanges it.
return fraud is illegal and therefore against cag rules to discuss. If any of you want to tell this kid how to illegaly return his game i would suggest using a different method than this forum.
[quote name='Malik112099']return fraud is illegal and therefore against cag rules to discuss. If any of you want to tell this kid how to illegaly return his game i would suggest using a different method than this forum.[/QUOTE]

I wonder why shrike4242 didn't lock the thread.
[quote name='ChaoticClimax']This is vastly different than returning a game for profit. The man is just trying to get the same game on a different console.[/quote]

It is for profit. The PS3 version is worthless to him. The Xbox 360 version is worth $60 to him. He profits a $60 game from nothing. Return fraud is profit (in any form) for the person commiting the fraud, not what someone else might/might not perceive as profit.
[quote name='Malik112099']Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Not knowing where the item was purchased but still returning it to a retailer is return fraud.[/quote]


[quote name='Malik112099']return fraud is illegal and therefore against cag rules to discuss. If any of you want to tell this kid how to illegaly return his game i would suggest using a different method than this forum.[/quote]


[quote name='NTolerance']I wonder why shrike4242 didn't lock the thread.[/quote]

Since this is not return fraud it can be discussed.

[quote name='Malik112099']It is for profit. The PS3 version is worthless to him. The Xbox 360 version is worth $60 to him. He profits a $60 game from nothing. Return fraud is profit (in any form) for the person commiting the fraud, not what someone else might/might not perceive as profit.[/quote]

You forgot about the all important INTENT.

Have any of you read the law? First off what he is asking is NOT fraud. He is not willfully deceiving a company. He does not know what store it is from. You can not prove intent. Case closed.
If it isn't return fraud, how come stores serially track some items (consoles) and will not let you exchange/return them unless they were purchased at one of their stores?
[quote name='Malik112099']If it isn't return fraud, how come stores serially track some items (consoles) and will not let you exchange/return them unless they were purchased at one of their stores?[/quote]

They want to limit actual return fraud.

Stolen merchandise & laundered merchandise are both forms of return fraud. A store has no way to differentiate their merchandise from another store's unless there is a unique upc or serial number. They use serial numbers on larger priced items, but it would be too costly/ time consuming to use on everything. They can not tell if an item is stolen or if it was bought with cash if there is no receipt. For that reason some stores do not allow receipt less returns. Others do allow them but limit them to prevent people from abusing the policy.

The reason they do not accept returns on serial numbered items is based on company policy, not on Federal/state laws. In theory they can see if an item was bought at thier store, but they CHOOSE not to accept a return since it is already sold and their policy is posted. Legally they do not have to take a return, so they don't. I know if I had a store I would not take a return for an item I could not verify was sold at my location, especially on a large item like a console.

My disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, so this is not legal advice for people out there. These are beliefs/opinions. I am just trying to discuss the issue to avoid confusion.

Assuming the OP really does not know what store the item is from, he is not trying to deceive a company if he discloses what he said in the OP.
[quote name='Malik112099']It is for profit. The PS3 version is worthless to him. The Xbox 360 version is worth $60 to him. He profits a $60 game from nothing. Return fraud is profit (in any form) for the person commiting the fraud, not what someone else might/might not perceive as profit.[/quote]

I guess that according to you I like to commit return fraud too. When I got married I got numerous of the same items from people without gift reciepts. Since my gift registry was at walmart and all of the items I got multiples of were on the registry I returned them to Walmart without a reciept and got a gift card. Since there is no way of knowing 100% that they were purchased at Walmart I must be a criminal.

If you want to crap on someones thread crap on someone that is talking about returning games from profit, like it sounded FlamingMoogles was talking about earlier.
What's the difference between going to Gamestop and getting store credit versus going to another store and exchanging it for store credit?
[quote name='b3b0p']What's the difference between going to Gamestop and getting store credit versus going to another store and exchanging it for store credit?[/quote]

A little thing called MSRP.

Returning a game to Walmart is not a trade in. It's a return.
OP, contact the person that bought it and ask them to mail the receipt(just mention it was bought for the wrong system). Most big chains will do exchanges with the receipt, even if it was bought in another state.
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[quote name='Malik112099']It is for profit. The PS3 version is worthless to him. The Xbox 360 version is worth $60 to him. He profits a $60 game from nothing. Return fraud is profit (in any form) for the person commiting the fraud, not what someone else might/might not perceive as profit.[/quote]

Worthless to him maybe, but not worthless overall. Definitely not worthless to Wal-Mart or Circuit City. I fail to see how he is profiting from "nothing".

Listen, I'm a hard-liner when it comes to return fraud but you have to look at intent as well. The OP is not trying to return an item bought from one store at a lower price in order to profit, he's just trying to get the same game on a different (yet comparable) system.

There are times when you've got to throw the book (and in some cases the library) at someone. This is not one of those times.
[quote name='Malik112099']If it isn't return fraud, how come stores serially track some items (consoles) and will not let you exchange/return them unless they were purchased at one of their stores?[/quote]

Would you like individual games and movies to come with serial numbers now?

There's a rather large difference between a $200+ console and a $60 game.
I can agree with some of your arguements. If it is not such a bad thing, how come more people don't just walk up to CS and say "I got this as a gift without a receipt and have no clue what store it came from. Can I exchange it for something of the same price/store credit/etc?"
[quote name='Malik112099']I can agree with some of your arguements. If it is not such a bad thing, how come more people don't just walk up to CS and say "I got this as a gift without a receipt and have no clue what store it came from. Can I exchange it for something of the same price/store credit/etc?"[/QUOTE]

Uh, many people do that already. Stand by the customer service lines after Christmas.
Lol people make such a big fuss over return fraud. Who really cares. If walmart wants to take it big deal. I mean theres only like 2 stores it probably came from anyway lol. U guys make it seem like a mortal sin. ZOMG he's returning it to a store he didn't know it came from. shame lol. Just do what u want.
[quote name='dodgeme']Lol people make such a big fuss over return fraud. Who really cares. If walmart wants to take it big deal. I mean theres only like 2 stores it probably came from anyway lol. U guys make it seem like a mortal sin. ZOMG he's returning it to a store he didn't know it came from. shame lol. Just do what u want.[/quote]

Another country heard from. :roll:

I could really care less what some of you do, but the reality is, it's wrong. The fact that you argue so greatly against people saying return fraud is wrong says a lot about some of you. Stuff like that hurts a company's bottom line. But guess who pays for it? Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.
Just ask the person who gave you the gift where they bought it, take the game to that chain (they are all linked anyways) and tell them the truth. Either way, thats the best thing to do.
Lol if it's walmart does it really matter. They suck the sh*t out of towns and then once all the other stores are dried up they uproot themselves and leave. That actually happened somewhere. But i forgot where. I hate walmart so i have no objection to return fruad there. Other stores it's not very nice but either way the store can still get their 60 bucks by selling their PS3 version instead of 360.
[quote name='dodgeme']Lol if it's walmart does it really matter. They suck the sh*t out of towns and then once all the other stores are dried up they uproot themselves and leave. That actually happened somewhere. But i forgot where. I hate walmart so i have no objection to return fruad there. Other stores it's not very nice but either way the store can still get their 60 bucks by selling their PS3 version instead of 360.[/quote]

I hated WalMart for the longest time, but quite frankly if I were in business I wouldn't let anyone do ANY no receipt returns at my store(s).

What if that game sits on the store's shelves for 4 years before being sold, while they reduce the selling price? Then did they lose anything by taking in the no receipt return? You bet they did.

How anyone doesn't give at least a gift receipt nowadays with presents is beyond me as well, but it still happens.
[quote name='dodgeme']Lol if it's walmart does it really matter. They suck the sh*t out of towns and then once all the other stores are dried up they uproot themselves and leave. That actually happened somewhere. But i forgot where. I hate walmart so i have no objection to return fruad there. Other stores it's not very nice but either way the store can still get their 60 bucks by selling their PS3 version instead of 360.[/quote]

Try googling wal-mart and rubbermaid! They sucked them dry. Wal-mart doesn't take bids from companies they tell them what they will pay if they want the item in the store. Video games are a different story though. Do what you want, return it, keep it, trade it in. Who cares. Why even ask this type of question? BTW, most people asking this type of question are looking to commit return fraud. Good luck proving it though.
The fact of the matter is returning a gift without the receipt is a practice long before the high cost video game. This has been happening for the longest time on gifts of all nature (wedding mostly). You can't say it is fraud without either someone admitting they are doing it or by catching the paper trail. Other than that it is between them and God.

Lastly, the thread wasn't going to be locked because it isn't illegal, because there is no malicious intent in the original posting. Fraud like so many other crimes relies on intent.

I personally appreciate everyone's intent in policing these forums because they are golden to me, but let's not beat a dead horse.

OP, if you need to do it right now I believe your options are limited based on what some folks have said. My wife worked at Walmart and she always told me they have fairly loose policies. I worked at Gamestop at one point and they have strict policies. If you can wait until just after Christmas then just about every store in the USA will help you unless the person working is a complete tool.
It's a simple fact people. If you return a game to a store it wasn't purchased from it CAN be considered return fraud. Now in this particular case their is a fair chance the store might allow it if he is just honest and says it was given as a gift.

I'd just call the store, ask to speak to someone in Customer Service and tell them you got it as a gift and don't have a reciept but you think it might have been bought there and want to exchange it. Be 100% honest. Fair odds they will let you exchange it without lying and saying it was actually bought there.
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