Where can I get an NTSC (or region 0) Battle Royale DVD?

The Tragic Geek

Outside of eBay, are there any reliable retailers, online or otherwise, where I can buy this movie from? I know there hasn't been any official US release of it (because the folks at Toei are stubborn assholes), but I think there have been some legit, region-free versions out there.

I really enjoyed the book, so seeing the movie is sort of a "must" goal for me.

Thanks in advance.
how ironic. I just ordered the movie myself.

Go to www.Yesasia.com and order the korean Director's cut vers of it. For some reason that's the region free coded one.

I've ordered from them before and I trust them.
Ha ha ha... I'm still stuck with my VCD of it. It was a few dollars, and I ordered the VCD to see if it was good. It was... :)

However, I've never had the time or money to properly upgrade to DVD. One of these days...
I dislike Animeniacs.com. They kinda have an additude like they;re doing you a favor by existing. Plus they hold orders for months if something in your order turns out to be out of stock because theire website is occasionally out of date and dont inform you about it.

They expected me to know to check the website when I was fully under the impression that my order was on the way because I wasnt given any indication otherwise.
here, check this thread out, as i asked a similar question a while ago: http://cheapassgamer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12820&highlight=battle+royale+dvd

i ended up buying the 2 disk special edition, which works fine and looks good, but the extra scenes are really, really poorly translated. if you ignore that, though, it's a good release. i picked it up for about $25 shipped on ebay.

this is the best one, from what i have read: http://www.battleroyalefilm.net/video/tartanntsc.html, unfortunately it is supposedly out of print, so once again ebay may be a good place to look. i've seen them go for around $30-35 before shipping, but i never got it because i didn't want to spend quite that much.

i know you want one that isn't from ebay, but as long as you are careful before you bid and check out the release at
www.battleroyalefilm.com, you should be able to get a legitimate one and not a bootleg, and probably for cheaper from other sites. i know someone who ordered the same dvd that i purchased, except he did it through an online retailer and ended up paying roughly $50 for it.

i just checked the one at the hkflix site (as mentioned above), and it'll run you about $28 shipped, which is pretty good, so you may want to go with that one, unless you want the single tartan disk that is supposed to be the best version.
Animeniacs.com has always done right for me. I even had a package get lost in the mail and they immediately replaced it for me, no questions asked.
I got mine from a local dealer. It's seems to be the spcial edition version with BOLD sub-titles. Great movie worth hunting down and watching.
I picked mine up in Toronto for 5 bucks. There are so many bootleg/import movie/anime stores... I picked that, Hero, and Police Story 1 up for 15...

Well i cant give you any info on where to buy the movie but if you read the book this movie will make you cry... it is that bad.... i am sure for anyone who didn't read the book this movie was rocking... but wow... one of the worst book to movie transfers i have ever seen, maybe even worse than Queen of the Damned
Battle Royale 2 is good, not great. No real bad guy though like Kazuo Kiryima and Mitsuko Sohma. Worth tracking down.

The manga version of Battle Royale is really good because it is really faithful to the book although theres LOTS of sex and porn
Picked mine up at Amoeba Records in Hollywood. I got it around 5 months ago and they had a bunch of Tartan BR DVDs at $30.

That place is awesome for rare stuff.
the first battle royale was AWESOME. by comparison, the second one sucks ass. standalone, the second one is alright, but like someone said earlier, it's not great. the concept from the first one isn't carried over, and the worst part for me was that there was hardly ANY characterization. it's hard to give backstory on every character when there's like 40 students, but at least the first one distinguished a lot of the students.

to be honest, with so many asians on-screen, it's hard enough as it is to distinguish them all by looks alone. and i'm asian. when you don't even know the names for like half of them, it's hard to care or be struck by their deaths.

there were no subtleties (sp?) in br2. the analogy is so ridiculously obvious, that it was almost annoying to watch and it felt like it was a waste of a battle royale title. i have a feeling that going into this project, there was potential for a really spectacular film, but the execution just seems so... bleh. i mean, it's a real good message to get out, and in a film that involves the deaths of many young people, i can see why there would be cause for correlation. but again, bleh. good message or bad message, you can't help it if a movie sucks.

i WOULD suggest watching br2 first, but it might give away a few spoilers for br1. but as someone who watched br1 first, i can say i was incredibly fucking disappointed by br2. anyone else concur?
[quote name='kristianator']the first battle royale was AWESOME. by comparison, the second one sucks ass. standalone, the second one is alright, but like someone said earlier, it's not great. the concept from the first one isn't carried over, and the worst part for me was that there was hardly ANY characterization. it's hard to give backstory on every character when there's like 40 students, but at least the first one distinguished a lot of the students.

to be honest, with so many asians on-screen, it's hard enough as it is to distinguish them all by looks alone. and i'm asian. when you don't even know the names for like half of them, it's hard to care or be struck by their deaths.

there were no subtleties (sp?) in br2. the analogy is so ridiculously obvious, that it was almost annoying to watch and it felt like it was a waste of a battle royale title. i have a feeling that going into this project, there was potential for a really spectacular film, but the execution just seems so... bleh. i mean, it's a real good message to get out, and in a film that involves the deaths of many young people, i can see why there would be cause for correlation. but again, bleh. good message or bad message, you can't help it if a movie sucks.

i WOULD suggest watching br2 first, but it might give away a few spoilers for br1. but as someone who watched br1 first, i can say i was incredibly shaq-fuing disappointed by br2. anyone else concur?[/quote]

I concur, but I was still entertained by it.
eh, maybe i went into it with too high expectations. maybe if i saw the second one first, i'd be more entertained by it...
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