Where's the price drop announcement?


3 (100%)
So, we had the rumor, which I thought was all but confirmed, if there was any place to announce the drop it'd been there.

Is it happening?

I mean there's plenty of time through the rest of the E3 week for the announcement.
As much as I myself would've loved a price drop, they led off with "how great the 360 is" and "how far ahead it is above the rest" so I don't think it'll drop.

Not to mention the only real articles that reference a price-drop are from an anyalyst, who are paid to spew BS.
They're going to wait until Falcon is finalized and in production, then announce the price drop just in time for the holiday season.
[quote name='orimental']They're going to wait until Falcon is finalized and in production, then announce the price drop just in time for the holiday season.[/quote]

Exactly as I would suspect as well. Production must be up and running on the cheaper to produce 360 before the price drop takes effect - can't announce it anytime before, they don't want stale shelf space.

-Dr. Ugly
I think MS is missing an chance to stay ahead of PS3... In sailing if the other boat tacks you tack your boat to cover. MS really needs to cover Sony here......
Oh well, it is the same idiots who sell a console without a hard drive..
You would think that they would announce the price drop a little ahead of the new 65nm production in order to clear out their current inventories. They obviously have some extra consoles laying around since they didn't meet their target(s) of 12 million, and once people hear about the new model, they'll just wait for that.

Plus its E3, wait for Sony's conference, THEN announce your price drop to steal their thunder ;)
[quote name='SynGamer']Plus its E3, wait for Sony's conference, THEN announce your price drop to steal their thunder ;)[/quote]

I hope you're right about the price drop, after watching the E3 Halo 3 trailer, my Halo hype is back. :booty:
I doubt it will come until after Halo 3. The premium is still $100 less than the PS3, they just announced that they'll lose over a billion on the warranty extension and that they had fallen short of their sales projections for this fiscal year.

I see them letting Halo 3 sell as many 360s at current prices as they can, and then dropping price in Oct or Nov.

Or possibly they may wait and cut the price right before Halo 3 comes out to add to the hype.
They think:

1) They have a price advantage over PS3, even after the PS3 price drop
2) They'll sell a boatload of consoles given GTAIV, Halo 3, and the Halo 3 LE console
3) They just issued a $1 Billion apology for making unreliable and easily broken systems

Where is the impetus for a price drop? They don't see one.
[quote name='P dad']I think MS is missing an chance to stay ahead of PS3... In sailing if the other boat tacks you tack your boat to cover. MS really needs to cover Sony here......
Oh well, it is the same idiots who sell a console without a hard drive..[/quote]

So you werent playing video games when NO consoles had harddrives?
The only people who care about a price drop are those without a 360.

They could raise the price to $10,000 per console and I wouldn't care at all.
[quote name='mmn']The only people who care about a price drop are those without a 360.

They could raise the price to $10,000 per console and I wouldn't care at all.[/QUOTE]

Not necessarily true. I have had my 360 since February 2006 and would love to see a price drop. My Xbox is slowly failing and I'm hoping to squeeze enough life out of it to make it to the new chipset and price drop before redeeming my warranty at Best Buy. My brother recently used his Circuit City warranty (terrible customer service in my opinion-- you send them Xbox via UPS and pay for the boxing fees but not shipping and they send a gift card for the value of the product when warranty was purchased-- nice option if you want something else but not if want a replacement immediately) and I'm hoping I get $400 + tax gift card at BB when mine fails so a price drop and lower tax rate from moving would give me more value.
P dad Microsoft was the first and is the only company to have a generation experience with console + built in hard drive. Im pretty sure they are educated idiots on the matter to say the least.

I think the only thing hurting them from the ps3 price drop is that sony now has a system that can also play blu ray for 500 where as you have a 360 that cant play hd dvds built in for 480.

In terms of just games, i think microsoft was trying to make the 360 seem on par with the ps3 by making a more expensive/more capable model, so the price drop only helps that image.
When I buy a game console, I buy it for...*shock* *gasp* GAMES.

I could give two shits less if the 360 comes with a built in HD DVD player, a VCR player, a BETA player, or a Vinyl record player.

As long as I am provided with quality games, I'm happy.

And so far MS is doing a good job of it.
[quote name='mmn']The only people who care about a price drop are those without a 360.

They could raise the price to $10,000 per console and I wouldn't care at all.[/QUOTE]
If MS could sell more units with a price drop, it is more likely that third parties could bring more games to X360 (such as MGS4)
I think Vanigan meant that while the price drop was essentially a rumor, everyone including critics, analysts, and fans believed that MS would respond to PS3's price drop with one of their own to stay in the game.

I just hope that if the price drop does indeed coincide with Halo 3 and Falcon that they'll incorporate HDMI and WiFi into all SKUs. At the very least WiFi. If the Wii can do that for $250, then MS should definitely have that, especially since most of the 360's strengths lie in its online play and capability.
[quote name='Vanigan']So, we had the rumor, which I thought was all but confirmed[/QUOTE]
That was your first mistake.

Just because something has a Digg link attached doesn't mean it's legitimate.

Microsoft to lower Xbox price

Firm reacts to success of less costly Nintendo Wii video-game console
Jul 12, 2007 04:30 AM

Los Angeles–Microsoft Corp., the world's largest software maker, plans to cut the price of its Xbox 360 game console to compete with Nintendo Co.'s top-selling Wii.
Microsoft needs to lower Xbox's prices, ranging from $299 (U.S.) to $479, to increase sales and lure customers who aren't interested in traditional combat and racing video games, Shane Kim, vice-president of Microsoft Game Studios, said in an interview. He wouldn't say when a price cut may be announced. It won't happen at this week's Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3, in Santa Monica, Calif., he said.
"We need to compete effectively for that customer and part of that is getting to the mass market price point for the console," said Kim.
The Xbox 360 has trailed the $249 Wii in sales since Kyoto-based Nintendo introduced the player in November. This week, Sony Corp. lowered the price of its PlayStation 3 console, which has lagged behind both Xbox and Wii, by 17 per cent to $499 from $599 in the U.S. Microsoft, based in Redmond, Wash., has vowed to make its video-game business profitable by next year.
"A price cut would give the Xbox 360 an advantage over its rivals, particularly in North America where you have a choice of consoles to play the same game," said Etsuko Tamura, an analyst at Mizuho Investors Securities Co. in Tokyo. "There's a lack of Xbox titles in Japan, so a price cut here would have no effect."
In a briefing late Tuesday, the company also said Walt Disney Co. will offer films for rent through Microsoft's Xbox Live online service. Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Bros. and Viacom Inc.'s Paramount studio already sell and rent movies on Xbox Live.

Xbox Live has more than seven million members, surpassing the company's goal of six million members by the start of this year's E3 gathering, Kim said. The company anticipates having 10 million members by this time next year, he said.

This is the first thing even close to legitimate regarding a price drop. that being said i still dont expect one for another 6-8 months, most likely announced at the end of Q1 2008
I expect a price cut at X07, myself.

Is it still in September this year or are they pushing it back because of E3?

X06 had some good stuff, Bioshock exclusivity, HD-DVD drive announcement, GTA IV content, Assasins Creed footage, and some others I'm missing.
I still expect a drop a month or two after Halo 3 hits. Again, let that game sell existing stock at current prices. Then cut the price and/or introduce the units with the new, cooler chips.
I'm starting to think that X07 is the big gaming expo for MS. It makes senese though, its an expo by MS for MS. It'll probobly start off..

"we showed you what you will be playing this year at E3, now take a look at the future of gaming...."
[quote name='dmaul1114']I still expect a drop a month or two after Halo 3 hits. Again, let that game sell existing stock at current prices. Then cut the price and/or introduce the units with the new, cooler chips.[/quote]


which sucks for me, as my 2nd 360 just died, and I was going to use my best buy insurance plan on it to get the elite version...

Interview with one of the MS VPs. Drop definitely on the works, notes the importance of getting in the $199-249 range.

Bodes well for those of us waiting for a price drop, as it would seem to suggest that we may see a $100 cut on the core and premium.

For $299, a premium would be mine. Any more and I'll keep waiting.
bread's done