Where's the XBL Multiplayer?


It's strange to me that I barely know what the headset on my 360 feels like, since I've spent so little of my time playing online multi... this is the reason I bought a 360 after all... but nothing's really come out and grabbed me the way my first few Xbox games did (RTCW, Rainbow Six / Black Arrow).

I played a bit of GRAW and the interface was just so horrid I couldn't get into the online play (loved the SP, though). Tried PDZ, but the multiplayer really couldn't shine since the game itself wasn't so great. Everything else I've tried have been sports (TopSpin, FNR3, Fifa WC) and I"ve never found myself addicted to online sports for a long period of time.

Maybe I'm overlooking something here, but there just doesn't seem to be a must-play Live multiplayer game at the moment -- one that everyone and their uncle plays. What is everyone playing online these days?
Battlefield 2 is good fun also. What ever you do, don't buy Prey if your looking for a great multi player experience.

You have to be talking all the time with your squadmates in order to stay a live. If you don't talk, you're practically dead. Its all about teamwork.
I play more single player offline for some reason.

It seems like a lot of people (at least here) have started playing DOA 4 again. CoD2 was always fun, as well as Burnout Revenge and Battlefield 2.
[quote name='Ebraum']What ever you do, don't buy Prey if your looking for a great multi player experience.[/quote]
Could've said the same thing about CoD2 when it first came out, but patches make a huge difference.
I imagine most people either play Call of Duty 2, Battlefield, DoA4, Burnout, PGR3, or the Arcade games such as Uno and Marble Blast.
I can't think of anything I've played in multiplayer for more than 15 minutes on my 360. A couple of PGR3 races once in a while. Think I got burned out playing shooters on the regular Xbox. Its not a really a big deal yet. With Saint's Row and Gears coming out I'm hoping to get back into a bit of multiplayer later this year.

It sure is nice to be playing a single player game while your friend is playing something and being able to chat. That feature is great.
I haven't played CoD2 (shame, I know) but Perfet Dark online is a lot of fun. I'm just waiting for my Xbox live subscription card to get here so I can start playing again.
I've played Call of Duty 2 and Halo 2 quite a bit online, but not much more. PDZ just isn't that fun to me online, I don't really dig all the bots that are usually running around. GRAW was a blast, but I hate waiting 15 minutes to get in on a match...when I hit "quick match", that's really what I meant.
Yeah, I haven't played multiplayer too extensively since GRAW on 360. Battlefield was alright but it doesn't compare to the PC version. Never tried COD2 online but I guess now I'll just wait for COD3. BFME2 is pretty fun online sometimes although it's kind of unbalanced. There is absolutely nothing in the game that can stop a unit of 12 or so Attack Trolls. I played a throw away match with a buddy and he had Sauron and my trolls even fucked him up. It's nuts.
[quote name='arthurRWD']. PDZ just isn't that fun to me online, I don't really dig all the bots that are usually running around. [/QUOTE]

Is it really that bad?

If it's more bots than real people I'm just going to take my unopened copy back.
PDZ is terrible. I had fun doing the co-op, but only because I played through it with zew.

The 360 didn't get its Halo 2 yet, and won't until Halo 3 comes out. Hopefully Gears of War is good enough to keep me interested until then.
[quote name='Trakan']PDZ is terrible. I had fun doing the co-op, but only because I played through it with zew.

The 360 didn't get its Halo 2 yet, and won't until Halo 3 comes out. Hopefully Gears of War is good enough to keep me interested until then.[/QUOTE]

Thanks... I'll probably take it back to the store. Only cost $18 anyways.

BTW Trak, I got PGR 3, we should play sometime.

What this board needs is some kind of XBL thread where people know what games others have so they can play against each other on an active basis.
So it seems like COD2 or Chromehounds are the way to go right now? The responses seem most positive for those two thus far...

The necessity of communication in Chromehounds interests me... I think a lot of the reason I enjoyed Rainbow Six so much was that the team had to communicate well to win. Lone wolfing could happen, but it wasn't nearly as effective and led to more coordinated team play...
I've tried all of the above, sans Chromehounds. Not really into the mech thing... After spending a little time with GRAW, I've found myself back into Halo 2 again. Kinda sad, but until another dev figures out a party/matchmaking system that lets me spend my time with friends PLAYING instead of staring at lobby screens, Halo 2 is pretty much it. I really hope Gears has an efficient system. If they blow it, I probably won't become overly involved in another competetive mp game until Halo 3.
[quote name='psychobrawler']Kinda sad, but until another dev figures out a party/matchmaking system that lets me spend my time with friends PLAYING instead of staring at lobby screens, Halo 2 is pretty much it. I really hope Gears has an efficient system. If they blow it, I probably won't become overly involved in another competetive mp game until Halo 3.[/quote]

What shocks me is that almost everyone I play with on Live (friends, strangers) says pretty much the exact same thing but no other games really match its Matchmaking prowess. I guess people get really tired of waiting in lobies, trying to construct games, having your party disband after every single match, or not being able to buddy up with your friends.

That's not to say that most other Live games aren't worth playing (they definitely are) but ease of use makes a huge difference. That and, lord, I'm shocked that most other developers still don't use Halo 2 as an example for Matchmaking.
the funny thing is that when halo 2 first came out, and matchmaking was "new," people complained that they couldnt just enter lobbies and choose which games they would join...then when, halo 2 started going downhill in popularity, and people went on to other xbl games, and some of those same people complained that there wasnt an easier method like matchmaking :D

i actually liked matchmaking, but my cousin (who has a 360) said that he rather do the whole "entering lobby" thing...

THEN, he finally got GRAW and loved it...except that it took about an hour to find a game that he could join and actually start in a reasonable amount of time
Yeah I've been playing Halo 2 since launch nearly every night. Matchmaking is one of the best multiplayer inventions. One thing though is lately everyone seems to quit games on a whim. Like you start losing by 20 seconds in oddball and they think oh we're pretty much sunk now and they quit, fucking ridiculous. And I choose to be elite simply because it's so unpopular and I hear people smack talk about how stupid I am and then when the game is over, their asses are kicked, they cant muster up any courage to say anything.

Yeah I'd love GRAW if it wasn't so fucking hard to find a game!
I wonder why devs haven't picked up on this. I loved it from the start. I have kids and get fairly little time to play, so if I have an hour at night I can play 4 or 5 matches in Halo or maybe find a decent lobby, wait for it to fill up, hope people are OK with the settings, wait for the host to launch, watch as people quit and the whole thing spirals down the toilet... I really liked the gameplay of GRAW, and I think RS:Vegas looks awesome. But if I have to dedicate myself to wading through lobbies, I'm not gonna stick with it.
Well yes, the problem with Halo lately is that it seems that most of the people playing want to get into the few gametypes on the maps they like or else they quit. It becomes a bit of a problem but it usually shows that when they end up staying in the match they get absolutely slaughtered since they don't know the map, where the weapons are, how to counter the heavy weapons, how to handle objectives...

Oh well, some of the joys and downfalls of matchmaking, really. My favorite trick is, if teammates are purposefully trying to get kicked off rather than dropping and their schenanigans have more than cost us the game we'll keep them in for the remainder. Hey, if they don't want to use or know of the Leave Game option and want to be jerks they can spend the next 9 minutes looking for the rest of our team instead of playing an enjoyable game!
Yeah that's pretty much the problem with quitters. I personally love skirmish although my track record for slayer is way better. I always hope the gametype is a skirmish type when I'm playing team hardcore while the strangers usually hope it's slayer. It's disgusting how atrocious people are at skirmish gametypes, I mean it requires actual strategy and brainpower most of them time unlike slayer. I never quit though.

It seems 1 of every 4 games is good now a days. 2 of the games will have people quit on either side and the third will have a stand byers/modders.

I really wish they had a playlist that verifies your age albeit thats not a fullproof solution, it would stop a lot of damn kids.
I remember back when the 360 was announced and they were generating buzz for the "new" xbox Live what immediately came to my mind was a standardization of interface at the game level, not just the Live dashboard. Naturally I assumed that since Bungie's Halo matchmaking was an internal MS project that they'd simply extend it and provide it to developers...

...at least send it up to Ubisoft! Going back to the Xbox I can't think of another developer that would benefit more from a new online interface. One game would be serviceable (R6:BA) and the next horrendous (GR2, GRAW) to the point that I wonder why Ubi dev's aren't collaborating internally much less with MS and Bungie.
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