which dragonball z should I get


2 (100%)
I got some friends who love the series and they are trying to get me into watching it. So I've seen a few episodes of kai and the reg dragonball z. I started checking around and noticed that kai also has a blu ray set available.

I've been told that kai has more action and less filler , but might also miss out on the whole story line. I'm kinda tempted to get the kai sets because they seem to have more action and might be shorter in the long run. I don't know if i'll be missing out of any important story lines. If I were to get kai, would the blu ray be worth the extra money?
Amazon currently has the reg dbz sets for 14.99. They do take up more room on a shelf but are cheaper to get.

Any suggestions?
I'd recommend the dragon boxes or the orange box sets if you have to. The Kai sets stop at the Cell Saga for what it's worth.

I actually have a mix of both since some of the dragon boxes (#2 in particular) are ridiculously expensive since they are out of print.
Definitely go with Kai if you can. It is much more condensed. I recently started watching the entire normal uncut series again with my kids and there is a LOT of filler in the regular series. You might lose interest if you are not a serious fan.
[quote name='detectiveconan16']If you have the patience to watch a 400+ episode series, get the orange box sets. If you don't, get Kai.[/QUOTE]

There's less than 300 DBZ episodes...
I would suggest just reading the books. There are fewer plotholes, and the action is much faster paced. You don't have to wait for 5 minute smoke clouds to dissipate or watch filler episodes that throw away what little continuity there is.

The original Dragon Ball series might be worth watching, though. I'm not sure how it holds up, but I used to think it was pretty funny before Z made things all serious.

Oh, also, if you do read it, consider listening to Bruce Faulconer's soundtrack for the Funimation dub of Dragon Ball Z. He did a superb job.
I think both has it good and bad points. Personally the original is a bit slower than I thought it was when I rewatched it and I thought it would be a good idea taking out the fillers but Kai just isn't that good for me. Also just because it is filler doesn't mean it's bad.
Kai is good when the actual fighting starts, but when there is actual story to tell it goes a bit too fast. For example, the first appearence of 19 and 20 made them out to be dangerous serial killers and had extremely tense music to go along with it. Kai just has them appear as essentially mooks and moves along. That being said, the Freeza saga was much better in Kai.

If you are considering buying the original series, stop by Walmart. They have the first 8 seasons in 2-packs for relatively cheap.
[quote name='GUNNM']The fact you needed to explain that to him makes me worry about our future generation...[/QUOTE]

I am just going to assume he didn't click the link.

At first I thought the link was for the video game OVA or the or the Tarble special. Then I clicked on it.
Honestly, for OP in particular I'd say Kai. For someone who never got into the anime, its going to be alot easier to digest. Serious fans will always say the original, but newbies will be more than happy with Kai. Also, it's the only version thats available on Bluray. Although there are some good filler episodes (Drivers license episode, Goku falling off Snake Way, etc), 80% of them are just throwaway episodes that add nothing to the storyline. My only problem with Kai was the fact that there were no plans to continue past the Cell saga, but since they've started doing voicework for the Buu saga, I have no problems with it. More action, less powering up.
I honestly don't believe theres a version that feels like I would be 100% satisfied with.Ideally most people would consider the yellow dragon boxes to be the best version to get being the best in being remastered and presented the show like they'd want you to see.Kai is the best looking for all the new redone animation but to me the voices aren't the same and sounded better 10 years ago and the soundtrack to it is also not quite as good I'd say,feels like they tried making it feel too epic.The orange boxes still look decent but you'll still get some complaints over hardcore fans with the screen format and so so but personally its the edition I like best with it being the only one to have the American soundtrack as an option(the one that you saw if you watched the show on Cartoon Network years ago) and as well as the Japanese version.

Most hardcore fans on an average would say go with the dragon boxes but they are rather costy these days and personally me myself I would reccommend the orange boxes and they tend to be rather cheap these days,just depends on what you're looking for I guess.
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