Which game has the best storyline: FF7 or Metal Gear Solid


CAG Veteran
A few nights ago me and a couple of my friends got a little drunk and had a peaceful descussion about video games, until I brought this topic up, shit was kicked over and the conversation almost ended in bloodshed no one could answer the question cause they're both soooo good. It also didnt help when I said I never played ff7 and I thought ff9 was better anyway. We came to the conclusion after watching the mgs4 trailer that mgs was in fact the better storyline and I just wanted to know what the whole world thinks lets hope this thread gets just as violent.

Ok everyone senes it seems that all the fighting is over with i put it the poll so we can see the bare statistics
[quote name='PatricoSwavey9'] It also didnt help when I said I never played ff7 and I thought ff9 was better anyway. [/quote]


but seriously, how can you even compare these two games!? its like street fighter 3 vs mega man (which we all know who wins that one).

i'll say FF7 only because we all know dead presidents controlling the world from 200 years in the past is completely silly;)
FFVII has a more coherent story line, but MGS has a more fun storyline. FFVII takes its self too seriously. if I want drama, I'll watch a movie or read a book.
wtf the threads been up for 9 seconds and its already ff7-3 metal gear solid-0
come on ff7s got nothing on psyco mantis or olga gurlurgavich's hairy armpits
[quote name='PatricoSwavey9']wtf the threads been up for 9 seconds and its already ff7-3 metal gear solid-0
come on ff7s got nothing on psyco mantis or olga gurlurgavich's hairy armpits[/quote]

olga gurlurgavich ay?
she was a man's man's. after a hard day at the oil reg, she comes home to her wife for some stank house lovin'.

oh wait im thinking of Fortune from the dead cells in mgs2! whoops, i get those 2 guys mixed up sometimes
[quote name='PatricoSwavey9']wtf the threads been up for 9 seconds and its already ff7-3 metal gear solid-0
come on ff7s got nothing on psyco mantis or olga gurlurgavich's hairy armpits[/QUOTE]

no, I voted for MGS. coherent does not equal better :) in fact, MGS' incoherence makes it better than FFVII.
I say MGS, I thought FF7 was kinda lame. You have a soldier that tells of a grand adventure, and you find out it wasnt him.

Edit: Metroid's better anyways :D
[quote name='PatricoSwavey9']wtf the threads been up for 9 seconds and its already ff7-3 metal gear solid-0
come on ff7s got nothing on psyco mantis or olga gurlurgavich's hairy armpits[/QUOTE]

OMG are we focusing on just MGS 1 or the entire MGS storyline? If it's the entire MGS storyline, TETRIS is a better fucking story, and makes more sense even. A bunch of falling mishapen blocks to Russian music? Sure.

I also like how the OP and his friends decided MGS had the better story because of the MGS4 trailer...which shows the bare minimum of the plot. Also the first trailer at E3, the Vamp vs Raiden, fight was the gayest thing I've ever seen. The gameplay footage however, a few days after E3, was amazing (except with all the ball grabbing...)

I seriously fucking hate how Kojima takes all these real life themes, environments and issues then throws in some weird shit just for kicks it seems like.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']

I seriously fucking hate how Kojima takes all these real life themes, environments and issues then throws in some weird shit just for kicks it seems like.[/QUOTE]

when its that versus a spiky haired amnesia love story with mediocre writing, which has since become the worst cliche/trend to ever happen to RPGs, the nonsense wins on virtue of being fun :)
Are we talking about the first MGS alone? If so, I can actually comment and say FF7, since I stared at the TV watching my roommate play MGS from start to finish and said "what the fuck is this game?" FF7 was at least comprehensible.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'll vote for MGS. FFVII is probably the most overrated RPG ever. Such a mediocre game.[/quote]:applause: THANK YOU.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'll vote for MGS. FFVII is probably the most overrated RPG ever. Such a mediocre game.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't consider the entirety of FFVII mediocre, but I certainly feel that the story is. MGS, just the first or the entire series, has a much more intriguing story to me.
Both were great but I have to go with the MGS for the Liquid Snake twist mid-game. But the Aeris thing gave me a gut punch like no other.
FF7 was terrible in ever way, which gives it to MGS by default. Though MGS1 (the game I assume you are talking about) did have a superlative story.
I say neither as I didn't care much for FFVII and I don't like MGS. Though if I only choose between the two, I would have to say MGS.
I'd go with FFVII just because of Aeris, nobody could have possibly seen that coming, and if you played it already knowing then you missed out.

Other than that (discs 2 and 3) MGS by far.
Holy crap, it's not even close. Metal Gear Solid ... by a mile. No, it's not perfect, and if you include MGS2 in there, they become much closer on the Gibberish-O-Meter, but otherwise, the first Metal Gear is basically Rambo with some surreal twists, and that beats out 40+ hours of incoherent babbling about Jenova this and lifestream that.
Gah, I feel dumb for even reading this GameFAQ-esque thread.

I'll give the MGS series the advantage becase MGS3 has the best ending in a videogame.
[quote name='PatricoSwavey9']A few nights ago me and a couple of my friends got a little drunk and had a peaceful descussion about video games, until I brought this topic up, shit was kicked over and the conversation almost ended in bloodshed no one could answer the question cause they're both soooo good. It also didnt help when I said I never played ff7 and I thought ff9 was better anyway. We came to the conclusion after watching the mgs4 trailer that mgs was in fact the better storyline and I just wanted to know what the whole world thinks lets hope this thread gets just as violent.[/QUOTE]

How can you like FF9 better than FF7, when you never played FF7 in the first place?

Me personally, I liked the story of MGS just a tad bit more than FF7 (however, FF7 will still be one of my favorite games of all time). Ultimately, it comes down to your own opinion of the games in question. Anything else is a moot point.
[quote name='happy']I'd go with FFVII just because of Aeris, nobody could have possibly seen that coming, and if you played it already knowing then you missed out.

Other than that (discs 2 and 3) MGS by far.[/quote]

I'm one of those people, when I got to that part where she dies, I was like "Meh, didn't use her in my party anyways".
we're talking about the WHOLE metal gear solid series 1-4 from when [SIZE=-1]Kojima took a crappy NES game from the 80s and made it what it is today and come on liquid ocelot owns the shit out of sephiroth even though sephiroth's theme song owns
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'll vote for MGS. FFVII is probably the most overrated RPG ever. Such a mediocre game.[/quote]

QF fuckin' T
Both FFIV and FFVI are worlds better than FFVII.

I really do like both series, but I'd have to go with MGS. I like the whole story, plus the themes of each game really connect you to the characters and the feel of the game.
MGS for sure.

Nothing was really amazing with FF7's story. It was good and enough to make you finish the game, but MGS blows it out of the water.
I think you are comparing apples and oranges.

P.S. I hope anyone who says FF7 sucks chokes on a razorblade.

P.P.S. Metal Gear Solid 2's story was so unbelievably terrible that it retroactively makes MGS1's story go from great to mediocre.

FFVII wins, though it isn't as good as FFIV. MGS was fun and all, but come on the best part is the virtual training sessions, not the "story".
This is a tough one. I will 2nd the fact that I thought neither had the strongest stories in their series. MGS is weird because, really, all 3 of the MGS games tie to one strory, where the FF stories stand separately (but to combine 3 games of stories versus one game seems unfair too).

My vote is going to go to MGS here, though just slightly. I've replayed both in the past 2 years , and I am just a bit more interested in MGS. I'm not saying anything bad about FFVII (a game I've put quite a few hours in), I just liked the MGS storyline.
[quote name='seanr1221']This could really use a poll...but my vote goes to FF7 because Tifa gave me a chubby when I was a lad.[/quote]2004?
This thread is a complete disaster.
[quote name='djfalcon']but seriously, how can you even compare these two games!? its like street fighter 3 vs mega man (which we all know who wins that one). [/quote]Actually, you're pretty specific about which Street Fighter you are referring to, but vague about which Mega Man. I think we clearly do not know who wins until you specify.

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of SFIII if you can't tell. Sorry.
[quote name='Vinny']Of the two, MGS has the better story but I wouldn't call either one the 'best'.[/quote] Then what does have the best storyline to me its mgs hands down best storyline ever, it maybe better than any movie I've ever seen. Besides that you cant help but wait till the fourth one comes out if not for the endless fun from the gameplay then its gotta be from the edge of your seat, I gotta know what happends next, storyline.
I didn't like either. I agree with the guy who said FFVII took itself too seriously. It seemed like the goal of FFVII was "what if FFVII happened today in the real world, in modern times"? It didn't really seem all that much of a "fantasy" anymore so much as an entirely unfeasible and forced set of events in a bad B-movie. In Final FANTASIES, surviving "bahamat" or "Blizzard" is part of the fantasy. In "What if an RPG happened here in the REAL WORLD", the guy with the gun (even the weakest of all guns) should be victorious against any opponent armed with a knife, sword, or other non-projectile weapon or the game loses all meaning. I can't deal with a storyline that is "realistic" and "unrealistic" at the same time. Even based on storyline PURELY, it wasn't anything special IMO. The cut-scenes really took me out of the game as well. At the end I felt like I had pressed buttons in an effort to keep a bad movie going.

MGS is just strange, and I think also took itself too seriously. The plot was kind of convoluted and it's hard to be invested in any of the characters.

In the end I guess I might as well flip a coin for my vote but I care so little about either game that I wouldn't stick around long enough to see which side it landed on. I'll be the guy in the corner still playing through FFVI on my ds.
I wish the argument the OP describes had happened with bloodshed, because then we could be spared this retarded topic.
[quote name='Strell']I wish the argument the OP describes had happened with bloodshed, because then we could be spared this retarded topic.[/QUOTE]

shtu up clouwd rulz
Easily MGS. It's done more for gaming artisticly then FF7 has. I really dig Kojima's work, and it's not that hard to understand, if you don't mind researching a bit.

Sure FF7 sold tons and brought RPGs to more people, but it's nothing terribly special. It's been bested many times since it's came out.

Whatver, it's impossible to reason with FF7 fans. I used to hate it so much, now I just don't care anymore.
My vote goes for FF7, if only because it is the lesser of two evils. Yes, MGS can do storytelling in MGS1 and MGS3, but between 2 and PO, it is clear that Kojima doesn't really know what he is writing, and when he writes a plot that is actually solid, it is by accident.
bread's done