Which game scheduled for 2010 do you believe will be GOTY?

Dr. Pizza

Posting poll right now...

Okay i hope i didnt miss any other big names >.> i know Star Trek Online was a WTF, but hey you never know.

I personal think its gonna be a draw between Mass Effect 2 and Final Fantasy XIII... due to Mass Effect 2 coming out the earliest *thank god* i have the poll closed within 50 days so that way people cant jump on the Mass Effect 2 wagon. :)
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Mass Effect 2 isnt a tired series >.> when its just its 2nd.. same with Bioshock 2, Diablo III, and Starcraft 2

But the others.. yeah id agree..
Diablo 3...personally anyways. I'm really hoping there's some unannounced title cooking up that will blow the rest of those games out of the water.

I would have said SMG2 but I have my reservations. It will surely be just as polished as SMG was but I doubt it will be as 'original' if that makes sense.
Even though I feel GOW3 will not win GOTY, just because it isn't as popular as the other games here and its only single player.

Single player wise though, I'd put it up for the top 3, and I can see them making a GOTY version for GOW3
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Mass Effect 2!!! Hells yea... but the real winner will be the next COD game. Bleh.[/QUOTE]

ME2 is my pick as well. Don't agree with COD as the 2010 one will be an inferior Treyarch developed one. It will sell well, but not be in game of the year discussions like the Infinity Ward ones are.

I loved Bioshock. But haven't liked what I've seen of Bioshock 2 yet. Premise just seems dumb, don't like being a big daddy etc.

Other than those two, I probably won't play any of the others listed.
Yeah, Diablo III looks to be more GOTY 2012 at this point.

That said, it's hard to make a call without more knowledge of what'll be coming next Christmas but I'd say FFXIII is a safe bet among what's up there.
I voted for FFXIII, because I think it will be the best game. That said, there's too many people who hate FF irrationally at this point (including probably within the industry) that it probably won't win much of anything. Mass Effect 2 or GoW3 are good bets.
I'm not going to make a prediction, since the game I personally would consider a GOTY usually differs heavily from what the mainstream considers game of the year. Like for 2009, you'll pretty much see Modern Warfare 2 and Uncharted 2 racking up GOTY awards left and right, whereas my GOTY was/is Street Fighter 4.
[quote name='life.exe']I'm hoping BioShock 2 will be great, but from what I have seen it wont be anywhere near the caliber of the first.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty bad when you consider how mediocre the first game was.
I've been looking forward to FF13 for years and fully expect it to be a generation-defining masterpiece. On the other hand, my favorite game of this year was Borderlands, a title that wasn't even on my radar until a couple of days before it came out. So maybe something else will sneak up on me again.
[quote name='msdmoney']I'm most looking forward to Splinter Cell: Conviction and Alan Wake, but I can never predict goty.[/QUOTE]

These are the only two games I'm looking forward to picking up on 360 (Is anything besides the next Halo coming out next year?) I'm hoping they'll be damn good but not expecting tons of accolades for them.

[quote name='evanft']That's pretty bad when you consider how mediocre the first game was.[/QUOTE]

Bioshock had a couple knocks against it when it came out, like the DRM, lack of multiplayer, and being a Microsoft timed exclusive (Annoyed me since I just picked up my PS3 and didn't have my xbox back then). But I also remember it being completely immersive, awesome art design, and it was the MUST PLAY game when it was released. I burned through it on PC and sold it, but grabbed a PS3 copy and have yet to replay it so I can't comment on how it aged.

I think Bioshock 2, FFXIII, and GoW3 will be leading the pack, but I won't be suprised to see a dark horse come out of nowhere and surprise everyone. Hopefully Heavy Rain, Last Guardian and the above mentioned SC:Conviction and Alan Wake are executed as well as the hype/teasers would have you believe, but they all seem like niche games that won't win over the mainstream as much as franchise sequels.
Mass Effect 2 should be awesome. Loved the first one and the trailers for ME2 look even better.
[quote name='Halo05']I can't believe Diablo 3 isn't winning. Y'all are nucking futs.[/QUOTE]

Would probably help if it had any chance of coming out in 2010.
[quote name='Magus8472']Would probably help if it had any chance of coming out in 2010.[/QUOTE]

Oooooh yeah... hadn't really thought about that.

The wait for the original Starcraft was in-fuckin-sane. I think I gazed at screenshots for something close to three years.
[quote name='Halo05']Oooooh yeah... hadn't really thought about that. [/QUOTE]

Visual evidence:


"Coming in 1998" indeed.

[quote name='Halo05']The wait for the original Starcraft was in-fuckin-sane. I think I gazed at screenshots for something close to three years.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but at least the wait made it so it didn't get released looking like Warcraft II in space. The "when it's done" philosophy works in the long run, if the developer doesn't go bankrupt in the process.
We're on the third day and no one has yet mentioned Heavy Rain. Among critics, I'm sure you'll see Alan Wake, Heavy Rain, and Mass Effect 2 as the top contenders. Though God of War 3 will outsell all of them (perhaps even combined...well that's a stretch ;))
I want Final Fantasy XIII to be great but I haven't loved a Final Fantasy game since FFVI-FFVIII. That's not to say they haven't been good games though. My safe answer is StarCraft II because I played thousands of hours of the original, although I doubt I'll be as good as I was back then.

Games not on the list that I think should be mentioned: Bayonetta, 3D Dot Game Heroes, DeathSpank, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction, White Knight Chronicles, Yakuza 3
Wow - 2010 is shaping up to be great. I really hope FFXIII is good. I'd also add Splinter Cell to the list - it is getting a lot of buzz and looks great so far. I'm also hoping Galaxy 2 is as good or better than the first one (the finest 3D platformer ever made, IMO). I'm expecting God of War 3 to be great but more of the same. Mass Effect 2 has to improve on thew original by like a million in order for it to be elite IMO (I like ME but there were a TON of flaws that were hard to overlook). They also better bring it with Starcraft and Diablo but are those even going to come out in 2010? So many great games!!!

Also, what are the chances of getting the next true Zelda on the Wii in 2010?
Easily God of War or Bioshock. There's an outside chance one of the FF's can win too but they might not be original enough to win GOTY. While I'm looking forward to Galaxy 2 I'm not sure it'll receive all the credit it's due. Everything else on the list is disposable crap.

*Yuck! Who the hell voted for Mass Effect? Whatever that is...
Heavy Rain.

A cinematic experience with true to life moments (your attempts to influence someone may or may not succeed depending on past actions and if you fuck up, your character can die... literally!)? That concept alone has me giddy with excitement. I think Heavy Rain will change what people think of what games could be and assuming it's does falter in any technical ways (graphics look great from the preview vids but there seems to be a lot of screen tearing and look choppy at time).

The only other games that might win GotY are probably Mass Effect, God Of War III and Final Fantasy XIII but all 3 are sequels and none appear to do anything groundbreaking like Heavy Rain is. The Last Guardian has a shot but I haven't seen enough to make judgment though I think it's the one game that will give Heavy Rain a run of its money.
How do they fuck things up? I'll grant you that they delay games but once they put something out, thus far it has been universally solid.
Is this even a valid discussion? Super Mario Galaxy blew away everything else in 2007 by quite a large margin and I expect the sequel to do the same in 2010.
[quote name='maximumzero']Is this even a valid discussion? Super Mario Galaxy blew away everything else in 2007 by quite a large margin and I expect the sequel to do the same in 2010.[/QUOTE]

I played it and had fun, but you can't really be serious.

Maybe you just never played anything else 2007 had to offer.

Here's a list organized by "least offensive to reviewers" so you can see what else came out. ;)
My vote's for God of War III. Here's why.

Final Fantasy hasn't been getting critical acclaims since a decade ago, and their continued focus on graphics versus everything else is probably going to do the same with this generation's Final Fantasies.

Super Mario Galaxy will probably be the best platformer of the year, but platforming popularity isn't as high as it used to be.

Diablo III and StarCraft II will probably be awesome for the fans who liked the previous entries, but probably won't do much for a mass amount of people. Same with the MMORPGs.

Mass Effect 2 will likely be great as well, but will suffer a tiny bit just because people are impatient and want action right away, all the time.

Which brings me to BioShock II and God of War III. The former doesn't even impress me so far, and I loved BioShock. So due to how well God of War has done in the past, plus more current interests of the majority of people, I definitely vote for God of War III.

*note: not saying it'll be my personal favorite game of the year, but it'll probably be the overall.
My personal picks would be:

Mass Effect 2
Alan Wake
Heavy Rain
Starcraft II

And Diablo III won't ship until the earliest middle/late 2011. Will be surprised to see Starcraft II shipping any earlier then fall 2010 also. Blizzard loves to take their sweet ass time making anything.
[quote name='elessar123']Final Fantasy hasn't been getting critical acclaims since a decade ago, and their continued focus on graphics versus everything else is probably going to do the same with this generation's Final Fantasies.[/QUOTE]
What do you mean by this? All of the numbered, single player Final Fantasy games on the PSX and PS2 have Metacritic scores of 90 or above. They never stopped getting critical acclaim (even the bad ones ;)).
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