Which games are better as memories?

I agree with alot of people in that Zelda:OoT should be a memory, it's got clunky to decent at best controls (though I'm still a big fan of the game)

Hell, even the first God of War doesn't stand up...(play it now to believe me)

[quote name='daroga']
I can only think of 3 N64 games that stand the test of time. Mario 64, Star Fox 64, and possibly Mario Kart 64, although those pixelated-sprite racers are painful.[/quote]

Banjo Kazooie holds up pretty darn well imo ;)
[quote name='Foo228']I agree with alot of people in that Zelda:OoT should be a memory, it's got clunky to decent at best controls (though I'm still a big fan of the game)

Hell, even the first God of War doesn't stand up...(play it now to believe me)

Banjo Kazooie holds up pretty darn well imo ;)[/quote]

Banjo Kazooie holds up well graphically, the gameplay...not so much.

The real culprits are ps games, I found them to be way more rough than n64 games.
Zelda: OoT doesn't hold up well anymore, and I'm not just talking about graphics. Unfortunately Wind Waker and Twilight Princess haven't evolved the gameplay so neither of them have ever been great.

I can't stand any of the older (pre-360) Rainbow Six or Ghost Recon games anymore, their sequels have rendered the old ones obsolete.

Most 3d platfomers on PS1/N64 (and even early PS2 ones) have far too much item collection so I can't stand them anymore either. The Crash Bandicoot games are definite exceptions and Crash 2 & 3 remain my favorite 3d platfomers.
Of course SNES and Genesis games will hold up much better than PSX/N64 games. SNES and Genesis games aren't that different from 2D games of today, where as 3D games from then to now, the difference is gigantic.

Oh, and I just started playing MGS1 on the PSX for the first time, and it's awesome. I don't care what you say.
I am not a graphics whore. I still play and enjoy NES games, C64 games, etc.

But those early 3D games for the PS1/N64 are unplayable to me. Its not the bad graphics, it's the horrible framerate, the no draw distance, the uncontrollable camera, and the fact that developers hadn't really figured out how make these games control.

Goldeneye is one of the most beloved and repspected games of all time. I loved it back in the day and my friends and I played it for hours on end. Go play it now, if you can last more than 15 minutes with it, your far more forgiving that I am. I dont mind that the characters are made up of 50 polygons each. It's the fact that the game runs at 10 frames per second and controls like shit that makes it a game better left in the past.
PS1/N64 games don't hold up well..

but i can play FF7 again.. those graphics don't bother me.. its really just games I "missed" during their "Hayday"
Diablo and X-Com UFO Defense.

I played the shit out of both of these, but the last time I managed to get X-Com running on a PC, it was so bad, I wanted to cry.

That being said, if anyone has a PS1 version....

I would say most NES and PS1/Saturn games.

When I got on NES, I found many games fun when I was a kid, but the majority of games just don't hold up too well (due to very simple sound, sometimes a little sluggish gameplay, etc.). Mega Man, Super Mario games, etc. hold up well, but most NES RPGs, racers, some action games, etc. just don't hold up well at all.

PS1 might be my favorite console of all time overall (and I enjoyed Saturn a lot), but many games were pretty jaggy and made with very few polygons. At the time they looked impressive, now many look like a mess. Unless it's NiGHTs, 2D game, or some great RPG, it just doesn't hold up anymore. For an example, I know many want to see more PS1 games in the PS Store, yet, when you go back to play many games which were great in the past, they feel mediocre now (I kind of know this because I regret most PS1 downloads I bought and when I go back to play old PS1/Saturn demos, I find the majority of the games to be terrible now).

As for Sonic Adventure games, let's just say I really loved them during the DC era, and although I still like them now, definitely not my favorite platformer like before (Ratchet & Clank replaced them).

Most SNES games still hold up pretty good and I could say the same for PS2/Xbox/GC/Dreamcast games.
I tried playing some of my old PS1 games (Tekken, Driver, Syphon Filter...) but many of them just aren't as fun as they used to be. Jet Moto 2 was still kinda fun. The transition to 3D has had many casualties along the way. Many of the well made 2D games (SMB, Sonic, Metal Slug...) still hold up pretty well.
[quote name='Bioshocked360']Goldeneye. It was so much fun when it came out, but going back and playing it I notice all the problems of playing without a second analog stick and not to mention, the horrible framerate.[/quote]

Add in the fact that 4 player mode with N64 resolution makes it nearly impossible to actually see what is on your screen. I can't believe how much I used to play the game and never noticed that until I came back to it again one day.
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja starring Goemon for n64. This was my favorite n64 platformer (yes, I liked it even more than the much revered mario 64 and the banjo games, never played conker), but I just have a feeling if I were to ever play it again, it would just suck.
I almost hate to say this, but Call of Duty 2. I went back and tried this one out again after playing Call of Duty 4 for three months and its an akward clumsy slow pile of crap compared to the fun I remember having playing it.

The Tony Hawk games also come to mind, but they've been getting crappier and crappier as newer ones come out too, so they're more of a bell curve having peaked a few games ago.
[quote name='darkcecil32']The Legend of the Mystical Ninja starring Goemon for n64. This was my favorite n64 platformer (yes, I liked it even more than the much revered mario 64 and the banjo games, never played conker), but I just have a feeling if I were to ever play it again, it would just suck.[/QUOTE]
It's still the best platformer.

Motherfucking IMPACT!

Game I think should stay a memory... Crusin' USA. I remember playing that game so many times with my father just to unlock a different colored version of your car that was slightly faster.. over and over. I know it would suck if I played it today.
[quote name='cochesecochese']I have to say a lot of original NES games don't hold up especially Zelda 1 & 2, ExciteBike, Super Mario Bros 1 & 2, [/quote]More insanity!
[quote name='elwood731']It seems like most examples of "not holding up" boil down to people being graphics snobs. I don't know, it hurts some games, sure, but there are very few if any I can think of that it makes completely unplayable. Not as nice as the memory? Maybe, but not nearly to the degree that some are claiming. In fact, I'm not sure there's a single game yet anyone has listed that I agree with. I even still play some old Commodore titles now and then. While I find them "primitive" in many ways, most are still very enjoyable to anyone who played them when originally released. It's the equivalent of people complaining that old movies are unwatchable because of the SFX.[/quote]

Well the entire experience wouldn't be the same for me, which is why it is better off as a memory to me when it comes to those games. I had different friends, my sisters were around to pester, and my TV was black and white. Graphics were never the issue, you actually used your imagination back then.

I will say there were a few games that I loved on the C64, Archon, Jumpman, AD&D game, and there was this one Airborne game that I played that was really really good, I just wish I remembered the name of it.

All I was saying was that I'll leave those games as memories for me. I had a lot of fun with them and if I do go back to play them it would have to be on the original systems and not any ports or emulators. It's not that they suck it is just my memories of them are just that much better due to my imagination and experiences at the time. If that all makes sense.
Two words: Duck Hunt. Why did I waste that much time trying not to get laughed at by that @#*$#^ dog.

I also just got done playing through Castlevania: SOTN and Metal Gear Solid. Both 10 years old, both still classics.
The Mortal Kombat series. Fun to play with another friend for shits and giggles, but overall that game just hasn't aged well at all with everyone having same default moves.
bread's done