Which movie are you eagerly waiting to see in 2007?

Reno 911 Miami
Black Snake Moan
The Pleasure of Your Company
Hot Fuzz
Spring Breakdown
The Kingdom
Balls of Fury
Spider-Man 3
Hot Rod
Knocked Up
The Simpsons Movie
The Brothers Solomon
Super Bad
Bee Movie

2007's gonna be a great year for movies
[quote name='Vampire Hunter D'] Fantastic Four 2 (FLAMESHIELD ON)[/QUOTE]
Normally I'd be the first to flame you for that, but after seeing the trailer I'm going to have to agree with you, it looks like its going to be an awesome movie, and I HATED the first one, yet I'm excited for this one.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Wasn't that already released in theaters? I've had it for a bit now myself (won't say how tho).[/QUOTE]

Doesn't get a wide release until Friday. Not that many theaters are showing it right now.
The Number 23 and Zodiac look very good as do a lot of others, but I doubt I'll actually go to the theatre to watch them.

I will be more than happy to throw down the monies for the following:

- 300
- Spiderman 3
- Transformers
- Ghost Rider
- Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

... I'm such a sucker for movie adaptations of comics.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Don't you people ever get sick of Super Hero and Comic Book movies?[/QUOTE]

The irony is more delicious than my grapefruit this morning.

I'm looking forward to 300, PotC3 and Harry Potter 5. Also, I never read the comic, and while I'm no fan of Nicholas Cage (save for his role as H.I. McDonough), Ghost Rider looks quite good.

That said, I see no more than 3-4 movies per year in the theatre. I have no tolerance for people who won't shut the fuck up when they and I have paid $8-9 to see a fucking movie. I've thrown such bitchfests in the theatre the last two times I was there that I'm only going to see 2 movies I know will be loud and full of brats, but entertaining nonetheless: Harry Potter and Shrek 3.

Other than that, I can wait for the DVD/BR of any number of these movies; more than anything else, I'm hoping for the DVD release of "American Hardcore," since I missed it during its fucking 5-day run in the local arthouse theatre.
National Treasure 2? I'm there. I must of watched it 8 times already on TV, and it's still cool to me.
I am only looking forward to movies when they come out on DVD. My goal in 2007 is to not go to a single one. It was my goal in 2005 and 2006 but I failed each time. I saw Revenge of the Sith in 2005 and Superman Returns in 2006. This year I'm going to do it!!!

I am interested in Transformers and Spiderman 3 I guess. I will also give HP5 a chance but I'm sure it will completely suck like the others (I think they should have waited 5 or 10 years until after the books were finished and then released one every 3 years or so and make them into multiple parts (ala Kill Bill) or 4 hours long (ala LotR)). Either way, I am probably not going to see any of them for a year so it's hard to care.
[quote name='javeryh']I am only looking forward to movies when they come out on DVD. My goal in 2007 is to not go to a single one. It was my goal in 2005 and 2006 but I failed each time. I saw Revenge of the Sith in 2005 and Superman Returns in 2006. This year I'm going to do it!!!

Like not go to the theater?

I had a vicious arguement with my former co-workers about this, since we're all film people. I am a DVD person myself, but I ended up seeing more films in theater this year than ever before. It's more expensive, but some films it's worth it (Borat and Rocky come to mind).
I just went to the theater for the first time in a long time (I think the last time was Rent) on my parents' dime. Was presented with teasers for the following which I will anxiously wait for on DVD:

Fantastic Four 2
Spiderman 3
[quote name='lordwow']Like not go to the theater?

I had a vicious arguement with my former co-workers about this, since we're all film people. I am a DVD person myself, but I ended up seeing more films in theater this year than ever before. It's more expensive, but some films it's worth it (Borat and Rocky come to mind).[/quote]

There are a million reasons why I hate the theater. A few of them off the top of my head are:

1. I hate teenagers
2. It's too expensive for what you get (the movie and the popcorn)
3. It's too damn cold
4. You can't pause to go take a shit
5. You can't rewind if you miss something
6. You have to leave the house
7. People can't keep quiet (talking, cellphones, whatever)
8. Too many previews
9. Now they show commercials??? Why am I paying $10 to watch commercials? It's disgusting.
10. My plasma looks about a billion times better
11. My home theater system sounds a billion times better
12. The screen appears just as big in my living room based on where the couch is and the size of the screen
13. I can eat what I want at home
14. I can control the lighting at home
15. It's dead silent at home

To be honest, I am actually getting way more enjoyment out of TV these days than movies. I really haven't seen a GREAT movie in a long long time... probably since The Return of the King or The Incredibles but there's probably a couple others since then that I can't think of right now. Plus, I can go out and buy a DVD of a movie sight unseen for less than it costs to go with my wife and I'll own it forever. I do not miss the theater at all.
[quote name='lordwow']Like not go to the theater?

I had a vicious arguement with my former co-workers about this, since we're all film people. I am a DVD person myself, but I ended up seeing more films in theater this year than ever before. It's more expensive, but some films it's worth it (Borat and Rocky come to mind).[/QUOTE]

Speaking of which, i've been meaning to ask you--Since i'll be spending the next four years of my life in Boston and I dont know the city TOO well, I was wondering where the artsy-type theater is? (indep./indie films). Thanks bro.
[quote name='jPoD']Speaking of which, i've been meaning to ask you--Since i'll be spending the next four years of my life in Boston and I dont know the city TOO well, I was wondering where the artsy-type theater is? (indep./indie films). Thanks bro.[/QUOTE]

There aren't an awful lot on this side of the river. The two big ones are at Kendall Square and Harvard Square in Cambridge.

From BU it's about a 15-30 minutes to either taking the #1 Bus and walking.

For more standard fare, there's no competition: The Fenway/Landmark Center Regal (just switched from an AMC). They play nearly every hit movie plus the more popular indie-type films (like Inconvienant Truth, etc). It's a 15 minute walk from here at NU, and depending on where on BU's campus you live it's about 5-15 minutes walk. Or about a 3 minute walk from Fenway Park.

Also, there's a massive Best Buy right next door to the Landmark Theaters, and it's the only BB/CC/TRU/Target easily accessible without a car, so it's going to be your new best friend.
[quote name='Xevious'] the final Pirates movie[/QUOTE]


The last one! Yeah right!

And I'm not really looking forward to any movie. I will msot likely rent TMNT, NT2, and Priates 3, but there is nothing that screams NEED IT NOW!

[quote name='Judhudson']National Treasure 2? I'm there. I must of watched it 8 times already on TV, and it's still cool to me.[/QUOTE]

It deals with President Lincoln being a woman and her 18 missing diary pages.

And in 2006 and I did not go to a movie one, very proud of that.
[quote name='dude2003']we complain about video games being all sequels and no original ideas......check out the movies. all i see are xyz 2, abc 3, etc.[/quote]But this time, Spiderman fights Venom! That's totally worth $9!
*Spiderman 3
Harry Potter 5 (I know it'll suck, but I'm probably going to be dragged to it by some fanatic friends)
*Sin City 2
*Reno 911
Pirates of the Carribean 3

Odds are that I won't see a lot of these, but I starred my must sees (which I might not make it to anyways).
[quote name='javeryh']To be honest, I am actually getting way more enjoyment out of TV these days than movies. I really haven't seen a GREAT movie in a long long time... probably since The Return of the King or The Incredibles but there's probably a couple others since then that I can't think of right now. Plus, I can go out and buy a DVD of a movie sight unseen for less than it costs to go with my wife and I'll own it forever. I do not miss the theater at all.[/QUOTE]

Amen to that. The last movie I saw in theaters was Jarhead, which was a little over a year ago. In most cases, I'd rather just own the DVD than go to a theater. Plus, all the theaters around me are really shitty, so I only go when I absolutely cannot wait to see a film, which is a rarity.
Transformers, Smokin' Aces, Spider-Man 3, Shrek The 3rd, Live Free or Die Hard, 300, Harry Potter The Order of the Phoenix. That's just the ones's I can think of right now.
I cant wait to see a teaser either. As for movies, Transformers and Spidey are at the top of the list. I want to see Pirates 3 of course, but I still havent seen the second one.

In the coming weeks, I'm looking forward to Freedom Writers (this weekend) and Zodiac -- whenever that comes out.
[quote name='lordwow']There aren't an awful lot on this side of the river. The two big ones are at Kendall Square and Harvard Square in Cambridge.

From BU it's about a 15-30 minutes to either taking the #1 Bus and walking.

For more standard fare, there's no competition: The Fenway/Landmark Center Regal (just switched from an AMC). They play nearly every hit movie plus the more popular indie-type films (like Inconvienant Truth, etc). It's a 15 minute walk from here at NU, and depending on where on BU's campus you live it's about 5-15 minutes walk. Or about a 3 minute walk from Fenway Park.

Also, there's a massive Best Buy right next door to the Landmark Theaters, and it's the only BB/CC/TRU/Target easily accessible without a car, so it's going to be your new best friend.[/QUOTE]

Ok, so the indie theatres would be the Landmark Kendal Square Cinema and the Coolidge Corner Theater, right?

Good to know there's a movie theatre next to Best Buy. I've lived here my whole life, so i'm used to having a Best Buy and movie theatre next to each other. Thanks man.
[quote name='jPoD']Ok, so the indie theatres would be the Landmark Kendal Square Cinema and the Coolidge Corner Theater, right?

Good to know there's a movie theatre next to Best Buy. I've lived here my whole life, so i'm used to having a Best Buy and movie theatre next to each other. Thanks man.[/QUOTE]

I'd consider Kendall Square, Coolidge Corner, and Harvard (not sure exactly what it's called, it's a really tiny one, like 5 screens) the indie places.

Landmark is much more mainstream, but it shows the more popular/sucessful indie films (at least it did when it was an AMC)
I'm gonna go with the originals of the year, and not the vast amount of sequels and rips from other forms of media (books, TV, comics). Just the original fresh ideas.

Smokin' Aces (dynamite cast and plot they got on this one)
The Number 23
The Invisible
The Condemned

Sad that I can't think of more... :cry:
[quote name='javeryh']There are a million reasons why I hate the theater. A few of them off the top of my head are:

1. I hate teenagers
2. It's too expensive for what you get (the movie and the popcorn)
3. It's too damn cold
4. You can't pause to go take a shit
5. You can't rewind if you miss something
6. You have to leave the house
7. People can't keep quiet (talking, cellphones, whatever)
8. Too many previews
9. Now they show commercials??? Why am I paying $10 to watch commercials? It's disgusting.
10. My plasma looks about a billion times better
11. My home theater system sounds a billion times better
12. The screen appears just as big in my living room based on where the couch is and the size of the screen
13. I can eat what I want at home
14. I can control the lighting at home
15. It's dead silent at home

To be honest, I am actually getting way more enjoyment out of TV these days than movies. I really haven't seen a GREAT movie in a long long time... probably since The Return of the King or The Incredibles but there's probably a couple others since then that I can't think of right now. Plus, I can go out and buy a DVD of a movie sight unseen for less than it costs to go with my wife and I'll own it forever. I do not miss the theater at all.[/quote]

i agree with you 100%...espically with hd dvds out there now. Saw 1 movie in the theatre last year...If any of the big ones that I am interested in are playing at an imax I will go to that, but everything else I can wait for dvd
[quote name='lordwow']I'd consider Kendall Square, Coolidge Corner, and Harvard (not sure exactly what it's called, it's a really tiny one, like 5 screens) the indie places.

Landmark is much more mainstream, but it shows the more popular/sucessful indie films (at least it did when it was an AMC)[/QUOTE]

Harvard Film Archive.
Ninja Turtles
Spider Man
The Simpson's

Thread title never mentioned theater, these are just movies I'm looking forward to. I don't go the theater for many of the reasons already mentioned.
After seeing the Children of Men I want to see that movie. The movie looks so real and truely great.
- pan's labyrinth (hasn't reached my city yet)
- hot fuzz
- simpsons (if it turns out better than the last 8 or so seasons)
- pirates 3
- spider man 3
[quote name='assassinX']What is the movie 300?[/quote]
It's the latest in a long running series. Though it's been handled by many studios over the years, and they have released them all out of order, it's still a good series. Seven was my favorite, but some people enjoyed 10 and 54 as well. Once they got into the double and triple digits, I just quit paying attention.

If anyone got that "joke" the first time through, you can have some of my famous Oatmeal Cranberry Walnut cookies. :D Actually, no, it had to make you laugh or smile as well. I'm protective of my cookies.
Children of Men has caught my eye as well.

I can't believe that I forgot to put Pan's Labyrinth on my original list. I've been wanting to see it since I read an article about it last year. It opens here on the 12th, I can't wait.
Spiderman 3 and 300.

300 is based on the Battle of Thermopylae in which 300 Spartan soldiers held off the entire Persian Army (probably numbering about 100,000 men) . Even though the Persian obviously won, they suffered grevious losses which disheartened them and rallied the Greeks who would eventually win the war. Even though the movie is based on a comic book representation of the event, I'm a big Greek and Roman history buff so I'm definitely looking forward to it.
Norbit (I was laughing my ass off at the trailer today).
The Shooter
The Last King of Scotland (Forest Whitaker = Oscar winner)
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Transformers, Smokin' Aces, Spider-Man 3, Shrek The 3rd, Live Free or Die Hard, 300, Harry Potter The Order of the Phoenix. That's just the ones's I can think of right now.[/quote]

I'm ashamed that I forgot to mention Ghost Rider. Its coming out next month and I've been looking forward to this one for a long as time.
bread's done