White Castle Burgers!

Mr. Anderson

21 (100%)
White Castle Burgers. Cheap gaming food or dog feces? I personally love em' cuz it only takes a minute (literally) to make em, but I got to admit, they aren't the best tasting thing in the world....
They taste alright, but its the digesting part and subsequent expulsion that troubles me.

In other words it feels like someone stabbing me with a blunt icepick digesting them and then feeling my various guts and innards melt into sloppy drippy sickening lumps.

Plus if you look at the nutrition facts, most of them are ridiculous. They should make some of those numbers negative though. I'm pretty sure they leech nutrients out of my body after I eat them.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']White Castle Burgers. Cheap gaming food or dog feces? I personally love em' cuz it only takes a minute (literally) to make em, but I got to admit, they aren't the best tasting thing in the world....[/quote]

They take a minute to make and only one more minute before they come right back out the other end. Good idea if you're a little plugged up, I guess.
[quote name='pimpinc333']What are white castles burgers i know that the must be hamburgers but what the hell is a white castle ...[/quote]

It's the name of the fast-food chain that originally made the burgers. They are really small, almost bite-size. I think there are still some around, but I don't know where. You can buy them at most grocery stores in the freezer, but they are somewhat expensive. I like 'em! :)
Never had one and probably never will. How much do one of those little gut-bombs cost anyway. They seem too small to be worth more than a quarter.
White Castle is an East Coast burger chain that is essentially their equivalent of In'N'Out Burger over here on the West Coast.

The difference between the two chains? In'N'Out Burger is actually good! Hell, even Jason Jiambi said the one regret he had about signing with the Yankees was that he had to eat White Castle because there were no In'N'Outs in sight.
Personally, I purchase the 16 pack of frozen White Castles at the White Castle across the street from the Empire State Building.

The supermarkets sell the 6 packs for like $5...much cheaper to buy from the source.
White Castle's are the greatest meatlike product ever invented. They're cheap, delicious , and they will clean you out much better than any laxative...
At least they have the Milkshakes going for them. White castle is always good for a Late night snack most are 24 hours in NYC
Some of my fondest childhood memories involve my entire family sitting in the car in the White Castle parking lot on Kedzie and Archer in Chicago eating bags and bags of White Castles, onion rings and french fries. My parents' car would stink for days...but man was it worth it.

This was a looong time before cup holders were put in cars and the glove compartments had these ridiculous indentations in them that were supposed to hold a cup or a can...great stuff.

My wife and I just started Weight Watchers...so all this Slider talk doesn't help.
Since where on fastfood who likes jack-in-the-box?I went up north a few years ago and spent my whole trip getting baked and eating tacos from their.Wow the memories.I've had white castle from the fast food place 2.I'm speaking of Missouri.I'd like to go out west while I'm still young and my gut can handle still handle something Like InNout
i agree, tux. my cat went wild while its still nuking in the microwave, she thinks its food for her. i never had the boogers straight from white castle, but i just bought a pack from the market. very courious since on Conan O' Brian he claimed it was "heaven sent crap".

my afterthoughts: you have to at least try this once in your life, because the pain gushing from your ass afterwards is suprisingly satisfying.
How do you know we're all really bored?

By reading/posting to this!

This has got to be one of thew worst topics but hey I got a few giggles!

If I only knew what in the hell you are talking about! Never heard of either chain!

Georgia folk don't get out dat much you see. I never heared of eida one of dems! hardy hard ( hick Hick cough ) (spits out tebacky on to floor) I jes member duh whatchma calls it Jacker in da box.mmmhuh mmmhuh dems good. Maeks my loose up right quick like.
[quote name='AvidPs2GMR']Since where on fastfood who likes jack-in-the-box?I went up north a few years ago and spent my whole trip getting baked and eating tacos from their.Wow the memories.I've had white castle from the fast food place 2.I'm speaking of Missouri.I'd like to go out west while I'm still young and my gut can handle still handle something Like InNout[/quote]

In-N-Out will be the best burger you've ever tasted. remember to say "i want it animal style" because they have a secret menu.
Dude, screw the frozen ones. Find a White Castle and get yourself a $13.99 Crave Case. Nothing beats 30 cheeseburgers in a cardboard briefcase. NOTHING.
Don't forget the chicken and fish white castles either..they're pretty good as well.
Between Hot N Now, White Castle, and Travis, I've got my tiny gutbomb greaseball burger fixes taken care of. They aren't something you'd want every day... but they have disinctive tastes and are worth getting every so often.
[quote name='CheapyD']Personally, I purchase the 16 pack of frozen White Castles at the White Castle across the street from the Empire State Building.

The supermarkets sell the 6 packs for like $5...much cheaper to buy from the source.[/quote]

Hey, that's the same White Castle I go to! That whole area on 5th Ave between 31st and 34th is fast food heaven....if you're in to that sorta thing :oops:

I personally LOVE the taste of White Castle burgers. With some mashed potatoes. Makes for a Cheap Ass Lunch! Kills my stomach later, but dammit it's worth it!
When i went to the east coast fer a trip i was able to eat a dozen or so sliders straight from the castle, man they are sooo much better then the frozen ones.
You know Im really suprised as to the hits on this topic? Who would have thought! Must be a rare treat! Tastes good going in feels better coming out!
You people eating frozen White Castles don't know what you're really missing. There is nothing like a freshly fried White Castle hamburger. The moist bun steaminess, the subtle crispness around the edges, the merging of meat-like texture and starchly stickiness satiates the savage pallete. You cannot capture this by freezing. Get the to a white castle now. The indigestion is an urban myth, it's the fries and onion chips that give you the shits.

I grew up with a White Castle treat on a weekly basis at 8 mile and Woodward in Ferndale Michigan. They've since tore down the old Castle and rebuilt it, but the memories remain. And the taste, oooh, the taste is still the same.

WC is just one of the many hamburger joints that used to exist before the BK and Mc'donalds took over the world. Anybody ever had a TopHat burger ? or a Bray's burger ?
What does saying "animal style" get you at an InNOut? I live in MA so we don't have WC's or INO's. I've heard of both though, and i want to try them :(
This reminds me of those Micromagic cheeseburgers.. Those were so damn good. Has anyone had them? I haven't seen them in stores in years.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Anyting like crystals?

Thats some nasty stuff then cause crystals will make you gag on the spot![/quote]

Krystal's is the southern equivalent of a White Castle. Its basically the same type of meat paste on a bun.

They have similar promos as well.

Thankfully, my local store closed down. Even though it was open 24 hours, there was no good time for a Krystal burger.
[quote name='evilmax17']What does saying "animal style" get you at an InNOut? I live in MA so we don't have WC's or INO's. I've heard of both though, and i want to try them :([/quote]

animal style on any burger gets you grilled onions, pickles, and a healthy serving of their special sauce, BTW they were also the 1st fastfood i know to cut carbs from their menu, aka: protein style, believe it or not carl's jr's low carb burger (which has lettece instead of buns) was a copy from InNout. my gf gets protein style alot, tastes like a cheeseburger salad. they also have a burger called 4by4, 4 patties w/ 4 cheese. or 6by6, all not on menu. a local frat house ordered a 99by99 for a party. i think ill have that for lunch tomorrow... :shock:

is there any white castles on the west coast?.. i have not ever seen any. if the fresh ones taste way better then the frozen ones.. i wana try!
I dont know about White Castles giving the shits (namely because I've never had one), But I just came back from eating at Fuddruckers. I haven't been there in 13 years, and that time it gave me horrible diarrhea. Things haven't changed. *L*
I just found out that my local White Castle is closing forever on Sunday. For those of you that know NYC, this is the White Castle that is across the street from the Empire State Building.
Major bummer. :(
i just had some for dinner, and damn the whole house smelt of microwaved heaven. if i die, i dont want floweres, bury me with my white castle.
Bubbleguts... Hhahaha! Haven't heard that term in a while.

I remember being the only kid in my neighborhood who actually had eaten a White Castle Burger back when the Beasties were makin them famous on the West Coast.

I don't quite understand the comparison between White Castle and In n Out Burger. Unless White Castle came out with a normal sized burger the two chains are nothing alike.
[quote name='rimsforsale'][quote name='AvidPs2GMR']Since where on fastfood who likes jack-in-the-box?I went up north a few years ago and spent my whole trip getting baked and eating tacos from their.Wow the memories.I've had white castle from the fast food place 2.I'm speaking of Missouri.I'd like to go out west while I'm still young and my gut can handle still handle something Like InNout[/quote]

In-N-Out will be the best burger you've ever tasted. remember to say "i want it animal style" because they have a secret menu.[/quote]

Oh shit! Animal Style! I've actually seen someone eat that shit. Four Patties, four slices of cheese, and enough grease to instantly clog your arteries. Very crazy burger.
bread's done