Who else thinks $19.99 is expensive?


6 (100%)
I'll tell ya, this site has certainly ruined me. Being able to get a load of games for $2-$5 makes $9.99 seem like a hefty purchase, let alone $19.99. That price is reserved only for the cream of the price drop crop.

What do you think?
I don't think $19.99 is too expensive. I will agree with you on that this website has made me MUCH more aware to the potential deals that are out there.

I can't say $19.99 is expensive in by any means. However I rarely buy games for more than $14.99. That is usually my limit. Every now and then one may fall through the cracks at $19.99, but for the most part if you wait long enough...every game becomes $19.99 or less.
[quote name='mtxbass1']I can't say $19.99 is expensive in by any means. However I rarely buy games for more than $14.99. That is usually my limit. Every now and then one may fall through the cracks at $19.99, but for the most part if you wait long enough...every game becomes $19.99 or less.[/QUOTE]

What's that line from fight club? "In the end, everything goes to zero"
My rule is if its offline its 20$ or bust...this community has definitely saved me a nice chunk of change over the last few months, to think I actually paid 50$ for offline games in the past lol, that privilege is reserved for PS2 NIS & Atlus games, Square Enix couldn't pry my wallet with the jaws of life.
I agree. I have trouble spending more than $4.99 on a game now. I can't remember the last time I spent $19.99 on a non import game.
I thought $19.99 was expensive years ago when I bought my first retail PSone game, Crash Bandicoot 1 Greatest Hits. $20 is a lot of money for a single game, especially when you're a student and don't have all that much cash to begin with.
I can't spend more than $30 on a new game. Even that I don't like doing. I generally try to spend $25 or less on portable games, since GBA games tend to be discontinued before they drop in price, and $15 or less on consoles (technically $20, but I try to GGC everything I can).
I try to wait till it's under 30. If I can get it under 30 and it's something I really want in my collection - i'll purchase it.

If it's anything NIS or Atlus, I usually fork over the 50.
This site has made it to where I am not likely to spend more than $19.99 on a game and if it is a game I really want, I will wait for it to hit $19.99.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']This site has made it to where I am not likely to spend more than $19.99 on a game and if it is a game I really want, I will wait for it to hit $19.99.[/QUOTE]
:imwithst: :mrgreen:
19.99 is the "buy" point for me.

Although I used to buy games at $50, it is true that since CAG has been around my tendancy has been to wait until the game hits $20. Still, a select few I have gotten for $50 (Conker: Live and Reloaded, Psychonauts, Midnight Club 3) because i really wanted them badly. :)
Most games I wait until they drop to $19.99, and use a GGC (I'm going to miss those suckers after 12/31/05), unless it's a AAA title, like the new Zelda. Games drop so quickly now that I feel stupid paying full price when six months or less it will be half that (except for rare instances, such as the XBox Metal Slug games, the GC RE 2, 3, CV, and Team Ninja XBox games). Even Halo 2 is often $29.99! After it took 3 years for the original to drop to $19.99, I figured Halo 2 would stay expensive for some time, but I was wrong. Don't get me wrong, many games are worth at least $20, many more are worth their full retail price, but why pay that when you don't have to? Now, developers are saying the next generation games will start at $59.99, and AAA titles will go for $69.99, and games will no longer drop in price so quickly.
I think $19.99 is expensive but I will usually fork it over if it's a game I've been wanting. The only game I'm considering paying full value for is Zelda Twilight Princess. Otherwise the most expensive game I've bought in the last year was Paper Mario Thousand Year Door at $38.
I don't think $19.99 is too expensive, but if I can. I will wait for it to drop even further. There are some games you just know will hit the $10 and under mark at some point and there are some that won't (or if they do, the chance you;ll get in on it is slim). The perceived quality of the game matters too to me. Take God of War for instance.....that bad boy will be in my collection the second I see it new for $20 (or $15 w/GGC). Dead to Rights 2 on the other hand......I'll wait for $5-10 on that one.
$19.99 is a good price for a new, sealed game that you truly will play and enjoy. $19.99 for something used, or something that you won't play to at least completion is too much for me. So I sorta agree.
I've only bought a few games over $20 this year and only one over $30 (Half-Life 2 Collector's Edition $35). Generally the only time I buy something for $20 is if it's generally sold for quite a bit more. If anything drops to $20 everywhere then it can be GGCed for $15 or bought for $13.50 used a/c at EB soon and I buy a lot of games for $13.50 at EB.
$20 aint expensive to me. If it's a really good game that has a lot of great reviews, then I wont hesitate to fork over the $50.
$20 is OK, but $30 no way, and and $50 hell no.

as for the nippon ichi software and atlus games, i snagged many of those for $5 at gamerush.(trade 3 get any used for $5)

actually i take back what i said, ive done the preorder deal from gamerush to get preorders for $30 instead of $50, but i usually just play them a bit then ebay them, or just ebay them, and plan on getting them later when they are much much cheaper.
It depends on what you're getting for the $20. I paid that much for Katamari Damacy many months ago and don't regret it at all. However, with rare exceptions(RE4, Nocturne, DDS), I typically won't spend that much or more on a single game.
I've really changed with my game buying habits since I got here not too long ago. At first I was like, "whoa, I've been missing all these deals and paying full price for games? I'm such a dumbass." Then I began to think to the future, "where am I going to get money for the next sale?" I dunno if it's always like this, but I've been up to my neck in deals since I first got here, and my wallet is always empty(er).

There are a few games I will buy for full price (Zelda: Twilight Princess, GTA, etc.) but now I've been trying to just buy some of the games I missed out on a while back because I was too broke from buying expensive games. I'm not mad that the site turned me into a cheap ass, even if my dad is. :D
[quote name='Heyricochet']What's that line from fight club? "In the end, everything goes to zero"[/QUOTE]

Something like "on a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero".

On topic: I don't think 19.99 is expensive. Most of games were less than that and I normally don't pay that much for games. If I have to, I will. Most games will always go for less than 19.99 if I wait long enough. Plus, I usually buy them with credit from other GS, EB, or GR, so it makes it even less.
I was already a cheap ass before I came to CAG so even during the $5 CC sale last year I questioned buying a few games and hate myself for it. I didn't miss anything really big like Disgaea because those were all gone(Thanks guy that bought 50 games at open!) but a few things I later ended up getting used and not in really great shape like I like. Between the TRU coupon fun, the EB credit bonus and of course Gamerush deals my game spending cheapness has reached new lows.

I've spent maybe $350, perhaps a little more, in the past year on games and have made back about $200 of that selling games. I've ended up with at least four times as many game as I had before and I've only actually paid cash for a few games(not counting cheap trade foder like $1 64 games for EBs deal) and that was for things I really wanted like Deception on eBay, $15 for a used Zone of the Enders II which is one of the games I passed over at CC, the $5 games at Gamecrazy and Suikoden II which I only had to pay 50 for anyways but I think it was well worth it. When I first read We Love Katamari was going to be 30 I couldn't help but think of someway to get easy credit to order it because I was already uneasy at the idea of spending 20 cash for it.

Of course I seem to have no problem spending tons of cash on comics, for some reason, which just makes me worry about my game spending money even more. With the deep back log of games I have I don't think I could justify $20+ to myself for a new game unless it's something like GTA4 down the line.
it all depends on the game... as of right now, I can't think if anything I'd be willing to pay full retail price for. This is largely because most of the big-name games I'd really want release for the holiday season. And my birthday is in January. So I just get other people to buy them for me.

Aside from that- $29.99 new is usually when I start picking up the stuff I really, really want. Anything else I typically buy used- that helps leave things to chance a bit, so my wallet doesn't implode from over-spending.

(And I won't spend more than $17.99 on a DVD! :D )
It depends on the game. I mean there are games that I will still pay 50 for because I know it's gonna be hard to get them later. But if I know that a game is fated for Greatest Hits, I'll avoid buying it until I can get it for less than 20. It depends on the game.
Depends is the best answer . . . but last year truly spoiled me . . . between the $5 sale and Target rainchecks (and I agree $10 games at CC just don't do much for me . . . I'll spend $10 on something that I'm interested in but only $5 is a super casual purchase).

The Target rainchecks were for Zelda WW (they advertised it for $16.88 and still had it for $50 in the system) so, I got about 6 big name games for $17 (GTASA, Jak 3, MP2, UYA . . .).

Now, I can't buy full price . . . even with store credit.

Once you have a build up of games you are waiting for it gets easier to wait because you play what drops as it drops. Right now I'm enjoying Burnout 3 . . . $13.50 PO from EB (but $7 out of pocket because I cancelled a preorder for Doom 3 (which I will buy when its cheap . . .)
I don't mind paying $19.99 if it's something I really want, although even then I'll use the GGC to get it for $15 instead. In the past year I've bought exactly two games at launch; GTA:SA (which I got for $35 thanks to a deal I found here) and God of War (for $40, again after finding a deal here)

One of the best things about finding so many REALLY cheap games ($2-5) is that you build up a backlog of games, which in turn makes it easier to hold off on those AAA titles you're dying for until they eventually drop in price. The real test for me will be seeing if I can wait when the next gen consoles and games start hitting. Will my old pile of PS2 games still hold me then?
[quote name='rebenns']Most games I wait until they drop to $19.99 unless it's a AAA title, like the new Zelda.[/QUOTE]

That's how I feel I remeber fight night 2004 I did not want to pay $50 for. I held out for almost a year. Finally it drop to 21.99 at Eb I got it with my 25% off. Some games no matter what the cost, being a fan of that series, developer etc. you and I will pay the $50 price tag. However some games you can't and don't feel like springing 50 bucks on it. games like that for me like Prince of perisa. I bought the first one when it dropped to $30 bucks I liked the game a lot. However it was so repetitive that to me it's only worth 9.99 if you break it down it nothing more then a puzzle game. I am still waiting on mario tennis and mario kart double dash to drop to 20. SO to your answer your question, no 19.99 is not to much for me it's the sweet spot if I can get a game any lower then that I am super happy.
I probably buy more games at MSRP then almost anyone here, yet I still spend alot less money then most of you (or so it seems according to that 2005 money spent thread).

Even $50 seems like a drop in the bucket when it's a good enough game.
but then 9.99 seems like a lot for discount titles(like the current CC sale, I was hoping those would be cheaper)
I agree with a lot of people that there are some games that are worth retail, and only beause you have to play it the day it comes out. Those games, however, are pretty rare. After using this site for a year, I have so many cheap games that I haven't even played yet, so it's hard to justify spending more than $19.99 on a game. I mean, I've already waited for the price to drop $30, why not play some of the games I currently own, and eventually the price will drop another $10-$15.
I don't think $19.99 is too much. If a game I'm fairly intrerested in drops to that price point, there's a good chance I'll pick it up. If I like it, cool. If not it's trade bait.
There are some games that I have no prob spending $50 for. I have 3 XBOXes and I picked 2 copies of the limited edition of HALO on launch day. Ditto for DOOM3. I reserved both cuz of the player co-op on 2 TVs play mode, which of course was eliminated from HALO 2, but I use it for my lan parties anyway.
So to summarize, $19.99 is a good price point for games that interest me & I have no prob buying multiple copies of games that are more than $50, if there is proper incentive
True. $19.99 is too much to pay for ONE game. The highest I'd spend on a game (in cash) is $14.99. Using FYE store credit, I can get nearly any game I want for FREE. Not to mention, they aren't making good games like they used to make back in..... 2004... so I'm not even willing to spend $14.99 as frequently as I used to. All that will change though (I hope).
I'm a PC only gamer and the economics are a little different, but even so, virtually EVERY PC game will eventually go to $19.99 and still be readily available at the usual retailers and then it gets dicey after that. ~Most~ will go to $9.99, either on closeout or jewel case versions, but after $19.99, you're starting to take your chances on availability of the game.

That said, I really don't buy a game unless it's $9 (not $9.99) or less...usually used. Even with this rule, my shelf is overstuffed with A-list titles, albeit everything is a couple of years old or more. This does have the benefit of saving me on hardware as well, as I don't need to be on the bleeding edge to play these things and by the time I get to them, they're fully patched.

I'll spring for the occasional $9.99 game and treat myself to a $19.99 game (SW:KOTOR), every once in a while.
I agree that it depends on the game.

I'll be paying full retail for Zelda: Twilight Princess and still really looking forward to it.
I'm currently stuck in a 10 dollar or less rut, which is why I still havn't picked up Gungrave OD even though its been dirt cheap since day 1.
[quote name='BLarR']I'm currently stuck in a 10 dollar or less rut, which is why I still havn't picked up Gungrave OD even though its been dirt cheap since day 1.[/QUOTE]

OD can be had at CC for $10 . . . luckily I was able to tack on a $5 BB coupon and got it for $5 :whistle2:0

But its interesting that I'm tempted to return the $10 Bloodrayne 2 (xbox) without opening it . . . why? $10 is too much . . . doh!

Also, I'd try to trade for Thief (my store didn't have it) but that would add $3 and $13.50 is way too much.
I am the same way with the backlog. I have about 30 games or so I haven't played enough to matter, with a few wrapped still.

$20 is my pricepoint for a PSone RPG. I am kind of collecting them. I see one complete at < $20 I pick it up.

I will pay $50 for Dragon Quest VIII. The change jar has been collecting money all year. Also perhaps in the running, Civilization 4 for PC. Other than that, I wait for everything to hit < $20. RPGs, if I suspect they will never get cheaper, I pick up @ $30-35 (I picked up Disgaea for $34 at a local game shop).

I did pay $39.99 on release for DMC3, but that's because I didn't expect it to drop very rapidly. And DMC1 was my favorite non-RPG title for the PS2.
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