Who is going to get this Terminator 2 Blu-Ray W/ Endoskull?




On May 19, 2009 Lionsgate will finally release Terminator 2 Skynet Edition on Blu-ray. Fans of the ultimate action film can see and hear multiple versions of the movie in explosive, THX certified high-definition and all-new English Lossless DTS-HD Master Audio. The disc is loaded with over 8 hours of interactive Blu-ray content including over 140 minutes of behind the scenes video and multimedia galleries, storyboard-script views, audio commentaries, quizzes and games – plus additional BD-Live enabled content featuring games and more that is accessible on Internet-connected players.

In addition, the Terminator 2 Skynet Edition Blu-ray will be available for a limited time in the Limited Edition T2 Complete Collector's Set, a 6-disc set that allows the ultimate T2 fan to play the film anytime, anywhere! Packaged with a 14" T-800 Endoskull bust that plays sound effects from the film while its eyes light up, this collectible set features the Terminator 2 Skynet Edition Blu-ray plus both the Extreme Edition DVD and Ultimate Edition DVD – which, combined, include every T2 special feature ever released on DVD. As a bonus, the Limited Edition T2 Complete Collector's Set comes with a digital copy of the film for iTunes or Windows Media.

Is Guns N Roses song (You Could Be Mine) on there, Dammit?

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I gotta be honest, this is one of the worst 'ultimate editions' I've ever seen. I own a ton of these stupid things (goddamn movie buying OCD!) but why do I need multiple copies of the DVD that have been out for years? All those extra special features should be on the Skynet edition Blu-Ray or an extra bonis disk.
Hahaha, don't get me wrong, I love T2; but this thing seems like it's gonna be another Master Chief helmet and be selling for 1/3rd the price (or less) in a few months.
130?! Not a chance...

The original BD has a solid enough transfer for me, plus it was oh so cheap.
I think its a good deal. Itll probably be worht a lot more 20 years from now. Arnold has created a legacy for himself, anything he touches or touched has turned to gold. Why do you think he is governer of Ca right now?
I am gonna wait for the Trilogy pack, which will most likely hit around the time that Salvation hits... or when it is released on BR.
A trilogy pack chances are will not happen. MGM did the first one Lionsgate did T2 and WB did T3 and I think are doing the rest.

As for the 175 edition I don't know. It all depends on how good of a quality the Endoskull is. If it is cheap then chances are no but if it is high quality then I will get it and the Skynet Edition just so I can put the skull up. I really don't like the set as for the DVDs I think that is cheap and they should have done better on that part but the Endoskull if it is good quality and not cheap plastic should be worth it. I'm tempted to order the Ultimate Edition DVD off of amazon if I do end up geting both the Endo Edition and the Skynet Edition so i can have all 3 in their own case and keep the Endoskull put up.
Ha, I'm sure I'll buy it eventually. I have the Ultimate DVD, Extreme DVD, Blu-ray, Hd DVD and Ultimate Edition Hd DVD. Although I find it highly annoying that they are including the DVDs with the endoskeleton. I mean, the people crazy enough to buy that have already had those DVDs for years.
[quote name='pinoy530']Ha, I'm sure I'll buy it eventually. I have the Ultimate DVD, Extreme DVD, Blu-ray, Hd DVD and Ultimate Edition Hd DVD. Although I find it highly annoying that they are including the DVDs with the endoskeleton. I mean, the people crazy enough to buy that have already had those DVDs for years.[/quote]

There have been so many versions of this movie that it's been over-produced and they're just trying to get rid of them.
I have no interest in the SD editions, so I will probably get the German Skynet ed, which is 66 EUR. It is supposed to have several versions via seamless branching, 7.1 sound, and has the bust, as well. Plus I had a good experience with the HD DVD transfer in the T2 steelbook, which was also done by Kinowelt.
Not I.

I own the $10 theatrical release and that's fine for me. There isn't really any major differences in the versions with this movie. It's not like Kingdom of Heaven or many other movies that actually ADD good scenes that help the movie along.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I am gonna wait for the Trilogy pack, which will most likely hit around the time that Salvation hits... or when it is released on BR.[/quote]
Not going to happen. The three terminator movies are done by different studios/companies.
so wait a minute, there is no chance in hell someone can take all three releases and pack them together in a 3 pack?

Yea I know the terminator franchise has it's behind the scenes problems, but it should not allow the fans to pay for this bickering.
[quote name='ITDEFX']so wait a minute, there is no chance in hell someone can take all three releases and pack them together in a 3 pack?

Yea I know the terminator franchise has it's behind the scenes problems, but it should not allow the fans to pay for this bickering.[/quote]
Nope, sorry.

I've never seen a trilogy or box set of movies that contained films from different movie studios. Even those two-packs of blu-ray movies you see for $30 at most retail outlets are movies done by the same company. Cloverfield & Sleepy Hollow, Shooter & Italian Job, for example, all Paramount. Superhero Blu-Ray Pack --- All Sony Pictures.

Sucks but we have to live with it.
[quote name='ITDEFX']so wait a minute, there is no chance in hell someone can take all three releases and pack them together in a 3 pack?

Yea I know the terminator franchise has it's behind the scenes problems, but it should not allow the fans to pay for this bickering.[/quote]

As Handisnacks said, the rights on Terminator are a trainwreck. There's no reason MGM and Lionsgate would agree to directly help Warner Bros with their release of the new Terminator movie; Lionsgate is content to try to make their own profit with the 7000th re-release of T2. Just look at other 'split' series, like Chucky, these things rarely, if ever, get resolved.

Who currently owns the rights to each:
MGM: Terminator
Lionsgate: Terminator 2
Warner Bros: Terminator 3, Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles (they license it to Fox for TV broadcast), Terminator Salvation & (at least) the two planned Salvation sequels.
[quote name='BWOzar']As Handisnacks said, the rights on Terminator are a trainwreck. There's no reason MGM and Lionsgate would agree to directly help Warner Bros with their release of the new Terminator movie; Lionsgate is content to try to make their own profit with the 7000th re-release of T2. Just look at other 'split' series, like Chucky, these things rarely, if ever, get resolved.

Who currently owns the rights to each:
MGM: Terminator
Lionsgate: Terminator 2
Warner Bros: Terminator 3, Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles (they license it to Fox for TV broadcast), Terminator Salvation & (at least) the two planned Salvation sequels.[/quote]

awww Sheeeit

That's too bad. Would have been nice to have a complete box set 2 disc special edition of each movie...

but oh well.
[quote name='BWOzar']As Handisnacks said, the rights on Terminator are a trainwreck. There's no reason MGM and Lionsgate would agree to directly help Warner Bros with their release of the new Terminator movie; Lionsgate is content to try to make their own profit with the 7000th re-release of T2. Just look at other 'split' series, like Chucky, these things rarely, if ever, get resolved.

Who currently owns the rights to each:
MGM: Terminator
Lionsgate: Terminator 2
Warner Bros: Terminator 3, Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles (they license it to Fox for TV broadcast), Terminator Salvation & (at least) the two planned Salvation sequels.[/QUOTE]

Eh, there is a snowball's chance, but they would all have to play nice. The mel brooks box set is from Fox, but they included the Warner's Blazing Saddles. Of course, the Blazing Saddles in the box set is the older, inferior looking version, so Warner may have just been dumping old stock.
Like I first said and others have said chances are really small that you will get a box set. Only way you will chances are see a box set is if it is done like Kevin Smith did for Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy and sell just the box for you to put them in. As for Bale and his "Bat-voice" most of it was done in post production from what I have read. Atleast for TDK it was. However from the little I have heard from Bale in the previews he does bring it to this movie. That will be the biggest thing to kill this movie is Bale. I know some people are going to hate hearing that but if this ends up a flop it will be because of Bale. To me even still Bale is not John Conner. I would rather then get Edie Ferlong back.
I'll just get the Skynet edition blu-ray without the endoskull since I never got T2 on Blu-Ray.
[quote name='newlu']The price is insane.


I have seen these, expensive, but definately worth it.

Thanks for the share though!
[quote name='BWOzar']I know this is a tiny bit off topic but the new Terminator Salvation trailer finally has me excited for it, a bit derivative of Transformers and BSG but it looks much better than the usual McG crap.

Here's hoping Christian Bale leaves his 'Bat-voice' at home for this role...


Thanks for the link, I like the NIN in there. The concept reminds me of Battlestar Gallactica and Stargate SG1 with Michael.
[quote name='sendme']However from the little I have heard from Bale in the previews he does bring it to this movie. That will be the biggest thing to kill this movie is Bale. I know some people are going to hate hearing that but if this ends up a flop it will be because of Bale. To me even still Bale is not John Conner. I would rather then get Edie Ferlong back.[/quote]

I think that if anything kills the movie it will be McG. That guy can't direct his way out of the Hollywood Hills if his life depended on it. Either that or the writers won't do the franchise justice, but you can almost count on that. I'll expect continuity errors galore and my stupid love of the characters will chalk them all up to all the time travel that's happened in the course of the franchise...

Plus, no Arnold. That's potentially this new movie's biggest downfall right there.
[quote name='c4tp']I think that if anything kills the movie it will be McG. That guy can't direct his way out of the Hollywood Hills if his life depended on it. Either that or the writers won't do the franchise justice, but you can almost count on that. I'll expect continuity errors galore and my stupid love of the characters will chalk them all up to all the time travel that's happened in the course of the franchise...

Plus, no Arnold. That's potentially this new movie's biggest downfall right there.[/QUOTE]

Well a CGI Arnold is in the film, as well as his voice. My concern is about the pg-13 rating. Guess I will wait for the unrated blu ray version
They could release a box set if they got all studios on board, which has been done before and likely would be easy.

... but why would they do that? They know they can just re-release T2 every 5 years and make enough coin on that. The idea of falling for a double-double dip is just nerve-wracking for me and just continues to promote questionable business tactics.
[quote name='62t']Well a CGI Arnold is in the film, as well as his voice. My concern is about the pg-13 rating. Guess I will wait for the unrated blu ray version[/QUOTE]

Have they said it is pg-13? Last I was reading it was still up in the air. McG said he was not going for one but if he got it and it still was good then so be it.
[quote name='sendme']Have they said it is pg-13? Last I was reading it was still up in the air. McG said he was not going for one but if he got it and it still was good then so be it.[/QUOTE]

He's not going to come out and say its PG13, because he knows the fans will throw a fit. They're still trying to gloss over the Bale apeshit rant and they don't need more bad buzz right now; the PG13 logo will just quietly appear on the ads about three weeks before the film is released.
He has been saying that way before Bale went apeshit. It was at comic con last year that he had said he was going to make the movie the way he wanted to and if it was R then it was R and if not then fuck it, he still made it how he wanted to. I still don't think it will be McG that will be the downfall of this movie and I still think it will be Bale that kills this.
[quote name='sendme']He has been saying that way before Bale went apeshit. It was at comic con last year that he had said he was going to make the movie the way he wanted to and if it was R then it was R and if not then fuck it, he still made it how he wanted to. I still don't think it will be McG that will be the downfall of this movie and I still think it will be Bale that kills this.[/quote]

I was the first one to bring the hate on Bale (TDK is the worst relevant performance of his career). BUT McG is a fucking terrible terrible director. He has no sense whatsoever of what he's doing with the camera. How a guy who directed the horrible Charlie's Angels movies, the worst episode of Chuck and the toneless We Are Marshall got 200 million to make the next in a beloved franchise is beyond me...

I think the importance of Bale is that he's one of the few actors who could give fanboy legitimacy to an Arnold-less Terminator movie.
To try and get this thread back on topic, ever since I saw those T-800 DVD player I have been wanting to get me a T-800 skull but I don't know if I want to shell out that much money for it. I don't have a Bluray player but I am a huge Terminator fan and that skull is very tempting.
I suppose if the skull was all metal and very good quality I could understand the price point, but if it's just a bunch of shiny plastic, that's way too expensive. Either way, I won't be picking it up. Those kind of special editions are not at all worth the money to me as all I really want is the movie.

The trailer for the new movie actually does look pretty good. I'm not worried about Bale mucking things up. I think most people will have forgotten about his blow up by the time it comes out and I doubt most people really cared except the fact that it was funny. Anyway, I'd be much more worried about the PG-13 possibility and definitely McG. What kind of an asshole calls himself McG anyway? I guess T2 wasn't really that gory when you think about it either. Most of the violence was Arnold v. T-1000 so no blood. The only real bloody part that comes to mind is the finger through the stepfather's head, although it's been a while since I've seen it.
[quote name='BWOzar']I was the first one to bring the hate on Bale (TDK is the worst relevant performance of his career). BUT McG is a fucking terrible terrible director. He has no sense whatsoever of what he's doing with the camera. How a guy who directed the horrible Charlie's Angels movies, the worst episode of Chuck and the toneless We Are Marshall got 200 million to make the next in a beloved franchise is beyond me...

I think the importance of Bale is that he's one of the few actors who could give fanboy legitimacy to an Arnold-less Terminator movie.[/QUOTE]

Hey I liked the first Charlie's Angels movie and We Are Marshall!
[quote name='graf1k']Anyway, I'd be much more worried about the PG-13 possibility and definitely McG. What kind of an asshole calls himself McG anyway? [/quote]
Say what you want about McG, but he does work on Supernatural, which is arguably one of the best shows on tv.
Been waiting FOREVER for a new T2 release since the first BD one provided minimal video quality improvements and sucked in features when compared to the special DVD editions. Will probably dip when the Skynet Edition falls to around $20.
[quote name='graf1k']I suppose if the skull was all metal and very good quality I could understand the price point, but if it's just a bunch of shiny plastic, that's way too expensive. Either way, I won't be picking it up. Those kind of special editions are not at all worth the money to me as all I really want is the movie.

The trailer for the new movie actually does look pretty good. I'm not worried about Bale mucking things up. I think most people will have forgotten about his blow up by the time it comes out and I doubt most people really cared except the fact that it was funny. Anyway, I'd be much more worried about the PG-13 possibility and definitely McG. What kind of an asshole calls himself McG anyway? I guess T2 wasn't really that gory when you think about it either. Most of the violence was Arnold v. T-1000 so no blood. The only real bloody part that comes to mind is the finger through the stepfather's head, although it's been a while since I've seen it.[/QUOTE]

With how ratings are today I wonder what Ther Terminator and T2 would have been rated today. Would they be R or PG13? Also as for McG calling himself McG he doesn't. He has answered this in the past. It was his family and friends that started that when he was a kid. It was done because two members of his family had the same first name. I think it was his uncle and grandfather. As for the finger through the stepfather's head it was an arm through his head the finger went through the security guards head, well his eye, and Sarah's sholder.

I would like it to be R but as long as it is good and does not seem to have been toned down to make it PG13 I wont mind it being PG13. I think today the first movie would have still been R and T2 would have been R but not by much. I think today they could have got by with T2 being PG13 and the same goes for 3. Hell by the time T6 comes out if they do make it then chances are it could be PG. It is just the way things have changed today.
This is really not worth getting especially if you have the UK/France Blu-ray or HD DVD release of T2. It uses the same exact master of those releases. However, apparently in a couple of years for the film's 30th anniversary they are going to strike a new master. THAT release will be worth getting.
[quote name='Ruined']This is really not worth getting especially if you have the UK/France Blu-ray or HD DVD release of T2. It uses the same exact master of those releases. However, apparently in a couple of years for the film's 30th anniversary they are going to strike a new master. THAT release will be worth getting.[/quote]

In 2021?!? Pass...

Now if you meant 20th anniversary...
bread's done