Who is the Main Character of Playstation 3?


Every system has had a main character, or mascot - xbox360 / xbox - Masterchief, SNES - Mario, Genesist/Dreamcast - Sonic, PS1- Crash Bandicoot, PS2- Kratos. The Playstation 3, still doesn't have a clear main character that belongs to the system. It's more than just having a character, but the PS3 needs that defining series that says "Only on Playstation." I myself was hoping that it would be Heavenly Sword's Nariko, however, Ninja Theory isn't going to make a sequel to the game.

Your thoughts...
You really think Kratos was the PS2 mascot? As far as the PS3 goes I wouldn't be shocked if we started seeing a lot more sackboys around.
[quote name='rainking187']You really think Kratos was the PS2 mascot? As far as the PS3 goes I wouldn't be shocked if we started seeing a lot more sackboys around.[/QUOTE]

I figured him because Kratos did have two games on the PS2, and he's an exclusive character, game probably sold the best, but there's Jak and Ratchet whom I didn't think of initially.
[quote name='freakyzeeky']I think Sackboy is going to be the 'big' PS3 mascot, though personally I like Ratchet and Clank better. ;)[/quote]

Kind of agree. They are really pimping Sackboy.

I haven't played Ratchet, but I do think of Ratchet when I think of PS3.
Well 1st, there was Purple Face Guy, and we all forgot about him.

Crash Bandicoot tried to be the mascot, he was practically created for this purpose, but never really caught on.

Personally, I don't see Kratos/Ratchet/Jak as ever becoming iconic. Sackboy has a good chance, but I don't think Sony is very interested in having a mascot outside Blu-Ray.
I think we're moving past this whole mascot restriction when it comes to console gaming. The only character that has been a mascot through and through is Mario for Nintendo, and this is largely because he was developed and nurtured through a time where mascots were deemed a necessity. Mario also happens to have the longest staying power and is an iconic character in his own right.

I believe that both Sony and Microsoft are thinking less about "what can me make our mascot" and more "what can we pimp out for a few months to sell consoles." Hell, I don't even think Nintendo has that in mind, but Mario is such a powerful image that he simply stays at the front of the company. And really, that's the proper business direction anyway.

I think the easiest straight comparison might be Master Chief to Solid Snake. Both are exclusive to their console (for now anyway), both have their own custom variant console, both have their own variant headpiece, both were pimped out incessantly, and both were given exception ratings.

Although, I do love me some Kratos. He has a lot of potential, but not mass market appeal. That's the problem. Hardcore gamers and guys love him. If they want to branch to another crowd, they'd probably find it pretty difficult to market a brutish, violent, selfish, destructive, god killing spartan publicly. A sci-fi super soldier (Master Chief) or a special ops agent (Snake) are in more favorable positions from this perspective.
There is no way Kratos is the main mascot fo the PS2.. probably a withered & dying Dreamcast?

But seriously Kratos is out, sorry it was way to late to the game.
[quote name='GuardianE']I think we're moving past this whole mascot restriction when it comes to console gaming. [/quote]

This. This a thousand times. I don't know if it was because I started as a PC gamer or never owned a nintendo home console, but I've always hated mascots.

Sackboy is the hot shit of the moment. And his fate is tied with LBP. If LBP becomes a big PS3 mover (Any word on a LBP bundle for the holidays?) I'm sure we'll see a lot more of him. How long that lasts really though is dependent on the new and upcoming hot shit.
One thing good about Sackboy, is that he can encompass the likeness of any character that people like. He's very flexible. Dress him up like Masterchief and even 360 fans will like him (or her).

To be a true mascot for a company, I think that company needs to own the rights to that character. MS owns Masterchief.. so we'll never see him on anther console (outside of MS), I don't think Sony owns the rights to anything.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Is the PS3 a video game now?

What is its main boss?[/QUOTE]

xbox 360, PS3 really wants to kick its ass on the holiday stage. Been doing well throughout the 2008 year.
That's a good question, and though there may not be a need for aging gamers to associate themselves with a product mascot, there's no doubting the impact a good mascot can have on marketability.

Sony has all but said that sackboy is it's official mascot, and it's not a bad choice. As Thomas said he (sometimes she) is extremely flexible and can take on many roles. We grew up under the banner of Mario and we still buy consoles for Mario games. I know that's why I bought a Wii, I know I wont be able to get him anywhere else. Sackboy, if LBP turns out to be the monumental success that Sony hope and believes it will be, can become synonymous with with the Playstation brand that will last far beyond the Playstation 3.

I have to disagree with Kratos being the PS2 mascot, and by the look of this thread the PS2's mascot seems to be Ratchet and Clank. I do agree with these characters being the most identifiable characters through most of the PS2's life cycle, but the arguments points to the failure of the PS2 to define a clear mascot. This isn't a bad thing since as of right now the PS2 is the best selling console of all time.

It's not so much that the PS3 needs a macot, but it couldn't hurt it, could it?
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