Who owns just ONE current-gen console?

(see subject) And which one is it? Why only 1 console?

[quote name='capitalist_mao']Do you consider the GBA to be a current generation Console? Or DS or PSP?[/QUOTE] No those are portables, not living-room consoles. Just as walkmans/ipods are not the same as stereos.

Mark Rein only owns an Xbox controller. He doesn't actually have the console itself. He has no need for anything else. AND HE DOESN'T HAVE TO ANSWER TO YOU.
I only had an xbox for a long time since I had just gotten into gaming back a year ago because of my job (GS) however I just bought a PS2 for Guitar Hero ... I love Guitar Hero :lol:
I own only an XBOX, I used to own all four (if you cound dreamcast) but Xbox was the one I played the most (halo 2) and I sold the rest to get the most money I could instead of like 10 dollars after the next gen.
i only own a gamecube, however guitar hero is the most tempting reason to switch over to the dark side...
I only own a gamecube. At the time of purchase, it had the games I wanted to play (as well as to-be-released games that I wanted to play). While I'm tempted by games like the Halos, the Burnouts, and the Katamaris, I just can't afford to support multiple consoles. I (semi)recently purchased a DS, which has taken over my gaming budget for the past few months... it has definitely taken up the slack that the gamecube has left.
Why would you want to do this?

Miss Ratchet and Clank on PS2, Ninja Gaiden on Xbox, and/or Mario Sunshine, er, Windwaker, er, Metroid Prime . . .?
[quote name='Gator']I only own a gamecube. At the time of purchase, it had the games I wanted to play (as well as to-be-released games that I wanted to play). While I'm tempted by games like the Halos, the Burnouts, and the Katamaris, I just can't afford to support multiple consoles. I (semi)recently purchased a DS, which has taken over my gaming budget for the past few months... it has definitely taken up the slack that the gamecube has left.[/QUOTE]
Same here.
I own one, PS2, only have it for Metal Gears, Gran Turismos, Katamaris and Gitaroo Man.
PS3 is maybe in my very distant future, probably a Revolution will come first.

Xbox(360) can go to Antartica.

My DS is my true baby, I hope the DS redesign is a sexy biscuit. I'll buy it no matter what though.


"Try not. Do or do not." - Yoda
I only had a Gamecube for two or three years, then I got a PS2 two years ago, which I felt was a waste of money with little to play (after I finished MGS2/3), and then I got an Xbox, which I loved.

With the advent of the DS I haven't touched any of them in months.
Do you consider the GBA to be a current generation Console? Or DS or PSP?

In which case, I own 2: PS2 and GBA. However, something tells me, you don't.

Why? I don't have a lot of money. The amount of money I've spend on video games for my PS2 is around $100-$200. I suppose I could have spent a little money on an Xbox or Gamecube, and lost about 2/3 the games I have.
[quote name='scargums']i only own a gamecube, however guitar hero is the most tempting reason to switch over to the dark side...[/QUOTE]

It's worth it man. I love my Guitar Hero! :lol:
I want to see a poll. I've always thought that the largest group of single current gen console owners would be xbox owners (as a proportion out of the total of their respective consoles)

If you are a single console owner:

I've pretty much always been single console owner(PS2) until I bought a Gamecube solely for Double Dash, which I ended up hating. Of course even if you buy a console for one game, you then find other games that you like on it. Before that, it was PS1, then SNES, then NES.
I owned 0 of them up until a few months ago. I always got by through my brother's PS2 (it was more of a "joint" gift but I always considered it his), then his GC, then his XBox, and from borrowing gaming time from my friends. But, once I graduated from my undergrad days and hit the fun of grad school, I needed something to pass the time. I ended up getting the XBox as sort of a grad school present. Why an XBox? Well, I highly prefer the PS2 but since a great number of my friends play on Live and I am now seperated from the rest of them by at least 600 miles it was the feasible option for gaming.

Then, a few weeks ago, I picked up a PS2 on campus. A PS2 for $80 with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004, Kingdom Hearts, Medal of Honor: Frontline, a network adaptor, a Sony 8MB memory card, two Dual Shock controllers, and a slightly broken Logitech headset...well, it was worth the price of admission.

So, for a brief shining moment, I was solely an XBox kind of guy. Hey, I'm not a huge fan of the overall XBox library but there's something about playing a few games with friends across the country at any time of day that just edges out other things for me.
I do now :) just sold my GCN and PS2.....they were taking up space. I'll play Okami on the PS3 and Twilight Princess on the Rev, then I'll be done with those systems, for the most part.

so now I own 1 xbox....which acts as a lot of things _>

2 current gen consoles if you count Dreamcast.
I used to only own a GC, simply because I like Nintendo games the best. I soon bought an Xbox( which has a faulty drive, thank you Microsoft) and my Army buddy gave me his Ps2 for free. I wanted a Dreamcast, but there's not much I'd play on it.

*edit, I assume you're only talking about the current gen.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']Do you consider the GBA to be a current generation Console? Or DS or PSP?[/QUOTE] No those are portables, not living-room consoles. Just as walkmans/ipods are not the same as stereos.

I only owned a PS2 for a long time, but then when the Cube dropped to $99, I bought it. Then I discovered that Nintendo's current-gen games suck, so I traded my Cube for a N64, where the games are better. Now I'm back to just a PS2. It has every game I want to play.
Only own an Xbox. Almost picked up a PS2, but price point vs games that I actually wanted just wasn't there.
I only have a GC.
It was purchased when it price-dropped to $99.
The small library of games I have for it are so kickass that I just haven't felt like I needed more to play. I mean, I'm not going to beat them all.

I'd had a blast with these narrative-driven games:
Eternal Darkness
Twin Snakes

Party games with the right crowd is just the cat's pajamas:
Smash Bros Melee
Mario Power Tennis

Then I have a few SPECIAL games that I just keep playing over and over:
F-Zero GX
Zelda: Collector's Ed

For the relatively inexpensive investment, my GC has been very enjoyable, but now, the age of the DS is upon us. Amen.
I have a PS2 and a GCN. I like the GCN better but there's no way I'm missing out on Metal Gear Solid, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter, Burnout 3, Ico, God of War, Katamari Damacy, etc. Two systems covers everything pretty good and Sony has way more exclusives worth playing than MS, IMO.
Unless Dreamcast is included, I only own a Gamecube, and the only reason I own that is because it was free. Yes, I am that fucking cheap.
The GC was such an awesome investment. Best bang for the buck for sure.

I'm REALLY excited about getting my XBox, though, and being able to play a lot of the games I've been jealous of this gen.
No those are portables, not living-room consoles.
You are incorrect, they are portable consoles, you left out the consoles part. So yes, the GBA, PSP, and DS are consoles.

Back on topic, I own 2 current gen consoles: a Dreamcast and a Gamecube.
I may be a single console owner in the next gen market. With prices so high I just can' see myself gettiing all three like this gen. Sure, there will be price drops--but there will have to be significant price drops for me to get them all. I'm hoping the revolution does come out cheaper (as many predict) then I will get that and either a 360 or ps3.
Only NGC. My Ps2 is gone (DRE problems, sold to some unlucky dude at ebay), My bro took his xbox away. and that's it.
jeeze, what's with all the sad assed xbox owners (jk... i was a former owner... I didn't liek it much, but it was good system for non-halo reasons).

I own all current gen-handhelds (though the OP dosn't want this info), but only own a PS2 and a prev-gen Dreamcast, adn am very happy with jsut one console. It limits your tastes and makes you get stuff you wouldn't normally get.
I hate portables. Worthless things with screens too small to see, and sound that sucks. I'd rather spend my valuable time playing on my 57" full-sized console screen.

Yep I'm biased.
Just the PS2 for me. I did have a Gamecube at one time, but I just didn't have time to play it. And now that I have a baby at home I have even less time!

PS2 simply has games I want to play (in the little time I have!)
I only own a gamecube. I originally wanted a ps2, but my brother wanted me to get a gamecube because it was cheaper
[quote name='electrictroy']I hate portables. Worthless things with screens too small to see, and sound that sucks. I'd rather spend my valuable time playing on my 57" full-sized console screen.

Yep I'm biased.[/QUOTE]

or you just don't enjoy playing games while you travel or commute, which is the big reason why I have a ds, and two sp's.
[quote name='electrictroy']I hate portables. Worthless things with screens too small to see, and sound that sucks. I'd rather spend my valuable time playing on my 57" full-sized console screen.

Yep I'm biased.[/QUOTE]

even if you hate portables, you can't deny how great it is to be playing Grand Theft Auto: LCS while waiting in line or you're on a long trip. If you hate portables, I reccomend the PSP. It's the only portable that dosn't feel like a portable, but I respect yur opinion (even if it does sound a bit shallow).
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