Whoops! Watch the number you dialed! It could cost you your campaign!


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[quote name='USATODAY.COM']SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) — A Democratic congressional candidate accused in a political ad of billing taxpayers for a call to a phone-sex line said an associate may have misdialed the number while trying to reach a state agency. The ad that began airing Friday shows Democrat Michael Arcuri leering at the silhouette of a dancing woman who says, "Hi, sexy. You've reached the live, one-on-one fantasy line."
But Arcuri's campaign released records showing the call two years ago from his New York City hotel room to the 800-number sex line was followed the next minute by a call to the state Department of Criminal Justice Services. The last seven digits of the two numbers are the same....[/quote]

Just Shameful.
And I thought it was bad when you received a wrong number call and the idiot on the other line thinks that you're messing with them by saying that so and so isn't there, when you've had that number for years!
bread's done