Who's running the best racket (at work) here at CAG?


It's certainly not me.. I sit in a cube for almost 40 hours a week. My saving grace is that I take every other Friday off and get lots of sick and vacation leave. That's pretty cool I guess.

How about you guys? Anyone super pissed about their work life or totally psyched on their set up? Just curious as to what the hell it is some of you guys do and if my loathing for forty hour work weeks is justified or not.

Who the hell came up with 40 hours as a norm? I could get my work done in 30 hours, easy and just call it a day, but that's not permitted.

+ i'm one mile from work
+ my boss is super nice and hands off
+ lots of holidays/vacation/sick (I work for a university)
+ internet usage permittable

- no raise in three years
- not very interesting/challenging work
- i have to come in even when there is nothing to do and watch the clock
I sit at my desk for 40 hrs+ per week. I have to work 12 hour shifts every other Saturday & Sunday. On those weekends I bring my 360 and hook up to live. I'd much rather be at home, but it passes the time. I work at a small company that has to have someone here 24/7.
I found this site by googling "cheap games" in January, and have been keeping my eye on things around here ever since.
It is nice to work for a company that doesn't mind you surfing the web and bringing your xbox to work.
- I have my own office.
- I get to updates programs as i need them (photoshop, illustrator, indesign, etc.)
- Paid Vacation.
- I work eight miles from my house.
- Health Care.

- I sit at a desk 40+ hours a week.
- I'm held back creatively.
- No benefits other that crappy healthcare.
- No room for advancement.
- I dont get paid for overtime.
- We hardly get any days off.
- Two years and still haven't gotten a raise.
[quote name='y2jedi']
It is nice to work for a company that doesn't mind you surfing the web and bringing your xbox to work.[/QUOTE]

you win!

I'm a big advocate of the 30 hr work week myself. (12 - 16 hr days suck)

edit: if employers work fulltime exempt employees 60 - 65+ hrs per week, the problem is not the employee, but the employer. You, the employer, need to add another headcount! [just my vents.]
[quote name='onetrackmind']Pros:
- I have my own office.
- I get to updates programs as i need them (photoshop, illustrator, indesign, etc.)
- Paid Vacation.
- I work eight miles from my house.
- Health Care.

- I sit at a desk 40+ hours a week.
- I'm held back creatively.
- No benefits other that crappy healthcare.
- No room for advancement.
- I dont get paid for overtime.
- We hardly get any days off.
- Two years and still haven't gotten a raise.[/quote]

same situation except i'm 7.2 miles from home and sit at desk 50+ hours a week and no raise for 3 years. all that will change by november since we are getting bought out.
[quote name='onetrackmind']Pros:
- I have my own office.
- I get to updates programs as i need them (photoshop, illustrator, indesign, etc.)
- Paid Vacation.
- I work eight miles from my house.
- Health Care.

- I sit at a desk 40+ hours a week.
- I'm held back creatively.
- No benefits other that crappy healthcare.
- No room for advancement.
- I dont get paid for overtime.
- We hardly get any days off.
- Two years and still haven't gotten a raise.[/quote] I'm only 5 miles from work, and I have gotten a raise (and will hopefully get a second one in December or January again), but that's about the same for me.

It's not all bad since it's a tiny company, but I'm just not meant for working 8-5 every day.
40 hours a week, but it's flexible. An hour lunch break, but I can be gone longer than that, the oppertunity to get out of the office and do easy courier work, 15 minutes from home, no dress code, music, free use of internets, a fridge of soda. All that usually makes up for the $7 an hour.

Plus I can leave early to 'pick up my sister'.
[quote name='DJ K8E']I listen to music all day and get about 500 bucks a week. That's it in a nutshell.[/quote]

I play music all the time and get jack shit for it aside from the occasional twelve pack and gas money! What's the secret??!

Ha ha.. that's why I have a day job, I guess...
* office [seating for two, but due to transitions, on my own]
* very good health benefits [not as good as they used to be, but still good]
* decent 401k
* hands off boss.
* solid industry
* always gotten an annual raise [ranging from 3-8%]
* earning three weeks vacation and ten sick/personal days
* reasonably important to people at all levels of the company
* playing a somewhat specialized role, so it's hard to replace me
* can surf the net
* and most importantly, my job is still fun/rewarding, for the most part
* usually a bonus each year
* flexible boss - can work at home sometimes, or just take a 'free' day off
* flexible lunch - unless there's a meeting or a class, take it when I want; sometimes I'll skip one day and take a longer lunch to run errands the next day.
* since I'm in 'support', I get every company holiday off [we're in the service industry, so a portion of the service staff is always on shift]

+/- commute is 10-30 minutes depending on traffic; part of this, however, is dropping my boy off at daycare. And this gives me time to listen to music or audiobooks.

- big company, which means we have some of the negs of big companies [communication, lots of managers, etc].
- because I'm specialized and what I do is important to many, it's hard to take extended time off [I'm going to have to bring my laptop when we got to Disney for vacation], and if I get overburdened with requests, it's up to me to balance the workload
- salary, so if I work o-t, I don't get paid extra for it. This merely means I try not to work o-t.

I've been here for 7 years, seen the company do lots of things and go through lots of changes. But it's still the best job I've had in my 'real job' career. However, every job I've had, I've gotten something out of: learning experience, friends, something good to put on the resume, etc. And I did not plan to be where I am now, this is where the path and various opportunities have led me.
I work from home. 20 feet from bed to desk. Kitchen is downstairs. I have most of my goodies downstairs but an Xbox and DVD player up in my office.

Good times.
I work at a movie theater:

- Easy.
- Senior staff member (no way I'm becoming a manager) so I do what I want.
- When I work in the box office, I do homework (still in college) and/or play Nintendo DS. Thinking of getting a laptop so I can watch DVDs and write.
- Free food!
- Free movies!
- Located about 300 yards from my house.

- Customers.
- Only make $7 an hour after three years worth of raises (minimum wage system has been really fucked with here in Florida for the past year and a half).
- Tweeners.
- Working at night during the weekend.
- Currently very little hours.
I build the bikes at different Targets and Kmarts. I work from 9 am until whenever I finish, which is usually 12 noon or so and make about $120-$200 a day depending how much they have to do. Since I can build them about twice as fast as the average guy, I finish a full days work at lunch time. Weekends off. The only bad part is having to drive to the surrounding cities here and not get paid for the driving or gas.

Overall though, best job I've ever had. I'm my own boss basically even though I work for a big company. Can't beat the hours. You bust your ass while you do work, but it's over by noon or so and you have the rest of the day off to do whatever.
[quote name='scsg75']I build the bikes at different Targets and Kmarts. I work from 9 am until whenever I finish, which is usually 12 noon or so and make about $120-$200 a day depending how much they have to do. Since I can build them about twice as fast as the average guy, I finish a full days work at lunch time. Weekends off. The only bad part is having to drive to the surrounding cities here and not get paid for the driving or gas.

Overall though, best job I've ever had. I'm my own boss basically even though I work for a big company. Can't beat the hours. You bust your ass while you do work, but it's over by noon or so and you have the rest of the day off to do whatever.[/quote]

That sounds like a pretty sweet set-up!
i wait for a good video game deals on here to pop up and then i go to all the stores within 4 states and buy everything up that i can and sell on ebay for profit...i make 10 cents on the dollar...:lol: so if i spend 100 after all my effort i gain $10...Score!!!!!

na seriously though,

i worked at a hospital in supplies
good bunch of guys with a good sense of humor
paid days off when i needed
decent pay $13.86
good boss
had plenty of dead time to chill, read the paper, nap, whatever
no scheduled breaks, whenever
protected by union
great benefits

gotta be there by 7 am
rotating weekends
hospital never closes
Boring at times
no place for moving up
took 8 years to get to that hourly pay and only becuase union came in
not really a career

so what did i do recently?...I QUIT and am activily persueing a postal carrier job...hopefully i can make a respectable career out of that and when i decide to move down south i shouldnt have a problem transferring...
[quote name='2Fast']
- Only make $7 an hour after three years worth of raises (minimum wage[/quote]

:lol: Jesus. I guess that doesn't make me feel so bad about making the same amount. I just graduated high school last may.
Let's see...

I worked at a notable bank call center.
Let's just say their name rhymes with Bashington Putual.

Anyway, the gig was allright, up until I started losing patches of hair.

+Good salary- $13+ an hour, double OT
+8-5 MF with weekends off. OT is not required but available
+Own cubicle
+Busted out the DS during boring days

-Didn't have a car then, so I got fired for being late due to lame ass L.A. Metro :/
-STUPID fuckING Customers
-Managers/supervisors were always on your nuts
-Lost some hair and I'm only 21

So I've been unemployed for 4 months but happily spending my savings. God I need a new job.
Pizza Hut


- can largely set my own schedule
- on average, money is very good
- get along well with my coworkers (and my boss worships the ground I walk on)


- I really hate customer service, and I'm finding it harder to fake it
- though my wage is much higher than the norm, I'm currently maxed out (no more raises for me)
- we're currently very short-handed, so the next few weeks are going to be rough
I am a teenager so I don't get the best choices of jobs but I do think I got a pretty awesome one. I work at Fresh Beginnings (a local call center for car dealerships).

  • $8 an hour
  • Cool bosses
  • Lax attendance policy (you can call off 10 days in a month before you get fired)
  • I got promoted within 3 weeks!
  • Easy work
  • Boring work
[quote name='Tiphireth']:lol: Jesus. I guess that doesn't make me feel so bad about making the same amount. I just graduated high school last may.[/quote]

Well, of course $7 is different depending on what state you live in.
I work at a porn/pipe store as some of you may know...
+ Get to look at titties and naked girls all day
+ Watch women buy items to pleasure themselves
+ Smoke cigs inside
+ Listen to whatever I want
+ Play PSP/DS and mess with CAG all day
+ Wear whatever I want
+ Porn and everything else we sell at cost. Which is insanely cheap.
+ Pretty much im the manager and since theres one employee here at a time. I run this bitch.

- Usually 40+ hours
- No overtime pay
- No paid vacation
- 7.00 an hour + 2% commision after one raise in about a year and a half.
- Alot of weirdos come in, I keep mace handy.
- Have to do everything up here. Stock, Order, Clean (no public restroom or viewing rooms so save the humor)

All in all theres alot to complain about but alot to just shut up about so i try not to bitch its about as easy as a job can get. Other than you work from home types.
[quote name='2Fast']Well, of course $7 is different depending on what state you live in.[/quote]
grad student

- Monthly stipend + tuition
- Heathcare for the whole family
- Flexible Hours

- I'm in fucking grad school!
- Long Hours
[quote name='JimmieMac']In all the "pros" nobody says that they REALLY like what they do, and that's really sad.[/quote]

I really really love what I do, and the industry I do it in. I'm a computer programmer for an auto parts manufacturer. We make airbags, steering wheels and injection molded parts for Honda, Nissan, and Toyota. We're a subsidiary of Nihon-Plast, a worldwide company based out of Japan.

I work 40 hours a week, usually coding at my desk, but often I have to fix machines on the floor. I write code that controls robots, and records the safety data that the tests generate.

I take free Jujitsu classes at my plant, and just finished my first free Japanese language class there as well. Great money, and I work five minutes from home. I also get overtime if I'm needed more than 40.

What's cooler than working for Japanese company programming massive robots? Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I dig it.

EDIT: I didn't forget the cons. I just can't think of any.
[quote name='JimmieMac']In all the "pros" nobody says that they REALLY like what they do, and that's really sad.[/quote] Very few full time jobs allow you to like what you do for very long, even if it's involved with a field you enjoy.

Only those lucky few actually get THE job that they want to do, the rest of us are SOL.
I referee little kids (~10 year olds) soccer and I'm a HS junior

-$12 for ONE game of 8 year olds (~1 hour), $16 for 10 year olds (~1 hr 15 min)
-I get exercise
-I enjoy soccer

-Often early in the morning
-You have NO idea how much you legs will hurt after 5+ games in a day
-I live in Texas, so its hot as fuck during the day, and in the winter, its freezing
I don't have a job now since I just got of jail last week... But before I got locked up I was going to college and working at a restaurant making 7.50 an hour plus tips. It was ok but I don't feel like working there anymore so I'm gonna start working for my dad at his used car lot.

Pros: I'll work for my dad.
Get paid in cash, $200 a week for like 10-20 hours of work.
Can still go to college full time.
Work is mostly gonna be easy, driving cars and such.

Con: Might have to wash a few cars. Might have to clean the office. Might have to mow the lawn.
It's also about 20 miles from where I live... long drive.
[quote name='PhrostByte']I don't have a job now since I just got of jail last week... But before I got locked up I was going to college and working at a restaurant making 7.50 an hour plus tips. It was ok but I don't feel like working there anymore so I'm gonna start working for my dad at his used car lot.

Pros: I'll work for my dad.
Get paid in cash, $200 a week for like 10-20 hours of work.
Can still go to college full time.
Work is mostly gonna be easy, driving cars and such.

Con: Might have to wash a few cars. Might have to clean the office. Might have to mow the lawn.
It's also about 20 miles from where I live... long drive.[/quote]
What were you in jail for?
Geez... You guys have crappy wages... I'm feeling like Ted DiBiase around here...

Anyway, about me:

My job involves a lot of papers and shuffling them. Lots.

-- The days go by quick, what with all the paper shuffling
-- Decent benefits, adequate vacation and sick days
-- I work with some genuinely nice people who have actually become like family
-- Close to home, so I don't spend much on gas
-- Apparently I could buy and sell you bitches with the cash I'm rollin'

-- It saps my creative energy, thereby preventing me from living out my dream of performing in the theatre
-- I find that I don't spend enough time "living"
-- General "working stiff" fatigue prevents me from caring enough to travel across the country, buying and selling you bitches with the cash I'm rollin'
I work at a hospital as a lab assistant. Worst job I've ever had in my life, hands down miles beyond anything else I've ever done. I've shoveled trenches through frozen ground in 15 degree weather before.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']Who the hell came up with 40 hours as a norm? I could get my work done in 30 hours, easy and just call it a day, but that's not permitted.[/quote]

My best guess would be "some bastard".
[quote name='Quillion']What were you in jail for?[/quote]
[quote name='PhrostByte in the wrestling thread']
I had a 60 day sentence and did 39 days of it (working in the kitchen for $1/day cut off 5 days a month.. the rest of it was for good time and double bunking). Now I still have 3 years of supervised probation to do... BULLSHIT. Judge sent my ass to jail for violating my probation. Apparently the cops were watching my friend for a while and they saw me buy a gram of weed from him. So they locked both of us up. I went to court for the CDS: Marihuana charge and got $100 fine. The only problem is, the fact that I was found guilty of the possession charge violated my probation and that's what I got the 2 months BCDC/3 years probation for. I came into court prepared. I showed him a letter from my boss showing that I was working. I showed him an official copy of my college transcript showing that I made Dean's List with a 3.76 last semester, I showed letters from two counselors that I was seeing... but none of it really helped. The judge said I was too smart for this bullshit and that I needed to learn that there should be consequences to my actions...

In case you were wondering what I was on probation for... around 2 years ago I was getting acid sent to me by a friend from Amsterdam. The second time it happened the DEA intercepted the package coming to my house... (for some reason, they had no reasonable cause for suspicion) and raided my house. I was at work at the time... they came to my job and made me come back to my house. Upon arrival they asked me if I knew what the package was... Obviously I denied it... and I wasn't charged with any of the acid. However I was charged with all the other shit they found in my house. 1 count CDS: Marihuana. 2 counts Not Marihuana (a few Adderall pills and a straw with cocaine residue). and 2 counts Paraphanelia. I got everything dropped except the coke charge and that's what I was on probation for... I still don't know if the search was legal... oh well :\[/quote]
Lets see...

+ Pretty good pay for my age and experience.
+ Quite a bit of paid vacation and sick leave.
+ Good medical/dental.
+ Enjoy work for the most part since im constantly doing different things.
+ No internet restrictions that i know of (havnt had an employee handbook in 4 years)
+ Can work as much overtime as i want
+ Most co-workers are pretty cool

- Micro-managing loud manager... from Chicago
- 30mi drive (little traffic though)
- Expected (not heavily enforced) to put in 10hrs OT weekly
- Not really "learning" that much, not much of a challenge
- When we're busy, it gets CRAZY
I'm the HR guy for a Pharmacy. Besides doing HR, I also pay invoices for the company, make bank deposits, in charge of implementing the new time clock system, deal with payroll, deal with anything to do with Afirmative Action, in charge of ordering supplies from various companies, and perform various administrative duties. So basically I can be a jack of all trades.

*Decent wage @ $14.50/hr
*Medical & Dental Benefits
*Decent 401K plan
*Good boss & fun people to work with
*Set schedule of Mon-Fri 8AM-4:30PM
*Live 8-10 mins away from work
*Weekends & what I consider afternoons off
*When/If I decide to get my Masters, work will pay up to $2,500/semester

*Work is stressfull at times
*Work can also be mundane and boring at times
*The work never ends, once one thing is completed there's always something else to work on next

That's about it, not bad considering I know that I could have a worse job than I do now. I know after working at Staples in the past that I hate retail and would never want to go back to it.
- Have own office and the only one on my floor
- They treat me like a god
- I'm the only one that can speak English
- Do nothing but surf the Internet and play the DS until I get tired and go home (Which is about 3 hours a day)
- 300,000 Yen a month
- Wear whatever the hell I want to.

- School starts Friday. (But that might be a con too, I love ruining the lives of the little runts in the Japanese country side!)
I get paid more than most other college jobs pay, my job is incredibly fast paced (grocery story), cute college girls flirt with me all day, and most of my coworkers, including one manager, are totally hot, and I spend all of my free time flirting and messing around with them. Plus I pretty much have total say over what kind of hours I get.

Beat that.
+ I work at home
+ I'm self employeed
+ I have mad tax deductions
+ I can sit on the couch and work while playing my 360 (or any other console)
+ I often use my projector for work
+ No need for work clothes since I work at home
+ I don't put up with other people's bullshit
+ I love my job (J2EE Developer)
+ I make pretty good money for my area
+ I have great coworkers
+ I work 3-5 days a week, no weekends, whenever I feel like it.
+ No travel required. I drive my car probably 10 miles a week. I've only put 3000 miles on it this entire year.

- I pay my own taxes

That's about it really.
[quote name='Quackzilla']I get paid more than most other college jobs pay, my job is incredibly fast paced (grocery story), cute college girls flirt with me all day, and most of my coworkers, including one manager, are totally hot, and I spend all of my free time flirting and messing around with them. Plus I pretty much have total say over what kind of hours I get.

Beat that.[/quote]

I do video work, check it out. I win!
I work for the government. :hot: Seriously, I do.

+ I have two cubicles
+ Half the time I'm listening to my iPod while working
+ My coworkers flirting with me (most women working there are in their late 20s/early 30s, while I haven't even hit 20 yet)
+ Lenient/cool supervisors
+ 40 hour work weeks/Mon-Fri/8-5 (it's a steady schedule)

- Clients bitching/lying/scamming day in and day out
- Some coworkers just LOVE to spread gossip/rumors
- No internet browsing (not really a con but it'd be nice if I can check my personal e-mail from work...then again, I don't really need to check it.)
- If my desk partner is gone for the day, I have her load of work to finish.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Pros:
+ I work at home
+ I'm self employeed
+ I have mad tax deductions
+ I can sit on the couch and work while playing my 360 (or any other console)
+ I often use my projector for work
+ No need for work clothes since I work at home
+ I don't put up with other people's bullshit
+ I love my job (J2EE Developer)
+ I make pretty good money for my area
+ I have great coworkers
+ I work 3-5 days a week, no weekends, whenever I feel like it.
+ No travel required. I drive my car probably 10 miles a week. I've only put 3000 miles on it this entire year.

- I pay my own taxes

That's about it really.[/quote]

uh, what do you do? and how can you work while playing 360? do you mean that literally?

My own office
Decent pay
Annual Raise
Bonus every 3 months ( usually around $300+)
Listen to music (sometimes watch TV or DVDs)
Fairly important position / HARD to replace ( 2 or more did the work I do now)
Day goes fast
Easy going boss / only bothers me maybe once a week
Can surf the net
Earn more vacation every year ( almost 3 weeks now)
6 personal paid days
Paid hoildays
able to take unpaid time off
Good benefits
401k (company matches what I put in)

30 miles from home
Slow advancement
Let me know if any of this sounds familiar.

Mid to late 20's.
Work involves sitting in front of computer with Internet Access
Work 40 hour per week although actual job doesn't really occupy more than 25.
My own office at work.
Option to work at home whenever I feel like it.
Reimbursed for my broadband access.
With a little nudge the vending machine dispenses free juice.
Decent benefits, stock plan, TDSP
Three weeks "vacation" + personal choice days.
Flex time allows me to set my working hours.
Good salary + yearly bonus
Hands off management

Work for soul stealing mega-corporation.
Meetings or conference calls all damn day.
No paid overtime.
Dealing with global resources.
I have to work weekends a few times a year.
60 hour work week isn't that unusual -- there have been a couple of 80+ weeks.
Did I mention no paid overtime?
Reprimanded if you don't work overtime.
I'm just a number.
When I first started the con list would have been a lot shorter...
[quote name='coltyhuxx']uh, what do you do? and how can you work while playing 360? do you mean that literally?[/quote]

I sit on the couch with my laptop and write whatever program I need to write, all whilest watching my 360 on the projector. This works very well for Texas Holdem.
bread's done