Whose Reviews Do You Listen To(se?)?


4 (100%)
I'm just wondering who you guys listen to for advice on movies/games/tv shows. For example, a couple of shows I like are ranked 8 (Arrested Development), 18 (Futurama), 27 (Lost), and 41 (The Shield) on tv.com, meaning that there are allegedly 40 shows on tv better than a show I like. Same with IMDB. So, where do you guys turn for reviews? Do you like sites where the public rates shows, or do you prefer critics' opinions? And if you listen to critics, which critics do you listen to? It's all so confusing... :drool:
For video games, I usually listen to GameSpot's reviews -- although I have disagreed with them in a few instances.

As for film and music reviews, I don't listen to any reviews. ;0
It doesn't matter. All the shows I like, all the systems I buy, etc. get cancelled or go under in some way. Like that Simpson's show, for example......
Films - rottentomatoes, IGN, other posters, RL people
dvds - I already have my opinion of the film based on other sources. I then check IGN and dvdtalk for reviews on the discs themselves (special features, audio, video, etc.)
Video games - gamespot, gamerankings, IGN, other posters, basically as many sources as I can come up with.

The overall rankings for shows and films on Amazon, netflix, IDMB, etc is useless, but if you scan enough of the user reviews normally you can come up with an honest one. For instance, on Netflix, the Futurama best of 4-episode collection is rated an overall 4.3 which is completely inflated for the disc. However, there is a quite helpful user review of it on the website.

Hell I love Serenity, but you can tell people are manipulating it's score on IMDB.
For movies, I just go if it looks good. I don't look at reviews.

For games, I use IGN to see if it's a piec eof shit or not, and then usually check around here or with firends.

For DVDs, most of Amazon's reviews and user reviews seem pretty well-written as far as if the DVD is worth it or not.
For Movies- ebert. For me, he can help me decide a horrible movie and a Great movie. Not so much on so-so and just plain good movies.

For music- for rap XXL magazine. Everything just word of mouth and my own opinion.
Video games i do listen too. But when it comes to movies everyone is totally different. I dont listen to any reivews. Tons of my favorite movies have been raped by all the top critics. fuck 'em all.
Movies: Friends
Games: None (I rent'em or try out the demo)
TV Shows: None (If the premise is stupid, chances are I wouldn't watch it anyway) or IF, and that's a BIG 'if', it seems to be popular enough by group consensus, I'll consider it.
I rely on Gamespot for my video game reviews. Everything else, I don't really listen to anyone about.. I just check it out if it looks interesting.
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