Why didn't Hastings accept these games?


This is going to be a rant, so if you're going to flame me for being a "devil customer" or whatever, feel free to leave right now. Personally I think my situation is actually pretty much the store's fault and not my own, but whatever. Here goes.

The other day I went over to the new Gamestop that opened up last week and bought myself 4 cheap games that I could use at Hasting's 4 for 1 trade in offer. I checked the thread on the games that are successful in the trade, and made sure to buy only what was on the list.

After purchasing four games using the B2G1 promotion, I went over to Hastings to trade them in. Three of them were accepted (Max Payne, The Bouncer, Zone of the Enders) but the fourth, (X-Squad) was not. No big deal. The list had been updated in Hasting's computer since the thread was updated. I had gotten the last one for free anyway.

So I go back over to Gamestop the next day and buy another copy of Max Payne, because it worked. That was yesterday. So today I drive up to Hastings (two days from the original visit) with my four games - Max Payne 2x, The Bouncer, and ZOE.


Two days and now I can't use them? No way. You've GOT to be kidding me. And these were the exact same titles. There is no freaking way I have the bad luck that the national (or hell, local) list would be updated within the two days that I left and returned. SOMEONE HAD TO HAVE SCREWED UP.

Are there any Hastings employees who can help me out? The employee seemed pretty inept this time and had to have a "General Assistant Manager" help her. The other day I had the store manager approve it. And the error message on the trade in screen was completely different. There's no fucking way Hastings updated their computer systems.

The first time around (and other times I've done this deal) when a game is not accepted a big box appears on the screen and says it's not working for the promotion. This time there was a tiny script error at the bottom of the screen.

So, am I out a couple bucks or what? Maybe I'll try the Hastings the next town over and have luck there. Anyone have any ideas/advice/counsel?

Edit: Changed the thread topic title because everyone thought I was being too hard on Hastings. It was originally "How Hastings screwed me this time," for anyone reading after the fact.
More likely after you traded in the first set of copies the store had enough and didn't want anymore, they don't have to accept every game that people bring in. Just try a different Hastings and in the future try to vary the games you bring in a bit more.

And do you just enjoy making flame bait? Hastings didn't screw you they simply refused to accept your games, perhaps a better title would have been: Why won't Hastings accept these games?
I agree, I fail to see how someone could think you were a devil customer. Or that they screwed you, or were out to screw you, or denied a reach around or anything. Your games were not accepted. Such is life.
I've been a victim of this, but it was the opposite way around. One title was denied by the computer, then I tried again the next week, and it worked. Try again on another day, it seems to change day to day.

FYI, you will more than likely get blocked trying to do two of the same title in one trade.
I never had any problems with it before. But my point wasn't that they didn't accept my games, it's just that it's very hard for me to believe they wouldn't accept them after only 2 days.

After the original scanning (first trip) I asked them to tell me how much store credit I'd get; they scanned the games and told me. I have a feeling the stock list was updated incorrectly because we scanned without selling. Whatever, I don't really care.

ANYWHO ... I guess I can see where you guys wouldn't like the thread's title. Oh well. I was pissed off at the time. Never considered it flame bait, either ... but you have to admit it appeared pretty shady that my shit wasn't accepted only two days later. I mean, come on.
[quote name='Scorch']FYI, you will more than likely get blocked trying to do two of the same title in one trade.[/QUOTE]

This is YMMV, I turn dupes all the time with no resistance....also different platforms, usually PS2 and XBX games mixed with no probs. Depends on your store, as usual.
[quote name='clariste']This is YMMV, I turn dupes all the time with no resistance....also different platforms, usually PS2 and XBX games mixed with no probs. Depends on your store, as usual.[/QUOTE]

Clariste, do they have a Hastings in Lawrence?
well..you can't win them all.. they have a right to refuse service.. you also have a right not to go back.. i would have just said "alright" and kept them around for trade bait or other things.. thats the problem with buying games just to trade in.
I did keep the games. I actually have a whole arsenal of trading fodder I am just waiting to use. I am going to take them to another Hastings in the next town over the next time some of my friends decide to drive there.
I'm assuming that this "Hastings" place is a local video game chain, right? I'm only asking because over here in California, I've never heard of a "Hastings" video game store.

Anyway, the thing about the computers might vary. Surprisingly, the B&M EB Games stores had only recently updated their computer system within the last year, according to the people that I know working at the various locations in the Bay Area.

They claimed that simply by checking in their computers, they can track what each and every other location has in stock and what their buyback lists are.

Although communication between locations can be as simple as a phone call, they can also send each other messages through their 'dedicated' computer program/system. (So they claim)

Maybe the "Hastings" store you went to updated their database in the same manner?
It is possible that Hastings is updating their lists more often. I went in with, I think, 23 dvds about a week ago (I know it was more than 20). I had picked out 3 movies I wanted with the 4 for 1 trade, and I told the employee that I only brought in so many movies because I was sure that some of them would be excluded. She told me that the system is usually pretty easy with dvds, so not to worry. Well, they all got denied except for one ("I, Robot", WS one-disc). I was pretty sure some of them would be denied because I had tried some before (but I hadn't known which ones), but I was surprised that so many were denied. I ended up dumping almost all of them at Hollywood for $5 a piece. I figure I can get in on some of the 4 for $20s with the credit, and hopefully trade some of those in to Hastings after watching them.
bread's done