Why do little people have attitudes?

I'm 6' and I feel short, probably from playing bball all my life, man if I could be 6'4 I sure wouldn't be here right now :lol:

anyway... I've got some friends that are shorter, in fact one of my roommates is about 5'6 and the other is 5'7, and the last one is like 6'3... anyway the shortest one doesn't really care, but the other short one always seems like he's gotta go out and prove something, and prove that he's better than you.
I don't know if it's related to his height or not, but I'd guess it is, since he used to say that he was going to get his legs broken like in Gattaca and be made into a taller person...
How does height matter the affect of the attitude of a person? o_O.. I see attitudes in every kind of guy heights. From 5'2-6'5, and like most people stated 5'8 isn't that short, but of course to a person whose like 6'5 yea.. their attitude doesn't really differ to me in height maybe more in just age.

And I thought you were talking little kids like 2-8 years old or something. Shit if anyone saw the Nanny I think those kids have some attitudes, but anyways .. 5'8 isn't that short (probably in the asian world cause that is the average height compare to the umm European background males).
I'm 5'6" and I'll tell you why I'm pissed all the time.

1. Women - Most women don't want to date a guy that's shorter than them. I realize the the average woman is about 5'4", but even a lot of women who are shorter than me want to be with a tall guy. So that knocks out at least half the women in the world for me right there. half as many women means at least half the chance for nookie is gone. That'll piss anybody off.

2. People talk down to short men. I'm sure they don't mean to, but being short and having people literally lookdown on you causes a psychological shift in the way you get addressed. You get treated like a child a lot. It tends to wear on you after a while.

3. Clothes. Ever try finding pants with a 27" inseam? Yes, this can be a problem for exceedingly tall men as well, but at least they have "big & tall" stores. I've had to learn to sew just to save myself the $10 per pair of pants it would cost to have them professionally altered.

4. Competitive sports disadvantage - I'm naturally at a disadvantage in almost every sport. Particularly those you play with the guys at the family outings, etc. (Basketball, volleyball, football, etc). The only sports where short people hold an advantage are weightlifting, wrestling, and horse racing. Not exactly sports you participate in a lot.

So yeah, after a few decades of being short, it tends to get to you a bit. On top of that, you have people automatically acting like you're going to be a "little napoleon" and pre-emptively treating you like you've got an attitude.
[quote name='abrannan']I'm 5'6" and I'll tell you why I'm pissed all the time.

1. Women - Most women don't want to date a guy that's shorter than them. I realize the the average woman is about 5'4", but even a lot of women who are shorter than me want to be with a tall guy. So that knocks out at least half the women in the world for me right there. half as many women means at least half the chance for nookie is gone. That'll piss anybody off.

2. People talk down to short men. I'm sure they don't mean to, but being short and having people literally lookdown on you causes a psychological shift in the way you get addressed. You get treated like a child a lot. It tends to wear on you after a while.

3. Clothes. Ever try finding pants with a 27" inseam? Yes, this can be a problem for exceedingly tall men as well, but at least they have "big & tall" stores. I've had to learn to sew just to save myself the $10 per pair of pants it would cost to have them professionally altered.

4. Competitive sports disadvantage - I'm naturally at a disadvantage in almost every sport. Particularly those you play with the guys at the family outings, etc. (Basketball, volleyball, football, etc). The only sports where short people hold an advantage are weightlifting, wrestling, and horse racing. Not exactly sports you participate in a lot.

So yeah, after a few decades of being short, it tends to get to you a bit. On top of that, you have people automatically acting like you're going to be a "little napoleon" and pre-emptively treating you like you've got an attitude.[/quote]

Awww... Buck up, little camper.
[quote name='MrBadExample'][quote name='abrannan']I'm 5'6" and I'll tell you why I'm pissed all the time.

1. Women - Most women don't want to date a guy that's shorter than them. I realize the the average woman is about 5'4", but even a lot of women who are shorter than me want to be with a tall guy. So that knocks out at least half the women in the world for me right there. half as many women means at least half the chance for nookie is gone. That'll piss anybody off.

2. People talk down to short men. I'm sure they don't mean to, but being short and having people literally lookdown on you causes a psychological shift in the way you get addressed. You get treated like a child a lot. It tends to wear on you after a while.

3. Clothes. Ever try finding pants with a 27" inseam? Yes, this can be a problem for exceedingly tall men as well, but at least they have "big & tall" stores. I've had to learn to sew just to save myself the $10 per pair of pants it would cost to have them professionally altered.

4. Competitive sports disadvantage - I'm naturally at a disadvantage in almost every sport. Particularly those you play with the guys at the family outings, etc. (Basketball, volleyball, football, etc). The only sports where short people hold an advantage are weightlifting, wrestling, and horse racing. Not exactly sports you participate in a lot.

So yeah, after a few decades of being short, it tends to get to you a bit. On top of that, you have people automatically acting like you're going to be a "little napoleon" and pre-emptively treating you like you've got an attitude.[/quote]

Awww... Buck up, little camper.[/quote]

[quote name='GameDude'][quote name='Trakan']5'10" is the average for adult men. How the hell is 5'8" short?[/quote]

It's below average. You have tall/average/short.[/quote]

So 6 foot is tall then? So but I know about a dozen 6 foot tall people that would totally get their ass kicked by 5'8 "little" people.
I'm 5'4, 5'5 or so, so fuck you all :p

I wouldn't say I give anyone attitude. In fact, I'm probably one of the most non-confrontational people you'll ever meet. Also, I haven't ever had issues with being talked down to or anything of the sort. I also have no problem with the ladies, so I must be some kind of anomile, according to all of you.
[quote name='GameDude']Like a lot of girls are 5'8...if you're shorter than a lot of girls, you are a short man.[/quote]

And the average height of women is about 5'6" so I don't see how this makes sense either.
It looks like a lot of people here could benefit from an introductory statistics course.

And if you haven't realized already, our society does make a huge amount of assumptions and judgments based on a person's appearance - be it height, weight, attractiveness, whatever. In time, it's pretty much inevitable that the way other people see you and interact with you contribute to your overall personality and view of the world. That's about as general as I can make it right now.
[quote name='HSidwolf']It looks like a lot of people here could benefit from an introductory statistics course.

And if you haven't realized already, our society does make a huge amount of assumptions and judgments based on a person's appearance - be it height, weight, attractiveness, whatever. In time, it's pretty much inevitable that the way other people see you and interact with you contribute to your overall personality and view of the world. That's about as general as I can make it right now.[/quote]

Ok, what does any of what you just said have to do with statistics? Psychology maybe, but not statistics.
[quote name='greendj27'][quote name='HSidwolf']It looks like a lot of people here could benefit from an introductory statistics course.

And if you haven't realized already, our society does make a huge amount of assumptions and judgments based on a person's appearance - be it height, weight, attractiveness, whatever. In time, it's pretty much inevitable that the way other people see you and interact with you contribute to your overall personality and view of the world. That's about as general as I can make it right now.[/quote]

Ok, what does any of what you just said have to do with statistics? Psychology maybe, but not statistics.[/quote]

Haha, sorry about that. The first sentence was referring to how everybody was just tossing out a dozen different numbers and stats without really knowing what they were talking about. The second part was a completely different topic unrelated to statistics, and yes you're right, it's basic social psychology. I should know since I have a degree in both. I just don't want to bother writing coherent essays on message boards most of the time. :D

I'm between average and 1 SD above average height, btw.
[quote name='HSidwolf'][quote name='greendj27'][quote name='HSidwolf']It looks like a lot of people here could benefit from an introductory statistics course.

And if you haven't realized already, our society does make a huge amount of assumptions and judgments based on a person's appearance - be it height, weight, attractiveness, whatever. In time, it's pretty much inevitable that the way other people see you and interact with you contribute to your overall personality and view of the world. That's about as general as I can make it right now.[/quote]

Ok, what does any of what you just said have to do with statistics? Psychology maybe, but not statistics.[/quote]

Haha, sorry about that. The first sentence was referring to how everybody was just tossing out a dozen different numbers and stats without really knowing what they were talking about. The second part was a completely different topic unrelated to statistics, and yes you're right, it's basic social psychology. I should know since I have a degree in both. I just don't want to bother writing coherent essays on message boards most of the time. :D

I'm between average and 1 SD above average height, btw.[/quote]

Aha. :p

By the way I understand what you were getting at by referring tostatisctics, I just had to give you a hard time about it.
[quote name='HSidwolf']It looks like a lot of people here could benefit from an introductory statistics course.

And if you haven't realized already, our society does make a huge amount of assumptions and judgments based on a person's appearance - be it height, weight, attractiveness, whatever. In time, it's pretty much inevitable that the way other people see you and interact with you contribute to your overall personality and view of the world. That's about as general as I can make it right now.[/quote]

That has to do with Genetics/psychology not statistics. We are all creatures on this planet, it's written into our DNA to mate and to pass on our genetics, so when you look at somone of the opposite sex (unless your a homosexual) even people that say "Oh I never judge people on the way they look" still do because it's just human nature. Some people take it to the extreme but what it boils down to is just the way we humans are made.
To answer the question: Little people have attitutes because they find you extremely annoying. Apparently, so do tall people. :wink:
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