Why does Kidz Bop exist!?

The worst part is hearing these kids unknowingly belting out sexually explicit lyrics. Or maybe that's the best part, from a comedy perspective.
It's one thing that they take shitty songs from today and have kids sing them; most of these songs were crime against humanity to begin with, and re-vocalizing them with a bunch of ten-year-old hacks only salts the wounds to the ears.

What's glaringly shocking to me is that this shit is often the most innuendo-packed songs on the radio, neatly packed in a sacchirine package for kids 5+. I mean, what the hell? God knows the hormones are getting them earlier, but we might as well just cut out the middle man (Kidz Bop) and just let them watch porn from the get-go.
[quote name='Wshakspear']hearing children break out into "im a slave for you" brings out my inner Jackson...[/quote]

Ok thats pretty shaq-fuing creepy. But at least rest easy knowing these kids will grow up and see themselves in Kids Bop and will probably live in sewers due to the humiliation. :twisted:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='Tromack']Because god hates us.[/quote]

No, because Jesus was a pedophile.[/quote]

Who says one has to exclude the other?
[quote name='Wshakspear']hearing children break out into "im a slave for you" brings out my inner Jackson...[/quote]

:shock: Yea, I agree with you on some level though, kids shouldn't be singing that shit.
Its called recylcling after a song is played to death on the radio they repackage it and resell it to an unknowing much of kids, the best part is that they can replace the kids bob kids at will making it kind of like an eternal menudo.
[quote name='Tromack'][quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='Tromack']Because god hates us.[/quote]

No, because Jesus was a pedophile.[/quote]

Who says one has to exclude the other?[/quote]

[quote name='zionoverfire']Its called recylcling after a song is played to death on the radio they repackage it and resell it to an unknowing much of kids, the best part is that they can replace the kids bob kids at will making it kind of like an eternal menudo.[/quote]

Ahhhh that makes sense.........Hmmmmmmm menudo.......*foam*
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']The worst part is hearing these kids unknowingly belting out sexually explicit lyrics. Or maybe that's the best part, from a comedy perspective.[/quote]

You read my mind.

My goodness, don't get me started on kidz bob! I can't stand those damn commercials with kids singing adult lyrics like if they are candy or something. It makes me want to fucking vomit all over the place and go kill the idiot who is peddling this crap to our ignorant youth.

It is beyond understanding how an adult song with adult lyrics automatically turn into kids songs if sung by children. So if little timmy starts singing 'I want your sex' it is alright for kids all over to hear it and sing it?
I always thought that they did it for the pedophiles. They listen to music too you know. Any kid old enough to recognize the words in the song are probably also old enough to know its crap.
I saw the commercial for the newest one and it had Britney Spears' "Toxic" on it. I cant imagine what kind of parents would want their children to listen to lyrics like that.
you know, i don't care that these things exist, because even though it's obvious that it sucks, kids like some stupid things. for instance, i had to watch a 4 year old girl the other day for a friend, so i got to see all the crappy shows that are on nowadays. the worst is this show called "lazytown". jesus christ, it's the worst thing i have ever seen. the main guy is this "super hero" called sporticus who's only real skill is the ability to do a lot of flips that contribute nothing to anything. i guess kids like it when creepy looking guys do lots of flips for no reason, because according to the youngster, her favorite part of the show is when that weird guy does flips. but god, it sucks.

anyways, the part that makes me laugh is when they take songs by bands that write their own music and put it on these kidz bop things. for instance, we'll look at some songs from kidz bop 6. does it strike anyone else a little queer that they are using songs by evanescence, jet, yellowcard and hoobastank? now, i don't really like any of these bands, in fact, i don't think any of these bands should continue to make music, but i would still like to hear how they feel about their songs being used in this fashion (although they'd probably say something like "yo dawg, it's dope"). they also use the song "burn" which is by usher i believe. now, i've never heard the song, but a quick google of the phrase "burn lyrics" gave me what i needed, and the thought of kids singing this is a little wierd:

"When the feeling ain't the same and your body don't want to
but you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain't jumpin' like it used to
Even though this might bruise you
Let it burn

so, in conclusion, kidz bop is stupid and that lazytown show on nick jr. sucks a lot.
It's much cheaper to put out Kidz Bop than a normal compilation album. By using horrible renditions, and not the original versions, the company avoids having to pay the original performer and their record company. The only fee is to the songwriter. They market it to kids because kids are dumb and will buy anything. Adults would never fall for this - would you buy a compilation album if the songs were not sung by the original artists?
My friend and her sister and brother do vocals for the Kidz Bop CD's. I think. I haven't really talked to her in a while, but last time I did, her dad told me that they've been doing that lately. Apparently people buy it because they're well off.
Kidz Bop is evil. Evil like a John Tesh album. Evil like a Yanni album. Evil like that John Tesh and Yanni album. Evil like a Celine Dion album. Evil like a mix tape or CD (your choice) with all three combined that's stuck in your cassette or CD player. It's evil, I tells ya! :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']The worst part is hearing these kids unknowingly belting out sexually explicit lyrics. Or maybe that's the best part, from a comedy perspective.[/quote]

It certainly invokes thew whole creepy Jon Benet Ramsey vibe.

This product is an example of parental overindulgence. It's one of the dead giveaways that the economy is not nearly so bad as some people would like to claim. In an atmosphere of wide spread belt tightening you just don't find so much product design expressly for children while being gratingly annoying to their parents. Not when the cost would make such a convenient excuse to deny any child's request for the demonic caterwauling.
Because parents are begged from their 5 year old daughters and sons to order it and it's *only* this much so they can dance around the house to britney spears, justin timberlake and usher in the horrible renditions of screeching and annoying little kids like themselves, which probably makes them feel better about themselves and makes them think they'll be successful in life and in a career in music.


But seriously, I agree with just about everybody else in this thread. It is completley inappropriate to let small children sing these lyrics that are obviously suited towards adults. Kidz Bop 6 has Maroon 5's "This Love" on it. You gotta be kidding me.
[quote name='rajchakrabarti']they need a hip-hop version of kid bopz... that would be interesting......a lil snoop.. meth...jay z...[/quote]

MC Pee Pants
[quote name='ElwoodCuse'][quote name='rajchakrabarti']they need a hip-hop version of kid bopz... that would be interesting......a lil snoop.. meth...jay z...[/quote]

MC Pee Pants[/quote]

Yeah, cause mc chris already sounds like a 10 year old, or so he's been told.
At least it is not as bad as the childrens 'christian rock' shit.

Time-Life should be banned from running television ads. If it weren't for the Swift Boat Veterans for "Truth" advertisements, Time-Life would get an award for 'most offensive ads'.
On a slight tangent here...this reminds me of something I saw in my local newspaper here the other day. We have a local "school of dance" where parents take their impressionable youngsters to learn various dance styles...ballet, jazz etc. And as of just recently, "Hip Hop". Now I don't quite understand when Hip Hop also became a dance style, but I can almost picture the 8 year old children bumping and grinding and pouring 40's on the curb for their dead homies. Now I do realize there often is "some" dancing associated with hip hop, but I've always found a lot of it to be fairly provocative. Is this REALLY necessary for kids? I think most parents today need the shit slapped out of them.
Every time I see a commercial I threaten to buy one of these God-awful albums for my sisters. I'm still convinced they like Hanson.

As far as who buys them, grandparents are horrible because they get them for young grandkids. While the lyrics may be questionable (and they are) the music is toned down to a softer, "happier" level.
I always wondered - why would kids want to sing along to their favorite songs with other kids singing? I would think that a girl who loved Britney would want to sing along with the actual song sung by Britney - you know so they can imagine they are a music star or even Britney.

The renditions themselves remind me of when I was in chorus way back in junior high. If we sang a contemporary song not meant for a chorus, it always sounded weird and cheesy because you had to sing the all the notes. Even parts that are not quite sung in the original song usually have notes composed for it, but we'd sing those notes and it would sound awful. Anyone who was in chorus must know what I mean.
It sucks I hate it but some marketing person figured out that kids like the shit. Seriously they do. As an adult though I can not stand to listen to it and tell kids to put headphones on I'm turning on the radio.
If you're going to spend 15 bucks on a compilation, might as well buy the NOW series.... At least there's no whiny kids laughing their heads off in the background.
I HATE kids bop with every fiber of my being!! If i saw one of those kids in the street I would run them over with my car
oh no god i love kid bop they make me feel soooooooo much better about my singing :roll: but anyways it's nice to know that songs that sucked already suck even more by these kids or good songs being messed up now. it annoying and i dont see how they're still going on. seriously wtf it's just some kind of wannabe NOW cept sung by annoyin kids. it shoulda just ended so long ago.. or well never been made
I seriously doubt that kids want this shit. kidz bob is not marketed towards them but to the stupid parents who think that little kids singing 'toxic' is somehow okay and appropriate.

Also I seriously doubt that kidz bob will ever go hip hop since I feel the target group for this garbage is white soccer moms. It would be funny to hear little kids singing about slaping the hoes or sipin gin and juice.
[quote name='neocisco']They make it because it rocks! For those about to bop, we salute you!!![/quote]

Hey, hey now! No need to insult the good name of AC/DC like that!
[quote name='Nirvanaguy777']i dunno, why do pizzas have little white ottomans in the center of the box, they just do[/quote]

Isn't that so your cheese doesn't get stuck to the top of the box? I haven't seen one of those things in years.

Also, I'm now convinced that the correct answer to the OP is "because you touch yourself at night".
[quote name='Scrubking'][quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']The worst part is hearing these kids unknowingly belting out sexually explicit lyrics. Or maybe that's the best part, from a comedy perspective.[/quote]

You read my mind.

My goodness, don't get me started on kidz bob! I can't stand those damn commercials with kids singing adult lyrics like if they are candy or something. It makes me want to shaq-fuing vomit all over the place and go kill the idiot who is peddling this crap to our ignorant youth.

It is beyond understanding how an adult song with adult lyrics automatically turn into kids songs if sung by children. So if little timmy starts singing 'I want your sex' it is alright for kids all over to hear it and sing it?[/quote]

Kidz Bop exists because parents nowadays are stupid, lazy and are not doing their jobs as parents. Seriously, what kind of parent would even let a little 4 or 5 year old kid listen to this kind of music, with sexually explicit lyrics and adult topics, much less buy it for their children to sing along with? A jackass for a parent, that is who. Little kids don't know that they are singing about sex at that age, and if you think that it is okay for them to do so, you should not be having children and be sterilized.

Little kids should not listen to this stuff, period. Any adult who buys this stuff and thinks it is cute is either an idiot or a pedophile, both of which make me want to vomit.

I hate parents who buy this kind of shit for their kids, because they are the same ignorant people who later wonder why when their kids grow up they have problems.
[quote name='Nirvanaguy777']i dunno, why do pizzas have little white ottomans in the center of the box, they just do[/quote]

I used to use those things as tables for my Ninja Turtles when I was a kid. I had that playset that was their home in the sewer. Hey, they had to eat on something during their pizza breaks in between fighting the foot clan, and the sewer floor isn't exactly sanitary. :lol:

And this just came to mind: I bet the people who buy Kids Bop are the same morons who let their 10 year old daughters dress like women of the night.
because the as seen on tv business is a a billion dollar revune bringer and everything you see on tv the make it extremely cheap and then sell it for a crazy price.
bread's done