why hasnt microsoft attempted a handheld system?

IMO Nintendo owns and will always own the handheld gaming area. Microsoft could have a stab at it, but if they charge for online play like they do on the 360, no one would buy it(unless it connects with your XBL on the 360). Nintendo simply dominates the handheld area.
Because Nintendo owns the handheld market. The only reason the PSP is still alive is because of Final Fantasy Crisis Core isn't on the DS
I could have sworn Microsoft made the Nokia.. :/

I'm sure Microsoft could come up with something cool, and depending which games are on it, people would definitly buy it.
Never in history has anyone made money in handhelds except Nintendo. And Microsoft knows that.

PSP is far superior technically to a DS, and look how that turned out. I think Microsoft making a handheld would turn out roughly the same.

It's always amazed me how Nintendo can continue to pump out the shittiest hardware that sells better than everyone else.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Never in history has anyone made money in handhelds except Nintendo. And Microsoft knows that.

PSP is far superior technically to a DS, and look how that turned out. I think Microsoft making a handheld would turn out roughly the same.

It's always amazed me how Nintendo can continue to pump out the shittiest hardware that sells better than everyone else.[/quote]

It's the games. Nobody cares what GPU it's running or CPU Sockets, or blah whatever it has. It's all about the games ;)
[quote name='Riyonuk']It's the games. Nobody cares what GPU it's running or CPU Sockets, or blah whatever it has. It's all about the games ;)[/QUOTE]

Exactly - and how Nintendo is able to get so many developers to make so many good games so quickly for it has always had me scratching my head.

The hardware isn't great, and the developer environment is lame. It's certainly not a developers dream to work on. I have first hand experience. Although Nintendo is nowhere near the dev nightmare Sony hardware is.

PS- I especially hate Nintendo's policies of giving far more advantage to Nintendo first party release windows and dev attention. Yeah you end up with lots of great first party games, but third party developers often get left hanging out to dry.
The Answer is Nintendo, just like everyone stated. Shouldn't this thread be in general gaming too.
[quote name='chakan']I think they're smart not to.[/quote]

I agree. Sony was able to make a nice little market for themselves with the PSP. Over 20 million sold for a handheld is pretty damn good considering Nintendo has been THE handheld console maker since the 80's.
Had the PSP been more successful in relative terms, I think they may have, if only to cockblock Sony from building a monopoly in the handheld multimedia space.

That is to say, they're not interested in a machine solely for the purpose of gaming.

Now a multimedia machine that brings them closer to taking over various non-gaming functions, that would be something that might interest them.
[quote name='thrustbucket']It's always amazed me how Nintendo can continue to pump out the shittiest hardware that sells better than everyone else.[/quote]

Its because Microsoft has the same strategy as Nintendo. **cough cough**Windows ** cough cough**

The two negatives would like cancel themselves out or something:D
[quote name='assasin4hire']Because Nintendo owns the handheld market. The only reason the PSP is still alive is because of Final Fantasy Crisis Core isn't on the DS[/quote]
actually, there's a lot more to it than that. One of the main reasons the psp is still alive this much later after it's launch, is the fact that Japan eats up the Monster Hunter franchise, which made the psp move over 400,000 units on day one of Monster Hunter Freedom 2 (Portable in Japan).

But other than that, the psp hasn't been as successful as sony would have hoped.

IMHO, M$ is extremely smart for not entering the handheld market for two reasons:
1.) Nintendo owns the handheld market, there's no denying it. Every single competitor that has tried to go against nintendo in this field has failed, and miserably at that. Nobody has yet to rival nintendo's little handheld affixation.

2.) M$ is just now getting thier lossess back from the original XBOX. Last generation, they lost over 5 Million off of hardware alone, not to mention the money that they spent this year to cover the cost of 360 failures, they're just now making that money back. To take a gamble, and a HUGE gamble at that to try to enter into a field they've never ventured into before right after the luke warm success they had in the first venture into the console market would quite possibly be one of the dumbest moves ever made by them. If anything, M$ is smart for staying out of the handheld battle.
[quote name='assasin4hire']Because Nintendo owns the handheld market. The only reason the PSP is still alive is because of Final Fantasy Crisis Core isn't on the DS[/QUOTE]

As someone else pointed out in picture form, MS is still pushing the Zune as an alternative to the iPod. Apple owns the portable music player market in ways that Nintendo *used* to own the handheld market; that's not stopping MS. I think that's an easy excuse, and also an incorrect one.

Now, when I say Nintendo "used to" own the market, let me clarify: the DS is popular. Like crazy fuckin' popular. I think the only thing that would outsell the DS is free sex. That said, they currently have between 66 and 70% of the handheld market. That's actually a step *down* for Nintendo (in %, anyway - not sure about raw numbers of units moved). They handily slayed any handheld competition (Lynx, Game Gear, Game.com, N-Gage, whatever) the way the Harlem Globetrotters beat the Washington Generals. For another handheld to thrive, let alone garner over 30% of the handheld market, is quite a feat indeed.

The thing the handheld market lacks right now is consistency: making an iPod "killer" is easy: the standards are mostly set. To enter the handheld market, should they go the way of the DS, with simplicity in technology and innovation in the software? Or should they go the PSP route, with the "as close to console as possible" approach? Both have upsides and downsides, and as seen by the DS, one more than the other.

I don't know why they aren't in the handheld market, but if the 360 continues to do as strongly this gen as it has thus far, they'd be insane not to make one ine the next 5-7 years.
[quote name='mykevermin']Both have upsides and downsides, and as seen by the DS, one more than the other. [/quote]

How can you say the lossess for the DS are greater than the PSP's? Don't get me wrong, I own both a PSP slim and ds lite and love both equally. While there is almost no quality control on the ds (as with the wii) the quality control on the PSP isn't that much better. The handheld is overridden with ports, both good and bad, crappy ports of crappy games, an almost failed software format that no one else uses, piracy that hurts the sales of the system, and small library of a few "must own" titles.

I'd say the lossess of the psp outweigh the lossess of the ds.
nonono...as seen by the sales of the DS, it's clearly a better strategy.

I didn't mean to suggest the PSP is clearly better, as even if it's doing better than other handheld competition over the years, 30% is still losing.
[quote name='mykevermin']nonono...as seen by the sales of the DS, it's clearly a better strategy.

I didn't mean to suggest the PSP is clearly better, as even if it's doing better than other handheld competition over the years, 30% is still losing.[/quote]

Oh ok, I just misunderstood you then. You made some really good points though.
Because they've seen the PSP get slaughtered by the DS and generally know it's a lost cause to challenge Nintendo in the handheld arena.

I just dont see it working, Sony came out with a good idea. I never saw the Appeal with the DS, I thought it would flop when I saw it, Seems like i was wrong. I love the PSP but the Game Variety is very limited, Its like Sony doesnt know where to go with it...give it ports, or give it exclusives, or make something completley new altogether that makes no sense. The DS has an Excuse its a completly different animal altogether...There is no other choice than to make games that use the features that the DS allows, which makes way for Interesting and Innovative games, Whereas the PSP is just throwing up Ports and a few Good exclusives. Now dont get me wrong, the PSP has other great features but im more interested in what country it sells more in...I can understand the Heavy market over seas, but what about the American Market?

whole lotta BS
Everyone acts like the PSP is an absolutely failure like the N-Gage. I'm in college now and do ride public transportation and I've seen way more PSPs in the hands of this demographic than DS systems. Now, I know it'd be different if I left the college and went to the elementary schools.
[quote name='ItsTrueItsTrue92']Everyone acts like the PSP is an absolutely failure like the N-Gage. I'm in college now and do ride public transportation and I've seen way more PSPs in the hands of this demographic than DS systems. Now, I know it'd be different if I left the college and went to the elementary schools.[/quote]

and it's comments like yours that undermine the success of the ds.
ms is better off to continue releasing games for nintendo portable systems, hell theyll make more profit that way

[quote name='SL4IN']and it's comments like yours that undermine the success of the ds.[/QUOTE]

hes just trying to convince himself that buying a psp was the cool adult thing to do
[quote name='ItsTrueItsTrue92']Everyone acts like the PSP is an absolutely failure like the N-Gage. I'm in college now and do ride public transportation and I've seen way more PSPs in the hands of this demographic than DS systems. Now, I know it'd be different if I left the college and went to the elementary schools.[/quote]

Same here, but most people are looking at how well it does in sales.

I see way more people using the PSP as a MP3 player, or a watching a movie or browsing the internet on campus than i see people using the DS, the only few i see walking around with the DS are a few asian kid and this one creepy guy that kinda looks like Boy George....Ughh (Google him and be afraid)
[quote name='joe2187']Same here, but most people are looking at how well it does in sales.

I see way more people using the PSP as a MP3 player, or a watching a movie or browsing the internet on campus than i see people using the DS, the only few i see walking around with the DS are a few asian kid and this one creepy guy that kinda looks like Boy George....Ughh (Google him and be afraid)[/quote]

I see an almost equal amount of psp and ds's around my college campus, but I guarantee you that 80% of the people carrying psp's are using them for music/movies, and amost every person using a ds is using it for games.

IMHO, part of the reason the psp didn't prosper here as sony had wished was because they where marketing a multimedia device to a gamer driven market. I don't know about everyone, but I could give two shits about if I can watch a format of movie that will never live or if I can surf a dumbed down version of the internet or listen to mp3's that my current mp3 player already does. I want to play games. And that unfortunately is an area where the PSP lacks must haves/high quality titles.
[quote name='thrustbucket'] I have first hand experience. Although Nintendo is nowhere near the dev nightmare Sony hardware is.

PS- I especially hate Nintendo's policies of giving far more advantage to Nintendo first party release windows and dev attention. Yeah you end up with lots of great first party games, but third party developers often get left hanging out to dry.[/quote]

I really would like to hear about your first hand experience. I'm curious.

I absolutely agree about the way Nintendo seems to leave 3rd party developers high and dry. Weren't there stories of Sony and Microsoft sending in specialists to help third parties work on the PS3 and 360? Why can't Nintendo do that? That's why developers are always complaining about Nintendo being their worst competitor.

And to go on topic, what would a Microsoft handheld have to offer that the PSP or DS couldn't? I don't think the market needs another handheld.
[quote name='DQT']I absolutely agree about the way Nintendo seems to leave 3rd party developers high and dry. Weren't there stories of Sony and Microsoft sending in specialists to help third parties work on the PS3 and 360? Why can't Nintendo do that? That's why developers are always complaining about Nintendo being their worst competitor.[/quote]

Because Sony and M$ don't have as many solid 1st party titles like nintendo does, and on top of that, Nintendo's first party titles are sellable to almost anyone of any age, not just an "M" rated crowd or whatever other rating that they get. Simply, they're very age friendly and not on the extremely complicated side either.

And not all 3rd party devs are left high and dry on nintendo's stuff, one of the main companies that does a lot of work with nintendo (atleast in the handheld market) is Capcom, and they've got a really good track record themselves as an independent company (one of my favorites atleast).
[quote name='Riyonuk']It's the games. Nobody cares what GPU it's running or CPU Sockets, or blah whatever it has. It's all about the games ;)[/QUOTE]
You'd think so, but there are a bunch of great PSP games that get ignored.
Because it would fail as bad as a PSP. As well as below.

[quote name='Danil ACE']Because it would overheat and burn your hands.[/quote]

[quote name='SL4IN']an almost failed software format that no one else uses, piracy that hurts the sales of the system, and small library of a few "must own" titles.[/QUOTE]Who uses DS cartridges as a format besides Nintendo? Do you consider SNES cartridges a failure because nobody used them for anything except games? No, because it's an irrelevent argument to the system.

Piracy on DS is as easy as the PSP, if not easier, since all you have to do is buy the little card and load your games on there. No dangerous downgrading involved.

PSP has many must-own titles. If you're too lazy to look, I'm not going to bother posting them.

[quote name='SL4IN']But other than that, the psp hasn't been as successful as sony would have hoped.[/QUOTE]That's the issue here nobody is seeing. The PSP HAS been the success Sony hoped, the DS just outsells it 2 to 1. Nothing has sold like the DS is selling, if it wasn't for the DS to compare the PSP's numbers to, it'd probably go on to be the most successful handheld.
I owned both a PSP and ds. I still have the ds. Besides the piracy the ds is better for portable gaming period, and it's smaller, and it's screen won't get broken, and... I don't need to say more.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I owned both a PSP and ds. I still have the ds. Besides the piracy the ds is better for portable gaming period, and it's smaller, and it's screen won't get broken, and... I don't need to say more.[/QUOTE]
PSP isn't that much bigger than the DS, certainly not big enough to make it that much less portable than the DS. Besides that, the PSP screen won't break either unless you're a complete and utter moron.
yay! another psp vs. ds flamewar!


i bought a ds because of the price and performance - 12 hour battery on a portable is essential to me because i travel alot.

i've got a zune and a laptop for movies and mp3s.

but if i had more money would i buy a psp and play Final Fantasy Tactics - you betcha.
[quote name='TimPV3']Who uses DS cartridges as a format besides Nintendo? Do you consider SNES cartridges a failure because nobody used them for anything except games? No, because it's an irrelevent argument to the system.[/quote]
I was referring to the UMD format being used for movies at the launch of the system, and now just 3 years later the format has flopped as a legitimate media format being used for something other than games. Your argument that Nintendo uses a different format as well is irrelevant because it's only used for games.

Piracy on DS is as easy as the PSP, if not easier, since all you have to do is buy the little card and load your games on there. No dangerous downgrading involved.
it may be, but piracy isn't hurting the initial sales of the the system or its software, it's still selling over 100k units every month and software sales are stronger than ever. Piracy on the psp is a big deal, especially since alot of its releases hit the $40 mark, which is high for a handheld game.

PSP has many must-own titles. If you're too lazy to look, I'm not going to bother posting them.
You don't need to tell me that, you'd be preaching to the choir. If you saw one of earlier posts, I stated I own both a psp and ds and play both frequently. But out of the list you'd show me, how many of them are ports? Because that's one of the main downfalls of the system, it's overridden with ports. I own about 20 games for my psp, and at the VERY least half of them are ports. Sure, they're great games, but they're still uninspired by something new and most likely something I've already played, they just get picked up for nostalgic value.

That's the issue here nobody is seeing. The PSP HAS been the success Sony hoped, the DS just outsells it 2 to 1. Nothing has sold like the DS is selling, if it wasn't for the DS to compare the PSP's numbers to, it'd probably go on to be the most successful handheld.
Lol at the ds selling only 2 to 1 compared to the psp. The ds is selling WAY more units than a ratio of 2 to 1. The DS recently hit 50,000,000 units worldwide, while the psp has hit 25,000,000 units SHIPPED. I can guarantee you that sony has not SOLD 25,000,000 units. And to say nothing has sold like the ds has, you're doing an insane injustice to nintendo's success in the handheld market. The original gameboy hit 75,000,000 units by the time it was "dead" and the gba just 75,000,000 units earlier this year. If that's any indication, the ds will hit over 100,000,000 units worldwide by the time it's considered "dead."

I'm not trying to jilt the success of the psp because I absolutely love mine, but I also at the same time love my ds. I even said that the psp has been successful, but I'm almost certain not as successful as sony had initially planned.
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']You'd think Microsoft would go into the handheld war with how well sony is doing with the psp..

Oh... wait..[/QUOTE]
The PSP is doing well. Just because it isn't outselling the DS does not mean it is failing.
Like previously said Nintendo owns this market, yeah PSP is in control of the portable multimedia device, but MS wouldn't/shouldn't compete with multimedia, MS is generaly more about the online play of it and would be more focused on that.

And besides MS already has a pic of the new XBOX 180! man have you guys been hiding in a cave or somethin, of couse featuring the new HALO game! lol

Wait 'til you see the power brick for the AC charger!
[quote name='ItsTrueItsTrue92']Everyone acts like the PSP is an absolutely failure like the N-Gage. I'm in college now and do ride public transportation and I've seen way more PSPs in the hands of this demographic than DS systems. Now, I know it'd be different if I left the college and went to the elementary schools.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='whoknows']The PSP is doing well. Just because it isn't outselling the DS does not mean it is failing.[/QUOTE]

But is Sony making a profit on it? It's not a failure, but sales are pretty dismal, both hardware and software, in comparsion to the DS.

And would MS make a profit on something they put out? Hard to imagine since PSP has the multimedia market cornered and DS has the handheld gaming market dominated.

And MS needs profit earning hardware after losing a ton on the orginal X-box and losing a ton on the 360 with the hardware failures and resulting warranty extension for the RROD problem.
To answer the topic: Mircosoft is smart enough to stay out of a Nintendo dominated niche.

To add to the argument: As an owner of both the PSP and DS, I can say that they are both great. I play DS games on my DS and I play SNES RPGs on my PSP. I can't remember the last time I actually played a PSP game. I do not regret buying a PSP by any means, but I can see why people that don't use custom firmware might be upset with the limited selection of good games on the PSP.
[quote name='dmaul1114']But is Sony making a profit on it? It's not a failure, but sales are pretty dismal, both hardware and software, in comparsion to the DS.

And would MS make a profit on something they put out? Hard to imagine since PSP has the multimedia market cornered and DS has the handheld gaming market dominated.

And MS needs profit earning hardware after losing a ton on the orginal X-box and losing a ton on the 360 with the hardware failures and resulting warranty extension for the RROD problem.[/QUOTE]
I believe it was the first month the PSP Slim was out it outsold the DS in Japan, so no, not really dismal. Sales continue to be steady and it's selling well. The GC and Xbox sold nothing in comparison to the PS2, does that make them failures and make their hardware sales be considered "dismal"?
[quote name='DQT']I really would like to hear about your first hand experience. I'm curious.


I'll PM you, as I don't need to get fired yet.
[quote name='whoknows']I believe it was the first month the PSP Slim was out it outsold the DS in Japan, so no, not really dismal. Sales continue to be steady and it's selling well. The GC and Xbox sold nothing in comparison to the PS2, does that make them failures and make their hardware sales be considered "dismal"?[/QUOTE]

Yes, the GC and X-box sold dismally in comparison to the PS2.

They weren't outright failures, but they didn't even challenge Sony for the lead. Similarly, the PSP isn't an outright failure as it has sold ok and has done better than any other handheld to every face off against a Nintendo handheld.

But it's still in a hugely distant second place in world wide sales and will likely not close the gap much. So yes, it sells dismally in comparison.

And it should, I'm far from a Nintendo fanboy (hate the direction their going in with their casual gaming crap), but I find little to like about the PSP as a GAMING machine. Not many games that interst me, they all control crappy IMO as I HATE the d-pad and LOATHE the analog nub. On top of that the games I do like are mostly the same type of stuff I could play on the PS2 or another console, and I'd rather just play those types of games on my 50" HDTV since I pretty much only play my handhelds at home anyway (airplane travel aside).
bread's done