Why/how is G4 still on the air?

[quote name='edtinney']President Bush got re-elected by receiving 59,117,523 votes,[/QUOTE]

Actually, he was elected by the electoral votes.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']Actually, he got 62,040,610. John Kerry is the one who got 59,028,111. Of course, the 62 million vote count doesn't matter much when his approval rating is in the dumpster.[/QUOTE]

Current approval ratings have nothing to do with how he got elected.
[quote name='alexjs2913']At least they are still covering E3 this year.[/QUOTE]

Oh goodie so now we can have these idiots reading off teleprompters trying to half ass cover E3. I can't wait to see them try and explain the Revolution controller.
[quote name='edtinney']Current approval ratings have nothing to do with how he got elected.[/QUOTE]Neither does the popular vote. As stated by someone else in this thread, the electoral college is all that matters.
Okay there is a section on CAG that is for politics talk. Please take it over there instead of thread dumping it here. Thanks for your cooperation.
Why is G4 still on TV, you ask?

Because (deity of choice) hates us.

I liked Tech TV in it's infancy. The early life of The Screen Savers was enjoyable, and the little weekly 30-minute game show was fine (and all they really needed). Pity they fucked it up into oblivion.
Hell I didn't mind the occasional odd ball programming on Tech TV back in the day.... Thunderbirds anyone?

Of course the most funniest thing I ever saw on Tech TV was (I joke not) a 30 minute informercial on Best Buy and why you should shop there. I wish I would of kepted the VHS copy I taped as it was damn funny watching hired actors/actresses say how great Best Buy is... especially the "customers" with comments ranging from how Best Buy has what nobody else has to the best prices to even a few stabs at Circuit City ("I hate commission sales people" I remember one "customer" saying).
[quote name='Demolition Man']Oh goodie so now we can have these idiots reading off teleprompters trying to half ass cover E3. I can't wait to see them try and explain the Revolution controller.[/QUOTE]

They actually cover E3 very well. As for the idiot comment, it must make someone an idiot to do their job.
What, you guys don't like watching old episodes of Star Trek, especially when they are surrounded by a bunch of absolutely stupid features like "interactive chat", some Trek Facts, a "Spock Market", and some other stupid thing? Honestly, Star Trek 2.0 is the most god awful thing I've ever see. They expect people to watch it with 25% of the screen filled with usless garbage?
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