Why is Jackass the game not coming out for the Wii?


24 (100%)
I was surprised to see a Jackass game come out so late in the shows life span, give or take a few years after the show ended or the movie. Now to me it looks entertaining but what it sounds like is Rayman Ravin Rabbids, a few party type mini games based on the show.

Now, Look at some of the games and tell em that it wouldn't work with the Wii? On gametrailers.com they even show a video of doing a tattoo... would be perfect for the Wiimote.

Not saying it is going to be the greatest game ever, but seems like a party game that might have the right crowd for some wii owners.
That's not true, KingofOldSchool, as it is coming out for the DS as well.

I would buy one for the Wii!

[quote name='Judhudson']That's not true, KingofOldSchool, as it is coming out for the DS as well.

I would buy one for the Wii!


I was being sarcastic, Judhudson.
The real question is "Why is there even a Jackass game coming out?" Seriously, do you REALLY want the Wii to be plagued even more with 3rd party shit?
I would buy this game if it featured the minigame "Punchout! starring Johnny Knoxville"

Man what I would pay to beat the shit out of him...
What a travesty!

You will be missing out on one of the greatest games of our generation if do not play it, and for that, I am sincerely sorry for you, Bing Bang Boom. I am sorry.
[quote name='smellhasreturned']it will probably have horrible sales[/quote]

If they release it for the PS2 I bet there are millions of fans that will go "I want to play as a Jackass!". Sales will be surprisingly high and they will make a sequel in time for a new movie.
[quote name='bigdaddy']If they release it for the PS2 I bet there are millions of fans that will go "I want to play as a Jackass!". Sales will be surprisingly high and they will make a sequel in time for a new movie.[/quote]

And local hospitals will rejoice with an influx of patients :lol:
Who want's to bet it will be $50 for a blank disc and instructions showing how to shove it up your ass? Would fit perfectly into the show.
I do think there is a market for it and you can't blame this on Nintendo and not wanting shitty games because isn't a ton of ports coming out for the Wii based on old PS2 games. The game has not been relised and it is already judged? I mean it is what it is... it ain't Bioshock. Just stupid fun and if it succeeds then it did it's job.
bread's done