Why is The Da Vinci Code so controversial?


20 (100%)
I don't get it. I read the book and I enjoyed it for what it was - a fictional murder-mystery-conspiracy story. The Vatican just urged all Christians to boycott the movie - give me a freaking break. It's just a story - and p.s. it's probably about as true as the one about the son of God getting crucified and rising from the dead...
[quote name='javeryh'] p.s. it's probably about as true as the one about the son of God getting crucified and rising from the dead...[/QUOTE]

You're kind of....answering your own question there. You realize that, aye?
[quote name='Scorch']You had to throw that last line in there, didn't you? Do you realize what you've possibly just started?[/quote]

Yeah probably - I don't want to get into a religious debate or anything. I'm just curious why there is so much controversy surrounding this book when it is clearly a work of fiction just like any other similar book out there. I'm sure books have been written that the Catholic church or whoever would find infinitely more offensive but you don't hear about those because they didn't sell 40 million copies...
[quote name='Scorch']You had to throw that last line in there, didn't you? Do you realize what you've possibly just started?[/quote] Doesnt matter to him, I was under the impression all attorneys are going to hell.
[quote name='javeryh']I don't get it. I read the book and I enjoyed it for what it was - a fictional murder-mystery-conspiracy story. The Vatican just urged all Christians to boycott the movie - give me a freaking break. It's just a story - and p.s. it's probably about as true as the one about the son of God getting crucified and rising from the dead...[/quote]

The controversy is all about a bunch of people with fancy letterhead with nothing else to do but make a stink. I am a devout Roman Catholic who will see the movie and take it for what it's worth...a fictional murder-mystery-conspiracy story .

P.S. No comment on your last comment...:roll:
Well, the one quote I saw was probably fairly accurate...
"If such calumnies, insults and errors had involved the Koran or the Shoah they would have rightly provoked a worldwide outcry," the prelate said. "But when they involve the Church and Christians, they remain unscathed."

However I don't really think a boycott is necessary for a piece of fiction. This is me speaking as a Catholic who has yet to read the book, though I need to do so before the movie comes out. I was actually kinda insulted by the guy who called for the boycott:
He called "The Da Vinci Code" a "perversely anti-Christian novel," saying its success was due to "the extreme cultural poverty of many Christian faithful."
Gee, thanks for telling me I am culturally impoverished. Or maybe I just don't take things so seriously.
[quote name='Msia']Doesnt matter to him, I was under the impression all attorneys are going to hell.[/quote]

lawyers are after all, the devil's advocate
[quote name='javeryh']I don't get it. I read the book and I enjoyed it for what it was - a fictional murder-mystery-conspiracy story. The Vatican just urged all Christians to boycott the movie - give me a freaking break. It's just a story - and p.s. it's probably about as true as the one about the son of God getting crucified and rising from the dead...[/QUOTE]
Anything that has to do with any church or any religion is "Controversial". And I totally agree, this is more believable(and interesting) than the bible.
Because the book's author claims that Jesus married and had relations with Mary Magdalene.

Members of Opus Dei are pissed off because it depicts their group in a negative light.
The reason why it's a big stink is because it starts off with this:

All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate.

People got worked up because that is essentially saying that everything in the book is fact.
Ok, I'm a christian, and I'm pretty much embarrassed for how pathetic people who claim to have the same beliefs have become. The Davinci Code, I'm sure it's a very good book, I haven't personally read about it but it sounds interesting... but for some reason every christian that talks to me about it says how evil it is, and they havent even read it themselves.

I always point out, its a FICTIONAL book, yet they think everything is dead serious.

Some guy is coming near me to have this huge speech/conference type deal talking about "the REAL TRUTHS about the davinci code".. and pretty much, all it is, is a guy trying to make hundreds of thousands of dollars off saying "oo the davinci code is fake!".

I don't like americanised chrstians, they bother me, and I really do understand why everyone hates them.
[quote name='javeryh'] I'm sure books have been written that the Catholic church or whoever would find infinitely more offensive but you don't hear about those because they didn't sell 40 million copies...[/QUOTE]

Ding ding ding.
[quote name='projecteightysix']Ok, I'm a christian, and I'm pretty much embarrassed for how pathetic people who claim to have the same beliefs have become. The Davinci Code, I'm sure it's a very good book, I haven't personally read about it but it sounds interesting... but for some reason every christian that talks to me about it says how evil it is, and they havent even read it themselves.

I always point out, its a FICTIONAL book, yet they think everything is dead serious.

Some guy is coming near me to have this huge speech/conference type deal talking about "the REAL TRUTHS about the davinci code".. and pretty much, all it is, is a guy trying to make hundreds of thousands of dollars off saying "oo the davinci code is fake!".

I don't like americanised chrstians, they bother me, and I really do understand why everyone hates them.[/quote]


Very nice post.
it's controversial because it implies that jesus may have actually been human, capable of real actions and maybe even mistakes...
[quote name='shieryda']Because the book's author claims that Jesus married and had relations with Mary Magdalene.

Members of Opus Dei are pissed off because it depicts their group in a negative light.[/QUOTE]
he was the son of god, so we all know he never got married, had relations, or even kids for that matter, otherwise we would learn so in church right?
[quote name='darkmere']it's controversial because it implies that jesus may have actually been human, capable of real actions and maybe even mistakes...

No Christian believes Jesus was not human. Also, no Christian believes Jesus was incapable of mistakes (sin). It's the fact that he could have and didn't that makes it fascinating.
What makes it controversial is that apparently every time Christianity gets brought up, it is fundamentally attacked and its believers are similarly abused, all outside of the vs. forum where people who don't want to bother arguing religion on message boards can't ignore it as easily.
[quote name='botticus']What makes it controversial is that apparently every time Christianity gets brought up, it is fundamentally attacked and its believers are similarly abused, all outside of the vs. forum where people who don't want to bother arguing religion on message boards can't ignore it as easily.[/quote] Agreed. I dont want to believe in the religion but I'll still celebrate Christmas. :roll:

Edit: I really wish mods would do a better job with policing this shit. I really could care less what you do or dont believe but when its really insulting to see topics like this in off topic with retarded comments such as.

[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']When your faith isn't based on much of anything you tend to be defensive.[/quote]

You would think someone would have enough intelligence to post a topic like this in the VS forum but I guess not.
"It's just a story - and p.s. it's probably about as true as the one about the son of God getting crucified and rising from the dead..."

Oh man, am I really NOT the only one in the world who actually thinks about things intellectually for more than 2 seconds? Javeryh really should have said "Jesus," not "God," but she obviously got the point across. (The point being that a God is at least plausible, but Jesus being God incarnate is hilarious).
[quote name='javeryh']I'm sure books have been written that the Catholic church or whoever would find infinitely more offensive but you don't hear about those because they didn't sell 40 million copies...[/quote]

The catholic pope has written that the Harry Potter books contain "subtle seductions which act unnoticed and by this deeply distort Christianity in the soul, before it can grow properly”



I reccommend you buy your kids this book:


I've read the Da Vinci Code & am also raised as a Roman Catholic. This was a lot of huff & puff by Christians finding any excuse to bitch.:roll: IIRC, there was a lot of controversy over Scorsese's version of Christ and it later died down because of the fact that the controversy generated more publicity for it - the exact opposite reaction Christians were looking for. :lol: I see the same thing happening when the movie comes out.

I thought people didn't like the book because Dan Brown's prose is awful >_>

It isn't awful. It's quite descriptive and quite helpful to the imagination. That said, if you've read his other books - Angels & Demons, etc. - they all have the same basic premise. It's like he basically made an Mad-Libs novel template & started filling in nouns & verbs. :lol:
[quote name='CoolHungryWolf']I thought people didn't like the book because Dan Brown's prose is awful >_>[/QUOTE]

It's a great book if you like flat characters, terrible dialogue, and a predictable story!

all kidding aside, it is a good adventure story and was simple to read. i think that's why it caught on.
did chuck palahniuk's book choke ever cause controversy among christians? i remember thinking how offended the same sort of people who are offended by the davinci code and harry potter would be. hell, they'd probably find it way more offensive.
[quote name='darkmere']did chuck palahniuk's book choke ever cause controversy among christians? i remember thinking how offended the same sort of people who are offended by the davinci code and harry potter would be. hell, they'd probably find it way more offensive.[/QUOTE]

Not enough people could suffer through his abortive prose to really give a shit.
[quote name='darkmere']did chuck palahniuk's book choke ever cause controversy among christians? i remember thinking how offended the same sort of people who are offended by the davinci code and harry potter would be. hell, they'd probably find it way more offensive.[/QUOTE]I'm sure they'll catch wind of it if/when a movie gets made.
Christian persecution complex; at least for some. Some people just have to bitch about something and this is what they picked. I'm sure there are other reasons as well.

As far as the bible goes, they should've added more zombies (like at the crucifiction and the zombies went into the town there should be a nice paragraph on their hunger for brains, would've made it more interesting). ;)
I wasn't going to even see this movie because Ron Howard is a part of it...but now I can't resist seeing something so controversial :D
[quote name='javeryh']I don't get it. I read the book and I enjoyed it for what it was - a fictional murder-mystery-conspiracy story. The Vatican just urged all Christians to boycott the movie - give me a freaking break. It's just a story - and p.s. it's probably about as true as the one about the son of God getting crucified and rising from the dead...[/QUOTE]

The "problem" is that a lot - A LOT - of people who are taking it more seriously than educated people like yourself. Your question would be better stated "Why are people actually taking the religeous assertions of this book seriously?" The Catholics are *responding*, not *causing*. Additionally, I have seen a lot of press about the DC in the media and they go out of their way to hype the "it might be true" aspect of the story rather than presenting it as fiction.

To answer your question as to why Catholics/my Church/the traveling preacher are so passionate about it - as true believers we believe that Christ died on the cross as a substitute sacrifice for our sins. Because He died for us, those who believe in Him will go to Heaven and live forever. Conversely, those who choose not to accept God's forgiveness will suffer for eternity after they die. The "Catholics/Church/Etc" see people taking this fictional work as fact and struggling with their faith because of the falsehoods (fiction) of this book. You may or may not believe in Hell, but Christians who believe that the Bible is true do. And these Christians do not want anybody to go to hell because they incorrectly allowed a fictional book/movie/art/etc. to lead them astray. While some I'm sure are allowing their passions to get the best of them, the truth is that the Church loves and cares about people and their eternal destiny.

There is fighting and politics within the Church just as any imperfect organization in this world. However, in this case it really is this simple. Christians are united in their grief that people are taking a fictional work and believing the fiction to be true.

Your last comment was just hateful, and I'm both sorry that you feel that way about the Bible and that you have so much hatred for Christians that you would find it acceptable to lash out like that.
[quote name='chosen1s']The "problem" is that a lot - A LOT - of people who are taking it more seriously than educated people like yourself. Your question would be better stated "Why are people actually taking the religeous assertions of this book seriously?" The Catholics are *responding*, not *causing*. Additionally, I have seen a lot of press about the DC in the media and they go out of their way to hype the "it might be true" aspect of the story rather than presenting it as fiction.

To answer your question as to why Catholics/my Church/the traveling preacher are so passionate about it - as true believers we believe that Christ died on the cross as a substitute sacrifice for our sins. Because He died for us, those who believe in Him will go to Heaven and live forever. Conversely, those who choose not to accept God's forgiveness will suffer for eternity after they die. The "Catholics/Church/Etc" see people taking this fictional work as fact and struggling with their faith because of the falsehoods (fiction) of this book. You may or may not believe in Hell, but Christians who believe that the Bible is true do. And these Christians do not want anybody to go to hell because they incorrectly allowed a fictional book/movie/art/etc. to lead them astray. While some I'm sure are allowing their passions to get the best of them, the truth is that the Church loves and cares about people and their eternal destiny.

There is fighting and politics within the Church just as any imperfect organization in this world. However, in this case it really is this simple. Christians are united in their grief that people are taking a fictional work and believing the fiction to be true.

Your last comment was just hateful, and I'm both sorry that you feel that way about the Bible and that you have so much hatred for Christians that you would find it acceptable to lash out like that.[/quote]

While I believe in God and I believe in the bible, i think you have to look at it this way. At church they teach people not to steal, kill, murder, amond other sins. Yet when a priest rapes a kid the church just allocates such priest to another location. Second if you look at some of the most horrific wars that has ever happen, in some of those instances christianity was at the forefront. While being christians and believing in the love of god people were being worked as slaves and didn't have rights. The pope has a scepter worth so much money it could help feed countless souls but does he do anything about it. If christianity is so bend on helping others why not try helping themselves. If christ was our example of how one should live why some clerics life a life of luxury. Why build $200 million dollar churches. If the bible says not to kill another soul why so many christians enlist in the army and kill. I don't say its every christian but the few or many make the religion seem more like a joke than anything else. While I do feel that Javeryh's comment was a bit insulting to the faith, it is not without merit.
[quote name='itspaidgasterblaster']While I believe in God and I believe in the bible, i think you have to look at it this way. At church they teach people not to steal, kill, murder, amond other sins. Yet when a priest rapes a kid the church just allocates such priest to another location. Second if you look at some of the most horrific wars that has ever happen, in some of those instances christianity was at the forefront. While being christians and believing in the love of god people were being worked as slaves and didn't have rights. The pope has a scepter worth so much money it could help feed countless souls but does he do anything about it. If christianity is so bend on helping others why not try helping themselves. If christ was our example of how one should live why some clerics life a life of luxury. Why build $200 million dollar churches. If the bible says not to kill another soul why so many christians enlist in the army and kill. I don't say its every christian but the few or many make the religion seem more like a joke than anything else. While I do feel that Javeryh's comment was a bit insulting to the faith, it is not without merit.[/QUOTE]

"...after the show these three rednecks came up to me. 'Hey, buddy! C'mere! Hey Mr. Comedian! C'mere! Hey buddy, we're Christians and we don't like what you said!' I said 'Well, then forgive me.'..." - Bill Hicks

that's one of my biggest problems with christianity, along with most organized religions...the hypocricies.
The trouble with christians (in this country, at least) is that since they're the majority, they believe they can get away with anything. I'm fine with religion as long as it it only applies to the religious; but once they have the numbers and attitude to demand others comply with their whims, that's when the trouble starts.

As a random example, take U.S. currency.

Religious views can be classified into three groups: Atheist, monotheist, and polytheist. Why is it necessary to have little ads for one of them on every dollar bill?
[quote name='DT778']^ you should have ended your post by quoting ned flanders. "See you in hell... from heaven."[/quote]

That was a Reverend Lovejoyism.
[quote name='chosen1s']The "problem" is that a lot - A LOT - of people who are taking it more seriously than educated people like yourself. Your question would be better stated "Why are people actually taking the religeous assertions of this book seriously?" The Catholics are *responding*, not *causing*. Additionally, I have seen a lot of press about the DC in the media and they go out of their way to hype the "it might be true" aspect of the story rather than presenting it as fiction.

To answer your question as to why Catholics/my Church/the traveling preacher are so passionate about it - as true believers we believe that Christ died on the cross as a substitute sacrifice for our sins. Because He died for us, those who believe in Him will go to Heaven and live forever. Conversely, those who choose not to accept God's forgiveness will suffer for eternity after they die. The "Catholics/Church/Etc" see people taking this fictional work as fact and struggling with their faith because of the falsehoods (fiction) of this book. You may or may not believe in Hell, but Christians who believe that the Bible is true do. And these Christians do not want anybody to go to hell because they incorrectly allowed a fictional book/movie/art/etc. to lead them astray. While some I'm sure are allowing their passions to get the best of them, the truth is that the Church loves and cares about people and their eternal destiny.

There is fighting and politics within the Church just as any imperfect organization in this world. However, in this case it really is this simple. Christians are united in their grief that people are taking a fictional work and believing the fiction to be true.

Your last comment was just hateful, and I'm both sorry that you feel that way about the Bible and that you have so much hatred for Christians that you would find it acceptable to lash out like that.[/QUOTE]


The DaVinci Code and the bible have at leas tone thing in common; they're both works of historical fiction that only complete retards would take as literally true.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']When your faith isn't based on much of anything you tend to be defensive.[/quote]

Hey now, thats not right at all! They stand for something! The Catholic church has a long history of syphoning money and hating people who are different.
I'm a Catholic and I could care less about a boycott, I'm probably not going to the movie because:

1) I'd much rather save my $9 for X-Men 3 the next weekend.

2) The book was totally overrated and the movie is clearly a cash-in on it's absurd popularity, even Angels & Demons was a bit better, they should at least make that into a film first.

3) The book does alot of somewhat lengthy explaining things, which only on rare occasions has proven to translate well to the big screen.

4) I don't care what the UK courts say, Brown's "research" consisted of reading other authors' works and then changing it around a little.

5) That mullet-ish type haircut makes tom Hanks look like a tool.

As for it angering people, I'd say it depends on the person. Obviously the religious group the book is less than kind about is going to speak out against it. Lots of relgions/groups have called for boycotts against other fictional writings, shows, films, etc. and we don't make threads about it everytime. Some people like the Opus Dei folk I think have a right to be a little pissed off because they are portrayed totally inaccurately in the book and now due to it's popularity their are no doubt looked at funny for that same false portrayal. Also, on rare occasion I love running into people who take the Da Vinci code as seriously as a lot people do the bible. In short, a few do in fact believe the whole thing is so possible that to them it isn't just another "murder, mystery, conspiracy book", it's non-fiction.

I think the bottomline is yes, it is fiction (average fiction at that), but since when has that stopped anyone from getting mad about anything. People always find a reason to get their panties in bunch over something. We live in a world where at least to some, fictional books can't be just that, South Park can't just be a comedy show, drawings of Mohammed can't be cartoon strips, comedians can make racial jokes but only if they are in that ethnic group, etc.
So if there's no perceived negative stigma regarding religion, why all the hate in this thread?

//juuuuuuuuuuuust sayin'
//is well aware of inherent hypocricy within the church, does not defend/support it
//but is just saying people are full of hate on both sides of the map, left and right, etc etc...
[quote name='javeryh']Yeah probably - I don't want to get into a religious debate or anything. I'm just curious why there is so much controversy surrounding this book when it is clearly a work of fiction just like any other similar book out there. I'm sure books have been written that the Catholic church or whoever would find infinitely more offensive but you don't hear about those because they didn't sell 40 million copies...[/quote]

Maybe they don't believe it's fiction just like they dont believe the son of god raising from the dead is fiction, just something that came to mind although it might be 100% wrong
Some Christian people made a big stink when Dogma came out too, whatever! Any excuse to pull out the pitch forks and torches. If you REALLY believe in God things like this should NOT rattle your cage. I think people take stuff to heart too much If I say(not that I am) Micrsoft/Nintnendo/Sony/Sega/Jews/Christians suck that's just my opinion and it shouldn't affect you at all if you believe in your correct choice in Game system/Religion. I just had to try and throw in a anlogy.
Its funny becuase the many theroies about chirst have been explored before... davinci code merely makes them main stream.

30 million sold... and the people that can't read now will also be exposed to this "heresy".
bread's done